RT AS ne . ROYAL LYAE, —— —. MT. GRE onored At Shower ; Corraspindent A mistellaneots shower for a re- ENWOCD - TRUCKSVILLE cent bride, Mrs. Robert Lewis, nee Beatrice Riley, was given by the Township Brevities Mr. and Mrs. John Breza and daughters, Helen, Gertrude and Irene, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Metal at Alto, Ill. * % *® Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Johnson of Shavertown were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Omar Michaels of Shaw- nee-on-the-Delaware over the week- end. Richard Mathers of Washington, D. C., is visiting his parents on Car- verton Road. * ¥ » Miss Phyllis Lyne motored to New England over the week-end. Thomas Ayres and family have moved from Harris Hill Road to Lohman Street. * kk Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Harding and family are spending a month at ~ the seashore. James Oberst has returned to! Langley Field after visiting his par- ents for several weeks. Jerry Kester of Hillside is a pa- tient at General Hospital, Wilkes- Barre. * ¥ kK Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beck and family have moved from Shaver- * town to their new home at Sweet Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clemow an- nounce the birth of a son in Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. * kx Xk Ty Cobb and family visited with friends in Philadelphia over the week-end. Mrs. Luther Roushey of North Chili, N. Y., is visiting her son, Edward of ‘Shavertown. * kk Mrs. Lillian Walters is ill at her home on Carverton Road. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Huntington Mills visited friends dur- "ing the week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Groblewski visited Camp Great Neck at Vosburg on Sunday. * kk *x Paul Rhodes, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rhodes of Rice Street, has enlisted in the army. Mrs. Elizabeth Warden and daugh- ter, Lenora, have moved to the War- den homestead on Harris Hill Road. * 3k ¥ William and Warren Boyes of! Shavertown returned Wednesday from Indianland, Md., where they have been visiting their uncle R. R. Evans. Wallace Perrin, Jr., of Cliffside, is a patient at Nesbitt Memorial Hos- pital following an operation for ton- silitis. : * kk Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin and daughter of Sunbury, Pa., who have been guests at the G. R. Downer home have gone to Passaic, N. J. | On their return they will be accom- | panied by Mrs. G. R. Downer who ! has been visiting her mother in Passaic. * x = Mrs. Ruth Travis of Shavertown returned from a two weeks’ visit with relatives in Shawnee-on-the- Delaware. home by Mr. and Mrs. Omar Michels who remained over the week-end. | Schedule Of Services [Tone of the J. O. Y. class of the i Shavertown Methodist Church last | week at the home of Mrs. Stanley ; | Katacinski, Summit Street, Shaver-! | town. Present: Mrs. Walter Cook, | Consecration of our Weak-| Mrs. Donald Jayne, Mrs. Ronald will be the subject of the! Hughes, Mrs. John Chapple, Mrs. at St. Paul's Lutheran! Helen Heale, Misses Clara Mae Ev- Church, Shavertown, on Sunday ans and Helen Kirkendall, the host- morning at 10. Rev. Herbert E.|ess and guest of honor. Frankfort is pastor. The sermon will be an exposition of the miracle of" | Jesus feeding the 4,000. Sunday Miss Lindsley Engaged | school will be begin at 9. Vitter. To Bev. Mr. Olver are always welcome. | | Meetings for the week: Monday, | Rev. and Mrs. A. K. Lindsley of 7:30, outing committee of the Broth- | Carverton Road have announced the erhood; Wednesday, 1, women’s aux- j engagement of their daughter, Grace iliary at home of Mrs, J. A. Batey, | to Rev. Herbert D. Olver, pastor of | Franklin Street, Shavertown; Thurs- | the local Free Methodist Church. day, 7:30, Young Peoples Choir; Friday, 8, Senior Choir. i] Noxen Man Instructor Drumtra Is Teaching At St. Paul's Church “The nesses” sermon Clinton Benjamin of Noxen has | She was accompanied ; Church will discuss church finances | Free Music Classes | St. Andrew, Ox Bow Lake.. r. | Benjamin is a graduate of on | been named an instructor at Camp) . Ginger Rogers, above continues in her recent changeover from a musi- Harvey Drumtra, graduate of the | High School and a senior at State |cal comedy star io dramatic actress | National School of Music, Chicago, | College. | {Ill., is offering free instruction in | playing the piano, trumpet, cornet, | ! Yor 0 ungbl ood Is Named Bssessor For County clarinet, saxaphone, trombone and | other wind instruments in the be Francis Youngblood of Shaver- town, a supervisor in Kingston rment of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, i Shavertown, on Monday and Tues- Township has been appointed a field agent by the county assessors this | | day afternoon at 1. Those interest- led should report to the church on fo existed for several months. The po- Laux’ s Customers xi sition pays $165 a month. | Praise His Service The business of Paul J. Laux of Guernseys Sold To Riley friends. Mr. Laux sells Atlantic gas-| oline and oils, ‘repairs, vulcanizes, retreads and recaps tires. ‘Mr. Laux | has had 15 years in the tire busi- | ness. St. Therese's To Have Lawn Supper July 10 The annual outdoor supper will be held on the lawn of St. Therese’s { Church at Shavertown, Wednesday ‘evening, July 10. Supper will be served by the women of the parish from 5:30 until 8:00. Committee members: Father Durkin, general chairman; Rev. J. J. O'Leary, hon- {orary chairman; Rev. Eugene Frank, treasurer; tickets, Herman Sieber; games, Andrew Fisher; door, Edward | Staub; supper and arrangements, ! Mrs. Jacob Laux; kitchen, Mrs. Ja- cob Gable. In case of rain, the supper will be held in the church hall. sey cows by Joseph H. Sitler to Herbert P. Riley of Dallas, Pa. These animals are Star’s Peerless Beauty 630400 and Birdell’s Pride 630401. | % * * i FOR AN OUTING . . . Bring Your Friends To HARVEY’S LAKE PICHIC GROUNDS * AMATEUR SHOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT FREE SOUND MOVIES EVERY TUESDAY To enter contest amateurs must register at Hanson’s Restaurant DINE and DANCE at HANSON'S HARVEYS’ LAKE Plone GROUNDS * * week to fill a vacancy which has | | | | | Pioneer Avenue, Shavertown, is The American Guernsey Cattle growing these days as satisfied CuS- oub, Peterborough, N. H., reports tomers return and bring their | the sale of two registered Guern- x 2 in “The Primrose Path” playing at and Tuesday. , the Kingston Theatre next Monday | Appearing opposite : her i is Joel McCrea, while other roles Firemen Meet Tonight Trucksville Fire Company will meet tonight (Friday). KINGSTON THEATRE ‘eo KINGSTON CO ° LAST TIME TODAY * “LILLIAN RUSSELL” —= Continuous Today from 2 to 11 P. M. iq SATURDAY, JULY 6 “DR. KILDARE’S STRANGE CASE” — with — Lew Ayres & Lionel Barrymore ) MON., TUES., JULY 8-9 GINGER ROGERS and JOEL McCREA in “PRIMROSE PATH” ADULTS, 20¢c Any Matinee—2:15 - 3:45 Free Parking Mioarre | are taken by Marjorie Rambeau and ; | Queenie Vassar. 7 i Contrary to widespread rumor that part of the R. D. No. 1 route will be discontinued after the re- location of the road, a spokesman for a group of disgruntled box hold- ers was assured by the post office department that delivery will con- tinue as usual. If new box holders build along the new road, the route will be extended. EE Herbert Wertman has been with pneumonia. * kk x Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd Wednes- day evening. ill * kk Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips of Nanticoke visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wertman Sunday. Austin Wertman returned home with them for an extended visit. Men and Women Enjoy Bowling As a game and a sport for most people, it’s unequalled. You can play by yourself or with any number of people. You can bowl any time of day or evening. It’s inexpensive, easy-to-learn. Try it! Saint John BOWLING ALLEYS PHONE 7-9232 471 MILLER ST., LUZERNE ! Dayton, iy visited Mr. and Ray Henney recently. They are now touring the New England states. RX * = 9 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Devens have moved to their summer cottage at Perrins Marsh. * * ¥ Mrs. Stella Isaacs has been enter- taining relatives from Youngstown, Ohio. * k *k Mr. and Mrs. Harry Henney, Ber- tha Henney, Mrs. Mary Smithers and Mrs. Eva Carrol of Wilkes- Barre, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henney recently. THE = FIRST NATIONAL BANK DALLAS, PENNA. MEMBERS AMERICAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION DIRECTORS R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, W. B Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely. Clifford Space, A. C. Devens, Herbert Hill. OFFICERS C. A. Frantz, President Sterling Machell, Vice-President W. R. Neely, Vice-President W. B. Jeter, Cashier F. J. Eck, Assistant Cashier Vault Boxes For Rent. No account too small to secure careful attention. Interest On Savings Accounts. * Neots Haul ot 150 Fish last week-end fishing off Cape May and returned with a faul of 150 fish, averaging in weight about two and one-half pounds. In the party Metzgar, Harry Metzgar, and Don- ald Metzgar. They left here Fri- day, fished all day Saturday, and returned Sunday. To Sponsor Dance at Kunkle Community Hall, July 10. Leslie Warhola’s orchestra will play. Why Not Take Advantage of our facilities @® HARVESTING EQUIPMENT ® Largest Line of REPAIR PARTS in this region ® MOWERS -- BINDERS ® Your McCormick-Deering Dealer ZEL GARINGER — Telephone 378 — Church Street eo A quintet of local fishermen spent Dallas | APPRAISERS ER BUILDERS For Your Home In The Dallas Area SEE EDWARD EYERMAN & SON General Contractors 53 BENNETT BUIiLDING WILKES-BARRE, Pa. BUILDERS OF QUALITY HOMES OF LASTING BEAUTY Free Vocal Instruction | Elwood Price, soloist at St. Steph- en’s Episcopal Church, Wilkes-Barre, | | will give free vocal instruction at | | St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Shaver- | Shavertown, Pa. RETREADING © VULCANIZING © REGAPPING ALL WORK GUARANTEED PAUL itl Electric Coo WwW ply . . . whether you'll the roast you've started . ety HY bother worrying about your fuel sup- have enough to complete . making frequent check-ups to see how low your supply | is getting . being bothered to upaly. “order in” your future WHY BOTHER when electricity is always ready . . . a constant, uninterrupted flow . . . there to serve you at the turn of a switch . . . more”? all you want, whenever you want it . a thought of “how long before I have to order . without AND NOW you can get a full size modern electric range for only $99.75 . . price ever for a range of this type. . the lowest were Jacob Laux, Henry Bellas, Al Members of the American Legion are sponsoring a dance to be held in stock ef