The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 14, 1941, Image 5

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Don’t Miss “Let Us Take Council” February 20th and 21st
Dallas District Scout Leaders
Hear Reports At Supper Meeting
Inspiring reports, telling of the activities of the Girl Scouts
in Dallas District throughout the year were given by the leaders
at a supper meeting for the Executive Board members, Auxil-
iary Committee members and leaders in the Trucksville Metho-
dist Church on Monday evening. Mrs. George Metz, chairman
of the district, presided.
Mrs. Andrew Todd McClintock,
Commissioner of Wyoming Valley
Council, praised highly the work
done in this district. Mrs. Andrew
W. O'Malley, chairman of Wilkes-
Barre district, and Mrs. George
Weaver, chairman of Community
Service for the Council, also gave
short talks.
Leaders making reports were Miss
Margaret Gerlach, Miss Thelma Bul-
ford, Miss Julia B. Dolton, Mrs. Le-
Roy Zeigler, Mrs. Jeanne Maxwell,
Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mrs. Joseph
Bailey and Miss Nancy Metz. Other
reports were given by Mrs. Martin
Porter and Mrs. Richard Reese. Mrs.
Edward Conrad, Scout Director from
“Wilkes-Barre, attended the plans
for summer camping.
Mrs. Sherman Schooley announc-
ed a Valentine Tea, honoring the
leaders, at"the home of Mrs. W. M.
Williams, Norton Street, Dallas, on
Saturday afternoon.
Others present were: Mrs. Herbert
P. Williams, Mrs. Richard Prynn,
Mrs. Louis Harris, Mrs. J. F. Beline,
Mrs. Warren Taylor, Mrs. Hadyn
Williams, Mrs. Delbert McGuire, Mrs.
Edna B. Howell, Mrs. Oscar Dymond,
Miss Jane Case, Mrs. Walter Ger-
lach, Mrs. Russell Case, Mrs. Daisy
Detrick, Mrs. Claude Cooke, Mrs. W.
H. Derolf, Mrs. Robert Altick, Miss
Louise Roushey, Mrs. Stanley B. Da-
vies, Miss Ellen Gregory, Mrs. Wes-
ley Vosburg, Mrs. Edward D. Reid,
Mrs. Alfred G. Scureman, Mrs. Edgar
B. Sutton, Mrs. John O. Jones, Miss
Marjorie Prynn, Mrs. Ord Trumbow-
er, Mrs. H. W, Peterson, Mrs. Nel-
son Shaver, Mrs. F. B. Schooley, Mrs.
J. George Ayre, Mrs. S. S. Nathan,
Mrs. Robert J. Breslin, Mrs. Bert G.
Crandall, Mrs. E. N. Jackenbach,
Mrs. Earl H. Monk, Mrs. W. J. Yeis-
ley, Mrs. J. L. Kintz, and Mrs.
Adolph G. Eddinger.
Calling Class Of 1940
ALL MEMBERS of the class of
1940, Dallas Township High School,
are urged to be present at the Par-
ent-Teacher Association meeting in
the high school auditorium, Mon-
day. evening, when the enlarged pic-
ture of the late Professor Maurice J.
Girton will be presented to the
school. Donald McDermott, president
of the class, will make the presenta-
Dorcas Bible Class
Organized Tuesday Eve
At a meeting of the Young Mar-
ried ‘Women’s Class of St. Paul's
Lutheran Church, Shavertown, Tues-
day evening, the name “Dorcas Bible
Class’ was adopted. The meeting
was held at the home of the presi-
dent, Mrs. Fred Malkemes, Center
Street, Mrs. John A. Batey is the
teacher. Others present were Mrs.
Harold Ash, Mrs. Frederick Eck,
Mrs. John Edwards, Mrs. Harry Ell,
Mrs. Herbert E. Frankfort, Mrs.
Ralph Fanklin, Mrs. Charles Gosart,
Jr., Mrs. Lester Hoover, Mrs. Charles
Kemberling, Mrs. Ray Malkemes,
Mrs. Richard Rudy, Mrs, W., E.
Thomas, Mrs. Theodore Woolbert,
and Mrs. Fred Malkemes.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Harold Ash Tues-
day evening, March 11.
Have New Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Williams of
Summit Street, Edwardsville, an-
nounce the birth of a daughter on
January 31, at Nesbitt Memorial
Hospital. Mrs. Lewis is the former
Miss Arlene Parsons of Trucksville.
East Dallas W. S.C. S.
W. 8S. C. S. of East Dallas Metho-
dist Church will meet at the home
of Mrs. Leslie Stanton Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. John
Patrick will assist Mrs. Stanton.
Announce Marriage
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Miss Ruth Anna
Fraley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Fraley of Wilkes-Barre and
Ray S. Major, son of Mr. and Mrs.
The Post will expect to have
first hand news from Oklahoma
for the coming year, for our
own: Alan Kistler was headed
for Fort Sill when we received
a card from him this week:
“Was in Camp Meade, Mary-
land, for four days. How did you
make out on Thursday even-
ing—I was thinking about you.
Right now I'm on a sleeper
bound for Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
This will be my address for a
year. If you can, will you send
me The Post? This will give
me some news of the home
town: I didn’t expect to go so
far from home, but will have
to make the best of it.”
Alan, who has been engaged
as printer at The Post for the
past four years, left two weeks
ago for a year of selective ser-
vice. We thought of him on
Thursday night too (our publi-
cation night)—and we missed
Eastern Star To
Banquet Tonight
Mrs. Bronson Will
Be Guest Of Honor
About 100 members and their
husbands and friends will attend the
annual banquet of Dallas Chapter
Eastern Star at Irem Temple Coun-
try Club this evening, Friday. Mrs.
Alfred Bronson of Sweet Valley, re-
tiring Worthy Matron, will be guest
of honor. Mrs. Thomas Moore will
succeed Mrs. Bronson.
A lively program with Mrs. Steph-
en Johnson of Shavertown as toast-
master has been arranged. Dr. Eu-
gene Farley, president of Bucknell
Junior College, will be the speaker
of the evening. Music will. be led
by David Joseph and whistling se-
lections given by Jay Gould.
Committee members in charge
are: Mrs. Jessie Moore, Mrs. Helen
Hontz, Mrs. Margaret Goodwin and
Mrs. Ethel Jones.
Church Club Has
Patriotic Party
King's Daughters Meet
With Mrs. Courtright
Mrs. Jack Jones and Mrs. Morgan
Rowlands entertained the members
of the King’s Daughters Class of
the Shavertown Methodist Sunday
School, at a patriotic party at the
home of Mrs. John Courtright, Or-
chard Street, Shavertown, Monday
evening. Mrs. Mary Sowden pre-
sided and Mrs. Curtis Carr conduct-
ed devotions. Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux
read “The Life of Lincoln.”
Others present were Mrs. Law-
rence Coolbaugh, Mrs. Walter Diem,
Mrs. Russell Greenwood, Mrs.
Charles Hoffman, Mrs. Howard
Hontz, Mrs. Russell May, Mrs.
Thomas Moore, Mrs. Paul Smith,
Mrs. Robert Shotwell, Mrs. Russell
Schall, Mrs. Roy Tryon, Mrs, Thomas
Watkins, Mrs. Howard Woolbert,
Mrs. William Glahn, Mrs. Thomas
Reese, Mrs. Wayne Gordon, Mrs.
Malcolm Borthwick, Mrs. Donald
Harris, Mrs. James Garey, Mrs. Her-
bert Miles, Mrs. Clyde Faatz, Miss
Ruth Raudenbush, Miss Jennie
Stark and Miss Frances Thomas.
Honors Daughter
Mrs. Mary Kamor entertained at
a party in honor of her daughter,
Agatha, who celebrated her nine-
teenth birthday, on Saturday even-
ing at her home. Guests: Florence
Rolison, Wilma Estock. Irene Breza,
Helen Breza, Jean Miller, Marie
Hudak, A. J. Kole, Jr., Fritz Alexis,
Edward Alexis, John Cook, Anthony
britis: Mentor of Sheveriown, The Mofiragon Victor Zebbie, William
Shavertown. ?
Glee Club Members And Friends
Enjoy Dinner Party At Meeker
Glee Club members of Dallas Jun- | Mrs. Fred Davenport, Mrs. Fred
ior Woman's Club and their hus-
bands and friends enjoyed a deli-
cious dinner at Meeker Methodist
Church Monday evening. Entertain-
ment was furnished by the club it-
self who sang several numbers. The
dinner was prepared by Meeker W.
S. C. S. with Miss Letha Wolfe and
Mrs. Elva Drabick in charge.
Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Al-
len Sanford, Mrs. William Baker, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert: Lundy, Mr. and
Eck, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Griffith,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harvey, Miss
Mary Jackson, Miss Jennie Jackson,
Miss Maude Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. George Sto-
larick, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Disque,
Miss Marion Thompson, Mrs. Thomp-
son, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yeager,
Miss Charlotte Parsons, Robert
Prideaux, Mrs. Margaret Hildebrant,
Mildred Sanford, Alan, Jr., and Mr. |
and Mrs. Nulton.
heavy guns.
Here are views of a floating fortress, one of many which Britain has anchored in a ring around
England. Manned by army and navy men the sea fortresses can withstand the heaviest of shell fire and
are capable of sinking any enemy vessel that approaches. Left, one of the medium guns is loaded for
practice firing. Right, top, a supply ship approaches. Right, bottom, men below send up shells for the
Private Robert Musser, member
of the Criminal Identification De-
partment at Wyoming Barracks,
gave an enlightening talk at the
meeting of Dallas Junior Woman's
Club held at Irem Temple Country
Club Wednesday evening. Private
Musser who explained that the gov-
ernment kept two distinct files of
finger prints, one for criminal pur-
poses and one for identification pur-
poses, finger printed the members
of the club after the meeting.
Plans were discussed for the din-
ner dance to be held at the Club
next Saturday, February 22. Com-
mittee members are Mrs. Howard
Isaacs, Miss Gertrude Wilson, Mrs.
Fredericka Breslin and Mrs. Donald
Yeager. Reservations should be made
with Mrs, Yeager before noon Fri-
day February 21.
Miss Charlotte Parsons announced
that April 23 had been selected as
the date for the Glee Club Concert
in Dallas Borough High School. The
concert this year will center around
a mock wedding. It will be directed
by Mrs. Allen Sanford with Mrs.
William Baker, accompanist.
Miss Myra Carlin, head of Red
Cross, announced that 120 garments,
1 afghan and 20 sweaters had been
Oyster Supper
Ladies Auxiliary of American Le-
gion will serve an oyster supper at
Girvan’s Tea Room Wednesday, Feb-
ruary 19. “Serving will start at 6:30
and continue until all are served.
Mrs. Charles Stookey is chairman of
the supper.
Misericordia Debaters
Will Meet St. Peter's
College Misericordia Debating
Team will uphold the negative side
of the question: “Resolved that the
United States should immediately
form an alliance with Great Bri-
tain,” when it meets the debating
club of St. Peter's College, Jersey
City, Friday night at 8 in the Little
Theatre of the College. Judges will
be Asst. District Attorney John
Murphy of Scranton, Atty. Raymond
Law, Scranton and Atty. John Gal-
lagher, Wilkes-Barre. The public is
> ——————_ _@
e SAT, FEB.15 e
Fred Paulette
with ARTIE SHAW and Band
e MON, TUE., WED. eo
FEBRUARY 17-18-19
Tues. Feb. 18
Roper Gas Range
To Be Given Away
Dallas Junior Woman's Club
Selects April 23 For Concert
completed since the local units
started work January 15. Mrs.
Arthur Culver said that 117 blocks
for an afghan were finished at last
night's meeting.
Committee chairmen announced
the following depdrtment meetings:
Reading Club, Feb. 18 at 8 o’clock
at the home of Miss Gertrude Wil-
son, Franklin Street; Handcraft,
Feb. 25 at 2 o'clock, home of Mrs.
George Turn, Harris Hill Road,
Trucksville; Dramatics, home of Mrs.
Herbert Lundy, Pioneer Avenue,
Thursday, Feb. 27, at 8 o’clock,
Since this was the last meeing of
the year, Mrs. Charles Whitesell dis-
played a scrap book replete with
newspaper clippings as a sort of re-
view of the year’s activities.
Laing Auxiliary Makes
Plans For Card Party
Mrs. William Vivian, Mrs. John
|E. Hildebrant, Mrs, Fred Hughey
and Mrs. George Snyder are mem-
bers of the committee making ar-
rangements for the card party of
Laing Fire Company Auxiliary to be
held at the home of Mrs. Joseph
Schmerer on Tuesday evening. There
will be refreshments and a prize for
each table. At the short business
meeting preceding the party the
nominating committee, Mrs. Stephen
Sedler, Mrs. Thomas Kepner and
Mrs. Sterling Meade, will report.
Epworth League
Epworth League of East Dallas
Methodist Church will hold a busi-
ness meeting at the Hildebrant
home Saturday evening. Percy Mil-
ler, president will be in charge.
Gin county CAN
Get the true facts about the low cost of electric cook-
ing with a fast, economical, Westinghouse range.
The real cost may be much less than you think. Many
a homemaker who has switched to electric cooking
has found it really economical with our present low
rates for electricity. -
Westinghouse Gumodtr
Held Over
Second Week
2047779: OF THE NATION..!
Story of the Old South
In TECHNICOLOR starring CLARK GABLE us Rbett Butler
And Introducing VIVIEN LEIGH as Scarlett 0'Hara
' Till 5 P. M.
Come any time up to 8 P. M. and
see a complete show !
Doors Open 11:30 A. M.
40c¢ EVENING 55¢
1 Champion 2-dr. Tour-
( $5 ing Sedan—Like new,
& | low mileage, mechan-
ically perfect,
radio and heater.
Must be seen to be appreciated.
A big value and a
big saving. Only
. Coach—excellent me-
, chanical condition —
Tires like new—-clean
inside — Traded on
one of our 1940 model used cars
—Reconditioned. 1000
mile guarantee. Only
City Chevrolet Co.
7 4 ry 2 OK
anteed 1000 miles
COUPE — Recondi-
throughout — New
tires—Motor guaran-
teed for 10000 miles or 1 year
against oil consumption. Must be
driven to be appreci-
ated (Free) service,
Deluxe Town Sedan
; —Original black fin-
Hid ish—New tires—Re-
conditioned and guar-
(Free) Service. Only
like new
A. L. STRAYER, Pres.
Market and Gates Streets, Kingston, Pa.
Open Evenings and Sundays
(Timer and Platform Light extra)
Here's real value. The Commodore is not
only easy to own—it’s easy and economical
to use! For surface cooking you can choose
the right heat—and the most economical
heat—with the 5-speed Corox units.
In the big True-Temp Oven, current is
used only 9 minutes out of the hour to
maintain average baking, roasting tem-
You can cook a complete meal for 5
people in the large Economy Cooker for
about 1 cent.
All porcelain finish with acid resisting
platform; generous storage space and
15 other convenience features make the
Commodore an outstanding range and an
outstanding bargain value!
See the beautiful new “Commodore”
TODAY and get full details on
VITAmized COOKing—no obligation: