eighborhood Notes . = ews G Local Urc Purely Personal By MRS. ARTHUR CULVER Home Phone 161 Office Phone 300 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer of Shrineview spent the week-end at Hempstead, L. I, where they were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Kyle Hill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Braun and daughter, Wanda Louise, are visit- ing Mrs. Braun's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Culp on Lehman Avenue. Anna Mae and Caroline Shaffer of Mill Street, Dallas, spent the week-end as guests of Mrs. Laura Henson. Mrs. Alvin Shaffer recently re- turned from Wyoming Valley Home- opathic Hospital where she received medical treatment. Mrs. Emma VanHorn will move to a cottage on the Idetown-Hunts- ville Road this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shaffer and children spent the week-end with relatives in Mauch Chunk. Mrs. Laura Henson, Ruby and Barbara Henson and Anna Mae and Caroline Shaffer spent Sunday with Mrs. Emma VanHorn and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Lloyd are rebuilding the walls in their home at Outlet. Doris Henson has returned to her home after spending a week visiting Margaret Kemp in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Niles White of Baldwin Street entertained at a party in honor of their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Pertick and daughter, Peggy, of New York City Saturday evening. Guests numbered 20. * XT x Mrs. Caroline J. Williams of Grant Street, Wilkes-Barre, spent the hol- iday week-end with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Niles White of Dallas. The Mintzers wish to thank all who sent cards and gifts to Mrs. Mintzer during her recent illness. Miss Doris Kirkendall of Dallas and Miss Betty Ruth Mathers of Trucksville are at Camp Nitisaka at Meshoppen. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Sutton of DesMoines, Iowa, visited friends in Dallas recently. Mr. Sutton is a former resident of Dallas. Miss Drusella Davis of Wilkes- Barre and Miss Phyllis Jones of Philadelphia are spending a week with Miss Ann Thomas of Jackson ~ Street. Paul Johnson and Roy Perrigo spent last week-end with their families. Marguerite Koehler, Huntsville, will return from Camp Hiawatha today. * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward of Erie were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Perrego at their home at Huntsville last week-end.. ~~ Mrs. A. D. Rosendahl recently spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Eveland, Jackson Street. * ¥ * ~ Mrs. Ben Galey of Jackson Street. had as her guest for the past week her sister, Mrs. Grace Mullnex of Jenningsville. ~ Mrs. Elmer Haring and daugh- ter, Velma, Dallas, are on a trip to Harrisburg, Baltimore and Vir- ginia. Mildred Galey, Jackson Street, will leave for camp July 15. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Cave and family returned Sunday after a three week’s visit at Pottsville. Mrs. Edward Hayes, daughter, Gloria and son, Edward, of Shen- andoah, are visiting Mrs. Hay’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Eveland on Jackson Street. Gloria will spend the summer with her grandparents. Miss Betty Culbert of Camden . spent the week-end as guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Cul- bert on Baldwin Street. She was accompanied as far as Bethlehem by the Culberts when she returned on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gordon Mathers of Trucksville are spending some time touring New York State. * * k Mrs. Seth Howell of Shavertown is entertaining her aunt, Mrs. Jen- nie Norton of Elkland. Mrs. Nor- ton will spend some time in the Back Mountain section where she will renew old acquaintances and visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Hess and Sonny of Noxen spent the week visiting Mrs. Hess’s brother and sis- ter in White Plains, N. Y. While away they also called on Mr. Hess's aunt, Mrs. Margaret Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steiger of Brook- lyn, N'Y. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Hess of Noxen entertained Tuesday evening Mrs. Jennie Norton, Elkland, Mrs. Seth Howell of Shavertown and Miss Frances Hess of Kunkle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Kirkendall, - Jr., of Goss Manor, have as their guest, the former's aunt, Mrs. Wil- liam Frick of Forty Fort. - Russell Honeywell who has been ill at his home on Lake Street, is improving. : Mr. and Mrs. Russell Honeywell of Lake Street entertained at dinner Friday evening Mrs. Jennie Norton. Mrs. Anna Beers of Baldwin Street has returned after spending a week as guest of Mrs. Bertha Trethaway at Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garrahan, Church Street and Mrs. Emma Shaver of Center Hill Road, spent the week-end in New York City. While there they visited Miss Elea- nor Murphy and Miss Mildred Gar- rahan. Stanley Moore of East Dallas, who has been ill at his home for the past two months is greatly im- proved and has resumed some of his duties. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones, East Dallas, entertained on the week-end {Mr. and Mrs. Milbourne Rosser of New York City and Miss Jean Ros- ser of Kingston at their summer home at Forkston. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee and sons, Henry and Dana spent several days this week at the New York World Fair. Mrs. Robert Browning of James- [town and son and daughter have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peynton Lee for several days this week. | x ¥* %x Mrs. Ralph Weaver and son, Billy, of East Dallas were guests of the former’s aunt, Mrs. Garnett of Leh- man last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hoban, South } Franklin Street, were guests of Mrs. M. L. Yaple this past week. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Shaver of Robeling, N. J., were guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Shaver of Main Street re-. cently. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Claude Shaver and daughter Naomi. Mrs. Lloyd Shaver and dough | ter Geraldine Anne and son, Lloyd of Sharon Hill are the guests of the former’s brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin of Center Hill Road. Mrs. Mary Pickett and son, Rob- ert and niece, Marie Ryman of East Dallas have returned to their homes after spending their vacation in New York City. Mrs. Lenora Honeywell of Shrine View recently attended the Voca- tional Conference at Eaglesmere. Mrs. Daniel Richards and son, Daniel, Jr., Church Street left this week for Pottsville, where they will spend ten days as the guests of Mrs. Richards’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keithline. Mrs. Hortense Shaver, Center Hill Road entertained the members of the Entre Nous Bridge Club at her home last night. Mrs. James Merical, East Dallas, has returned to her home from the | Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. Her condition is improved. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Byron Starr, Goss Manor and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culver, Machell Avenue were guests on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. James Garman of Scranton. Mrs. Leslie Warhola, Church Street, left on Wednesday for Mon- tana, where she will be the guest of her aunt and uncle. Addison Woolbert, Church Street, who has been attending school in Philadelphia spent the week-end at home. A group of friends held a wiener roast on Sunday evening at the Lee home on Machell Avenue. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. By- ron L. Starr and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin and children, Mrs. Lloyd Shaver and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lee and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culver,, Mrs. John Yaple and son and Mrs. Stew- art Walsh. z : x Xx x The Ella Moore Memorial Class held its meeting on Tuesday even- ing at the home of Mrs. Robert Fowler of East Dallas. Mrs. Fowler had as assistant hostesses Mrs. Har- ry Miller and Mrs. Ted Wilson. Plans were made for the annual picnic to be held at the Love’s sum- mer home at Forkston in August. Those present were: Mrs. Mary Pickett, Miss Arline Moore, Mrs. Lawrence Swank, Mrs. Joseph Pat- rick, Mrs. Jeanette Dickinson, Mrs. Ralph Weaver, Miss Myra Carlin and Mrs, Charles Jones. Miss Emily Goldsmith, Dallas, is attending the University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado. At the end of the summer session she will visit relatives in Olney Springs and Mon- te Vista, Colorado and in Phoenix, Arizona. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, daughter, Mildred, and Miss Edna Kitchen of Alderson will spend the week-end at Towanda as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oakes. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Lutkins and children, Paula and Alfred, Jr., of Patterson, N. J., spent several days! last week visiting Fred Honeywell and family of Kunkle. Finance Your New Car ... Through ... THE FIRST MATIONAL BANK of DALLAS Member F. D. L C. Pay Your Bills By Bank Money Order From Emery Harris Celebrates His 79th Birthday Anniversary On Sunday Emery Harris celebrat birthday anniversary in Carverton with "open house for his friends and family Sunday after- noon and evening. Mr. Harris was born July 6, 1861, on Harris Hill on the farm now owned by Dr. G. L. Howell. His mother was Cordelia Frantz who died in 1901 and his father Elias Harris who lived until the grand old age of 81 and was then killed by a trolley car that ran into his horse and buggy back in 1912. When Emery was only 4 the fam- ily moved to Carverton in the very house where Mr. Harris now does his own housekeeping. There are two other children living, Mrs. Amy DeWolfe of Dallas and Charlie, who is such a familiar figure at the Dal- las bank and whom we have a nice visit with at the postoffice every morning. In March 25, 1885, Mr. Harris married Etta Rice at her home in Lehman and became the father of four children: Mrs. Bessie Casterlin of Manchester, Conn., Mrs. Bertha Kraus of Wyalusing, Hiram Harris of Mt. Zion and Mrs. Sarah Rogers of Bloomsburg. He now has 17 grandchildren and 5 great grand- children. The Harrises were fortu- nate for they enjoyed 52 years to- | gether, Mrs. Harris dying only three years ago, in 1937. Generally so contented alone, reading and pottering around the house, Mr. Harris seemed delighted when the Krauses and the Harrises and a good many of the grandchil- dren brought their dinners out to the farm and spent Sunday with him. Not a birthday cake but a tremendous luscious shortcake help- ed him celebrate. Class Will Hold bth Garden Party Margaret E. Corrozza To Give Reading July 17 King’s Daughters’ Class of the Shavertown Methodist Church will 'hold their 6th annual Garden Party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. J. McIntyre on Pioneer Ave., Shav- ertown, Wednesday afternoon, July 17 at 2:30. Mrs. Margaret Evans Corozza, talented reader of Wyo- ming Valley, will be on the pro- gram. ° Transportation will be provided from 2 to 2:30 for those who care to leave the church in groups. There will be plenty of parking space for private cars. A splendid program is promised and tea will be served. Committee members: Mrs. How- ard Woolbert, chairman; reserva- tions, Mrs. M. J. Borthwick; print- ing, Miss Jennie Stark; program, Mrs. Thomas Moore; flowers, Mrs. Paul Smith; transportation, Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux; publicity, Mrs. Cur- tis Carr; patrons, Mrs. Russell Scholl; parking, Mrs. Lawrence Coolbaugh; furniture, Mrs. William Glahn; decorations, Mrs. Granville Sowden; receptionists, Mrs. Russell J. May and Miss Francis Thomas; refreshments, Mrs. Howard Hontz. In case of rain, the affair will be held in the church. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stair of Goss Manor entertained at-a picnic Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Price and daughter, Marion and Miss Beatrice Simmons of Bywood, Phila- delphia, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hafri- son, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Allegar of Wilkes-Barre. The Prices were vis- iting the Allegars in Wilkes-Barre over the week-end. zx ® » Miss Emily Kistler of the Home- word School, Germantown, Philadel- phia, arrived Sunday to spend a week’s vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kistler at their summer home at Harvey's Lake. Miss Kistler will finish her course at the school this fall. Florence Honeywell Is / Bride Of Corey Bested Fred Honeywell of Kunkle has announced the marriage of his daughter, Florence Marie, to Corey Charles Besteder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Besteder of Center- moreland. The ceremony was per- formed in the First Methodist Church. at Easton, November 9, 1939. Rev. H. F. Homer officiated. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. George Hess of Bound Brook, N. J. Mrs. Hess, the former Louise Brace, was a classmate of Mrs. Besteder. Mrs. Besteder is a graduate of Dallas Township High School in the class of 1938. Mr. Besteder was graduated from Dallas Borough High School in 1934. Entertains At entertained at a lety shower honoring Mrs. Kenneth Besteder of Harrisburg recently. Mrs. Besteder is the former Miss Beulah Brace of Dallas. The table was attractive with a centerpiece of pink roses and white candles in crystal candelabra. Present were: Mrs. Fred Dodson of Kunkle, Elsie Garinger of Har- vey’s Lake, Mrs. Edwin Bush of Forty Fort, Mrs. Addison Woolbert, Jr., Miss Jean Ritchie and Mrs. Ora Trumbower of Dallas, Mrs. Kenneth Besteder of Harrisburg and the host- ess. To Hold Crazy Party The Adult Bible Class of the P. M. Church will hold a crazy party at the home of Miss V. Lamoreaux Thursday, July 18 at 8 p. m. Put on your crazy togs and come. Conrad Hislop, Church Street and Miss Ruby Krabski of Luzerne spent the week-end in Philadelphia. Members of the Woman’s Bible Class met at the home of Miss Es- tella Goldsmith last Tuesday even- ing with the following members present: Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin, Mrs. D. N. Blocksage, Mrs. William Higgins, Mrs. Dory Rogers, Mrs. Peter Gensel, Mrs. William Cairl, Mrs. Daniel Brown, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Whitebread, Misses At- kinson, Fiske and Richard Weidner. R. 5. ROBERTS, Jeweler -- Himmler Building We carry a complete line of Sheaffer Lifetime Pen and Pencil Sets Come in and look them over PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES ® WATCH REPAIRING cool as a tall mint julep in whites cleaned by O MALIA Admiring eyes will follow you when you wear whites that are cleaned With such attention to detail and fabric it’s no wonder our laundering service is acclaimed by men who really want to look their best. A trial will convince you . Drop In As You Pass Into Town MEMBER SO like new by O’MALIA. . . we do it better! Handy To All On Harvey's Lake Highway OMalia une At Retiring Age | ~ On her forty-fifth birthday to- day Kirsten Flagstad, world fam- ed Norwegian singer, expected to announce her retirement at the height of her career. The Nazi conquest of her native land may change her plans. Miss Flagstad is rated the greatest Wagnerian , soprano of modern times. Here she is pictured as Brunhilde in “Die Walkure.” Variety Shower Given For Mrs. Warren McKeel A variety shower was held at the home of Miss Doris Krieger of Ide- town honoring Mrs. Warren McKeel of Idetown, who recently announced | her marriage. Mrs. McKeel is the former Miss Laverna Warner. The bride received many lovely gifts. Present were: Laverne McKeel, Ann Warner, Mary Pahola, Zelma Agnew, Ethel Krieger, Doris Krieger, Eva Boice, Mildred Garinger, Betty Warner, Peggy Krieger. P.M. Church Services Sunday services in the P. M. Church are as follows: Sunday School, 10:00; Church, 11:00; Even- ing Services, 7:30. Wednesday evening Baptism Ser- vice at 7:30 with Rev. H. Hoyes of Plymouth as speaker. Helen Halowich Becomes Bride Of Leo Jacobs The wedding of Miss Helen M. Halowich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Halowich of Alderson, and Leo Jacobs, son of Mrs. Elsie Jacobs of Wilkes-Barre took place Monday morning in St. Vladimir's Church, Edwardsville at 10° o'clock. Rev. D. A. Radkevich performed the ceremony. Attendants were Miss Stella Halowich and John Hannick of New York City. The bride wore a gown of white bridal satin with train and veil of illusion. She carried a bouquet of white carnations and sweet peas. Miss Halowich chose baby blue net and carried pink carnations and blue delphinium. Mrs. Jacobs is a graduate of Lake- ton High School where she was a i [member of the basketball team. Following a recption held at the home of the bride, the couple left for ‘Atlantic City and the World's Fair. side at Alderson. Wedding guests were: Joseph, Frank, Michael, Mary, George Hal- owich, Mrs. Emma Prehatin, Alder- son; Stella Halowich, John Hannick, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Halowich, Jr., Steve Halowich, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Anna Halo- wich, Wilkes-Barre; Andrew, Anna, Irene, Edward, Sophie Kaska, Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Chase. Local Women Leave For Tour Of Western States Mrs. William Higgins and Miss Estella Goldsmith left Friday, July 5 for a western trip. Their itinery will include Philadelphia, Washing- ton, Atlanta, New Orleans, El Paso, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Yosemite Park, San Francisco, Portland, Seat- tle, Vancouver, Lansford and Kath- ryn, N. D., St. Paul, Chicago and Buffalo. They will visit relatives in Cool- idge and Phoenix, Arizona, and in Lansford and Kathryn, N. D. They expect to take a sight-seeing trip through the Yosemite Valley Park and San Francisco Exposition and will spend some time at Chicago and Seattle. Plan Chicken Supper The Ella Moore Memorial Class of the East Dallas Methodist Church will have a chicken supper on July 25 at the church. The supper is be- ing given to raise funds to pay for the new water system which was re- cently installed by the class. On their return they will re-| Many Local People’ Visit Camp Nitisaka Summer heat and fine camping weather have speeded up activities at Camp Nitisaka this week. Swim- ming, wiener and marshmallow roasts, hiking, and boat trips have been particularly popular. Monday night a birthday party for Jane Richards was held and Thursday and Sunday nights were set aside for entertainments. Sunday guests at the camp: Julie Ann Lister, John Turn, Irving Fox, John Fox, Bertha Eroh, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brown, Miss K. E. Rich- (ards, Allen Kehm, Samuel Frantz, Mrs. George Reynolds, Mrs. H. D. Turn, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gordon Math- ers, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rich- ards, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bonn, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Groblewski, Jr., and Albert; 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Considine, Robert and Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clewell, Douglas, Mr. an Mrs. W. J. Clewell, Veronica Zu- bres, Jack Weir, Mrs. P. C. Snyder, Marguerite Dorsch, Mrs. B. Aubrey Ayre, Henry Johnson, William H. Smith, Mrs. Raymond Butler, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Reinhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lewis, Betty, George Kenneth Alling, James Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Kirkendall. Orange Couple Wed Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Memorial Shrine at Orange, Miss Florence Oleita Dover, daughter of William Dover of Orange. Attendants were Miss man Briton Coon, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Coon, also of Grange. Attendants were Miss Frances Hefft of Carverton and Bert Coon, brother of the bridegroom. Flower girls were Joan and Jane Harris. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride. The couple will make their home at Orange where Mr. Coon is engaged in farming. LaVerna Warner Wed I Warren McKeel | Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Warner of Idetown announce the marriage of their daughter, LaVerna, to War- ren McKeel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKeel of Lehman. The cere- mony was performed at Muhlenberg, December 26, 1939, by Rev. H. Wil- liams, Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Major. The couple are home in New York. making their ectric sulated to keep t no bother . . . no and just as clean, rates. all the facts. LODE L000 With a Fast Clean, Economical IM opERN electric ranges are in- kitchen... concentrating all the heat on cooking. They're designed and built to give you carefree service — dering about sufficient fuel supply. Electricity is always there . . . ready to serve you at the snap of a switch . . . just like your electric light . . . LUZERNE COUNTY GAS & ELECTRIC CORP. ‘ Rangel he heat out of the J We worry . . . no won- too. Switch to cool cooking — electric- ally! It's cheaper, too, with present Investigate TODAY . . . get Kintner, . wl AR Lo 7) oY