The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, July 19, 1940, Image 4

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to his home.
Purely Persona
Home Phone 161
Office Phone 300
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Garinger of
Machell Avenue and Mr. and Mrs.
R. L. Hallock of Lake St. left this
morning by motor for a trip through
the southern states.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parrish en-
‘tertained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John
Reiff and Mr. and Mrs. John Kline
of Allentown, Mr. and Mrs. John
Parrish of Carverton, Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Lewis of Mt. Zion.
* kk
Robert Hall Craig, general mana-
ger of Dallas-Shavertown Water Co.,
and John Appleby, both of Harris-
burg, spent Sunday in Dallas where
they played golf at the Irem Tem-
ple Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searfoss of
Alderson have as their guests their
grand daughters, Jeanette Searfoss
of Moosic and Jean Baer of Hun-
locks Creek.
" Rev. and Mrs. David Morgan are
entertaining their nieces form Tay-
lor for several days at their home
in Alderson.
: ses
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oliver of
Shavertown have as their guest the
former’s grandmother, Mrs. Rose
Walters, of Atlantic City.
Harry Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Snyder of Claude Street, is
spending two weeks at Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whipp and
Mrs. John Hildebrant of East Dallas
spent Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mrs.
William Horton in Bethlehem.
* kk
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pentz are en-
tertaining the latter’s mother from
Hazleton at their home in Fern-
brook. .
' Benjamin Neyhardt of Fernbrook
moved his house this week to a lot
across the road when construction
on the new road cut into the old lot. |
* * *
Mrs. Blanche Swank and Mrs.
John Hildebrant will hold a lawn
party in the garden of the latter
this afternoon. The affair is for the
benefit of the Ella Moore Class.
Mrs. L. E. Haymaker of Shaver-
town has had as her guest for the
past few days Miss Myra Waas of
4 * ¥ *%
Mrs. Edyth Ribble and Mrs. Ro-
bert Patten who have been visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
- Parks have returned to their home
in Kingston. ‘
LH : "eS
Mrs. H. Lee Scott has been enter-
taining’ for the past month Mrs.
Florence Pierson of St. Petersburg.
‘Mrs. Pierson is a former resident of
\ * ¥ %
A number of local people attended
the meeting of the Ver-Cy Club held
at the country estate of Jack Evans
near Muhlenberg on Sunday. Guests
were: Mr. and Mrs. Gus Adler and
children Ruth, Laura, Melvin, Ro-
bert, Beatrice and Marie; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Hughes, Audrey, Judge;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wasley, Jackie,
Billie; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yeisly,
Esther, Robert, Wayne; Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Evans, Billy, Marion,
Janice; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas;
Leroy Hoch Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Hay-
den Evans, Hayden Jr.; Mr. and
‘Mrs. Jack Evans, Jack, Jr.; Mil-
dred Shaver; and Harold Price.
* * ¥
Mrs. William Brickel is assisting
at the post office in place of Jose-
phine Stem who is vacationing.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bush and
son spent the week-end in York
State where they visited relatives.
* Xx ¥
Mrs. Lloyd Richards of Elizabeth
and Mrs. Charles Cornforth and
daughter, Mary Joe of Trenton,
were guests last week of Mr. and
Mrs. Addison Woolbert of Goss
Manor. d
Diana Llewellyn of Goss Manor
spent the past week as the guest of
her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth
Haines at Harvey’s Lake. |
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Phillips of
Wilkes-Barre have returned to their
home after spending sometime in
the Evan C. Jones home on Terrace
x Xx *
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Richardson
of Terrace Street entertained at din-
ner last week, Mr. and Mrs. Byron
L. Starr, Goss Manor, and Mr. and
Mrs. James Garman of Scranton.
* * *¥
Charles Weiss, Sr., of Huntsville,
who has been a patient at the
Wilkes-Barre General Hospital for
the past nine weeks has returned
zx * %
Mrs. LaVerne Richardson who has
been visiting her parents in Scran-
ton returned to her home on Sun-
day. Her twin sons returned to
their home ‘on’ Tuesday after spend-
ing the past three months in Scran-
ton as the guests of their grand-
Janet Garinger Is
Hostess At Party
Janet Garinger, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. N. Garinger, was host-
ess at a weiner roast at her home
on Machell Avenue, Wednesday
Guests: Gertrude Moore, Betty
Jones, Jane Joseph, Marjorie Evans,
Rose Mary Ford, Helen LaBar, Mary
Jane Hislop, Isabelle Hunt, John
Jewell, David Schmerer, Alfred Da-
vis, Gordon May, Harold Holcomb,
Thomas Carkhuff, Carl Roberts, Bob
Moore, Merle Templin.
Entertains At Supper
Mrs. Wesley Oliver was hostess at
a supper party at her home in Sha-
vertown Tuesday evening. Guests
were Mrs. William Stroh of Forty
Fort; Mrs. Mable Oliver, Miss Flor-
ence Oliver, Mrs. Ralph Rood, Mrs.
Rose Walters.
Mrs. John Wilson of Franklin
Street entertained on Wednesday
at a luncheon at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K’Burg of
Chicago visited friends in Dallas on
Tuesday. The K'Burgs were former
residents of Dallas residing in the
home now occupied by the Nelson
* a *
Mrs. Peter Clark of Parsonage
Street entertained the members of
her bridge club at her. home on
Conrad Hislop, Church Street, and
Miss Ruby Krabski of Luzerne spent
Wednesday at Harrison’s National
Park, which is known as the Grand
Canyon of Pennsylvania.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Stags were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Gar-
man of Scranton on Tuesday.
william brickel, who 1s a student
at the summer sessions of State Col-
lege will arrive home on Friday to
spend the week-end.
® ww
Mrs. Harvey McCarty of Lehman |
Avenue will entertain her bridge
club at her home on Thursday even-
Betty Ruth Moss of Tunkhannock
is the guest of her sister and broth-
er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Li,
Lee, Machell Avenue. :
* HH 3
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Smith,
Jr., of Kingston are guests of Mr.
Henry Kraybill of Center Hill Road
tor a few weeks.
Mrs. Addison Woolbert, Sr., Goss
Manor, who has been ill at her home
for the past few weeks is much im-
proved: :
* k *¥
Mrs. C. A. Frantz, Main Street,
who has been seriously ill at her
home is greatly improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of
East Dallas ‘entertained over the
week-end at the summer home at
Forkston, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Cul-
ver and Miss Mildred Devens of
Cummings Pond and Paul Kilner of
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Brown of Main
Street are enjoying their horses in
the cool of the evening. Mrs. Brown
is learning to ride.
Mrs. Thorwald Lewis and her’
mother, Mrs. Edith Corwin left on
Wednesday for New York City,
where they will visit the World's
Fair. They will be accompanied
home on Sunday by Mr. Lewis, who
has been studying at the New York
2 * ®
Mrs. Nelson Whipp entertained
the members of her 500 Club at her
home on Tuesday. afternoon. Guests
numbered 8.
Mrs. Anna Lewin of Brooklyn is
visiting her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Zigmund Harmon
of Fernbrook.
Phyllis Elston, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Elston of Center
Hill Road entertained at a wiener
roast at her home Wednesday even-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz of
Huntsville have as their guests this
week, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gled-
hill of Philadelphia.
Mrs. H. A. Smith entertained at
a bridge luncheon in the garden of
her home on Machell Avenue, Tues-
day. Guests numbered 16.
Mrs. Walter Covert, Mrs. Ralph
Frantz, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gled-
hill, Mrs. Ella: Martin, Stella Frantz
spent Wednesday visiting Mrs.
Frank Howey at Waverly.
Humphrey Owen of Lehman Ave-
nue attended the Shrine Ceremon-
ial at Irem Country Club Wednes-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bronson of
Kingston and Mrs. Ross Lewin, Cen-
ter Hill Road spent Tuesday in Tay-
lor where they visited Mr. and Mrs.
Prosser Williams.
Finance Your New Car
... Through ...
Member F. D. L C.
Pay Your Bills By Bank
Money Order From
"Crochet “Hooks” Fishnet Outfit
Here’s a net haul that you can make yourself with just a crochet
hook and a few reels of mercerized crochet cotton for your only tackle.
Gather in oceans of chic with this smart beach ensemble. The bonnet type
hat ties in a fetching fishnet bow—the beach bag and fishing sandals are
equally good catches. And besides enjoying them at the beach this sum-
mer, you might win a prize with them in the Nation-Wide Contest. Di-
rections for crocheting the set, and details of the Contest may be ob-
tained by sending a stamped, .self-addressed envelope to the National
Needlecraft Bureau, 385 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Specify design
No. 483.
Former Teacher
Is Wed Thursday
Margaret Lynn, Bride
Of George R. Ritenour
At a very pretty wedding Miss
Margaret Lynn, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Austin C. Lynn of Philipsburg,
Pa., became the bride of Eugene
Ritenour, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George R. Ritenour of Pittsburgh,
in the Philipsburg Methodist Church,
Thursday, July 11 at 11 o’clock. The
church was attractively decorated
with greens and white delphinium
and tapers.
Miss Bette Lou Lynn, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor and Ho-
ward Spring of Erie was best man.
Ushers were William Lynn, brother
of the bride, and Edward Daniels.
The bride was attractive in a
street length dress of blue chiffon
with matching accessories. She car-
ried an arm bouquet of Joanna Hill
roses. Miss Lynn chose shell pink
chiffon and her flowers were blue
delphiniums. Both gowns were de-
signed by the bride.
Following the ceremony, a break-
fast for members of the wedding
party and the immediate families
was held at the Hotel Philips, and
the couple left on a motor trip.
They called on. friends in Dallas
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Ritenour has her Bachelor
and Master of Science degrees from
Bucknell University and has been
a teacher of mathematics and sci-
ence at Dallas Township for the
past three years. Mr. Ritenour is a
graduate of the University of Penn-
sylvania and is office manager of
Swift and Co. in Philipsburg.
The couple will make their home
in Philipsburg.
Entertains Garden Club
The Dallas, Luzerne and Wyo-
ming groups of the Wyoming Valley
Garden Club met at the home of
Mrs. H. A. Smith, Machell Avenue,
Wednesday. About 20 members en-
joyed a basket lunch.
Plans were made to exchange
roots and slips of plants and shrub-
bery at the first general meeting in
the fall.
Pi Mu Society Enjoy
Swimming At Winola
Nancy Smith, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Smith, entertained at a
swimming party the Pi Mu Musical
‘Society at her summer home at
Lake Winola last Thursday after-
Present were: Jane Ayre, Doris
McCarthy, Nancy Lou Swartz, Jane
Case, Louise Hazeltine, Janet Post,
t Mrs. Lulu Beisel, Mrs. Harold Rood,
Mrs. George Ayre, Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Smith and the hostess.
Miss Virginia Starr, Goss Manor,
has returned to her home after be-
ing the guest of her cousin, Miss
Ruth Owens, of Kingston for the
past week. .
Entertain At
Drop-In Party
Friends Surprise Mr.
And Mrs. Charles Elston
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elston of
Center Hill Road were hosts at a
drop-in party Friday evening.
Attending were: Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Elston, Mr. and Mrs. George
Learn, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Major,
Elma Major, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Shaver, Mrs. Howard Jones,
Mi and Mrs. Jack - Roberts,
Miss Addie Elston, Mrs. Elva War-
mouth, Mrs. Joseph Bertram, Mrs.
Ralph Frantz, Mrs. Ella Martin, Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Culp, Dorothy Culp,
Mrs. Frances Culp, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Piatt, Earl Piatt, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Elston, Phyllis, Jean,
Marion and’ Ruth Elston.
Mrs. Hallock, President
0f Women Of The Rotary
Mrs. R. L. Hallock was installed
as president of the Women of the
Rotary at their meeting at Irem
Temple Country Club last Thursday
evening. Mrs. Warren Taylor is the
new vice-president, Mrs. Robert
Breslin secretary and Mrs. John
Nicholson, treasurer. Mrs. Peter
Jurchak was retiring president.
Present were: Mrs. Hallock, Mrs.
Taylor, Mrs. Breslin, Mrs. Nicholson,
Mrs. A. N. Garinger, Mrs. Granville
Souden, and Mrs. L. F. Kingsley.
To Hold Lawn Social
Ladies’ Aid Society of Jackson
Methodist Church will hold a lawn
social at the home of Dennis Bon-
ning Wednesday evening, July 24.
“Twenty Mule Team”
with Wallace Beery
| “Til We Meet Again”
with Merle Oberon and George Raft
Two Cartoons—Comedy
“Yiva Cisco Kid”
with Cesar Romero
— and —
“On Their Own”
with the Jones Family
“Edison, the Man"
with Spencer Tracy
Many Local Boys Are
Camping At Nitisaka
First period for boys at Camp
Nitisaka started Friday with the
following local boys enrolled; Marvin
Stadt, Paul Lyne, Frank Mathers
3rd, Albert Groblewski 3rd, James
Huston, Richard Taylor, Robert
Altick. Counselers are Michael
Stencil of Trucksville and Murl Mil-
liner of Nanticoke.
Vigorous boating, swimming, hik-
ing, and sports tournaments were
launched immediately. Saturday
night all enjoyed a birthday party
for Mrs. Joseph Stadt Trucksville,
who is engaged as cook at the camp
and Wednesday night Paul Durlad
of Forty Fort celebrated his twelfth
birthday. A fresh fish dinner was
furnisher by F. Gordon Mather who
returned Sunday evening from
Thousand Islands.
Sunday local visitors were: George
Reynolds Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Richards, Robert, Jack, F. E. Benson, |
Mrs. R. C. Greenwood, Mrs, William
Clewell, Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Gordon Mather Mr. and Mrs. James
B. Huston, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bonn,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Groblewski,
Robert Taylor Sr., Bud Shapelle,
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Altick, Phillip,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkendall Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Garinger, Billy
and Zane, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hess
and Janet, Mrs. H. K. Reinhardt,
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Kingsley, Robert
Taylor Jr.
Rev. Abbott Is Guest
Speaker At W.C.T.U.
Mrs. Herbert Reilly was hostess
to members of the Dallas District
W. C. T. her home ‘in
Lehman Tuesday afternoon. Rev.
F. K. Abbott, pastor of the Lehman
Methodist Church, gave an inspiring
talk in which he stressed the part
the women of America must play in
whiping out the use of liquor. “The
need of the W. C. T. U. is greater to-
day than ever before. It must de-
feat the liquor traffic. The greatest
enemy of the church is liquor, and
the greatest enemy of the liquor
must be the church. It is the duty
of ‘the W. C. T. U. to work for a
mandatory law that will submit all
drives who have automobile acci-
dents to an alcoholic test. If they
are found to have used liquor, they
should be punished to the full ex-
tent of the law.” : -
Present were: Mesdames C. S.
Hilderbrant, H. J. Snyder, Herbert
New...Different... Delicious!
~ Chocolate Ice Cream Pie
Your family will love
this novel dessert in its
flaky, tender pie shell
Chocolate Ice Cream Pie is a des-
sert that makes everyone sit up and
take notice. See how quick and easy
it is to prepare! Simply fill a flaky
pie shell with chocolate ice cream
and spread with a fluffy meringue.
Then brown in a very hot oven.
Here's the secret of doing this
without melting your ice cream.
Have the cream firm. The pie
shell and the meringue keep oven
heat from the ice cream. When
you pile on your meringue, be sure
to spread it evenly up to the fluted
edge, so that no little gap lets in
the hot air.
Surprise your family with this
novel dessert soon. For variety, Ice
- re
Cream Pie is delicious made of
strawberry cream and the meringue
flavored with a teaspoonful of lem-
on juice.
Chocolate Ice Cream Pie
1 Baked pie shell
3 egg whites A
9 tablespoons sifted confectioners’
1, teaspoon vanilla
1% pints chocolate ice cream
Chill baked pie snelt thoroughly.
Beat the egg whites until stiff but
not dry. Add sugar gradually
(about 1 tablespoon at a time)
beating after each addition until
stiff. Beat in vanilla. Spread ice
cream in chilled pie shell. Pile Me-
ringue lightly on ice cream. Bake
in very hot oven (500 degrees F.)
2 t6 3 minutes. Chill and serve
within 30 minutes. Serves 6.
Reilly, Harry Brodhun, J. H. Frantz,
A. H. Van Nortwick, Earl Weidner,
Ruth Sorber, F. R. Searfoss, David
Brace, H. A. Brown, Thomas Him,
Pays for our Electric Cooking
A small cost? Sure it is, but
it's no smaller for Mrs. Bowman
than it is for
or ‘phone us
dealer TODAY!
users of electricity for cooking.
Facts are facts and figures
don’t lie. While you may have
been told that electric cookery
is too expensive, Mrs. Bowman's
bills are proof of the actual low
cost for this truly modern way to
Find out for yourself about its
low cost. All we ask is the op-
portunity to show you in your
own home the true facts. Write
Bertha Blocksage, B. R. Hefft, Wil-
liam Ambrose, L. Ide, William El-
ston, Rev. F. K. Abbott, Miss Mable
Place, Mary Lou Elston.
numbers of other
or your electrical
= %