The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 21, 1941, Image 7

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FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1941,
AT 10 A. M.
, By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No.
47, March Term, 1941, issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Lu-
zerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash, in Court Room, No. 2,
Court House, in the City of Wilkes-
Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsyl-
vania, on Friday, the 7th day of
March, 1941, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
right, title and interest of the de-
fendants in and to the following
described lot, piece or parcel of
land, viz:
All that certain piece of land sit-
uate in the Borough of Kingston,
County of Luzerne and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and describ-
ed as follows, to wit: Beginning at
a point on the southerly side of But-
ler Street distant 180 feet south-
east from the east line of Rutter
Street at a corner of lot No. 8 on
plot of lots hereinafter mentioned;
thence South 61 degrees 10 minutes
West along line between lots No. 7
and 8 on said plot, 144.16 feet to a
point in line of land formerly owned
by David Rosser; thence South 28
degrees 563% minutes East along
said land 75 feet to land now or late
of Jessie Walker; now of Emma C.
Darling; thence along said land
North 61 degrees 10 minutes East
144.11 feet to the southerly line of
Butler Street; thence along Butler
Street North 28 degrees 54 minutes
West 75 feet to the place of begin-
Being lot No. 7 and part of lot
No. 6 adjoining’ lot No. 7 on plot
of lots of E. H. Post recorded in
Map Book 2, page 68.
Subject to the coal, mineral and
building reservations and restric-
tions as contained in chain of title.
Improved with a two story stucco
four family apartment and other
Seized and taken into execution
at the suit of Wyoming National
Bank of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Trustee
vs. John E. Ferguson and Sarah R.
Ferguson, and will be sold by
Neil Chrisman, Atty.
FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1941,
AT 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Alias Fi
Fa No. 78, March Term, 1941, issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Luzerne County, to me directed,
there will be exposed to public sale
by vendue to the highest and best
bidders, for cash, in Court Room
No. 2, Court House, in the City of
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 14th
day of March, 1941, at ten o'clock
in the forenoon of the said day, all
the right, title and interest of the
defendant in and to the following
described lots, pieces or parcels of
land, viz:
ALL those pieces or parcels of
land situate in the Township of
Kingston, County of Luzerne and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows:
Lots Nos. 57, 107, 108, 103, 104
and 106 situate on Cleveland Ave-
nue on the plot of lots recorded in
Map Book No. 3, page 107; also lots
Nos. 99, 100, 101, and 102 situate
on Ferguson Avenue on the above
mentioned plot.
Seized and taken into execution
at the suit of Central Clay Products
Co. Inc., to the use of Robert A.
Williams and Mary H. Williams, vs.
John E. Ferguson, and will be sold
Peter P. Jurchak, Atty.
As directed by writ of Fi. Fa. No.
55, March Term, 1941, I will expose
to public sale Friday, March 14,
1941, at 10 o'clock a. m., in Court
Room No. 2, Court House, Wilkes-
Barre, Pa., the real estate of Arthur
C. Jones and Sue Elizabeth Zimmer-
man, situate in the Borough of
Kingston, Luzerne County, Penn-
sylvania, bounded and described as
All that surface or right of soil
only in and to lot No. 24 of plot
of lots of “Westmoreland Place”
map of which is recorded in Map
Book 1, page 1, being lot 40 feet
by 100 feet, fronting on Thomas
Street in said Borough.
Improved with a two-story, dou-
ble, frame dwelling house.
Donald O. Coughlin, Atty.
On Friday, March 14, 1941, at
10 o'clock A. M., in Court Room No.
2, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.,
by virtue of Fi Fa No. 77 Term,
1941, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Luzerne County
against Harry Waldman, will be sold
all the following described real es-
tate situate in the Seventh Ward
of the City of Pittston, County of
Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania,
more particularly described as fol-
lows: Beginning at a corner on
North Main Street at corner of land
now or late of Frank Hyman, form-
erly Max Lonstein, the same being
distant 109.31 feet from Butler
Street; thence by a line passing
through the center of a party wall
South 58 degrees 39 minutes East
33.5 feet to a corner; thence by a
line passing through the center of
said party wall South 54 degrees
28 minutes’ East’ 72.76 feet to a
corner; thence along land now or
late of Frank Hyman, North 35 de-
grees 16 minutes East 18.8 feet to
a corner in line of land of L. Elter-
ich; thence along said Elterich land
South 52 degrees 56 minutes East 44
feet to. a. corner of Butler Alley;
thence along line of Butler Alley
South 33 degrees 05 minutes West
66.8 feet to a corner in line of
land now or late of M. F. Sacks;
thence along line of land now or
late of M. F. Sacks, North 50 de-
grees 57 minutes West 70.25 feet.
to a corner in line of Abraham Fieg-
elman; thence along said Fiegelman
land the following courses and dis-
tances: North 37 degrees 51 min-
utes East 15.7 feet; North 54 de-
grees 52 minutes West 9.77 feet;
thence South 36 degrees West 1.03
feet; thence North 54 degrees 46
minutes West 1.91 feet; thence
North 35 degrees 39 minutes East
1:20 feet; thence North 54 degrees
36 minutes West 35.14 feet; thence
North 58 degrees 16 minutes West
28.44 feet; thence North 25 degrees
39 minutes East 1.55 feet; thence
North 64 degrees 11 minutes West
2.75 feet to a corner on North Main
Street; thence along the same North
24 degrees 22 minutes East 28.51
feet to the place of beginning. To-
gether with all party wall rights
and all fixtures on the said prem-
Excepting and reserving there-
from the coal and other minerals
as fully as the same have been ex-
cepted and reserved in deeds in
chain of title.
Subject to use by Max Lonstein,
his heirs and assigns, of a drive-
way 10 feet in width and 44 feet
in length from Butler Alley.
Being the same premises con-
veyed to Harry Waldman by deed
dated December 30, 1912, recorded
in Luzerne County D. B. No. 486,
page 456, and by deed dated De-
cember 26, 1917, recorded in Lu-
zerne County D. B. No. 519, page
315. .
Improved with a four-story brick
building known as No. 71 North
Main Street, and a two-car garage.
Collins & Collins,
Estate of William C. Devitt, de-
ceased. Letters testamentatory on
the above estate having been grant-
ed to the undersigned, all persons
indebted to the said estate are re-
quested to make payment, and
those having claims to present the
same, without delay, to Mabel Trim-
bel, Mountain Top, Pa., or to her
attorney, John A. Gallagher, Esq.,
703 Miners Natl. Bank Bldg., Wilkes-
Barre, Penna.
Girl Scout leaders of Dallas Dis-
trict were the guests of the Execu-
tive Board at a lovely Valentine Tea
on Saturday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. W. M. Williams “on Norton
of Trucksville and Mrs. Ord Trum-|
bower of Dallas entertained with |
several readings and Mary and Mil- | Adelphia Miller, Edith Hart, Eva
dred Porter sang. Mrs. Martin Por-
ter had charge of the games.
The tea table was beautifully ar-|
ranged with a centerpiece of red:
and white carnations. Mrs. George
Metz and Mrs. Stanley Davies pour- |
Others present were: Mrs. Ray-
mond Garinger, Miss Florence
Hausch, Mrs. Charles Maxwell, Miss|
Jane Case, Miss Margaret Gerlach,
Mrs. Joseph Bailey, Mrs. Edward
Gilroy, Mrs. S. R. Schooley, Mrs.
Robert Taylor, Mrs. Russell Case,
Mrs. Adolph Eddinger, Mrs. Edgar
Sutton, Mrs. Bert G. Crandall, Miss
Louise Roushey, Miss Thelma Bul-
ford and Mrs. Richard Prynn.
* kk
Mrs. Walter Gerlach of East Dal-
las entertained the Fernbrook Girl
Scout Committee at her home on
Thursday evening. Members who
were present were: Mrs. Russell
Case, Mrs. Edgar Adolph, Mrs.
Claude Cooke, Mrs. Dorey Rogers,
Mrs. Edward Sidorek, Miss Jane
Case and Miss Margaret Gerlach.
Mrs. Herbert R. Williams !
Members of the modern streamlined army must study hard to master the technical phases of communica-
tion, but they will come out of America’s defense machine well trained for a civilian trade. . Pictured are
army communication students in training at Fort Monmouth, N. J... Top, operators are drilled in radio code
messages, which they must learn to send and receive at the rate of 35 words a minute.
geant examines an automatic code transmitter.
Lower left, a ser-
Lower right, soldiers string up communication lines.
| Mrs. Louise Sweitzer
| Buried From Kingston
Young Folks Have
Valentine Party Mrs. Louise Durland Sweitzer,
former resident of Centermoreland,
Richard Jones Acts Ag! was buried from the home of her
z | daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bridget Sweit-
Master Of Ceremonies
| zer in Kingston Saturday. Rev. Guy
| F. Leinthall was in charge of ser-
A Valentine party was enjoyed by ! vices. Bearers were Lewis Jones,
members of the Epworth League of | Daniel James, James Carlton, James
Shavertown Methodist Church Tues- | Fafters, James Moran and John
day evening. Richard Jones was, Weir. Burial was in Maple Hill Cem-
master of ceremonies and William etery.
Davis chairman of the affair. Singing |
and games made an enjoyable even- Parcel Post Social
ing. Present were: Alice Holcomb, ! a
William Davis, Lois Adams, Gordon| _ Demunds W. S. C. 8. will hold a
Heads School Patrol
William Girvan, a sophomore at
Dallas Township High School, has
been selected Captain of the newly
organized school patrol system in
the Township schools. William Col-
vin, also a sophomore is the lieu-
tenant. Patrol leaders are Donald
Perrigo, John Kellogg, Robert Hen-
ney and Earl Wallo.
Ella Moore Class
Members of the Ella Moore Class
of East Dallas Methodist Church held
their meeting at the home of Mrs.
Blanche Swank Tuesday evening.
May, Russell Houser, Ida Hunt, Wil- | Parcel Post Social at the- church | Miss Myra Carlin was assistant
Saturday evening, February 22. at
7:30 o'clock. There will be enter-
tainment and refreshments. The
public is invited. °
ma Hunt, Fanny Ockenhouse, Betty
Calkins, Doris Henson, Jerry Ber-
tram, Ethel Bertram, Marjorie How-
ell, Dorothy Ransom, James Camp-
bell, Audrey Campbell, Irwin Miller,
Casterline, Winifred Davis, June
Parsons, Richard Jones, Eleanore
Bartells, Jack Hall, Shirley Swan,
Delphina Andrews, John Engler, Rev.
and Mrs. May, Mrs. Patton. The
League wishes to thank Mrs. Ocken-
house, Mrs. Calkins, Mrs. Hunt and
Mrs. May for helping make their
party a success.
Te TN Th ge lel
It marks the Famous Three—proved in the
Florida Road Test—designed to help you get
hostess. Others attending were Mrs.
Irene Moore, Mrs. Martha Mission,
Mrs. Elsie Brace and Mrs. Hazle
Go codainly CAN
Get the true facts about the low cost of electric cook-
ing with a fast, economical, Westinghouse range.
The real cost may be much less than you think. Many
a homemaker who has switched to electric cooking
has found it really economical with our present low
rates for electricity.
Westinghouse Zuma’
Graham Talks To
Women Of Rotary
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. John Cris-
| pell, who celebrated their 57th wed-
: : ding anniversary, a number of
Attends Dinner Meeting friends and relatives entertained at a
At Irem Country Club | party. Attending: Mrs. May Sutton,
and daughter, Minnie of Shaver-
Henry Graham, director of the As- t,wn Robert Sutton, George Sut-
sociated Charities of Wyoming Val- ton of Outlet; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cris-
ley, was the speaker at the dinner pell and son, Archie, Mr. and Mrs.
meeting of Women of the Rotary at ‘Steven Ide, Fred, Vera and Alice Ide,
the Irem Temple Country Club last \ys Kenneth Stevens, Broadway;
Thursday evening. Routine business prs. Russell Holmes, Korn Krest
was Sisonsssd, arendine were: Mrs. ,.,q Mr. and Mrs. Crispell. An en-
Maude Yeisley, rs. Marguerite ; :
Nicholson, Mrs. Genevieve Catlin, 272% Sysning as spent by. all
Mrs. Mary Dick, Mrs. Jean Richards, |
Mrs. Helen Roberts, Mrs. Grace Rich- the of Lo}
ardson, Mrs. Laska Jurchak, Mrs. an attack of grip.
Louise Brown, Mrs. Claire Warriner, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Ide called on
Mrs. Alberta Garinger and Mrs. Mrs. Mable Lamereaux at Roaring
Ralph Hallock. Brook on Sunday.
* * *
George Lloyd is out again after
OCTAGONAL SCHOOL Mrs. John Weaver is recuperating
One of the few remaining octa- at her home after submitting to an
gonal school buildings in Pennsyl- appendicitis operation at Nesbitt
vania is the Diamond Rock school Hospital.
house, located two miles east of Mrs. Flossie Sutton and family
Devault in Chester County. called on Mrs. Ray Crispell recently.
Take Advantage of our
It Takes Just a Minute
On Your Way
To The To The To Your To The
Office Movies Shopping Club
% |i
Off Our
Prices |
It’s the Smartest Way of Getting Your Washing
Out of the Way—ECONOMICALLY.
On the Lake
Come In
As You Pass
~ $114”
(Timer and Platform Light extra)
Here’s real value, The Commodore is not
only easy to own—it’s easy and economical
to use! For surface cooking you can choose
the right heat—and the most economical
heat—with the 5-speed Corox units.
In the big True-Temp Oven, current is
used only 9 minutes out of the hour to
maintain average baking, roasting tems-
You can cook a complete meal for 3
people in the large Economy Cooker for
about 1 cent.
All porcelain finish with acid resisting
platform; generous storage space and
15 other convenience features make the
Commodore an outstanding range and an
outstanding bargain value!
See the beautiful new “Commodore”
TODAY and get full details on
ViTAmized COOKing—no obligation: