The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 31, 1940, Image 2

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    Below: Students in the
Dramatic Department climax
their studies by appearing in
a recital. This is Miss Ruth
Lenahan, made up as Marie
Teresa of Austria.
Left: Miss Mary McGroarty,
Miss Eleanor Lyons and Miss
Mary McCole, members of the
debating team, covered a good
many miles to meet and defeat
some of the foremost Eastern
college teams... Their formid-
able record increased the re-
spect which other colleges
have come to hold for Miser-
Each time they sing their school song the girls
of College Misericordia pledge themselves anew
to the “banner bright of truth and light” which
is the symbol of their loyalty to the fine tradi-
tions and the high ideals of their Alma Mater.
Next Tuesday evening another Senior Class—
the 14th since Misericordia was founded—will
‘be graduated and 36 girls will carry away with
them from Dallas ineradicable memories of pre-
cious days of class and campus life. In their
hearts, too, they will carry the shield of which
they sing . . . “shield of honor, strength and
might” . . . the unique and gracious spirit which
dwells in Misericordia’s halls.
Here, as a salute to the Class of 1940 and as
an expression of this section’s pride in Miseri-
cordia, The Post presents a page of photographs
of college groups and activities, taken from the
Commencement Issue of “Miss Recordia”, the
school newspaper.
Left: Music is an essential part of life at Misericordia.
groups formed of students from the music department. Misericordia’s Glee Club achieved wide recognition
this year and instrumentalists from the Department of Music have been generous in presenting programs
before a number of local organizations.
Below: Drama students piled one success upon another this year.
production, Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”, which was played in a campus setting, on a stage formed by a
semi-circle of evergreens.
Above: In academic garb, the Class of 1940, forgetting the gay round of commencement social events
in the solemn dignity of its new state, poses before the Gothic door to the main building.
The String Ensemble pictured is one of the
This is a scene from their last
Right: Knotty social and
economic problems come up
for discussion before the Li-
brary Round Table, a student
forum which meets in Miseri-
cordia’s light, airy, well-stock-
ed library. The students’ ar-
guments invariably reflect
the ideals instilled in the girls
who study at Misericordia.
Below: Up-to-date equip-
ment enables girls at Miseri-
cordia to enjoy the latest
trends in education. The
scene below is in the labora-
tory, where students are busy
on chemistry experiments.
Above: In the workshop, scenery is being made for a
marionette play, a streamlined version of “Red Riding
Hood.” The girls made their own marionettes and scenery,
operated the miniature stage, manipulated the marionettes
and spoke their lines.