The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 02, 1941, Image 5

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Sheldon E, MacAvoy, son of Mrs.
S. R. MacAvoy Lawn St., Shaver-
town, was injured about the chin
and mouth while at play last Thurs-
day. The injury required the at-
tention of Dr. S. R. Schooley.
The voice of Robert Dierolf, son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Dierolf,
Franklin St. was heard greeting his
folks on the broadcast from Indian-
town Gap, last Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Evans and
children of Scranton and Mr. Arth-
ur Shannon of Scotia, N. Y. spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Evans. Mr. Evans went to
Scotia to spend a few days with his
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald J. Evans. He cele-
brated his 72nd birthday on Tues-
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huey
have moved from the Still apart-
ment on Main St. to Cease’s apart-
ment Franklin st. Mrs. Huey con-
ducts “Margie’s Beauty Shoppe.”
Miss Edna Zweibel, and Miss Anna
Boland of Wilkes-Barre were over-
night guests of Mrs. Harold Ash,
Shag Bark Drive, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nicholson
and family, Rice st., Trucksville,
have moved to Hazleton,
* Kk *
The condition of Mr. Earl Husted,
of Chase, a patient at Memorial
Hospital, N. Y. City, is reported as
slightly improved.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Haymaker of
Center st. entertained the following
at dinner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Anderson of Philadelphia
and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wentz, of
Forty Fort.
Mrs. Bertrand Harding of Ring:
ston, Md., sister of Mrs. George Pin-
chak, Main st., is slowly improving
after an illness.
York, Pa.,
for servicing his trucks.
and stop brush fires.
* * *
| here.
up by leveling operations.
* grieve
Club dinner last night, Thursday.
* * =
Miss Louise Schuler, Sutton Rd.,
: Fred Boote, Hor
Dinner On Eighty Fifth Birthday
Mr. and Mrs, J, A. Wideman of
have located here where
Mr. Wideman has the contract for
hauling soil from the new highway
and has rented the Sgarlet garage
Because of the dry spell, resi-
dents of the township are asked to
use greater care when burning over
their yards and surrounding fields
Mr. Russell Cease, Netcong, N. J.
spent the week end at his home
Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgson of
Bloomsburg, will spend the week
end with Mrs. James B. Houston,
Davis st.
Mr. and Mrs. William Reilly,
Shavertown, entertained Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Reilly and children on |
* * * |
Residents living along the new
highway are having to battle with
the layers of dust and dirt stirred
Sue Levy, small daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J, Levy, Pioneer avenue,
Shavertown has been ill for several
Several dinner and cocktail part-
ies were given before the Rotary
Mrs. A. S. Eike of Ashley, and
Mrs. H. P. Greenawalt of Wilkes-
Barre, were recent visitors at the
home of Mrs. John Batey, Franklin
Sgt. Howard Young, spent last
week end at his home in Shaver-
Honoring Fred Boote of Trucks-
ville who celebrated his eighty-fifth
birthday anniversary, a lovely sur-
prise dinner party was held at the
home of his son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Boote
at Forty Fort Saturday evening.
And, says Mr. Boote, “it really was a
surprise’. Surrounded by three full
rooms of family—children in one,
grand children in another, and great
grand children in still another—
Grandpa Boote had, indeed, a very
happy birthday dinner. A huge
four layer birthday cake topped with
a candy 85 and ice cream with
sugar numerals brought squeels of
delight from the youngsters of the
family. Gay bouquets of spring
flowers and plenty of old-time visit-
At Surprise
ing was enjoyed by the grown-ups.
Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert C. Boote, Shirley and Muriel |
of Corning, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Boote ,Arthur Jr., Eleanor,
Ruie, Susan, Marvin and Freddie of
Wilkes-Barre; Mr.
Post, Jane and Harry of Trucksville;
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boote, Evelyn,
Roland of Harding; Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon L. Boote,
and the guest of honor.
ham, Maine,
and Mrs. Fred
Houghwout, Allan, Jean, Nelson and
Richard; Mr. and Mrs. Harry E.
Marjorie Ann,
Jeanne and Tommy of Forty Fort
members of the family, Mrs. George
Hilborn and Nelson Boote of Gor-
and Glen Boote of
Pocono Summit were unable to be
Luncheon Meeting
Lehman W. S. C. S. enjoyed an
all day meeting in the Lehman
Methodist Church Wednesday. Hos-
tesses who served a delicious din-
ner were Mrs. W. H. Elston, Mrs.
C. J. Major, Mrs. Ralph Johnson
and Mrs. R. D. Major, 2nd Others
present were Mesdames F. K. Ab-
bott, A. M. Major, Russell Ide, H.
P. Riley, R. S. Searfoss, Oliver
Whitesell, Loretta Miers, L. U. Case,
William Ambrose, F. U. Zimmer-
man, R. A, Wright, William Major,
John Sidler, Clyde Cooper, John
Nulton, William Hoover, Christine
Zuber, James Simpson, Harry Hull,
Kirk McCarthy, Victor Brown, A. B.
Simms, Joan Sidler, Marcia Elston,
Russel and George Major.
Reception Given
Rev. Russell May
Over 200 Guests Honor
Shavertown Minister
About 200 guests attended the
reception given for Rev. and Mrs.
Russel J: May in the church par-
lors Monday evening. Mrs. Howard
Patton was chairman of the recep-
tion and Mrs. Stephen Johnson of
the program. Hostesses at tea ta-
bles were Miss Pearl Averett, Mrs.
William Morgan, Mrs. Boyd Bertram
and Mrs. Howard Patton. The guests
of honor received many lovely gifts.
Prior to the reception, a supper
meeting was held in the basement
of the church and the following
entertained her card | delegates to County S. S. convention
club at a dessert bridge Thursday
held at First Presbyterian Church,
Wilkes-Barre, May 3, were named:
St. Paul's Brotherhood Names
Meeting of the Brotherhood of St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church of Shaver-
town was held in the church base-
ment Monday evening. Rev. Herbert
E. Frankfort led the devotions. Wil-
lard Lozo, president, was in charge
of the business meeting. Plans for a
turkey supper were discussed and
the following committee members
chosen: Chairman, Thomas E. Hontz;
Howard Traver, Willard Lozo, Rob-
ert Kemmerer and Joseph Hensley.
Short talks were given by William
A. Valentine, assistant district at-
torney of Luzerne County; Orin
Committee For Turkey Supper
Welch, instructor at Keystone Aero
Institute; Charles Girton, who left
Tuesday for Moffett Flying Field in
California. Piano solo was given by
Harvey Drumtra and vocal selections
by Morgan Rowlands. Present were:
Themas E. Hontz, Harvey Drumtra,
Charles Girton, Fred Girton, Harry
A. Kiefer, P. M. Winter, G. L. Cover,
William Valentine, Orin Welch, Fred
Malkemes, R. M. Rudy, William Viv-
jan, Morgan Rowland, Theodore F.
Hinkle, Leroy Stock, Oliver Wil-
liams, Gustave Adler, Stanley Davis
and Rev. Herbert E. Frankfort.
Mrs. Isaac Brace, Mrs. Wiliam Mor-
gan, Mrs. Boyd Bertram, Mrs. Earl
i Hons, Mrs. George Dodson, Mrs. Os-
car Dymond, D. C. Smith, Miss El-
enor Brown, H. E. Eddinger and
Mrs. Patton.
Mis. William Morgan
Hostess To Sr. Choir
The Senior Choir of the Shaver-
town Methodist Church was enter-
tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Morgan, Main Street, Shav-
ertown, on Thursday evening. Mrs.
Morgan, who celebrated her birth-
day anniversary on that day, re-
ceived a bouquet of lovely flowers.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Tryon, D. C. Smith, Mrs. Jack Jones,
Mrs. John Engler, Miss Gladys
Schoonover, Miss Doris Owens, Miss
Mrs. Cooke Entertains
Keller Class Members
Keller Class of the Shavertown
Methodist Sunday School met at the
home of Mrs. Walter Cooke, Ridge
Street, Shavertown on Friday eve-
ning. Hostesses were Mrs. Frank
Garris, Mrs. Louis Evans, and Mrs.
Bernard Whitney.
Mrs. Willard Durbin, president of
the class, appointed the following
standing committees: Program chair-
man, Mrs. Martin Porter; Ways and
Means, Mrs. Frank Garris, Mrs. Her-
bert Ray, Mrs. Charles Sweezy and
Mrs. Fred Bronson; Hostesses Mrs.
Burdette Crane and Mrs. Edgar
Adolph; Visitation Committee Miss
Ruth Edward and Mrs. Bert Stitzer.
Program for this month consisted
of readings by Phyllis Sweezy and
vocal solos by Anna Mae Durbin.
Present were Miss Helen McCord,
Miss Ruth Edwards, Mrs. Theodore
Poad, Mrs. Guy Downer, Mrs. Wil-
lard Durbin, Mrs. Fred Bronson, Mrs.
Burdette Crane, Mrs. Ruth Williams,
Mrs. Charles Sweezy, Miss Pearl
Averett, Miss Ruth Lamoreaux, Mrs.
Carl Eckhart, Mrs. Louis Evans, Mrs.
Frank Garris, Mrs. Herbert Ray, Mrs.
Howard Appleton, Mrs. John Engler,
Mrs. Martin Porter and Mrs. John
Fireman Meeting
Regular meeting of Shavertown
Firemen Monday evening at 8
o'clock will be followed by a lunch-
eon served by members of the los-
ing team in the recent membership
drive to the winners.
Rock Garden Party
The Reynolds Bible Class of
Trucksville Methodist Church is
sponsoring a rock garden party
Saturday afternoon, May 10, from
2 until 5 at the home of Mrs. Neual
Kester, 64 Carverton Road, Trucks-
vile. The party will be open to the
public and will give flower lovers an
opportunity to enjoy an eye-full of
P.T. A. Card Party Is
Scheduled For Tonight
Parent Teacher Association of
Kingston Township will hold a card
party in the high school tonight,
Friday. Committees in charge:
Mrs. Robert Taylor, chairman; tic-
kets, Mrs. A. G. Groblewski, Mrs.
S. R. Schooley, Miss Lanora War-
dan, Miss Edythe Pollack; candy,
Mrs. Edward Griffith, Miss Dorothy
Weaver; prizes, Mrs. Harold Flack,
Mrs. W. M. Porter; tallies, Miss
Louise Roushey, Miss Virginia Ohl-
man; tables, Mrs, Sam Davies, Mrs.
Jacob Beline, Mrs. Hugh Ridall.
Players are asked to bring their
own cards, ‘« -
Pinochle Hostess
ochle club last Thursday.
Mrs. Curtis Carr, Mrs. Herschel Fado,
Mrs. Thomas Reese, Mrs.
Mrs. Ethel Scholl and the hostess.
Cooking Demonstration
demonstration in the
the Woman's Bible Class.
will be used for choir robes.
were played after a 1 o'clock lunch-
Present; Mrs, Earl Lameroux,
Mae Warden, Mrs. Clyde Fowler,
Mrs. Wayne Gordon, Mrs. Oscar Dy-
mond, Mrs. Martin Porter, Mrs.
Mrs. Howard Hontz, Main St., Elizabeth Mehm, Mrs. Boyd Bert-
Fernbrook, was hostess to her pin- [ram, Miss Verna Morgan, Margaret
Ann and Ruth Mary Morgan, Mr.
and Mrs. Morgan.
Mrs. James Goodwin,
Luzerne County Gas and Electric
Corporation will conduct a cooking
Church at Huntsville Tuesday eve-
ning, May 13, under the auspices of
Ralph Frantz is chairman. Proceeds
Reception For Freemans
Reception for Rev. and Mrs. Fran-
cis Freeman who will be with the
Dallas Methodist Church for anoth-
er year, will be held in the church
parlors Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
Every one is welcome.
1936 Plymouth
Deluxe Coach $165
1935 Chevrolet
Sedan $165
1934 Chevrolet
Coach = $65
1935 Ford Sedan $115
1934 Plymouth
Goach $75
1933 Plymouth
Coach $50
1932 Plymouth
Coupe $35
1934 Ford Sedan _$45
All in Good Running
These Cars all can be pur-
chased on low monthly
at the Used Car Lot
595 Market Street
Huge Selection of
. Plasters,
Basket Weaves
Needle Points
595 Market St.
Open Evpenings
Dial 4-1752
Piano Students
Present Recital
Vera Whitesell's Pupils
Entertain Mothers
Junior music pupils
home Sunday afternoon.
duets and a song,
and Tommy Elston.
Gladys Cooper, Mrs.
bott and Mrs. Ruth Wright.
Shavertown Choirs To
Give Musical Comedy
The Senior Choir and the Young
Methodist church will present a mu-
sical-comedy, ‘The Beantown Choir”,
March 14th.
Mrs. Martin Porter will direct the
John Engler,
Miss Doris
Wayne Gordon, Mrs. Clyde Fowler,
Mrs. Roy Tryon, Mrs. William Mor-
ifred Jones, William Davis, Ralph
Rood, D. C. Smith and Benjamin
Ladies’ Choir of the
on Wednesday evening,
following cast: Mrs,
Miss Verna Morgan,
Owen, Miss Wilma ° Hunt,
Hostess To Committee
Mrs. Sherman R. Schooley enter-
tained members of the Girl Scout
Auxiliary Committee of Shavertown
troop No. 9, at her home on Friday
evening. Guests were Mrs. Pearl
Gilroy, Miss Alice Hand, Miss Fan-
nie Ockenhouse, Mrs. D. C. McGuire,
Mrs. Stanley Shewan, Mrs. Herbert
Lundy, Mrs. Herbert Williams, Mrs.
One To a Customer
with the purchase of one room
of wallpaper or more.
Fine Quality
30 Inch 1941 Wallpapers
Factory Matched Borders Only 5c Yd.
All paint manufactured “fresh” on premises.
Martin Porter and Mrs. Oscar Dy-
Kingston, Pa.
for Every Room in the Home
® Let our decorators help you select
the proper papers for your home.
Kingston, Pa.
The funeral of Mrs. Peter Zbick
who died suddenly from a heart at-
tack Friday night was held Tues-
day morning at 9 o'clock and was
largely attended showing the esteem
in which she was held by relatives
and friends. She leaves a large
family to mourn here.
* * *
Barney Laskowski is remodeling
his home.
of Vera ER 0
Whitesell entertained their mothers
at a piano recital at the Whitesell
The pro-
gram consisted of piano solos and
“Mister Moon
and Miss Sunshine” sung by Anita
Ambrose and Priscilla Cooper. Tak-
ing part were Janet Wright, Pris-
cilla Abbott, Marilyn Williams, Ber-
nadine Krasavage, Anita Ambrose,
Polly Lou Cooper, Priscilla Cooper
Parents at-
tending: Mrs. Ella Williams, Mrs.
Alice Elston, * ww
Mrs. Jane Ambrose, Mrs. Edith Ab-
guests were Mrs, Affa Rice, Clara- oko.
Bell and Ida Rice, Jean Elston, Nan- |
cy Williams and Mrs. Oliver Viti! Gladys Ashton spent Sunday with
Gustav Splitt and; Robert Scalley
spent Wednesday at Mehoopany
trout fishing.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duckworth
have returned to their home in West
Wyoming after spending several
days with Mr. and Mrs. Gustav
* * *
Private William Roushey who is
stationed at Indiantown Gap with
the 109th Field Artillery spent the
week end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, James Roushey.
Mrs. Ivor Ashton spent a few days
recently with her father at Nanti-
* * %
her parents here.
Fred Shouldice and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Shouldice who are employed
in Maryland spent the week end
with. their families here.
* * *
Private Daniel Linsinbigle of the
68th Regiment at Fort Benning, Ga.,
writes that he may be transferred to
another station in the near future.
* * *
The condition of Mrs. Sarah Ash-
ton who has been ill all winter re-
mains about the same.
* * *
Mrs. Margaret Eads has been vis-
iting her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. John Sholtis.
ghs Promised
At Alderson Show
OTe Minstrel In
harge Of Ray Garinger
Daily rehearsals and unusual tal-
ent are combining to make the Al-
derson Minstrel Show, Friday eve-
ning, May 9, one of the outstanding
performances of the Back Mountain
area. The show, a genuine old-
fashioned jamboree, will be present-
ed in the Laketon High School un-
der the direction of Ray Garinger.
End men are Charles Kern, Leo
Johnson, Harvey Searfoss, and Jack
Link. Among the outstanding per-
formers of the show are Eddie Tin-
klepaugh, jovial clown from Luzerne;
Jimmie Williams, Scotch comedi-
an; Herman Kern, vocalist; Mrs.
Conrad Yeager, spoon musician.
Splinter Injures Hand
Sam Spaciano of Shavertown is
carrying his arm in a sling as the
result of an injury received when
he ran a large splinter in his hand
while working for Shavertown Lum-
ber company.
At Club On Tuesday
Back Mountain and Wyoming Val- p
ley golf enthusiasts will gather at
Irem Temple Country Club Tuesday
to enjoy a golf exhibition by Patty
Berg, expert from Minneapolis and
Helen Dettweiler. Irem Temple i
Country Club, through the efforts of
Carl Schlingmann, has been selected
as one out of two clubs in Penn-
sylvania to enjoy this exhibition.
Following the luncheon at 11:30 the
experts will conduct a round table
discussion. Every one is welcome.
Reservations should be made for the i :
113 S. Main St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
The watering of lawns and
gardens and the
Offenders will have their §
water turned off immediately §
if they do not abide by this §
ruling of the company.
Water Company
‘Leslie Warhola, Manager
ers office not later than Monday,
further costs.
All delinquent taxes must be filed in the County Commission-
Herbert A. Lundy, Collector
May 5th. Pay at once and avoid.
Daily Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30
Saturday 9:30 to 8:00
Tomorrow--Last Day!
Tomorrow is your last opportunity to take advantage of the sen-
sational savings being offered in the Boston Store's great 62nd
Every department in the store is packed full
of values . . . things you want and need for yourself, your family
and your home. Listed below are just a few of the many outstand-
Anniversary Sale.
ing “buys”!
$1.00 Satin or Crepe Slips
65¢ Standard Knitting Yarn
$4.25 Stamped Quilt Outfits
39c Printed Rayon Crepes
$1.25 Manor Window Shades
$1.00 Crepede
$1.95 Heavy Quality Bed Pads
$35.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size
$2.95 Sturdy Steamer Chairs
Chine Hosiery
Regular $23. 95 Colson Bicycles
Fowler, Dick and Walker
* Wyoming Valley Owned * Wyoming Valley Managed * Wyoming Valley Minded