The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 03, 1940, Image 4

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Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local Church Affairs
Purely Personal
Home Phone 161
Office Phone 300
Miss Lois Mosier of Dallas Town-
ship and Miss Betty Weaver of
Wilkes-Barre spent several days last
week in Washington, D. C. While
they were there they attended a
session of the House of Representa-
tives and saw Mr. Garner in action.
They returned Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MacVeigh of
Center Hill Road will have as their
guests over the week-end the form-
er’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.
P. G. Platt and family of Walling-
ford, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoover of
Idetown have as their guest Miss
Phebe Krewson of Philadelphia.
Miss Helen Jeter and her fiance,
Ellsworth Wilto and his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wilto of
Caldwell, N. J. spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Jeter of Center
Hill Road.
Mrs. Vivienne Crosby and son,
Drew, have been ill at their home
in Idetown for the past week.
Betty Rebenneck, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Rebennack of
Meeker has been ill with a bad case
of tonsilitis.
oC wom
Roxie Hoover, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Hoover of Ide-
town, is back at school after being
ill for several days.
Mrs. E. R. Parrish of Idetown had
as her guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. ;
R. B. Knapp of Sprague Avenue,
Mrs. Harry Decker has been ill
at her home in Meeker.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mosier and
family of Laceyville spent Sunday
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Mosier. Sunday even-
ing they went over to the T. E.
Ruggles home at Pike's Creek for
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Masters of
Sweet Valley have announced the
birth of a daughter, April 29, at
General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. William Niemeyer,
Jr., have taken up their residence
at Baltimore, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stair and family
and Hank Price have moved into
the Allen house across from the old
Goss school house.
Mr. and Mrs. Niles White have
had as their guest for the past few
weeks the latter’s aunt, Mrs. Axa
Beers of New York City
* %
Mpre Walter Risley, Lake Street,
spent several days this week visit-
ing her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boston at
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Steelman
who have been living on Charles
Street, Kingston, are moving back
into their own home at Trucksville
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waldow
announce the birth of a daughter
at Mercy Hospital, April 22. This
is the Waldow’s first daughter and
second child. Mrs. Waldow is the
former Miss Ruth Laux, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Laux of Shaver-
town. :
Mr. and Mrs. Galvin Duesler and
the latter's brother, John Valaika
have moved from Center Hill Road
to Shavertown. Mr. and Mrs. George
Dean have moved into the home
vacated by the Dueslers.
Mrs. Zigmund Harmon, Miss Mu-
riel Lewin and Walter Lewin mo-
tored on Wednesday to New York
City where they visited their moth-
er, Mrs. Anna Lewin.
The Entre Nous Bridge Club will
meet on Thursday evening at the
home of Mrs. Charles Jones, East
* kk
Mrs. LaVerne Richardson sub-
mitted to an operation last week at
the New Rochelle Hospital in New
Rochelle, N. Y. Her condition is
fair. Mr. Richardson returned to
his home on Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles Whitesell and Mrs.
Kenneth Oliver entertained on Tues-
“day evening at the home of the lat-
ter on Claude Street at a card party
for the benefit of the Dallas Junior
Women’s Club.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Starr were din-
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Byron
Starr of Goss Manor on Sunday.
They then motored to Turbettsville
where they visited relatives.
Stanley L. Moore of East Dallas
is ill at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain,
Grand View Terrace celebrated their
15th wedding anniversary on Tues-
day. ;
Mrs. George Hofmeister, Lake Nu-
angola, entertained the members of
her pinochle club at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Oliver
on Claude Street on Wednesday af-
Faith Kocher and John Honey-
well visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Scouton of Harvey's Lake on Sun-
Rev. and Mrs. David Morgan of
Alderson attended the General Con-
ference of the Methodist Church at
Atlantic City, N. J., last week.
‘Honors Mrs. Wilfred
Scouten At Shower
Miss Jean Miller entertained at a
shower at her home in Kunkle in
honor of Mrs. Wilfred Scouten, Fri-
day evening. Mrs. Scouten is the
former Nellie Honeywell. The guest
of honor received many useful and
attractive gifts.
Present were: Laura Rothery,
| Stella Elston, Doris Hess, Martha
Kunkle, Caroline Brace, Mable Mill«
er, Florence Honeywell, Beatrice
Scott, Mrs. Maggie Ellsworth, Jean
Miller and Mrs. Scouten.
Entertains At Party
Dorothy Berlinski was hostess to
a number of friends at a party at
her home on Saginaw Avenue, Goss
Manor, Sunday evening.
were: Joe Novak, Florence Berlinski,
Claire Rybarick, Helen Roberts,
Michael Cebrick, Claire Berlinski,
Theodore Levitski, Gertrude Berlin-
ski, Andrew Yurko, Loretta Sharkas,
George Cisko, Theresa Martin, Wal-
ter Walluck, Joe Buzitski, Alex Tom-
Ko, Dorothy Berlinski, Beverly Mar-
tino and Mrs. A. M. Berlinski.
Rotarians And Wives To
Go to Buck Hill Falls
A number of local Rotarians and
their wives will attend the annual
District Governor’s Convention held
at Buck Hill Inn, May 5, 6, and 7.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Garinger, Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Hallock, Mr. and Mrs.
L. F. Kingsley, Dr. and Mrs. R. M.
Bodycomb, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Richards, Mr. and Mrs, Granville
Sowden, Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Returns To Trucksville
Mrs. George W. Reynolds, Sr.
who ' spent the winter in Florida,
os returned to her home in Trucks-
{ ville. She was delighted by the evi-
dences of Spring she saw .on her
trip northward and was especially
impressed by the profusion of dog-
wood in Georgia. Although the
winter in Florida was colder than
usual, she says, she enjoyed her va-
cation thoroughly.
Beulah Brace, Bride
of Walter Besteder
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Miss Beulah Brace,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brace
of East Dallas, and Walter Kenneth
Besteder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
ter Besteder of Centermoreland,
Friday, April 12, in the Dallas Meth-
odist Church. Rev. Francis Free-
man performed the ceremony.
Attendants were Mr. and Mrs.
George Hess, brother-in-law and sis-
ter of the bride, of Bound Brook,
N. J.
Mrs. Besteder wore a dusty pink
tailored crepe dress with matching
accessories. Her shoulder bouquet
was of white gardenias and pink
sweet peas. Mrs. Hess chose a navy
blue redingote with black accessor-
ies and a corsage of pink roses.
The bride is a graduate of Dallas
Township High School and Wilkes-
Barre General Hospital and is well
known as a nurse throughout the
valley. Mr. Besteder was graduated
from Dallas Borough High School
and is employed in the Revenue De-
partment at Harrisburg.
Mrs. Morrissey, Hostess
To Committee Women
Mrs. James Morrissey of Shaver-
town was hostess to Committee Wo-
men of the Brownie Girl Scout
Troop at her home Tuesday evening.
Plans were discussed for the rally
to be held in Kingston Armory,
May 11. Present at the meeting
were Mrs. Joseph Bailey, Mrs. R.
J. Brislin, Mrs. Bert Crandall, Mrs.
David Spry, Mrs. Peter Jurchak and
Mrs. James Morrissey.
Missionary Society
To Meet Next Tuesday
The Young Women’s Missionary
Society of Dallas Methodist Church
will meet Tuesday night at the home
of Mrs. Laura Patterson, Dallas.
Emma Stookey will have charge of
the program. There will be mite
box opening. The serving commit-
tee will have as members Emily Par-
rish, Edith Jeter and Ruth Evans.
Mrs. George Hofmeister will en-
tertain her 500 club at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Oli-
ver, next Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schultz ar-
rived at their summer home on
Terrace Drive on Tuesday after
spending the winter in Miami.
Finance Your New Car
... Through ...
Member F. D. I. C.
Pay Your Bills By Bank
Money Order From
Present |
Reservations have been made by: !
Students of the Shakespeare Class
of College Misericordia will visit the
Folger Library in Washington, D.
C., this (Friday) morning to see the
First Folios and the vast collection
of Shakespearean
In the group will be: Miss Mary
gan, Hazleton; Miss Anne Marie
Whalen, Freeland; Miss Charlotte
Cranston, Arlington, Va.; Miss
Katherine Kirschner, Washington,
Miss Gertrude Dougherty, Sugar
Notch; Miss Mollie Crossin, Luzerne
and Miss Mary Murphy, Edwards-
Scores of L’Allegro disciples
thronged to the Crystal ball-
room of the Sterling Hotel last
Friday night to attend the Jun-
for Prom. Mary Corrigan, gen-
eral chairman, was assisted by
Ann Pendergast, Mary Mec-
Groarty and Charlotte Crans-
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
men’s Athletic Association of the
college was held Tuesday and nom-
inations were made, preparatory to
electing officers and sports heads
later this month. The following
officers, all members of the Fresh-
man Class, were nominated: Presi-
dent, Betty Croop, Helen Mang;
vice-president, Helen Claire Siga-
foos, Mary Vahey; secretary, Anna
Guido, Mary Ellen Schiff; treasurer,
Grace McCauley, Margaret Strome;
publicity manager, Regina Kelly,
Doris McCarty.
Misericordia will have dele-
gates from biology, chemistry
and physics departments at the
first meeting of the Pennsyl-
vania Chapter of the Catholic
Round Table of Science at Rose-
mont College, Rosemont, on
Ninety-four applications were filed
with the Registrar for admission to
the Competitive Scholarship Exam
inations which were conductzd at
the college Saturdcy. The appli-
nants, selected from the upper fifth
of their class, represented 43
schools of which 27 were public and
20 were parochial.
The class in marionettes will
sponsor a production of “Little
Red Riding Hood” at the col-
lege next Tuesday night.
Fred Honeywell, Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Nulton, Corey Besteder, Flor-
ence and Conrad Honeywell, all of
Kunkle, motored to Patterson, N. J.,
on Sunday where they visited
Colonel A. G. Lutkins.
D. C.; Miss Charlot Harkins, Dallas; |
contemporary '
treasures of the Elizabethan period. |
They will be accompanied by the | been doing for those who are shut
chairman of the English department. | in by illness.
Mrs. Paul Bedford
Is Hostess To
Dallas Shut-In Society At Tea
Mrs. Paul Bedford entertained
members of the Dallas Branch Shut-
in Society at her home on West
South Street, Wilkes-Barre at tea
Monday afternoon. Mrs. Bedford
organized the society in the valley
several years ago and has received
national recognition for the splen-
did work she and her helpers have
What the local visitors have been
Stuccio, Pittston; Miss Mary Corri-| able to accomplish and their plans
for the future were discussed in-
Present were: Mrs. W. H. Conyng-
ham, Mrs. R. J. Breslin, Mrs. Peter
Jurchak, Mrs. Granville Sowden,
Mrs. A. N. Garinger, Mrs. Ralph Hal-
lock, Mrs. Victoria Blannett, Mrs.
Warren Taylor, Mrs. H. A. Shap-
pelle, Mrs. Hugh Riddall, Mrs. W.
E. Batey, Mrs. L. F. Kingsley, Mrs.
James Oliver, Mrs. Machell Hilde-
brant, Mrs. Ray Shiber, Mrs. Shel-
don Bennett, Mrs. Earl Monk.
Woman's Club To
Entertain At Tea
Will Be Hostesses To
Mothers Wednesday
Plans have been completed for a
Mother and Daughter Tea to be
given by members of the Dallas Jun-
ior Woman’s Club at the Irem
Temple Country Club, Wednesday
evening, May 8. Members are urg-
ed to attend and bring their moth-
ers as guests.
The following program has been
arranged: Address of Welcome,
Mrs. Herbert Lundy, president; mu-
sical selections by Glee Club, direct-
ed by Mrs. Sara Stanford; greeting
to mothers, Mrs. James Trebilcox;
response to daughters, Mrs. Charles
F. Smith; musical selections, How-
ard Cosgrove; greetings and imper-
sonations, Miss Agnes Hines of Col-
lege Misericordia.
Township Juniors To
Give "Strawberry Kate’
Junior Class of Dallas Township
high school will present “Strawberry
Kate”, an uproarious comedy, Wed-
nesday evening, May 22 at 8 o'clock.
Members of the cast are: Patricia
Norcross, Grace Mahler, Florence
Rolinson, Roberta Quaill, Jane Eck-
hart, Henrietta Spencer, Lillian
Ward, George Moore, Donald Kried-
ler, Arthur Kemmerer, Walter Weiss
aid Walter Gerlach.
Alice Fischer To Wed
Robert Laux June 1
Announcement has been made of
the approaching marriage of Miss
Alice Ruth Fischer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank X. Fischer of
Wilkes-Barre and Robert W. Laux,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Laux of
Shavertown, which will take place
Baturday morning, June 1 at 8:45
in St. Mary's Church, Wilkes-Barre.
Rev. Francis Schmidt of Scranton,
cousin of Mr. Laux will officiate.
Attendants will be Mrs. Frank J.
Weis of Brooklyn, sister of Miss
Fischer and Frederick J. Laux of
Shavertown, brother of Mr. Laux.
REG. u.s. PAT. OFF
From the
new concep
ability. It i
and pay for
Paints, Second Floor of Beautiful Homethings
istry has come this remarkable new
white House Paint to give you a
and it stays whiter! Through its re-
today’s dust and dirt are washed
away by tomorrow's rain.
Ask us, too, about the
comvenient Budget Pay-
ment Plan that enables
you to protect your property mow,
Mothers And Daughters
Enjoy Annual Banquet
A splendid crowd of mothers and
daughters attended the annual
Mother and Daughter Banquet held
in the basement of the Dallas Meth-
odist Church last evening.
An interesting program was pre-
sented by the following:
Louise Colwell, group singing; Mrs.
Doris Carey, toast to mothers, and
Mrs. Eugene Fiske, toast to daugh-
ters; Mrs. William Cairl, reading;
Mrs. Dolores Trumbower, reading;
Mrs. James Oliver, vocal solo; Miss
Beryl Colwell, reading. Mrs. Wesley
Himmler was in carge of the pro-
In Play Tournament
Epworth League of East Dallas
will present a one act play, “Elmer”,
Thursday evening, May 2 at 8
o'clock when they compete with the
Alderson and Idetown groups at Ide-
town church, in the annual play
Members of the cast are: Warren
Stanton, Beatrice Cook, Robert
Pickett, Margaret Brace, Wilma
Brace, Fred Shupp, Jean Hildebrant,
Marion Hildebrant and Beatrice Hil-
Serve Chicken Dinner
Meeker Ladies’ Aid Society served
a chicken dinner to a class of men
from the Primitive Methodist
Church in Wilkes-Barre - Tuesday
evening. Mrs. Ruth Rogers as pres-
ident of the society had charge of
the affair.
$2.50 Complete
White Houses
wonder-world of chem-
tion of beauty and dur-
s whiter at the start —
“self-cleaning” . powers,
the work out of income.
Mrs. |
Alumni Make Plans
For Spring Dance
Officers were elected and plans
made for its annual Spring Dance
for the graduates at a recent meet-
ing of Kingston Township High
School Alumni Association. Elected
were: Clarence Jones, president;
Sarah Wagner, vice-president, and
Helen Lawson, secretary-treasurer.
Howard Isaacs was named chair-
man in charge of the annual dance
to be given the Kingston Township
High School graduating class on
June 5 in the high school auditor-
ium. Sarah Wagner was appointed
co-chairman and Sheldon Nichols
was named in charge of tickets.
Robert Albertson will have charge
of decorations and Ruth Schwartz
is handling the advertising and pub-
licity. Dancing will start at 8:30
and continue until 12:30. Music
will be by Elwood Terry’s orchestra.
Tickets may be obtained from mem-
bers of the Alumni Association.
“His Girl Friday”
Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell
Comedy—Two Cartoons—Serial
“The Return of Dr. X”’
with Humphrey Bogart
— and —
“Earl of Chicago”
with Robert Montgomery
Alice Faye and Warner Baxter
Comedy—News—Travel Talk
| “Northwest Passage”
[ with Spencer Tracy
Sale .
home . . . The
Mrs. VanBuskirk
Gives Luncheon
Entertains For Women
Who Cleaned Church
Mrs. Charles VanBuskirk enter-
tained at her home in Meeker for
the women who helped clean the
Meeker church at a luncheon Fri-
day. Games were played and prizes
won by Mrs. Edna Karschner, Mrs.
George Weintz and Miss Grace Ide.
Present were: Mrs. Edna Karsch-~
ner, Mrs. Elizabeth Ide, Mrs. Walter
Wolfe, Mrs. George Weintz, Mrs.
Ruth Rogers, Miss Letha Wolfe, and
Miss Grace Ide and the hostess.
— FREE —
A dandy felt hat with
gold button and lovely
colors, with every
rae AT
® Sizes run from small
through medium to large.
Button and zipper fronts,
with and without sleeves.
Last Two Days of this great Store-wide
. . Plan now to take advantage of
the savings and buy brand new spring
needs for your family, yourself and your
savings are unusual and
it will pay you to walk thru the store,
visit every department and SAVE.
Children’s Sample
Values to 4.50
| Samples of dress and sport
| shoes in styles for boys and
Quality Mattress
Regularly 1.29
Heavy unbleached muslin
sheeting covers. Finished
with boxed sides and rub-
Regularly to 19.95
Two coats in one . . . color-
ful tweed on one side and
waterproof gaberdine on
reverse. 12 to 20.
Second Floor
girls. Elk, calf and patent. ber buttons. Full or twin
Sizes 8% to 3. sizes.
Second Floor Main Floor
Just 12 Libby No Nik
4¢ ea.
Regularly 7e
9 ounce size crystal water
tumbler. Beautiful needle
decoration. No C. O. D,,
Mail or Phone orders.
Fifth Floor