The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 11, 1941, Image 3

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A —— at
Stroke Is Fatal
To]. D. Williams
Former Accountant
Found Unconscious
The funeral of John D. Williams,
for more than fifteen years a resi-
dent of Fernbrook, who died Mon-
day night at Wilkes-Barre General
Hospital, will be held Saturday
afternoon at 2 from Kniffen’s Fun-
eral Home in Kingston. Services
Ted Wilsons Entertain
At Dinner And Cards
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson enter-
tained at their home in East Dallas
.| at dinner and cards recently. Guests
were Mr, and Mrs. John Hildebrant,
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Garinger, Mr.
| and Mrs. Charles Weiss and daugh-
ter, Mrs. Jeanette Dickerson, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Fowler and War-
ren, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wilson, Mrs.
Paul Carlin, Miss Myra Carlin,
Claude Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
will be in charge of Rev. George | Patrick, Mrs. Katie Wilson, Mr. and
Westberg of Memorial Presbyterian | Mrs. Winfield Brace, Mrs. George
Church, Wilkes-Barre, assisted by
Rev. Percy Davis of Westmoor
Church of Christ. Interment will
be in the family plot at Danville.
Prior to suffering a stroke on
Thursday night Mr. Williams had
apparently been in fair health. Dur-
ing the past winter he had lived
with his sister, Mrs. A. P. Lloyd of
Kingston and on Thursday decided
to come to Fernbrook to oversee
some work being done on his prop-
erty. He told his sister that he
might not return that evening if
work was late but would stay in
his little bungalow back of the home
he recently sold to Lewis Nichols of
Lloyd, who lives in one of the
' apartments to call him at 8 Friday
morning. Mr. Lloyd called and re-
ceiving no response thought that
Mr. Williams might have returned to
Kingston with the idea of coming
out on the bus Friday morning. Mr.
Lloyd waited until the arrival of the
10 o'clock bus before going back to
the bungalow where he found Mr.
Williams lying on the floor beside
his bed, unconscious. Dr. Frank
Schooley was called and had Mr.
Williams removed to General Hos-
pital in Brickel’s ambulance.
Mr. Williams was a native of Dan-
ville, the sor of John D. and Mar-
garet Williams. His father was
superintendent of Danville Iron
Works. The deceased started his
career as a bookkeeper and account-
ant with the Mahoning Tube Works
at Danville and in 1903 was trans- |
ferred as accountant to the Buffalo,
N. Y. works.
In 1904 he entered the accounting
department of the Lehigh Valley
Coal Company in Wilkes-Barre and
five years later became office man-
ager of the Times-Leader, a position
he held for fourteen years.
He resigned in 1923 to accept a
similar position with MacWilliams
Store, now Pomeroy’s. Failing eye-
sight made it necessary for him to
give up accounting and he entered
the real estate business in 1929.
His wife, Anna D. Williams, who
died three years ago, was the daugh-
ter of the late Thomas J. Williams,
State Mine Inspector.
Mr. Williams was a member of
Memorial Presbyterian church and
Kingston Lodge 395, F. & AA. M,,
whose members will act as pall
bearers at the funeral.
He leaves four sisters: Mrs. A. P.
Lloyd, Margaret and Elizabeth Wil-
liams of Kingston and Mrs. William
Deitz of Wilkes-Barre; a niece, Mrs.
Guy Haupt of Wilkes-Barre, and a
nephew, J. M. Mottern, of Philadel-
Miss'Nitzkowski Gives
Salad Demonstration
Miss E. Nitzkowski of the farm
bureau gave a salad making demon-
stration at the home of Mrs. Ted
Wilson at East Dallas on Thursdy.
Attending were: Mrs. Harry Miller,
Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Giles Wil-
son, Mrs. John Hildebrant, Mrs.
Michael Kosik, Mrs. Lester Stanton,
Mrs. Jennie Moore, Mrs. George
Snyder, Mrs. Lawrence Britton,
Mrs. Lawrence Swank, Mrs. William
Cobleigh and Miss Beatrice Hilde-
He left word with Arthur |
| Snyder, Tex and Maralyn Wilson.
Gregson Honors
Old Employees
Hugh Murray Sixth
In Term Of Service
! general manager of the Hazard Di-
vision of American Chain and Cable
Company, Wilkes-Barre, introduced
members of the Forty-Plus Club
who received recognition for having
worked for the company 40 years
or more at a dinner at Hotel Sterl-
ing on Wednesday.
The Hazard was established more
than 70 years ago. Twenty of its
employees have been with the firm
more than 40 years—the oldest,
George Hoats, is approaching his
70th anniversary with the company.
Hugh Murray, of Pioneer avenue, is
the sixth oldest employe in point of
years. Many local men are em-
ployed at the huge Hazard plant
j and residents of the Back Mountain
Region are proud that its head
comes from Dallas Township.
° Big Sale
P & G Products
Jia 25:10:24 9¢
Camay Soap
cake 5°
2: 39°
2 = 18c
laze 33 ¢
giant pkg a49c
re se ———————
P &G White
3 cakes 10c
On Sale in All
When you borrew—borrow at banking rates
You You 6%
borrow | receive
Life Insurance
fos) You make
Discount Pus | 12 monthly
payments of
$108.00 | $100.44
$ 7.56 $ 9.00
216.00 | 200.88
15.12 ~ 18.00
324.00 | 301.32
22.68 27.00
540.00 | 502.20
37.80 45.00
You need not be a depositor to
apply for a low
cost banking loan
iio Collateral + « «+ No Co-Makers Required
Of Wilkes-Barre
&9 Public Square
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
George C. Gregson, Shrine View, (i
It Has Always Been Our Custom All Our Markets Will Be CLOSED
12 M. to 3 P.M. Good Friday---OPEN LATE Friday and Saturday Nights!
Quality Foods for Easter
at Aeme Super Market Low Prices!
You can be assured that your Easter Feast will be a complete success if you buy
all your food needs at the Acme. You'll find your every food and table need priced
for greater savings. Come in today, make your selections from our complete stocks.
Swift's Smoked Skinned ¢
All Sizes--- Ib .
Shank Half
Whole or
These are short shank, oven-tendered. All surplus skin and fat removed. At this economical
vrice everyone can afford a Ham for Easter.
3 mn
New process tendered—short shank—delicious.
Lean Pork - i 3
SHAD ev 15
Fresh CHESAPEAKE BAY (Roe) - 25c
a c | Fish Fiilets ~ 10c |Round
2 Haddock Filiels » 19c¢ | Whiting 4-25°
Carefully Graded 9 4
Silver Seal
dozen 27°C
Lean Tender
Prime Cuts
F + t S Every egg guaranteed.
Gold Seat “Dated” EGGS
Dependable for every
purpose. Dated for
vour protection,
Selected Fruits and Vegetables ! 2 - &0 2 5 XXXX,
: Fancy Nos S Powdered 1-1 ae
Fancy New Green eas Tender hh uga or Brown °F
Tiny sifted or medium size peas.
Finest Cut Beets 3 No 223c¢ yold Seal Shredded Cocoanut”, 2ic
Del Maiz Corn 2 10 [Gc Baker's Dot Chocolate ye 23c
Solid : Butter Kernel Peas 2 "225c Baker's Baking Chocolate vis 15¢
Head /
i Easter Jelly Eggs 3 25¢
Breton, Sauing Re 3 No. 1 D eco rated E ges oe fhe B5e 3 3-01 2 8c
Chocolate Covered
Assorted Centers
Potatoes | Potatoes
5 14°
15% 21c
Penna. Potatoes U5
Fine New Texas Red Beets = 5c
Fancy Apples om 47:19c
Crisp Iceberg 8c
Choice Hawaiian
4SC0 Tuberculin Tested
13¢ 4 227°
«+ « Fresh Baked Goods .
Large 2-Layer DeLuxe
Easter Eggs
Paas Egg Dyes
Dixie White American Princess Quality
&5C0 Sliced Rindless
LOAF Oleo-
/ CHEESE margarine BACON
“2:43: 3:28"
large C
Broken Slices
Heinz Tomato Ketchup 2 ‘iif 35c¢
There is no substitute for a delicious, filling salad. It does large \
a lot for the body. Keep your family healthy and satisfied. Tasty Peanut Butter 2-1 far 1 9c each Cc
Serve better-tasting. easy to digest salads, with velvety Luscious Calif. Peaches od 5c
H de-Lit NBC Tasty Fig Newtons PEE @¢
om- @- i e ° pk 0h ye
NBC Cocktailers s Qc Virginia Lee
Bennie Oak Evap. Milk 4 ‘2! 25,
“Heat-flo”” Roasted
for richer, fuller. finer flavor.
ASCO Finest
single on 17c¢ 2: 33
A blend of the world’s finest coffees.
Win-Crest | Acme
-. 2 7° acuum Packed
2p 20 25
Freshly baked.
Su All Prices in This Ad Effective April 10, 11 and 12 in Your Nearest Acme.
Doughnuts “1 at
Enriched BREAD
spreme 2 1] He
Enriched with Vitamin B-1 for better
national health.
Special Good Friday Only !
: O°
Made of finest ingredients
obtainable. including freshly
opened eggs. spices, delicate-
ly blended and double whip-
ped to a mouth-melting, vel-
vety smoothness,
Hom-de-Lite Finest
Salad Dressing
Smooth and satisfying, every salad tastes better when served
with Hom-de-Lite Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing . . . both
« famous for QUALITY.
V2 7777777
For those who prefer po”
salad dressing. Makes
good salads taste better.