4 ‘Mrs. Martin was much better when THE POST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1940 PAGE FIVE ~ KINGSTON ROYAL LYNE, SHAVERTOWN -- MT. GRE TOWNSHIP Correspondent ENWOOD -- TRUCKSVILLE Township Brevities Professor and Mrs. James Martin returned from the western part of the state Tuesday after visiting the former’s mother who has been ill. they left her. B. A. A. Club of Shavertown' will hold a sport dance in the Shaver- town Fire House Saturday evening, November 30. * k 3k Mr. and Mrs. Burton Holcomb and son visited Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Holcomb at Beach Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Kunkle entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson of Sweet Valley Sunday. Mrs. L. A. Carter of Hansen, Ida- ho, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dixon. x % Xx Professor and Mrs. Otis Rood have moved from Sweet Valley to Shavertown for the winter season. Trucksville Services At the morning worship service at the White Church on the Hill, Trucksville, the sermon topic will be “Our Unwilling Allies”, a discussion of the unintended contribution to Christian propaganda by the agnos- tic intellectuals of our day.’ At the evening service at 7:30, Mrs. Wilbur Manning, soprano, of Shrine View, will be guest soloist at a special service of music. Mrs. B. Aubrey Ayre, organist of the church, will play a group of organ numbers. The midweek service of the church, held on Thursdays at 7:15, is a more informal worship service with a discussion instead of a for- mal sermon. The discussions at present are on ‘“Worship.” It has been announced that the Thanksgiving service of the church will be held on Thursday morning, November 28th, from 9:00 to 9:30. Committee in charge of the turkey supper at Trucksville Church wish | to thank all who assisted them in! any way. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Young o Shaver Ave., are entertaining Mrs. Bertha Brew of Detroit and Mr. and | Mrs. Irving Parsons and son of] Fairfax, Va. [ ss 8 | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cuddebach | and daughter, Jeanette and Mrs. | £ ! Robert Richard hees, president of the veterans’ club, has named Hugh Ridall, John Earl, Albert Clifford, Bulford, Daniel = Shaver, James Martin, and James McHale as defense committee for the town- ship. * kk “Good Book Week” was held in the township schools this week, with appropriate attention given to Tabitha Evans of West Pittston helping students select worthwhile spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. | books. Arnold Cease. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Coolbaugh, Harris Hill Road, entertained Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. Merton Coolbaugh and family of Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles: Wilner have left for Florida for the winter. * kk Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heberling of (Allentown were guests of the lat- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin VanEss epg parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis and children have moved from Newark, N. J. to Trucksville. * % % Friends of Dick Cease will be glad | to hear that he has become a lieu- | | Smith and attended the Smith- | Hughes wedding last. Friday. | * kk Mr. and Mrs. Walter David, tenant in the Army Air Service at |Franklin Street, are the proud par- Miami, Florida, where he has been ents of a son born in Nesbitt: Hos- stationed. Shortly he will be trans- | Pital, November 12. Mother and son ferred to Fort Douglas in Utah. Dick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Cease of Oak. Street. * kk Shavertown Auxiliary presented the firemen with a gift of $50 at their last meeting. The money will be used to equip a kitchen in the firemen’s building. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Coolbaugh entertained Mrs. Forest Kunkle of Kunkle over the weekend. Shavertown firemen will hold a special meeting November 21 to make arrangements for the foot- ball banquet. are doing nicely. Mrs. Julia Carver, aged 91, slipped and fell at the home of Alpha Dy- mond, Lehigh Street, and broke her hip this week. She was removed to the Nesbitt Hospital. * FF ¥ Mrs. H. W. Montz and Mrs. S. R. | Schooley attended the meeting of West Side Visiting Nurse Associa- tion in Kingston Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Piatt, Carv- jerton Road, helped the former's mother, Mrs. E. E. Piatt of Sweet Valley, celebrate her 80th birthday this week. a St. Paul's Congregation To Sec Pageant Sunday “Requisites of Entrance Into Hea“ ven” will be the sermon subject at the Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock in St. Paul's Lutheran Church of which Rev. Herbert E. Frankfort is pastor. The annual Thanks Offering Ser- vice will be held in the evening at 7:45 when a pageant entitled “Thine Eyes Shall See” will be pre- sented by. the following: Ruth Ness, Shirley Winter, Betty Hontz, Ruth Traver, Ruth Dressel, Charlotte Mar- tin, Ruth Hontz, Bernice Lozo, Mar- garet Gerlach. Mrs. J. A. Batey will be soloist and Mrs. Warren Rubury of Kingston will give the address. Teachers Of Dallas Area Hold Meeting The Back Mountain organization of teachers of Fourth Class District I Schools met in the Kingston Town- | ship high school Thursday evening. “Tax Revision to Lessen the Burden lon Real Estate Owners” was the | topic for general discussion. Miss Pearl Averett, president, ap- pointed Miss "Hilda Staub, Miss Warden, Miss Ohlman, Miss Jack- son, Miss Dymond and Miss Miller to serve on an education program committee, and Mr. Hallock, Mr. Camp, Mrs. Haley, Miss Weaver and Mr. Clouser on the entertain- ment committee. Professor James Martin as chairman of a profes- sional ethics committee will make a report at the next meeting. Regular meetings will be held the second Tuesday of each month. | | St. Paul's Meetings Rev. Herbert E. Frankfort, pastor of the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church announces the following meetings of the week: Tuesday 2.00 Altar Guild; Tuesday 7:30 Home Hygiene; Wednesday 7:30 Dramatics Class; Thursday 7:30 First Aid Class; Thursday 7:30 Young People’s Choir; Friady 8:00 Senior Choir. Free Methodist Service Sunday morning ‘Men and Mis- sions Sunday” will be observed in the Free Methodist Church with Rev. Herbert Olver in, charge. Start- ing November 24 revival meetings will be held in the church by Rev. I. N. Toole, noted evangelist. Upholstering @ Free Estimates PAUL B. SMITH 54 South Franklin Street Wilkes-Barre ° —— PHONE 38-0231 —— Campus Breuities College Misericordia will sponsor the lecture to be given by Mortimer J. Adler on December 1st, in St. Mary's High School auditorium, 165 South Washington Street, Wilkes- Barre at 4 p. m. Mr. Adler's name has been linked for the past decade with the famous educator of Chicago University, Dr. Hutchins. Both have | advanced workable theories in the art of making students read with thought. Mr. Adler is a young man, only 38. In a comparably brief career he has accomplished far more than the average scholar and professor with many demands upon his time. It is expected that the public will gladly avail them- selves of the opportunity of hear- ing so noted a scholar, author, and lecturer. College Misericordia observed the twentieth annual Education Week with a scholarly symposium in the College Theatre, Wednesday morn- ing. Speakers were: Miss Catherine Kirchner, “Youth and National De- fense’’; Miss Catherine McCandless, “Education for Common Defense’; and Miss Miriam Farrell, ‘“Perpetu- ating Individual and National De- fense in the Interests of the Ideals of Peace.” Notify Fire Warden | Before Burning Brush Kunkle Fire Crew was called out the night of Election Day to ex- tinguish a brush fire in the vicinity of Beaumont. On arrival, after con- siderable inconvenience, the Crew found that a brush lot was being cleared. There was no need for their services. Persons who plan to burn over ground are asked to notify their Fire Warden so that Fire Crews will not turn out where they are not needed. Miss Elsie Garinger Announces The opening of her BEAUTY SHOP 173 N. MAIN AVE, SHAVERTOWN Friday, Nov. 13th (Formerly owned by Mrs. Ruth Heathcock) - 3, Take A Tip From SANTA . . . Only 32 M o r e Shopping Days Til Christmas! WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD You may be sure that, regardless of - advertised prices, you will always find on POMEROY DAY that our prices for identical quality are as low or lower than those of any other store! STORE HOURS... FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. STORE HOURS... SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 8 P.M. Elsie Garinger Opens Shavertown Beauty Shop Friends of Elsie Garinger will be pleased to know that she has taken over Ruth Heathcock’s Beauty Shop at Shavertown and will open for business tomorrow. Elsie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Garinger and is well known throughout the whole Back Mountain section. She studied beauty culture at the Empire Beauty College in Wilkes-Barre where she received special certificates for com- mendable work in hair dyeing and permanent waving in addition to er regular certificate. Since her graduation last spring, she has been employed by Jenkins Beauty Shop in Wilkes-Barre and at Harvey's Lake. HOUSE NUMBERS Persons wishing to know their house numbers can obtain this in- formation by calling Borough Engi- neer J, T. Jeter, Dallas 174-R-3. ITS CIDER TIME ! CIDER For SALE NEW e MODERN e SANITARY BIG CAPACITY e OPEN DAILY OVERBROOK ~ CIDER PRESS (Fernbrook-Huntsville Road) Call Dallas 467-R-16 KOZEMCHAK BROS. Township Seniors To Present Play Dec. 13 “The Family Upstairs” will be presented by members of the sen- ior class in the Kingston Township high school auditorium, Friday even- ing, December 13. Mrs. Alys Wool- bert is director, Members of the cast are: Hugh Ridall, Jeanne Dampf, Josephine Nicholas, Dick Jones, Betty Roushey, Jack Reese, Mary King, Adeltha Miller and Betty Griffith. (A 4() IN THEATRE s KINGSTON CORNERS eo TODAY and SATURDAY Mickey ROONEY Judy GARLAND in M-G-M’s Hit | \Shike n | THE BAND’ witt PAUL WHITEMAN and ORCHESTRA PRE-HOLIDAY Starting Today — for one week DRESS SALE AT A ATTRACTIVE WINTER STYLES TWO FOR ONE PRICE 1.9%... 29 i. 390... 49... .. NO CLUBS 40 Main Street 2 for 2.98 2 for 3.98 2 for 4.98 2 for 5.98 Prints, Stripes, Checks and Solid Colors Sizes 11 - 52 . . . NO EXCHANGES ALL SALES FINAL THE LADY'S SHOP b i Dallas, Penna. || Brotherhoods To Hear Head Of KisLyn Speak Members of the Brotherhood of Holy Trinity Church of Kingston will be guests of the Brotherhood at S. Paul's Lutheran Church Monday evening, November 25 at 8 o’clock, to hear Mr. Charles F. Johnson, speak, Mr. Johnson is superintend- ent of Luzerne County Industrial School for Boys. He will illustrate his talk with motion pictures of activities at the school. Men of the community are invited to attend. PRICES are RIGHT at BERT’S CUT-RATE STORE Goodrich HOT WATER BOTTLES 49¢c up 55¢ Pond’s CLEANSING CREAM and 10c PONDS FACE CREAM Both for 39¢ NUJOL 3 gis. $1.58 $1.00 Rem COUGH SYRUP 19¢ EVERREADY FLASHLIGHTS 59c¢ to $1.00 PLAYING CARDS 23c to 49c Fibs—box 20c Tampax—Dbox 29¢ A 15¢ Smoking TOBACCOS « KENTUCKY CLUB e Half & Half e Prince 10° Albert eo Velvet each BERT & CO. CUT-RATE STORE DALLAS, PENNA. rE WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE «(GIFTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY )~ Ruto Store, Luzerne. Don’t Forget To Visit TOYLAND At Western Amazingly Low Prices GIFTS FOR EVERY ONE Hundreds of Toys At IN THE 175 Main Street Alsoa Complete Line of TIRES, RADIOS, CAR HEATERS, and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FAMILY ————————————————— USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN. WE WILL HOLD ANY ITEM UNTIL CHRISTMAS tire SHOP NOW AND SAVE! ii * USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN——SELECT YOUR GIFTS Now * WESTERN AUTO STORE Luzerne, Penna.