eighborhood Not And N ews Of Local Church Affairs Home Phone 161 Purely Personal By MRS. ARTHUR CULVER Office Phone 300 Mes Norman Wade Smith of Iuntsville, now living at Aberdeen, d., where her husband is in the service, left Monday for Williams- g, New Orleans and Natchez. he is accompanied by her mother, Irs. Martin Oxley of Providence, ¥, , Mr. and Mrs. Ross Garinger and amily will return this week from ewport News, Florida, to spend the ummer with the former's parents, ‘Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Garinger and family at Alderson. 5 i W. Hayden Ambrose, student at Wyoming Seminary, spent the ring vacation with his parents, . and Mrs. William * Ambrose at chman. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allegar of ‘Wilkes-Barre spent Easter with the atter’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stair of Goss Manor. s. Allegar has just recovered from an illness of ten months. > ae i ~~ Mrs. W. B. Risley, of Lake St., has turned from Nicholson where she spent the winter as guest of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boston. Mrs. Stanley Davis of Parsonage t. drove her daughter, Alice, back to the Baldwin School where she re- sumed her duties as teacher last eek. * * * Herbert Smith and granddaughter Jean, drove to Philadelphia Saturday ‘to meet Mrs. Smith who returned from a trip to Florida. ~ George Sturdevant, of Charleston, uth Carolina, is the guest of Mr. | . John Seymour of Glen- w Terrace. ~ Misses Mildred Sanford, Jane Case and Marilyn Colvin visited in ~ Middletown, New York, on Good Friday. A Sx * * * Mr. and Mrs. William Cobleigh and son, Billy, of Belleville, New ersey, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Cobleigh of Harris St., Fernbrook, during the Easter holi- “days. ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerlach of East Dallas had as their guests on Sunday Mrs. John Freeman, Sr. Mrs John Freeman, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William Freeman and son, Billy, Misses Nancy Freeman and Mary Freeman of Wilkes-Barre. = x 2 ~ Mrs. J. F. Wardell and Miss Mary ~ Wardell of Hazleton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Metz of Carverton during the Easter hol- idays. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Brzyski of East Dallas entertained on Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. Frank Starzinski of Kingston. * * * ~~ Pvt. Edwin Lumley of Langley Field, Virginia, spent the Easter va- cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lumley, of Demunds. Eugene Evans has returned to his ‘home in Bridgeport, Conn., after spending the Easter season. with Mr. and Mrs. George Ayre, Lehman Ave. Mrs. Evans, a sister of Mrs. Ayre, and her son, Richard, will remain ‘here for a few weeks. 5 * * * Fredrick Schray of Philadelphia visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schray, of East Dallas, last ~ week-end. Samuel Frantz, of Endicott, New ~ York, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Metz of Carverton, last week-end. ~~ Frank Yop of Philadelphia visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Yop, of East Dallas, last week-end. ° Mrs. John Peterson and daughter, Lillian, of Quincy, Mass., are spend- ing the week with the former’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson and family of Lake St. 3 * * * Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain of Goss Manor entertained at lunch Thurs- day Mrs. Paul Keating, Mrs. Eliza- beth Haines and Mrs. Frank Kline. Mr. and Mrs. William Niemeyer, Jr. and family of Baltimore spent the Easter week end visiting their par- ~ ents in Dallas. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yeisley, of Overpeck Ave. had as week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Earl VanCam- pen and family of Towanda. Mrs. VanCampen and the children are staying with the Yeisleys this week. Roy Williams, who is working in ~ New Jersey, spent the week end with his family on Davenport St. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davison of Philadelphia spent the week end with relatives in Dallas. Zn oA ~~ Rhoda Veitch who submitted to an operation at Nesbitt Hospital last week is getting along nicely. Marion Brace is spending several weeks in Endicott, N. Y. Mrs. Ethelyn Beatty and Lyman ~ Beatty, of Morris Plains, New Jersey, Herbert Case of Bloomsburg, Miss Dorothy Newton of Philadelphia and ~ Charles Kress of Ridley Park were ~ the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Case of Glenview Terrace during the Easter holidays. George Trescott of Berwick has returned to his home after spending several da with his brother, John Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bellas and son, Arthur Jr., of Perth Amboy, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowman of Kingston Satur- day. Mrs. Charles Detrick of Terrace Street, Fernbrook, entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Bowman of King- ston on Saturday. Mrs. Peter Stritzinger of Lincoln Street, East Dallas, is seriously ill at her home. Miss Mary Haggerty of Sayre bus returned to her home after visiting Miss Mary Jones of Terrace Street, Fernbrook. Miss Mary Kuchta of Lakewood, New Jersey, Miss Harriet Stem of Philadelphia and Edgar Stem of Troy, New York, were the guests of Michael Kuchta of Alderson dur- ing the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oliver of Center Street, Shavertown, are spending several days at Atlantic ‘City. Mr. and Mrs. William Rolinson and daughted, Barbara, of Kingston, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rol- inson of Glenview Terrace. Mrs. Clifford Space and daughter, Louise, spent several days last week in New York City. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ted Weisser, who have been making their home at Charleston, S. C., returned Sunday to make their home at Irem Coun- try Club. Tex Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson of East Dallas was sick over the holiday week end. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moore of ‘East Dallas entertained Thursday John Jones and Mrs. roth of Milville. Mrs. S. W. Newberry of East Dal- las returned Thursday from Aber- deen, Maryland ,where she visited her husband and son who are work- ing there. Harriet Eck- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. -Williammee | J, of Lehman Ave. spent the Easter | 4 week end in Tioga County at the Williammee homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Besteder of Harrisburg have returned to their home after spending several days with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brace, of East Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Drake and son, Dale, of Claude Street visited the formers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Drake, of Mehoopany last Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Kuchta of Al- derson had as guests on Easter Mr. and Mrs. John Kuchta Jr. of Loyal- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kuchta of Trucksville, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kuchta of Plymouth and Miss Mary Kuchta of Lakewood. * * * George Smith Jr. of Mt. Union spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Alderson. Mr. and Mrs. William Richards of Endicott, N. Y., spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson of Alderson. Mrs. E. R. Parrish of Idetown had as her week end guest, Miss Arline Santee of Scranton. Mrs. Claire McKenna and child- ren, Frank, Mary, Claire, Joan, Pat- sy and Eleanor of Scranton are spending the vacation week with Mrs. McKenna’s mother, Mrs. Frank Wright at Idetown. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hallock of Lake St. and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hallock of Honesdale spent Easter in Tamaqua as guests of the lat- ter’s son, Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Hal- lock. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler of | Lake St. had as Easter guests their daughters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Eggleston and son, Robert of! Vernon, and Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver and son, Jimmie of Richmond, Va. The Olivers have returned to Dallas and will make their home on Lake St. * * * James Altemus of Dover, N. J. spent the Easter week end at his home in Shavertown. Mrs. Clarence Leas of Alderson recently spent a week in Washing- ton, D. C. visiting her husband. Miss Josephine Stem spent the Easter holiday with friends in Phil- adelphia. Mr. and Mrs. William Richards of Endicott, N. Y. spent the week end visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson at Alderson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schultz and son Richard of Reading spent Eas- ter with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hauck of Lehman Ave. Mrs. Lewis Brucker and children of Center Hill Road spent this week in Philadelphia as guests of the former’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shirk. Mrs. Brucker’s mother will return with her to spend some time in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Garreau of Church St. and daughter spent the week end at Williamsport visiting their family. Bobby Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder of Claude St. sub- mitted to x-ray pictures this week to determine the extent of an in- jury to his head. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shultz of Ter- race St. will return from Miami the end of April to spend the summer in Dallas. : ‘errace Street, Fern- : eo — DALLAS FOLK SUCCUMB TO SPELL OF APRIL’S BRIGHT BLUE WEATHER It was good to hear Tom Brown's saddle horse trot frisk- ily up Lehman Ave. this week cheered on by shouts and laugh- ter of Paul Clemow and Bob Mc- Carthy. That means spring. We were delighted when Harry Allen announced triumphantly that the last trace of ice had left the lake on Saturday. It was jolly to have Hank Peter- son and Harry Ohlman drop in- to the office like truant school kids, their daily routine upset by a touch of spring fever. It did our heart good to hear Dr. Wyckoff’s cheery request, “Send our paper back to Center Hill Road—mother and I've moved out for the summer”. It’s been delicious stopping by Clyde Lapp’s garden and taking a sniff of his hyacinths and jonquils. It’s exciting to go home in the daylight while crimson sunsets tint the hill. Yippee it’s spring! — a Men of Church Seek Best Cook “He-Man” Cooks Asked To Send In Recipes Men of Dallas Methodist church are sponsoring an evening of in- structive entertainment, motion pic- tures and surprises at the church Monday night. Entertainment will include a demonstration of “Kitchen Free” Electric Cookery by Miss Blanche O'Neill, nationally famous home ec- onomist, and showing of a motion picture, ‘Vitamized Cooking”, for the first time in Wyoming Valley. Biggest surprise of the evening will be the crowning of the best mits the best recipe for a meat ish. Three best recipes submitted will be selected by qualified home economists and a prize awarded for the one adjudged the best. Each of the two runners-up will also re- ceive useful electrical gifts. In addition a grand prize—a complete automatic electric roaster—will be given to some member of the audi- ence. Men of the church are anxious to have a large attendance as each person who attends will help swell the income for the church. There will be no admission or collection. A similar program will be sponsored by the men of Shavertown Method- ist church on Tuesday evening at 7:30. Purple Finches Dr. Sara Wyckoff sends us word that she has half a dozen purple finches enjoying her bird sanctuary on Center Hill Road. Dr. Wyckoff and her mother have opened their summer home and are having an exciting time uncovering fresh shoots of hepatica, snow drops and crocuses. Easter Dinner Miss Agnes Sidorek of East Dallas entertained at dinner on Easter Sunday the following: Mr. and Mrs. John Lumley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berdy and son, Harry, Francis A. | Sidorek, Thomas Sidorek, Alfred Si- | dorelk and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Si- jdoreks and son, Jackie. (Mrs. Arthur Turner of Huntsville | St. is ill. Donald Starr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Starr of Saginaw St. is ill. Mrs. Eleanor Walsh, who is the guest of her sister and brother-in- jlaw, Mr. and Mrs. John Yaple, sprained her ankle at the corner of Claude St. and Center Hill Road Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lundy and daughters were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lundy in Kingston. Joan Oliver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oliver of Claude St. is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Warden Kunkle, of Norton Ave. had as guests over Eas- ter Mrs. Clinton Bollinger and her aunt of Baltimore. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kintz of Claude St. will move shortly to Church St. .Mrs. Edward Sheridan of Provi- dence, R. I., has returned home af- ter spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sulli- van of Huntsville Road. Helen Sul- livan returned with her for a visit. Mrs. John Yaple entertained two tables of bridge at her home on Sag- inaw Ave. Wednesday evening. Mrs. Leslie Warhola has returned to her home after spending the past nine months at Missoula, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Whipp have returned to their home on Church St. after spending the winter in St. Petersburg. Julia Dolton was the guest of her parents in Philadelpbia over Easter. Nancy Carey, dazighter of Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Carey of Claude St. is ill. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Walter Dean of | Center Hill Road will move to the valley the the month, i “He-Man Cook” in Dallas who sub- | Florence Hazletine To Become Bride of William Monk Today Cane Miss Florence Hazeltine, daughter of Mrs. Jane Hazeltine, of Main St., and William Monk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monk of Pine Crest Ave., | will be united in marriage in the parsonage of St. Therese’s Church today. Rev. Eugene Frank will per- form the ceremony. Attendants will be Miss Margaret Hogan of Wilkes- Barre, cousin of the bride-elect, and Earl Jackson of Shavertown. Miss Hazeltine will wear a pink and blue redingote with blue acces- sories. Her shoulder bouquet will be pink roses. Miss Hogan has chosen a two-tone orchid ensemble. Following the ceremony a recep- tion for relatives and a few friends will be held at the Hazeltine home. The couple wr reside bride-elect’s mother. Both Miss Hazeltine and Mr. Monk are graduates of Dallas Borough High School. Mr. Monk is associated with his father in the plumbing busi- ness. Among the parties honoring Miss Hazletine was a shower given by Miss Charlotte Monk at the Monk home Monday evening. Spring flow- ers and pink and blue tapers made an attractive party table. Guests: Maude Jones, Jean Moore, Jerry Moore, Claire Berlinski, Dallas; Grace McGuire, Shavertown; Mary Hogan, Marie Frain, Wilkes Barre; Jule Anderson, Helen Carey, Larks- ville; Ruth and Doris Monk, the guest of honor and the hostess. with the Janet Miles Marries / 7 ” Andrew Kuchta Bpril The marriage of Miss Janet Miles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Miles of Plymouth, and Andrew Kuchta, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kuchta, of Alderson, took place at Plymouth Saturday, April 5. At- tendants were brother and sister-in- law of the bride. The couple are making their home at 357 Fairview St., Plymouth. Mrs. Kuchta is a graduate of Plymouth High School and has been employed at Penn Tobacco Co. Mr. Kuchta was graduated from Lake- ton High School and is employed by Sordoni Construction Co. outside of Philadelphia. Bert Braces Celebrate Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brace were guests at a family dinner to cele- brate their twenty-fifth wedding an- niversary on Friday evening at their home in East Dallas. They re- ceived a fifty-two piece set of sil- verware and a lace table cloth. The Braces were married April 11, 1916 by Rev. George W. Willurn at the Presbyterian Parsonage in Scranton. Mrs. Brace is the former Miss Alice Dymond. Dinner guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Besteder, Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Dymond, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dymond, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brace, Mrs. David Emanuel, Mrs. Harry Howell, Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, Miss Alice Brace, Miss Barbara Brace, Kenneth Brace, James Brace and Elton Brace. Has Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chamberlin of Goss “Manor entertained at a birthday party honoring Miss An- toinette Mason, Saturday evening. Guests: Mrs. Louise Colwell, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown and son, Tom- my, Miss Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain. Cease Is Promoted Richard “Dick” Cease, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Cease of Oak St., Trucksville, has received a commis- sion of lieutenant in the Air Corps. “Dick” earned the commission which carries a substantial pay increase six months ahead of time. He is located at Fort Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah, and as yet has received no word of transfer. Lately com- missioned officers have been re- tained at their posts as instructors. Easter Displays Win Attention Two attractive window displays on Main street, Dallas, won favor- able comment over the Easter holi- days. A fruit display at Titman’s Fairlawn store, forming a white cross against a background of oranges was unusually attractive and novel. Grace Cave's Lady's Shop had a colorful window full of bright spring potted flowers and an exhibition of frocks for spring and summer wear. Mrs. Allen Celebrates Birthday Anniversary Mrs. Harry Allen and her step- father, S. P. Frantz, of Chase, cele- brated their birthday anniversaries at an Easter dinner at the Allen home on Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Frantz and Miss Doris Crocker of Chase; Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Allen, Jr., and son, Harry, and daughter, Joan Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swanson, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen, Sr., of Alderson. Mrs. Christine Malkemes Celebrates 71st Birthday Mrs. Christine Malkemes was sur- prised on her 71st birthday Satur- day evening at a lovely party. She received many gifts and a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goeringer, Christine, Eleanor, Harry, Jr., Lois and Caroline Goeringer, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Malkemes, Clair June, Marilyn, Robert, Keith, Jean and Lois Malkemes, Mr. and Mrs. John Malkemes, Donald, Allan and Ken- neth Malkemes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Malkemes, Mary Lou, Frank Jr. Dean and Lee Malkemes, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Malkemes, Barbara Jane and Carol Malkemes, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Malkemes, Margaret Ann and Fred Jr. Mrs. Malkemes is a faithful mem- ber of St. Paul's Lutheran Church and is active in its Woman’s Auxil- iary. Alyce Woolbert Has First Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Addison Woolbert, Jr., of Church Street entertained for their daughter, Alyce, who cele- brated her first birthday at a dinner Easter. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parrish, Miss Netti Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Drake and son, Dale, of Dallas; Miss Emma Parrish of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lewis and children, Lowell and Jane, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lewis and daughter, Mary, of Mt. | Zion. Alderson Children Are Guests At Easter Party Madame E. Sidonia and Lee Land- messer entertained at a lovely Eas- ter party for children of the Primary Department of Alderson Methodist Church in the Kunkle Community Hall Sunday. Attractive baskets were given to every child present and cuddly plush bunnies to those winning prizes at games. Ice cream and cake were served. Prize win- ners: Lucy Ann George, Elizabeth Searfoss and Rita Searfoss. Assist- ing the host and hostess were Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, John Dershimer and Tony Javers. Class Party Mrs. Hazle Hildebrant’s Sunday School Class will enjoy a party at the home of Mrs. Alfred Moore Sat- urday afternoon from 2 until 4 o'clock, Dallas District Scouts Welcome New Director At Dinner Meeting Miss Helen Wilcox, new Associate Director of the Wyoming Council of Girl Scouts, was greeted by the leaders, auxiliary committee mem- bers and executive committee mem- bers at a supper meeting in the Dallas Methodist Church on Monday’ evening, A very interesting and educational talk, illustrated by colored slides showing wildflowers native to the state of Pennsylvania, was given by Mrs. Voris Hall of Wilkes Barre. Mrs. George F. Mentz, chairman of Dallas District, presided at the business session at which time re- ports were given by Mrs. W. Mar- tin Porter, Mrs. Stanley B. Davies, Mrs. Russell Case, Mrs. Sherman R. Schooley and Robert Taylor. The next meeting, to be held in June, will be a picnic arranged by the members of the committees of all Brownie packs, Present were Miss Florence Hau- sch, Mrs. Ira Stevenson, Mrs. Harry Rossman Miss Nancy Metz, Miss Majorie Prynn, Mrs. Richard Prynn, Mrs. Edgar B. Sutton, Mrs. Louis Harris, Mrs. Edward D. Reid, Mrs. Wesley Vosburg, Mrs. Alfred M. Camp, Mrs. Robert B. Taylor, Miss Margaret Gerlach, Miss Jane Case, Mrs. Edward Sidorek, Mrs. Claude H. Cooke, Mrs. Walter Gerlach, Mrs. Dorey Rogers, Mrs. Edgar J. Adolph, Mrs. Russell Case, Mrs. Stanley B. Davies, Mrs. Edward Conrad, Mrs. George Metz, Mrs. W. J. Yeisley, Mrs. J. F. Beline, Mrs. Earl H. Monk, Mrs. Martin Porter, Mrs. Sherman Schooley, Mrs. J. L. Kintz, Mrs. Charles Maxwell, Miss Helen Wilcox, Mrs. H. W. Peterson, Mrs. Peter Clark, Mrs. George Ayre, Mrs. Eu- gene Evans, Miss Thelma Bulford, Mrs. Richard Reese, Mrs F. Budd Schooley, Mrs. Gerald Dettmore, Mrs. Stanley Shewan, Mrs. Herbert Lundy, Mrs. Delbert McGuire, Mrs. Harold E. Flack, Miss June Mec- Guire, Miss Alice G. Hand and Misg Dorothy King. Joanne Hayden Becomes Bride Of Gerald Snyder The marriage of Miss Jeanne M. Hayden, daughter of Mrs. John Hay- den and the late Mr. Hayden, of Ridge St., and Gerald Snyder of Dal- las Township, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Snyder, of Fawn Grove, took place Saturday night at 6 o'clock in St. Therese’s Church at Shaver- town. Rev. Harold Durkin offici- ated. Attendants were Miss Bette Horan of Jersey City and Cecil R. Snyder of Bendersville. Ushers were P. J. Hayden of Luzerne and Paul Thompson of York. The bride was attractive in an ice chiffon gown fashioned with train and V neckline. Her fingertip veil was caught with orange blossoms. She carried a spray of calla lilies. Miss Horan chose emerald net and carried a nosegay ofaviolets. Following a reception held at Ho- tel Sterling, the couple left by motor for Florida. They will be at home after Sunday at 17 Ridge St. Dallas Church To Hold Hobby, Pet, Curio Show A novel hobby, pet and curio show will be presented in the Dallas Meth- odist Church Tuesday evening, April 29 from 3 until 9:30 o’clock. Ar- ticles entered will be displayed in booths and voted upon by guests. Three prizes each will be given to the best pet, the best hobby and the best curio. Judges will be Mrs. Charles Lee, Mrs. Harold Titman, Mrs. Henry Ohlman, Henry Peter- son and Ralph Brickel. General committee: Mrs. Zel Garinger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Machel Hildebrant, Mrs. Os- wald Griffith and Lewis LeGrand. Mrs. Florence Phillips Is Hostess At Party Mrs. Florence Phillips of Norton Ave. entertained at a lovely party for Miss Lillian Peterson of Quincy, Mass., who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson of Lake St. Monday evening. The centerpiece was novel fashioned from spring flowers and tiny sea shells which Mrs. Phillips recently brought from Florida. Favors were individual jars of Florida jam and sea shells filled with nuts and candies. Guests were: Mrs. John Nicholson, Mrs. Paul Warriner, Mrs. Michael Brown, Mrs. Louise Colwell, Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain, Mrs. Henry Peterson, the guest of honor and the hostess. HIMMLER THEATRE DALLAS. PA. THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Gone With the Wind” with Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh Evening Show, 7:30. Admission 55¢ Special Matinee, Saturday 1:30 Adults 40c Children 25¢ MONDAY AND TUESDAY Double Feature “Nobody’s Children” with Edith Fellows —and— “Fugitive From a Prison Camp” with Jack Holt WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY “Here Comes the Navy” —with— Jack Cagney and Pat O’Brien NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Philadelphia Story” —with— Katharine Hepburn, James Stewart and Carey Grant WALL obligation. SPECIAL! Huge Selection of Plasters, Basket Weaves Needle Points 595 Market St. Laing Auxiliary ToHold Dinner Committees For Affair Named Tuesday Night Plans for a dinner to be held on Monday evening, April 28th, in the Dallas Borough School, were made at the meeting of the Women’s Auxil- iary of the Dr. Laing Fire Company at the home of Mrs. Nelson Shaver on Tuesday evening. The committee appointed includes Mrs. J. L. Kintz, Mrs. Arthur Newman and Mrs. Earl Monk. Mrs. Walter Davis will re- ceive reservations. Mrs. Charles Stookey, Mrs. Grant Shaner and Mrs. Sterling Meade will be hostesses at the May meet- ing. Mrs. R. J. W. Templin and Mrs. Stephen Sedler were named as pro- gram committee. Pregent were: Mrs. William Viv- ian, Mrs. Fred Hughey, Mrs. R. J. W. Templin, Mrs. F. Budd Schooley, Mrs. Grant Shaner, Mrs. John Gir- van, Mrs. Arthur Newman, Mrs. Thomas Kepner, Mrs. Doran, Mrs. Charles Stookey, Mrs. J. L. Kintz, Mrs. Stephen Sedler, Mrs. Nelson Shaver and Mrs. Earl Monk. $5.00 PERMANENT WAVE $2.50 OTHER BEAUTY ITEMS 3 for $1.00 MARGUERITE'S Beauty Shop Fernbrook TROUBLED WITH PERSPIRATION ODOR? Use LY Economy Size Squibb Tooth Paste 49¢ Sulphur and Cream Tartar Lozenges 3c Dickloride Crystals 49c Ib. Quart Size Milk of Magnesia 39¢ New Vitamin D Hand Lotion 39¢ and 69¢ Regular 69c Syrup of Figs 39¢ $1.20 Syrup of Pepsin 79¢ Tek Tooth Brushes 2 for 43c BERT & COMPANY CUT-RATE STORES Dallas, Penna. 30 inch 1941 Wallpapers 10¢ TRIPLE ROLL Factory Matched Borders Only 5c Yd. Fine Quality PAPER for Every Room in the Home ® Let Bur decorators help you select the proper papers for your home. No ERT PAINTING ADVICE RAKER PAINT FACTORY Kingston, Pa. All paint manufactured “fresh” on premises. Ae