Reading from left to right, we have a band of copper wire to be worn around the wrist or ankle to ward off rheumatism, a string of am- ber beads to cure goitre, an a] asafetida bag (remember ¢ a it?) to be worn around the yy ¥ neck to keep away sickness (it kept people away), an ordinary door key for nose bleed and last, but not least, that Spring Nemesis, sul- phur 'n’ molasses! = - Without Newspaper Advertising You Might Still Be Using These! Ra: fa wis YOU don’t have to be a grandpa to remember sulphur ‘n’ molasses. Boys and girls all over “ Healthy : the country were taking it every spring as recently as 1916. Your own children might still be tak- ing it; but like many another “cure” sulphur 'n’ molasses has practically vanished from the Ameri- can scene. Why? Simply because your local druggist, backed by modern medical and pharma- ceutical science, has found better, safer and more effective ways to keep you well — not only in the spring but all the year ‘round. Where did you first hear of the tooth paste that keeps your teeth bright and sparkling? Where did you first learn the name of the mouth wash that keeps your breath sweet and clean, the tablets that banish headache, the remedy that eases baby’s cough! Of course, it was by read- ing an advertisement! Advertising has helped to dispel the | « p» ignorance that depended on amber beads, MAYBE you think of your drug store principally as a place to buy ice cream sodas or magazines. Have you ever stopped to realize that if your druggist were suddenly to disappear your doctor would be dangerously handicapped? He'd be so busy making his own pills he'd have no time to care for you properly or to keep abreast of medical research. : THINK, too, of the amazing variety of packaged health products on your druggist’s shelves! All of them scientifically prepared by skilled chemists in spotless laboratories, working under the direction of medical specialists. Creams that help keep your skin clear and unblemished, salves to guard you against sunburn and scalds, headache correctives, tooth pastes, mouth washes, simple, safe, effective remedies for sleeplessness, asthma and a host of petty aches and pains. And all of them manufactured, packaged and labeled according to United States Government standards by firms whose laboratories are known the world over. BECAUSE you turn instinctively to your local druggist for these nationally advertised pro- ducts, your health is better throughout the year. Your family has fewer colds, infections and ill- nesses. Many ailments, once common, are fast disappearing and your doctor has more time to help those who are really sick. BND what applies to the drug store is true also of your grocery store, the place where you buy gasoline and oil, the automobile agency, the hardware store, the clothing store. Advertising is the lifeblood of all American business. You can save money and improve your standard of liv- ing by reading advertisements and patronizing people who advertise. Take advantage of their offers. Watch The Post's advertisements each week. The Post “More Than A Newspaper, A Community Institution” copper wire and asafetida bags. Adver- tising informed all America that there were better, surer, safer roads to health. Especially newspaper advertising ! Newspaper advertising not only tells you what to buy—it tells you where you can buy it at the biggest money-saving. News- paper advertising lets you stay healthier throughout the year at far less expense. Newspaper advertising improves your standard of living because it is part of a benevolent circle. When you respond to ads, you increase sales and stimulate pro- duction and the boost in volume enables the manufacturers to cut their prices still lower. That's why the prices of automo- biles, of radios, of refrigerators have shrunk over the years, so that more and more readers of advertising are able to enjoy products which once were too ex- pensive for the average person. Before You Buy — Read The Ads In The Post » BE eo sn mere ber