eighborhoo Home Phone 161 Purely Personal By MRS. ARTHUR CULVER Office Phone 300 Miss Alice Oberst of Philadelphia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. eter Oberst at Fernbrook. Alice 5 a nurse in Philadelphia. Alice Eipper of Dallas Township and Ruth Lewis of Dallas will be among the graduates from General ospital at their annual commence- ent May 23. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Seth Howell, who ave been living in Fernbrook have noved to Shavertown. ayne Brace of Fernbrook was dmitted to Mercy Hospital last ek for treatment. His condition serious. Mrs. Clarence Leas of Main Street nt several days last week at Ald- ‘erson taking care of her mother, ‘Mrs. Amos Kitchen, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gordon, who ave been wintering in Florida, have ft there and are visiting the Tay- lors in Atlanta, Ga. Tuesday evening a Fellowship upper was held in the Alderson ethodist Church at 6 p. m. A iness meeting followed. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Price and ghter, Marion, of Philadelphia, pent the week-end as guests of . and Mrs. Ed Stair at their home Goss Manor. N ) Ir. and Mrs. Charles VanBuskirk ' Fernbrook spent Tuesday visiting Pittston. shington, D. C. where he is em- oyed after spending last week-! nd at his home in Fernbrook be- > of an injured arm. - % Xk ¥ s. Charles Jones, East Dallas, ertained the members of her! dge club at her home Thursday | ening. Guests numbered 12. SS Manor and Mrs. Elizabeth arden and daughter, Lenora, of cksville, spent the week-end as ye guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards at Elizabeth, N. J. LaVerne Richardson, Terrace eet motored to New York Wed- esday to visit his wife, who is con- ‘valescing after a serious operation ; the New Rochelle Hospital. He ill return the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shiber expect move from Goss Manor to their ew home in Trucksville. Harold Hauck attended a con- ention in Baltimore on Wednesday. Stanley Moore of East Dallas is still confined to his home by ill- ess. Mrs. Louise Colwell entertained ‘her contract bridge club Tuesday vening. Guests were Mrs. M. L. rown, Mrs. John Nicholson, Miss Dorothy Wenner, Mrs. Florence Phillips, Mrs. Sam Warriner, Mrs. ~ Charles Jones, Mrs. Helen Peterson. ‘Winners were Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. Phillips. Mrs. William Wilson will enter- tain members of the pinochle club ‘at her home on Franklin Street, ‘Wednesday afternoon. 2 * ¥ * Mrs. Eva Hofmeister entertained the members of her 500 club at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ken- neth Oliver recently. Guests were Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. Oscar ‘Roth, Mrs. Addison Woolbert, Mrs. Emma Shaver, Mrs. Sherman Ward- en, Mrs. Nelson Whipp, Mrs. D. DP. ‘Honeywell, Mrs. Ralph Rood, Mrs. Claude Shaver, Mrs. Barbara Oliver Mrs. Katherine Gansel. Charles Jones is working in hickshinny for the next few weeks. Mrs. Thomas Robinson, Mrs. Fred k, Mrs. Ross Lewin, Mrs. Herbert Lundy, Miss Betty Breckenridge at- ended the spring meeting of the zerne County Federation of Wo- n’s Clubs at the Sterling Hotel, lilkes-Barre, Wednesday as rep- -esentatives of the local club. Mr. and Mrs. James Garman of Pioneer Avenue spent several days this week in New York City. Mrs. Henry Kraybill, Center Hill By d, is a patient at Nesbitt Hos- ie she is under observa- ~ tion. * * *¥ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shaver and family of Philadelphia, will arrive this week-end to spend Mother's Day with the former’s mother, Mrs. Emma Shaver of Center Hill Road. Mrs. Harriet Stevens and Mrs. Haddon Clark who are well known the Dallas area are visiting the latter's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Petrick in St. Louis. Thomas Ayre, Jr., of Harris Hill Road, Trucksville, broke his arm and suffered lacerations to his face hen he fell off his bicycle Sunday. Mildred Devens, who has been spending the last ten weeks in Mi- ami, Fla., returned to her home in ~ Kunkle on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cobleigh of East Dallas will motor to New York this week and to visit their ~ daughter and son-in-law. Mrs. Harold Hauck and daugh- ter, Katherine, spent Wednesday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hauck of Effort. ’ 4 Mrs. Charles A. Dana of Wilkes- Barre spent several days last week visiting her niece, Mrs. Fred Zim- merman at Lehman. Mrs. Dana is a Charles Riegel has returned to Admission will be free. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Woolbert of |- Miss Ruth Jackson Wed To William Richards The marriage of Miss Ruth Jack- son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson of Alderson, and William Richards, son of Mrs. Anna Richards of Endicott, N. Y., took place Fri- day, May 3 at 1:30 p. m,, in the David Morgan performed the cere- mony. There were no attendants. The bride wore a tailored en- semble of navy blue with white ac- cessories. Her shoulder bouquet was of orchids. Mrs. Richards is a graduate of Laketon High School and Blooms- burg State Teachers’ College and is teaching in the Laketon schools. Mr. Richards was graduated from Laketon High School and is em- ployed at the International Business Machine Company at Endicott. The couple took a motor trip through Virginia. They will spend the summer at Alderson and move to Endicott in the fall. To Sponsor Movie The Serving and Waiting Class of Idetown Methodist Church will sponsor an evening of motion pic- tures to be shown in the Church House on the evening of May 14. Ice cream and cake will be for sale. Charles J. J. Weiss of Huntsville entered the Homeopathic Hospital Wednesday to submit to an opera- tion. Mrs. L. A. Tomkins and daughter, Catherine of Overbrook Road, have returned from a visit in East Orange, N. J. j Mrs. Hugh Murray left Sunday for Buffalo, N. Y., with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sword of Trucksville Road, Carverton. Mr. and Mrs. William Pierce of Pioneer Avenue, Shavertown, enter- tained at a dinner Saturday Dr. and Mrs. Byron Creasy of Shavertown, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Edwards of Trucksville and Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Forty Fort. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jarreau and daughter, Gertrude, of Philadelphia, have moved into the McHenry home on Church Street. © Mr. and Mrs. Royal Love, East Dallas, spent Sunday in Mehoopany. Mrs. Fred Kiefer and her mother- in-law, Mrs. Adam Kiefer, both of Shrineview left Monday morning for a trip through Florida. Mrs. Walter Risley of Lake Street, | spent the last week in Nicholson as guest of her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Gable of Chase announce the birth of a son, April 19. Mrs. Lenora Honeywell, home eco- nomics teacher at Dallas Township, recently attended a conference at Hazleton. Mr. and Mrs. David McManus of ! Wilkes-Barre visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles McManus of Claude Street Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Knecht mo- tored to Washington, D. C., Thurs- day, where they visited relatives. They returned Saturday. . Miss Evelyn Roat of Princeton | was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culver on Saturday. Maralyn Shaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shaver, is improv- ing after a bad case of the whooping Alderson Methodist Church. Rev. | End Daughter Tea A splendid crowd of mothers and daughters attended the Mother and Daughter Tea given by the Dallas Junior Woman's Club at Irem Coun- try Club Wednesday evening. The tea table was attractive with spring flowers and white tapers. Mrs. Herbert Lundy, president, and Mrs. Charles Whitesell, retiring president, poured. Mrs. Marvin Els- ton, oldest mother and Mrs. Clar- ence West, youngest, were present- ed with corsages. All mothers re- ceived rose buds. 3 After the welcoming address by Mrs. Lundy, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Wesley Moore, program chairman. Mrs. James Trebilcox greeted the mothers and Mrs. Charles ®F. Smith responded; glee club rendered selections; Agnes Hines gave a reading; Howard Cos- grove entertained with trombone selections. Present were: Mesdames Charles F. Smith, Charles Whitesell, John Mason, William Krimmel, D. P. Honeywell, Kenneth Oliver, Lenora Honeywell, John Quaill, Rose Ko- Dallas Woman's Club Holds Mother At Country Club zemchak, Myrtle Thompson, Royal Love, Charles Jones, C. W. Lee, E. V. Hartman, Harold Shiber, J. W. Morrett, John Durbin, Wesley Moore, Lulu Beisel, Harry Trebil- cox, George Stolarick, G. K. Swartz, Leonard Harvey, Evelyn Wheiland, Ralph Lewin, Daniel Richards, Thor- wald Lewis, Walter Elston, James Ayre, Marvin Elston, James Trebil- cox, Thomas Robinson, Fred Eck, Bud Derolff, Herbert Lundy, L. L. Altick, M. W. Smith, Mary Schultz, Vincent McGuire, O. L. Harvey, Grover Anderson, Har- old Payne, Theodore Hinkle, Francis Sutliff, Byron Starr, Conrad Yeager, George Weintz, Wilfred Parsons, Clarence West, W. H. Baker, Lloyd Hughey, Sheldon Far- ringer, R. J. W. Templin, Charlotte Connor, Dorothy Landmesser, Wil- liam Shiber, Ray Isaacs, Howard Isaacs; Misses Margaret Lynn, An- tonio Kozemchak, Viola Morrett, Charlotte Parsons, Phyllis West, Anastacia Kozemchak, Mildred Dev- ens, Mary Boyle, Betty Brecken- ridge, Ruth Mdy Hazel. Burt Lewises Honored Et Dinner At Himmlers A group of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler, Lake Street, to help At- torney and Mrs. Burt Lewis cele- brate their wedding anniversary Tuesday evening. Pink roses in a crystal bowl made an attractive center piece for the dinner table. A delicious turkey dinner was served. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Sharpe of Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shiber, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Machell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dungey, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Himmler. Attend Luncheon Mrs. Raymond Shiber of Center Hill Road, Dallas, and Mrs. Albert Groblewski, Jr., of Warden Avenue, Trucksville, attended the luncheon given by board members of the Nes- bitt Memorial Hospital Auxiliary at Hotel Sterling yesterday. The luncheon was to honor Mrs. V. P. Edwards of Edwardsville, retiring president of the-auxiliary. Scotts Visit New Baby Mr. and Mrs. Lee Scott of Center Hill Road went to New York last week-end to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lee Scott, Jr., and their new baby girl. The new baby was named after her great-grandmother, Mrs. Scott’s | mother, Mrs. Margaret Marshall, be- | cause she was born on her 85th birthday. Mrs. Morton, Oldest Mother At Banquet Mrs. W. D. Morton of Fernbrook was the oldest mother at the Moth- er and Daughter Banquet held in the Dallas Methodist Church last’ Thursday evening and Mrs. Anna Keiper, the youngest. Mrs. Morton will be 75 in July; Mrs. Keiper is 20. Both were presented with pot- ted plants. Mollie Durbin, aged 4, was the youngest daughter present | new story book. and family of Vestal, N. Y., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Sny- cough. der of East Dallas on Sunday. SHIRTS 59¢ to 79c Summer Sport Needs ..... BOYS’ INFANTS’ SUN SUITS Crepe and Percale — and — OVERALLS SUN SUITS Sizes 2 to 8 Sizes 1 to 3 © 5c to 50c 250 to 3%¢ " COTTON WOMEN’S and CHILDREN’S SWEATERS ANKLE SOCKS — and — WOMEN'S SHORTS, SLACKS, 2-pc. SUITS, SPECIAL AT 8c PAIR Others 10c, 15¢ and 2 for 25¢ 2 prs. 15¢ for which she received a thrilling | Mr. and Mrs. Friend Hildebrant | former resident of Carverton and has a number of good friends throughout the Back Mountain sec-: FARMERETTES, and BLAZER JACKETS Sizes 12-20 69 e to 1 ~ GIRLS’ SUN SUITS, SHORTS, SLACKS, FARMERETTES and 2-pc. SUITS Sizes 4-14 9 5 ¢ to 1 THE LADY'S SHOP Township Ladies To Give Minstrel | Will Present "Mirandy's Minstrels’ Wed. May 15 “Mirandy’s Minstrels” will be pre- sented by members of the Ella Moore Memorial Class in Dallas Township High School, Wednesday evening May 15. Rosella Carlin will be interlocu- tor and Irene Moore, Hazle Hilde- brant, Lucy Weaver, Myra Carlin, Margaret Weiss and Letha Mericle, endmen. Specialty numbers will be pre- sented by: Ruth Marie Zaher, acro- batic dancer; Dorothy Zelinski, bal- let dancer; David Blight, Jr., tap dancer; George Trimble, banjo player. ? Junior Prom At Dallas Borough School Tonight Members of the Junior Class of Dallas Borough High School will hold their prom in the school audi- torium tonight from 8 to 12 o’clock. Russ Andalora will furnish music. The auditorium will be decorated in blue and silver around the pent house theme. Nancy Ayre is general chairman assisted by Rhoda Veitch; Bob Nie- meyer, Eloise Hunt, Alma Nelson and Naomi Shaver. \ | | MAIN STREET DALLAS, PA. it Charlotte Goldsmith Is Bride Of Walter Weaver The marriage of Miss Charlotte Goldsmith, daughter of Benjamin Goldsmith of Dallas, and Walter Weaver, son of Ellis Weaver of Cen- termoreland, took place in the Methodist parsonage at Centermore- land, Saturday, May 4, at 8 p. m. Rev. Thomas F. Kline; performed the ceremony. Miss Emily Goldsmith, sister of the bride and Paul Weaver, brother of the bridegroom were attendants. The bride is a graduate of Dallas Township High School and Blooms- burg State Teachers’ College and is teaching at Northumberland Town- ship schools. Mr. Weaver was grad- uated from Falls Overfield High | School and is engaged in farming. The couple will make their home at Hallstead R. D. Eleanor Hardisky, Guest Of Honor On Birthday A birthday surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hardisky for their daugh- ter, Eleanor, who celebrated her 15th birthday anniversary May 5. Eleanor received a number of lovely gifts. Refreshments were served to the following: Eleanor Maticko, Jose- phine Stockmal, John Stockmal, El- mer Phillips, Joe Hardisky, Albert Hardisky, Joe Stredney, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hardisky, Demunds; Helen Schoonover, Loren Schoon- over, Centermoreland; Isabel Hudak, Ann Hudak, Huntsville; Dorothy Berlinski, Dallas; Harold Hess, Kun- kle; Eleanor Hardisky and Ann Hardisky, Lehman. Miss Beatrice Riley Marries Burt Lewis Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Beatrice E. Riley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Berton M. Riley of Shavertown and Robert B. Lewis, son of Attorney and Mrs. Burt B. Lewis of Dallas. The ceremony was performed Fri- day evening in the Shavertown Methodist Church by Rev. Russell J. May. Attendants were Miss Emma Ruth Shaver of Shavertown and George R. Lewis, brother of the bridegroom, of Dallas. : Mrs. Lewis is a graduate of Kings- ton Township High School. Mr. Lewis was graduated from Dallas Borough High School and is em- WhenIt's Tea For Two, Try These = 3 Open-face Olive Biscuits So extra-delicious, so easy to make... they're grand for For tea, buffet parties or Sunday night suppers, these attractive Open- face Olive Biscuits make a big hit. And they're so easy and inexpensive to make! Simply halve hot baking powder biscuits, spread them with mayon- naise and top with sliced stuffed olives. Or spread hot buttered bis- cuits with deviled ham and garnish with slices of sweet pickle. But the tastiest spread goes un- appreciated if the biscuits are not Light, flaky, tender and golden brown. So clip the recipe now and treat your friends to these tasty Open-face Olive Biscuits soon. Open-Face Olive Biscuits 2 cups sifted flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1% teaspoon salt a big crowd, too 5 tablespoons triple-creamed shortening 2/3 cup milk (about) Mayonnaise 15 cup stuffed olives, sliced Sift flour with baking powder and salt. Cut in shortening until mixture is as fine as meal. Add milk, mix- ing to a soft dough. Knead lightly about 20 seconds. Roll dough to '2-inch thickness. Cut with biscuit cutter and place on baking sheet. Bake in very hot oven (450 degrees F.) 12 minutes. Split hot biscuits, spread each half with mayonnaise and cover with sliced olives. Makes 1 dozen biscuits. (All measurements in this recipe 2 ployed at the Wilkes-Barre Record. The couple are making their home with the bride's parents, East Center Street, Shavertown. Finance Your New Car ... Through ... THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of DALLAS Member F. D. I. C. Pay Your Bills By Bank Money Order From —P>21 BROWN S= 26 East NorthamptonStreet Important Delivery Notice To Our Patrons Residing In Dallas And All Intermediate Towns Including Harvey's Lake! | il ... Beginning Tuesday, May 14th, We Are Making A Change In Our Present De- | livery Schedule To The Above Men- tioned Sections... Ti uesdays .. Thursdays .. Saturdays! ... Trucks Will Leave Our Market Each Consecutive Day At 8 A. M.! Our Reg- ular City Delivery Charge Of 10c Will Be Effective On Each Order! Dial 2-5151 GAY-MURRAY — NEWS — are level.) SAVE YOUR HOME WITH MOORE'S PURE 11NSEED OI House Paint Sur SIDE WHITE % Moore’s covers 350 sq. ft. per gallon—2 coats—yet sells i at only $2.75. Try other Moore finishes for your floors, walls or furniture. The same low prices prevail. % Improvements for the kitchen seem to be in order everywhere. A Cabinet Sink for Cecil Rose at New Milford, a Linoleum floor for Mrs, {Muryl Krewson at Forkston, a Bot- tled Gas Range for May Gore at Factoryville, a Range Boiler for I. E, Earl at Falls, and a Westinghouse | Refrigerator for Mrs. Del Stephens at Nicholson, x Here are the fresh bulk seeds, lime, fertilizer, and the good Oliver tools to stir the ground. Why not mix in a little good weather and raise good crops? Maybe a Simplicity Garden Tractor would help too. the cows, pigs, and horses in their place. Henry Foote, Stanley Dy- ... It Is Our Sincere Pleasure To Extend This Service To Our Many Valued Patrons Throughout This Territory ... That We Might Give You More Efficient Service May We Ask That You Place Your Order The Day Previous To Day Of Delivery . . . That Is, Each Monday . . Wednesday . . And Friday! mond, Andrew Yurish and Norman {James tried it this week, and found | that one hot fire is better than four cold ones. Prime sets sell as low tas $9.95. % At the R. E. A. Electrical Circus at Lime Hill, May 17th and 18th, you'll see a mighty interesting line-up of the latest and best Electric Servants, and youll see the Westinghouse line the leader in value. Let Us Help You Electrify ® Gay-Murray Co. Inc. TUNKHANNOCK, PA. % Prime Electric Fence sure keeps A i =e