PAGE FOUR Cm Personal By MRS. ARTHUR CULVER Home Phone 161 Office Phone 300 Dr. and Mrs. of Shavertown Sherman Schooley spent the weekend in Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler of Lake Street returned Thursday from Miami Beach where they have been “spending the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Smith entertained a few friends at their home on Machell Avenue Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Washburn ot Idetown had as weekend guests their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gibson and children of Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. Thomas McGuire of Luzerne, sister of Mrs. Wesley Himmler, sub- mitted to an operation at General Hospita: on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer of Shrineview had as their guest Fri- day and Saturday John V. Heffernan of Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Fado, Pioneer Avenue, have returned from a two- week’s stay at St. Petersburg, Fla. They were accompanied by their children, Barbara and Donald. # Miss Betty Kreidler of West Dal- las, spent the weekend with Miss Margaret Harris, Kunkle. Miss Barbara Metz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Metz, Carver- ton, is ill. Harry Trescott, of New York City, and George Trescott, Benton, were guests of Mrs. Charles Detrick and family, Terrace Street, over the weekend, Misses Marilyn Colvin, Pauline Ko- zemchak, Jane Case and Mildred Canford visited in Bloomsburg on Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Fitzgerald, Glenview Terrace, was called to Philadelphia because of the serious illness of her grandson, Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seymour, former ‘resi- dents of Fernbrook. Miss Antonia Kozemchak of Over- brook Avenue visited Miss Amanda Jean Walsh of New York City at the home of her parents, Mr. and. ‘Mrs. John Walsh, in Plains last Sun- day. Mrs. Lillian Turpin and Leslie Warhola were the dinner guests of Mrs. Lenora Honeywell of Shrine View last Saturday evening. Mrs. Edith Gerlach of East Dallas will leave today to make her resi- dence in Philadelphia. . Mr. and Mrs. F. Gordon Mather of Trucksville are spending some time in Florida. Their children, Bet- ty Ruth and Buddy are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Morgan of Pierce Street, Kings- ton, while they are away. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D. Eggleston of Vernon have returned after spend- ing five weeks in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. Ella Martin of Lancaster is spending a week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Frantz at Huntsville. Mrs. Joseph Jewell has been ill with the grip at her home on Par- rish Street this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Welsh had as weekend guests Mrs. Clara Shook and Miss Joan Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thomas of Alderson left Monday to spend some time in Miami. Mr. and Mrs. James Davenport of Meeker had as guests Sunday even- ing Mr. and Mrs. Richard Disque of Dallas. Frank Searfoss and daughter, Ra- chel, of Alderson are spending some time at Hunlock’s Creek as’ guests of the former’s daughter and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. John Baer. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen had as dinner guests at their home in Alderson Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson of Alderson left Thursday by motor to spend some time in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant of Meeker had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. James Hildebrant and fam- ily of West Greenfield. Mrs. Homer Moyer of Center Hill Road spent several days this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Benjamin at Conyngham. Mrs. James Franklin is ill at her home on Franklin Street. Jack Sheehan of Huntsville Road submitted to an operation for ap- pendicitis at Homeopathic Hospital. Mrs. Robert Taylor and daughter, Shirley, who have been spending the past month with Mrs. Morgan Ruch at East Dallas have returned to their home in Alderson. Mrs. Lester Moss will be hostess to members of the Demunds W. S. C. S. at her home this evening, Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Roese and son Charles of Mooretown and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore MacHenry and son Bob of Orange, spent Thursday with Mrs. Ralph Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmerer had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bittinger of Lewistown. Mrs. C. N. Guillot and daughter, Jane of Bushkill, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Truax and daughter, Jeanette of Laurel Run and Mrs. C. J. Eipper of Demunds Road were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mosier of Kunkle Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dettmore of Lehman Avenue will celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary on Sat- urday. Mrs. George Hofmeister of Nuan- gola spent Tuesdey in Dallas visit- Lee of Lake Street have as their, guest Mrs. Homer Teall of Capens | and Moose Head Lake, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of Claude Street spent several days this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Love at Mehoopany. James Gansel, Jr., of Claude St., is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and | Mrs. George Hofmeister at Lake Nu- angola. ; Mrs. Arthur Culver will be host- ess to members of the Mary Durbin Sunday School Class tonight. Mrs. Oswald Griffith will assist. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dettmore of Lehman Avenue entertained Sunday at a family dinner in honor of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Charles Wolfe, who celebrated her birthday anni- versary. There were 12 guests. Miss Jessie Grose of Tunkhannock spent Wednesday as guest of Mrs. Peynton and Mrs. Larry Lee. Miss Janice Rummage, daughter of Mrs. Jennie Rummage of Hunts- ville, submitted to an operation for appendicitis Tuesday. Mrs. John L. Jones, mother of Mrs. Milton Culp of Huntsville has been critically ill at her home in Wilkes-Barre for the past week. Ev- elyn Culp, a nurse in New York City, has been called home to care for her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. William Richards of Endicott, N. Y., spent the weekend visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson at Alderson. Mrs. Edna Karschner of Meeker is spending a few days as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn. : Mrs. Thomas Nagle of Lehman visited her mother, Mrs. Edith King at Meeker on Tuesday. Ed Jones has been ill with influ- enza at the hospital at New Cumber- land where he was recently trans- ferred from Camp Meade. His par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones of Huntsville, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Niemeyer of Davenport Street drove down to see him on Sunday. Betty Niemeyer Jones had driven up from Baltimore to see her hus- band and the family had a nice re- union. Ed expected to be back in camp this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams, Dav- enport Street, announce the birth of a son, Kenneth, at Mercy Hos- pital Wednesday, February 26. Mrs. D. L. Edwards, Davis Street, Trucksville, entertained at a dinner party Friday night in honor of her husband Dana LaRue Edwards on his birthday anniversary. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlain and Mr. and Mrs. William Pierce. Alan Kistler, former Post employe, now stationed with Company 8, 97th Quartermaster’s Corps at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, writes that although he registered for the printing depart- ment of the Army he is now em- ployed in the cooing school. * Mrs. Agnes Berlinski, Saginaw Avenue, Dallas, entertained at din- ner on Sunday, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Levitski, who were married on Saturday. Mrs. Levitski was the former Miss Gertrude Ber- linski. Guests numbered eighty- one, including twenty-three mechan- ics employed at the Duplan Silk Mill, co-workers of the groom. Mr. Dewey L. Edwards, Davis St., Trucksville, made a business trip to Harrisburg this week. Miss Muriel Hotelling of Mountain Lakes, N. J., is the guest of her cou- sin, Miss Rhoda Eddinger of East Dallas. Miss Aileen Connors, Kingston, has returned to her home. after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dymond, Main Street, Shavertown. Mrs. George Prater, Franklin St. Shavertown, who underwent a se- rious operation in General Hospital on Tuesday morning, is slowly im- proving. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shotwell, Hill Crest, Shavertown, announce the birth of a son, their second child, at the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, Mon- day evening. Mrs. Shotwell is the former Miss Ruth Hoffman. Miss Maude Jones, Saginaw Ave., Da.llas, was among the guests at a steak roast and skating party hon- oring Owen Thomas and William Morris, members of the 109th Field Artillery, at Mace’s skating rink, Hazleton, on Tuesday evening. Pvt. Granville Brace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brace, Dallas, is recovering from a two-week’s illness of influenza at the camp hospital, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Catlin, Athens, spent the latter part of last week with their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Catlin, Dallas. While they were here Mrs. Harold Catlin entertained at dinner | in honor of the former's golden wed- ding anniversary. Miss Leona Sabol of Wilkes-Barre was the guest of Miss Maude Jones, Saginaw Avenue, last weekend. Mrs. Harold Catlin, Goss Manor, left on Tuesday to visit with her mother, Mrs. Rose Osborne, at! Sayre, Pa. She will be away a week. Mr. and Mrs. David Watkins of Trucksville announce the birth of a daughter at Homeopathic Hospital, Thursday, February 20. Mrs. Earl Piatt of Huntsville is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Millie Elston of Newport, Delaware. Charles Sheldon at \ Allen Scattergood At Bethlehem Miss Lois Mosier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mosier 6f Kunkle Road, became the bride of Allen Scattergood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scattergood of Germantown, | yesterday at 11 o'clock at the home jof Rev. J. B. Craven in Bethlehem. Rev. Craven married the bride's parents just 34 years ago at the same hour and on the same date. There were no attendants. The bride was attractive in street length dress of powder blue crepe with redingote and accessories of soldier blue. Her shoulder bouquet was of violets. Following the ceremony the cou- ple left for the shore. They will make their home in Fairview, Pa. Mrs. Scattergood is a graduate of Coughlin High School and General Hospital School for Nurses. Mr. Scattergood was graduated from North Eastern High School in Phila- delphia and Scranton Correspond- ence School of Radio. He is em- ployed as engineer for the Radio Corporation of America in Camden, N. J. Honoring the couple Dr. and Mrs. Jerome B. Marshall of Kunkle Road entertained at dinner Tuesday even- ing. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mosier of Laceyville, Miss Aline Davis, Dallas Township, Mel- vin Mosier, Miss Virgie Marshall, Miss Mary Marshall of Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. Scattergood and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mosier, Sr. Among the oth- ers who have entertained for the bride are Mrs. Homer Moyer of Center Hill Road and former class- mates at General Hospital. Mrs. Elston Gives Birthday Dinner Celebrates Anniversary With Friends At Kunkle Mrs. Ralph Elston entertained at a birthday dinner at her home in Kunkle Tuesday evening. Red, white and blue color scheme made an ef- fective party table and favors. Games | were played and a good time was had by all. Attending were: Mrs. Virgie Elston, Mrs. Florence Conden, Mrs. Edith Weaver, Mrs. Lillian Kunkle, Mrs. Martha Elston, Mrs. Elizabeth Hess, Mrs. Dorothy Dod- son, Mrs. Estelle Isaacs, Mrs. Laura Rotherery, Mrs. Myrtle Elston, Mrs. Naomi Ashburner, Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, Mrs. Wilma Elston and the hostess. Married 25 Years Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wallo will observe their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary today. The Wallos have five children and will postpone a twenty-fifth anniversary celebration until their daughter, Veronica, a stu- dent at George Washington Univer- sity, comes home for spring vacation in May. The young lady stands second in the Junior class at the Washington school. Scattered Girls’ Club Enjoys Chicken Dinner Members of the Scattered Girls’ Club enjoyed a chicken dinner at Elstons’ and pinochle and dessert afterwards at the home of Mrs. Niles White on Baldwin Street Wednes- day evening. Attending were Mrs. Ruth McCulloch, Mrs. Gladys Shiffer, (Mis. Mary Rudawsky, Mrs. Helen Fiesta, Mrs. Sue Bassler, Mrs. Alice McCulloch, Mrs. Margaret Parrish, Mrs. Marjorie Nulton, Mrs. Eliza- beth Blaker, Mrs. Margaret Mec- Culloch, Mrs. Marie Tucker and Mrs. Marion White. Lois Mosier Honored By Former Classmates Honoring Miss Lois Mosier who was married yesterday, Mrs. Homer Moyer and Mrs. Ray Sharfenberg of Lancaster, former’ classmates at General Hospital, entertained at a party at the Moyer home on Center Hill Road Monday afternoon. Miss Mosier was given a lovely linen cloth and napkins as guest prize. Spring flowers made an attractive [ party table. Attending were Mrs. Edward Steinhauer, Mrs. Edward Jacobs, Mrs. Henry O’Connell, Miss Kay Piercy, Mrs. Reed Ball, Mrs. Thomas Bowen, Mrs. Ray Sharfen- berg, Lois and the hostess. David Hudak Is Given Fourth Birthday Party David Hudak, who celebrated his fourth birthday anniversary, was made happy at a party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hudak, Huntsville, on Saturday. Games were played and refresh- ments were served, Table decora- tions were in red, white and blue. Guests were Mary Ann Zimmerman, Dorothy Stash, Mary Louise Rubis- cak, Eleanor Stash, Rosine Hudak, Josephine Hudak, Robert Zimmer- man, Billy Lopasky, Thomas Stash, Alfred Hudak, John Hudak, Mrs. Kenneth Zimmerman, Mrs. John Lo- pasky, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rubis- cak, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stash, Mrs. John Estock, David Hudak and Mr. and Mrs. Hudak. Friends Surprise Irwin Messick Give Farewell Party For Member Of 109th Irwin Messick, Fern Street, Fern- brook, was honored at a surprise farewell party at his home on Sat- urday evening. Irwin is a member of the 109th Field Artillery. Guests were Miss Roberta Rockwell, of Binghamton, Miss Mary Jane Ed- wards, Wilkes-Barre, Miss Betty Berman, Kingston, Miss Jane Hou- ston and Lawrence Tench, West Pittston, Miss Garnetta Shupp, Miss Betty Hunt, Miss Lois Spiegal, Rob- ert Williamson, George Chambers and William Spiegel, Wyoming, Miss Martha Messick, Harold and James Messick, Fernbrook. Mrs. D. P. Honeywell Is Hostess To Card Club Mrs. D. P. Honeywell entertained members of her card club at her home on Church Street Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. George Hofmeister, Mrs. Addison Woolbert, Sr., and Mrs. William Wilson. Others attending were Mrs. Oscar Roth, Mrs. Paul Shaver, Mrs. Claude Shaver, Mrs. Sherman War- den and the hostess. Mrs. Joseph Bertram Is Hostess At Dinner Mrs. Joseph Bertram was hostess at a dinner and all day quilting par- ty at her home in Huntsville Tues- day. The quilt which is a variation of the fan pattern done on a cheer- ful yellow background, is so intri- cate that even the flying fingers of Huntsville’s best quilters, could not complete it in one day. And the ladies didn’t keep union hours eith-| er. Attending were: Miss Addie Els- | ton, Mrs. Millie Elston; Mrs. Stanley Culp, Mrs. Frances Culp, Mrs. Charles | Nuss, Mrs. Herbert Major, Mrs. Jack Roberts, Mrs. Charles Elston, Mrs. Lewis Shaver, Mrs. George Learn, Mrs. Harvey Moss, Mrs. Ralph Frantz, Miss Mildred Elston and the hostess. Dallas Ladies Make Plans For Welsh Tea Mrs. David Brace is general chair- man of the Welsh Supper Tea which will be given at Dallas Methodist Church Friday evening, March 7 at 8 o'clock. .The public is invited. Welsh pottery, linen and other ar- ticles will be on display. Hostesses: Mesdames George Ayre, Peter Clark, David Evans, O. L. Harvey, William Niemeyer, Floyd Ide, Stanley Davies, Joseph Schmerer, Louise Colwell, Francis Freeman, Henry Welch, La Verne Race, Thomas Robinson, Wil- liam Vivian, Irving Roe, Herbert Smith, James Oliver, Handel Thom- as, W. M. Williams, Wesley Himmler. Mrs. Joseph Schmerer Hostess At Tea Party Mrs. Joseph Schmerer was host- ess to Past Councilors of the D. of A. at a patriotic tea at her home on Huntsville Street, Wednesday af- ternoon. Cards were played and prizes won by Mrs. Dorothy Perrego, Mrs. Genevieve Meade, Mrs. Goldie Ide and Mrs. Marion McCarthy. Oth- ers attending were: Mrs. Mable Da- vis, Mrs. Joseph Ademetz, Mrs. Eu- gene Fiske, Mrs. Audrey Ide, Mrs. Atlee Kocher, Mrs. Emma Stookey and the hostess. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wil- son honored them at a house warm- ing at their new home in East Dal- las Saturday evening. Cards and | square dancing were enjoyed+ with music by Atlee Kocher and Mr. Wa- ters and calling by William Cob- | leigh. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. | Willard Prynn, Marjorie and Doris, {Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ross and Ruth {and Ira, Mrs. Mary Pickett; Robert, {Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Ryman and son, Edward Mochechicky, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carlin, Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis |Garey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson Are ‘Honored At House Warming Mrs. Ted Wiison. { Ernest Gay, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wil- son, Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hildebrant, Mr, and Mrs. Morgan Ruch, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Garinger, Arthur Gar- inger, Aaron Wandell, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Cease, Mr. and Mrs. Atlee Kocher, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fow- ler, Warren, William, Clark, Mrs. George Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. William Cobleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Jach- imowicz, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ko- sik, Shad Goss, Charles Bennelack, Mr, Waters, Miss Marie Ryman, Joe Matukitis, Julia, Frank and Anna, Tex and Marilyn Wilson and Mr. and 7 a ur THE POST, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1941 Lois Mosier Becomes Bride Of A "FASHION FUTURE" A “fashion future” is this beach robe worn by Irene Brown at Miami, Fla. It’s a tufted outfit in blue and white and probably will be seen on northern beaches this summer. Clarence Corby Is Honored By Friends Clarence Corby was guest of honor at a party at the Winter's home, Centermoreland,, on Friday evening. Other guests were Misses Marion Jackson, Helen Schoonover, Layrah Winters, Clara Weaver, Pearl Nulton, Anna Kochan, Norene Schrader, Betty Dalton, Janet Shorts, Thelma Kelley, Ada Jackson, Mildred Schoonover, Nona Winters and Ida Schoonover, Louis Kresge, Zigmond Wojcik, Charles Dempski, George Dymond, Walter Weiss, Earl Nulton, Wayne Weaver, Cedric Winters, James Nulton and Loren Schoon- over. GAY-MURRAY NEWS BIG DAYS AHEAD! March will be a busy month here. Carloads of ma- chinery, plumbing goods, roof, lime, fertilizer and} seeds will be unloaded. | A COOKING SCHOOL March 21 SPRING PARTY DAYS March 27 and 28 Our newest building — a 60-foot addition to our front warehouse, is ready for sev- eral carloads of bargain ma- chinery to be unloaded soon. If you need a grain drill, disk harrow, corn planter or plows, you will make money by seeing us. M. J. Rhinevault at South Montrose is improving his kitchen with a Rundle Cabi- net Sink. Paul Nulton, the Beaumont undertaker, is do- ing the same with a Bengal bottled gas range. Good equipment makes good cooks better natured. George Schaefer, Glenn Zenger and Stan Thomas of our plumbing force are busy at Mehoopany modernizing the Henning home for Mr. | and Mrs. Frank Prins. Aj] bathroom, bottled gas and {| kitchen equipment, automa- §| tic oil heat and all the “fix- {| ins.” | The new Hinman milker is a whiz. Dairymen like its | simplicity—the cows like it {| because it milks at low vac- j! uum. Ask us for a demon- | stration. William Stackura at Springville is a recent buyer. Archy Garrison ordered a Westinghouse cooler for his farm at Lemon, Burdett {| Crane at Meshoppen and fi Lawrence Hilbert at Beau- §! mont, bought brooders, Burt Stevens of Nicholson had his harness repaired and oiled. Spring must be coming. Trade your old milker on a Hinman. Gay-Murray Co. Inc. E. Dallas Ladies Elect Officers Mrs. Ben Brace Chosen As President For Year Mrs. Ben Brace was chosen presi- ‘dent and Mrs. John Hildebrant vice-! president of the W. S. C. S. of East | Dallas Methodist Church at their | ; meeting at the home of Mrs. Leslie | Stanton Thursday evening. Other| officers elected were Mrs. George Snyder, treasurer and Mrs. Florence Martin, secertary. Mrs. Harry Mar- tin was assistant hostess at the meeting. Attending: Rev. and Mrs. Francis Freeman, Mrs. Mary Pick- ett, Mrs. Scott Newberry, Mrs. Jen- nie Moore, Mrs. George Snyder, Mrs. Bert Brace, Mrs. Katie Wilson, Mrs. Nellie Patrick, Mrs. Hazel Hilde- brant, Mrs. Florence Martin, Mrs, Ben Brace and Mrs. Leslie Stanton. Dallas Borough PTA Sponsors Card Party Parent-Teacher Association of Dal- las Borough High School will hold a card party to raise money for the Athletic Banquet in the Borough High School, Thursday evening, March 6 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Louise Colwell, Mrs. Edwin Nelson and Mrs. William Niemeyer are in charge. There will be refreshments and prizes. Guests are asked to bring their own cards. reetU.mC ’s’ To Serve Dinner Mrs, John Hildebrant is chairman of the chicken dinner which W. S. C. S.' of East Dallas Methodist Church will serve to Henry M. Laing Fire Company Auxiliary March 18. Huntsville Ladies To Serve Fish Supper Ladies’ Aid of Huntsville Chris- tian Church will serve a fish supper Wednesday evening, March 5, at 6 o'clock. Mrs, Joseph Bertram and Mrs. Herbert Major will be in charge. An all day quilting and the regular afternoon Ladies’ Aid meeting will] precede the supper. | Jean Zimmerman Receives Honor Is Cited For Academic Achievement At Wilson Miss Jean Zimmerman, R. D. 2, Dallas, today was cited for academic achievement at Wilson College dur- ing the first semester of the current college year. She is among the thirty-five mem- bers of the senior class who have been named to the semester honor list by Dean Margaret C. Disert. At Wilson such citation not only is a recognition of high scholastic rank but also entitles a student to the privilege of assuming responsibility for her own class attendance. Miss Zimmerman is making math- ematics her major subject with philosophy as an allied subject. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred U. Zimmerman, East Dallas Church Plans Oyster Supper . Plans for an oyster supper to be held in the East Dallas Metho- dist Church March 18th were dis- cussed at the W. S. C. S. meeting } last Thursday evening. Committees ° named: kitchen, Mrs. George Sny- der, Mrs. Leslie Stanton, Mrs. Ted Wilson; dinner, Miss Myra Carlin, Mrs. Bessie Brace and Mrs. John Hildebrant. 'Plan Welsh Tea Mrs. David Joseph was hostess to members of the committee in charge of the Welsh Tea which will be given in the Dallas church March 7 Tues- day afternoon. Attending were: Mrs. George Ayre, Mrs. David Evans, Mrs. Peter Clark, Mrs. William Niemeyer, Mrs. Stanley Davis, Mrs. O. L. Har- vey, Mrs. Ide and Mrs. Joseph. Need Sewing Machines Dallas Red Cross workers are bad- ly in need of sewing machines, eith- er portable or pedal type. Any one having one that she is willing to loan, kindly get in touch with Mrs. Arthur Culver, Machell Avenue. 7}. BOSTON STORE FOWLER, DICK AND WALKER JOIN THE AMERICAN RED CROSS TODAY ever before . are greater . Actually Worth From 49c to $1.00 a yard 29¢ An event more remarkable than any we have ever sponsored because the values are greater than . the number of kinds of fabrics . the originality, distinction and variety of patterns of each kind is greater. Every vard is brand new, fashion-right, bright, cheery and alive with color . . WASHABLE. Plan your entire spring and sum- er wardrobe from this wonderful selection . . . for these are the most beautiful wash fabrics we have ever offered at this low price! Center Aisle Tables, Street Floor FOWLER, DICK and WALKER * Wyoming Valley Owned * Wyoming Valley Managed _ % Wyoming Valley Minded New Wash Fabrics . and GUARANTEED David Brace, Mrs. May Bi 1 Spe" mae & {i i i og