PAGE EIGHT THE POST, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1940 Driver Escapes After Injuring Alderson Man Examination Shows John Kuchta Has No Broken Bones No trace has been found of the hit-and-run driver who struck John Kuchta, 60, father of Michael Kuch- ta, Dallas manager of the Common- wealth Telephone Company, about 7 o'clock Saturday night shortly after he had left his home at Alder- soh. Mr. Kuchta suffered lacerations of the face and scalp and was treated by Dr. F. Budd Schooley of Dallas who suggested his removal to Nes- bitt Memorial Hospital for x-ray ex- amination. It was at first feared that he might have a broken pelvis or internal injuries, but the x-ray pictures revealed no fractures. Mr. Kuchta was found a few min- utes after the accident by two boys LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1941, AT 10 A. M. Court Room No. 2, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, execu- tion from Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, Pa. real estate of Thomas Harvey, situate in the Township of Plains, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and describ- ed as follows: easterly side of Main Street, for- merly Main Road, running from Wilkes-Barre to: Pittston, in the center line of East Charles Street; thence along the easterly line of Main Street North 23 degrees 5 minutes East nine and fifty-seven one-hundredths (9.57) feet to the intersection of the northerly line of East Charles Street with the east- erly line of Main Street, and at a corner of Lot No. 1 on plot of lots of Thomas Harvey; thence North 23 degrees 5 minutes East thirty- eight and one one-hundredth (38.01) feet to line of Lot No. 2; thence along the line of Lot No. 2, fronting on Main Street, North 23 who saw him attempting to gain his feet. Chief Ira Stevenson was summoned and started an immedi- ate investigation. The Chief said yesterday that the driver must have known that he struck a person, for tracks indicated that the car left the highway and plunged into a muddy embankment and continued toward Kunkle. At the time of the accident Mr. Kuchta was walking on the right side of the road with a flashlight in his hand. The car which struck him was far on the wrong side of the road, leading po- lice to the conclusion that the driver might have been under the influence of liquor. Though badly shaken and dazed, Mr. Kuchta was of the opinion that the car was a black sedan. He said! that it was traveling at a good clip and that although he leaped to the ditch along the highway, he was unable to escape being hit. Lutheran Ladies | Take Inventory Mrs. Willard Lozo reviewed the past year of the Lutheran Ladies’ Auxiliary at its Christmas party on Friday afternoon. Mrs. John Batey led the singing of Christmas carols and Mrs. Herbert Frankfort led in prayer. Elizabeth Dierolf gave a recitation. Santa presented gifts and refreshments were served by the committee, Mrs. John Eck, Mrs. Kathrine Lemke, Mrs. Karl Kast and degrees 5 minutes East seven and | twelve one-hundredths (7.12) feet; [thence North 25 degrees 49 minutes |East twenty and eighty-eight one- ‘hundredths (20.88) feet along Lot two one-hundredths (33.42) feet along Lot No. 3 to a corner of land of Patrick Kinney Estate; thence [South 57 degrees 07 minutes East seventy and ninety-five one-hun- dredths (70.95) feet to a corner; thence North 31 degrees 12 minutes | East thirty-five and twenty-seven one-hundredths (40.30) feet along Lot No. 5, and forty and thirty one-hundredths (40.30( feet along Lot No. 4 to corner on line of Pat- rick Kinney Estate; thence South 58 degrees 50% minutes East two hundred forty-four and eighty-four one-hundredths (244.84) feet to the westerly corner of Lot No. 13 at its intersection with the land formerly along the line common to Lots Nos. 12 and 13 on said plot, South 24 de- grees 09 minutes West one hundred thirty-four and two one-hundredths (134.02) feet to the northerly line of East Charles Street; hundredths = (9.57) feet; Street North 65 degrees 51 minutes the place of beginning. land as is embraced within the lines of East Charles Street. Mrs. Llewellyn Morgan. Others at- tending were Mrs. Harold Ash, Mrs. Mary Boldt, Mrs. Charles Paisel ) Mrs, William Deirolf, Elizabeth Dier- { olf, Mrs. John Garrahan, Mrs. Wayne Graybill, Mrs. Charles Gosart, Sr., Mrs. Byron Kitchen, Mrs. Mor- ris Pealer, Mrs. Christine Malkemes, Mrs, Fred Malkemes, Mrs. Ray Mal- kemes, Mrs. John Malkemes, Mrs. Harry Steinhauer, Mrs. RR. JW. Templin, Mrs. Harry Steockel, Mrs. John Lowe, Mrs. Samuel Woolbert, Mrs. William Sharpe, Mrs. Walter Gerlach, Mrs. Clarke Liltz, Mrs. Marc Ruch and those taking part CLASSIFIED ADS Give Health For Christmas NORTHLAND SKIIS le $1.15 and up $5.00 and up $8.50 to $25.00 Visit our sports corner for golf, ~ basketball, skates, guns, etc. GAY MURRAY CO, Inc. TUNKHANNOCK, PA. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That George W. Meiss has filed his ap- plication for a license to conduct the business of a detective or detective Excepting and reserving also out of said land Lot No. 5 as hereto- fore conveyed to Margaret R. Mann- ing, as shown on said plot of Thomas Harvey, recorded in Map Book No. 395, page 46. Being part of the same premises conveyed to Thomas Harvey by deed recorded in Deed Book No. 430, page 189, and by deed recorded in Deed Book No. 395, page 46. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling, known as tenement No. 149 South Main Street, Plains, Pennsylvania, and another two-story frame dwelling, known as tenement nue, Plains, Pennsylvania, and greenhouse and appurtenances and appliances, out-buildings, etc. DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. Patrick J. O'Connor, Atty. NOTICE LUZERNE COUNTY, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, No. 2433 October Term, 1940. Libel in divorce a vinculo matrimonii. Patrick Di- Muro v. Mildred DiMuro: To Mil- dred DiMuro: Take notice that an alias subpoena in divorce having | been returned by the Sheriff of Luzerne County that you cannot be found in Luzerne County, you are hereby notified and directed to ap- pear before the said Court on Mon- day January 13, 1941 at 10 o’clock a. m. to answer the complaint in the above case. DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. Donald C. Coughlin, Atty. SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1941, AT 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. agency under the provisions of the Act of Assembly approved May 23, 1887, P. L. 173, in the Office of the Clerk of Courts of Luzerne County to No. 360 November Sessions, 1940, and will present the same to the Court of Quarter Sessions on Mon- day, December 16, 1940, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. GEORGE W. MEISS WILLIAM A VALENTINE, Attorney. |o =, 0 oon of the said day, all plot of lots herinafter mentioned, NOTICE In ra: Estate of William F. Stein- hauer, deceased. Letters testament- ary in the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all per- sons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands, to present the same, without delay, to 1121-1123 Miners Nat’l. Bk Bldg. ERNEST L. STEINHAUER, Wilkes-Barre, Penna. Richard C. Davis, Atty. If old St. Nick with sleigh and deer Was in quick need of an auctioneer He wouldn’t look in far off lands He'd ring the phone for Herman Sands. Tel. Dallas 424-R-0 Carverton Road, Orange 27, January Term, 1941, issued’ out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, in Court Room No 2, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, | Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 10th day of January, 1941, at ten o'clock {the right, title and interest of the { defendants in and to the following | described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:- All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate in the Town- ship of Buck, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and describ- ed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of the Bellas Tract and on the northerly line of the White Haven Road, | thence along the northerly line of ithe ‘said road in a southwesterly ‘course a distance of seven hundred ninety-two (792) feet to a point; | thence North 5 degrees East a dis- 'tance of four hundred forty (440) {feet to a point; thence in a north- | easterly direction and parallel to the | northerly line of said road a dis- HERMAN SANDS, Auctioneer | tance of seven hundred ninety-two (792) feet to a point in the west- erly line of the Bellas Tract; thence BEGINNING at a corner on the|, No. 2, and thirty-three and forty- | of Patrick Kinney Estate; thence ||| thence con- |# tinuing to the center of East Charles |} Street nine and fifty-seven one- lf thence | fi along the center line of East Charles | i West three hundred twenty-one and | ji two one-hundredths (321.02) feet to | Hi Excepting and reserving, how- ti ever, for public use, so much of said |§ “A” on the north side of Ruth Ave-| Helen Elston, Hostess To Kunkle S. S. Class The Alpha Omega Sunday School Class of Kunkle M. E. Church were entertained on Friday evening at the home of Miss Helen Elston of Kunkle. meeting refreshments were served to Carolyn Brace, Mildred Boston, Ethel Boston, Emma Campbell, Jane Updyke, Lena Elston, Dorothy e TODAY & TUESDAY eo “LONG VOYAGE HOME” After a short Business | Weaver, Jean Miller; Gerry Howell, Doris Hess, Nellie Scouten, Florence Besteder, Laura Rothery, Estella Elston, Dorothy Dodson, Eleanor Elston, Katherine Scott and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stitts and daughter, Mary Alice of Indiana, Pa., are the guests of the latter’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Rood of Shavertown. MERRY CHRISTMAS A Gift She Will Appreciate A PERMANENT Marguerite's — with — John Wayne e Thos. Mitchell ® ® XMAS DAY & THURSDAY Continuous shows Xmas ! Day from Beauty Shop | | (Experienced operators) | MAIN ROAD, FERNBROOK | PHONE 397 Ruxiliary Has Dinner The women of the Auxiliary Com- mittee of Girl Scout Troop, No. 9, had a dinner party at Hotel Sterling, Friday evening. After dinner cards were played and prizes awarded to Mrs. Frank Werner, Mrs. Martin Porter, Mrs. Delbert McGuire and Mrs. Edward Gilroy. =m LEHIGH VALLEY = C-0-A-L Tons (2000 lbs.) and % tons NUT & STOVE . .... S075 PEA 6.25 Delivered Harvey's Lake and vicinity MICHAEL GETZMAN PHONE H. L. 3125 Alderson, Penna. Cartoon TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Those who need cash can now obtain loans quickly, conveniently and confiden- tially in an approved busi ness-like way. A steady in- come and established credit make you eligible for First Nationals BUDGET-PLAN LOANS Rates are only $6.00 per hundred per year . . . re- payable in twelve month- ly installments. IRST NATIONAL BANK of WILKES-BARRE, PA. 59 Public Square * Member Federal Deposit Insurance ation { LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT by said line South 5 degrees West a distance of four hundred forty (440) feet to a point, the place of begin- ning. Containing eight acres, strict measure. Improved with a frame cottage and other out-buildings. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of W. O. Washburn vs. Martin J. Healey and Julia A, Hea- ley, and will be sold by DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff, Neil Chrisman, Atty. SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1941, AT 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias-sur Mortgage No. 78, Dec- ember, 1940, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, in Court Room No. 2, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 10th day of January, 1941, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title, and interest of the described lot, piece, or parcel of land, viz: The surface of all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situated in the Tenth Ward of the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, | Pennsylvania, bounded and describ- led as follows, to wit: Beginning at la point on the northwesterly side of | Charles Street, formerly Catherine Street, in line of lot No. 16, on the and lands of John C. Reinig; thence North 38 degrees 33 minutes West seventy-three (73) feet to line of |lands of Mallery Place Land Com- pany; thence North 43 degrees 03 {minutes East thirty and sixth-five | one-hundredths (30.65) feet to line 'of lands of Edwin Cobleigh; thence South 38 degrees 33 minutes East, seventy-five (75) feet to line of Charles Street aforesaid; and thence along said Street, South 51 degrees 27 minutes West, thirty (30) feet to the place of beginning. Improved with a three story -residence and other outbuildings. Seized and taken into execution |at the suit of The Home for Home- less Women vs. W. S. Casterlin, May S. Casterlin, Walter Sterling Casterlin and Asa N. Casterlin, and {will be sold by DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. have been cut and k "THE snow is on the road, the evergreens sleighs, to be brought home. Christmas is almost here—and when it does come, we sincerely hope it brings you all that is good—and that your enjoyment spreads through the year ahead. EMPIRE FURNITURE CO. 106-108-110 SO. MAIN ST., WILKES-BARRE, PA. are tied to wagon- = To Remind You = AUTOMOBILE INSPECTION ENDS JANUARY 31st ROBERTS OIL CO. Hillside — Phone Dallas 9080-R-2 EY, THE WYOMING NATIONAL BANK OF WILKES-BARRE, PA. PERSONAL LOAN SERVICE $25 to $1000 : Payments On $100— $7.75 Per Month—15 Months Discount Rate $6 per Hundred i LOANS INSURED With or Without Co-Makers You need not be a depositor to apply for a Personal Loan at THE WYOMING NATIONAL BANK OF WILKES-BARRE, PA. WISHING YOU a, FAMOUS BLUE ROCK ' A solid mass of blue rocks cov- ering three acres, is located a quar- ter of a mile east of the borough of Elverson in Chester County. FRESH MINED iL. Vv. R. R. COAL Buy the best coal for the same money as cheap coal and get it the day you order it. We deliver fresh from the mines or our pock- ets. H.L.STILL Shavertown, Pa. PHONE DALLAS 17 MERRY CHRISTMAS fy, AND A VERY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR RITE IIE TEA TETEGE TK TE TE TE IR TRIKE TET TATE TR IDEAL IEA 7-1171 SEERA REA RETENAR “OUR NAME REMOVES THE RISK” CITY CHEVROLET CO. YOUR WILKES-BARRE CHEVROLET DEALER A. L. STRAYER, Pres. Market and Gates Streets, Kingston, Pa. Open Evenings and Sundays 37-1171 pp cstEm— ry frst j Neil Christman, Atty. STEGMAIER BREWING CO pe i Browers. of Gold Medal Baer, WILKES/.BARRE F