ATE PAGE FOUR . THE POST, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1940 Sart FCN A TY Purely Persona | By MRS. ARTHUR CULVER Home Phone 161 Office Phone 300 Mrs. Ziba Howell who has been ill at her home in Trucksville is improving. * Xx =x D. L. Edwards of Davis Street, Trucksville, has been confined to his home with a bad cold. * x = Mrs. Walter Risley spent the week-end at Nicholson as guest of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boston. * kk * Mrs. M. L. Brown, Main Street, will entertain the members of her! Contract Bridge Club at her home on Monday evening. * kk % The J. A. B. Class will hold its monthly class party on Friday even- ing at the Dallas Methodist Church. Word has been received that Miss Dorothy Gardiner, former borough teacher, has been appointed to her position in the Panama Canal Zone. Mrs. Gardiner is expected to return to the States this summer and will visit friends in this vicinity. * ¥ * Mr. and Mrs. Newton Mishell and family of Philadelphia have re- turned to their home after spending the week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hauck of Lehman Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Hauck were accompanied home from Philadel- phia on Thursday, where they at- tended the funeral of the latter's aunt, by Mrs. Mishell and daughter. % % =x Corey Gordon, who has been ill at his home on Norton Avenue, is able to be out. ®t & % Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McHose en- tertained Thursday evening at their home in Fernbrook, prior to the Rotary Charter Night Dinner at the Country Club. Mrs. Anna Dunn, Main Street, and Mrs. Benethun of Harvey's Lake spent the week-end in Philadelphia where they visited friends. LB J Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gordon who have been wintering in St. Peters- burg, Fla, are now visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Taylor in Atlanta, Ga. They will return to Dallas next month. ® 8X Tommy and Bobby Richardson, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Richardson of Terrace Drive, are guests of their grandparents in Fleetsville. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schultz of Miami, Fla., will arrive the end of April to occupy their summer home in Dallas. ® x = Mrs. Scott Van Horn, Park Ave- nue, entertained her Pinochle Club at her home on Wednesday after- noon. Mrs. Haines of Uniea Street, Kingston is the ewest of her son-in- law and dJaughter, Mr. and Mrs. gay Llewellyn of Goss Manor. Mrs. Henry Kraybill, Center Hill Road, has returned to her home af- ter spending a week visiting rela- tives in Maytown. * ® 8 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hopa have moved from Machell Avenue to Kunkle. The South District Republican Club held its anniversary dinner at the Colonial Inn on Thursday even- ing. * %* %¥ Mrs. Charles Jones entertained the members of the Ella Moore Me- morial Class at her home on Tues- day evening. _ Mrs. Howard Caperoon will en- tertain the members of her auction bridge club at her home on Thurs- day evening. x FF = Mrs. Kenneth Oliver will be host- ess to the Mary Durbin Sunday School Class at her home on Friday evening, April 19. The refresh- ments will be served by Mrs. Della Thompson and Mrs. Leida Bush. Brickel Class To Meet The Jessie Austin Brickel Sunday School Class will meet Friday night in the church parlors. All members are urged to come. Hostesses are Mrs. Louise Brown, Mrs. Sarah Schmerer, Mrs. Francis Freeman and Miss Fay Whipp. Announce Birth Of Son Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hulbert of Detroit, Mich., announce the birth of a 4% pound son, April 15. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Mrs. Hulbert is the former Ida May Moss, daughter of Mrs. Charles Moss of Dallas. COMING TO NEW YORK? STOP AT Flap NT a : iainnAnnk Sgn. 44 ST. east of BROADWAY FORMERLY 447 ST. HOTEL FIT g Zi gil Nellie Honeywell Weds W. Scouten Ceremony Is Performed At Lehman January 31 Fred Honeywell of Kunkle an- nounces the marriage of his daugh- ter, Nellie June, to Welford Scouten, son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Scouten of Noxen. The ceremony was per- formed in the Lehman Methodist Church, January 31. Rev. C. Duane Butler officiated. Attendants were John Honeywell, brother of the bride, and Faith Kocher of Harvey's Lake. Mrs. Scouten was graduated from Dallas Township High School in the class of 1939. Mr. Scouten is a graduate of Noxen High School and is employed as plasterer by Milton Culp of Dallas. The couple will take up their new residence at Harvey’s Lake next week. Parrish Brings Word Of Dallasites In South More jovial and energetic than ever, Elmer L. Parrish, local realtor, returned from a winter's vacation in St. Petersburg, Fla., on Saturday. “The first two weeks were cold, but the rest of the winter was lovely,” Mr. Parrish said. He brought home news of the Gordons, the Kunkles and the Robertsons, all of whom are well and happy. Variety Shower Given Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. R. Carey Are Guests Of Honor Honoring her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carey of Dallas who were recently mar- ried, Mrs. Lena Carey entertained at a variety shower at her home on Huntsville Street, Dallas. Guests were: Mr."and Mrs. Corey: Rogers, Miss Mabel Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Richard: Palmer; Mrs. Gladys Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Dorey Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. Mace Hartman, Mies Louise Roushey, Mr. ond Mrs. George Crocker. Roberta Crocker, Mrs. Edw=xa Crocker, Mrs. Herbert Moxr1s, Mrs. Grover Hudson, Mrs. Stella Cummings, ‘Rita Cummings, Ford Lozo, Mrs. Ernest Carey, Mrs. Frank Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers, Mrs. Evan Hudson. Make Plans For Variety Program Township PTA Will Give Affair Rpril 25 Thursday, April 25, a variety pro- gram will be presented by the Dal- las Township Parent-Teacher Asso- ciation in the high school auditori- um. Franklin Coslett will be Master of Ceremonies. Mrs. Ralph Elston is in charge of the affair which will take the place of the amateur night which has been an annual event sponsored by the PTA. Mrs. Robert Taylor Asks For Card Party Returns Mrs. Robert B. Taylor who served as chairman of the card party spon- sored by the Auxiliary of the Nes- bitt Hospital last Friday, April 12, would like to have all people who sold tickets make a report to her as soon as possible. There are still some tickets and some money out. Public Auction — SALE — TUESDAY, APRIL 23 p.m (Rain or Shine) Live Stock Farm Machirery Furniture Radios, Etc. — LUNCH SERVED — STOLARICK BROS. LEHMAN, PENNA. en pre mn Don’t forget to look for the Boston Store Anni- versary Girls when you go to town for the Big Boston Store Anniversary Sale this week. They can be seen on the streets of Wilkes-Barre and surrounding communities right now. likely to give you a brand new dollar bill if you can show a sales slip for a purchase made at the Boston Store that day. DISTRIBUTE DOLLARS FOR BOSTON STORE SALES SLIPS 2 23 - They're Jack Hislop To Be Toastmaster Frank Walp Will Be Speaker At Banquet Jovial Jack Hislop has agreed to be toastmaster and Frank Walp, Forty Fort’s crack coach, the chief jitorium April 25. The banquet which speaker at Dallas Borough's Ath- letic Banquet held in the school aud- is an annual affair is of particular significance this year since the lo- cal basketball team won the Back Mountain championship and for this they will be served a delicious tur- key dinner. Letters will be given out to all athletes who have won them throughout the year. Committee members: Mrs. Leon Kintz, general chairmar; Mrs. Ed- r ward Nelson. Miss. “Louise Colwell, How ar &- Hallock, Miss Helen Ander- son and Miss Julia Dolton. Marion Newcomb To Be Married Announces Betrothal To Lawrence Farnam Announcement has been made of the engagement of Marian Anna Newcomb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Newcomb of Huntsville, to Lawrence Farnam, son of Mrs. Den- nis Osterhout of Hallstead. Miss Newcomb attended the Leh- man schools. Mr. Farnam is a grad- uate of Mill City High School and is employed at DeMoney’s Grocery Store at Hallstead. The wedding will take place in June. Classified Ads on Page 8 Help many families Pay the freight. = SPECIAL! = $5 DUART PERMANENT WAVE $2.50 Complete MARGUERITE’S BEAUTY SHOP — MAIN ROAD — FERNBROOK—PHONE 397 HIMMLER THEATRE DALLAS, PA. MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AT 2 THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Brother Rat And A Baby” with Patricia Lane Cartoon—‘Zorro’s Fighting Legion” MONDAY AND TUESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE % * “Invisible Stripe” with George Raft — and — “Miracle On Main Street” with Wynne Gibson WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY “Days of Jesse James” with Roy Rogers Cartoon—Comedy—News NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY iiLittle Old New York” with Alice Faye { ‘Former Local Girl To Wed Philadelphia Man Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Lois Evaline Elston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elston of Newport, former- ly of Huntsville, to Charles Shuster, Jr.,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. F. Shuster of Philadelphia. Miss Elston was graduated from Lehman High School, Nesbitt Me- morial Hospital and is employed at the University of Pennsylvania Hos- pital in Philadelphia. Mr. Shuster is associated with the Ketterlinus Lithograph Manufacturing Co. of Philadelphia. No date has been set for the wedding. Classified Advertising Gets Quick Results At Little Cost. Mrs. PerrigoIs PTA President New Officers Are Named At Township Mrs. Francis Perrigo was elected president at the Dallas Township Parent-Teacher meeting = Monday evening and the following officers chosen to assist her for the com- ing year: First vice-president, Ron- ald Dohl; second vice-president, Mrs. Dorothy Henney; secretary, Miss Ruth Paul; recording secretary, Mrs. Olin Kunkle; treasurer, James Ayre. A splendid program of music and reading was presented: music, Dal- las Woman's Glee Club; reading, Mrs. Carl Gries; clarinet solo, Dor- othy Gries; piano solo, Mildred Kitchen; guitar and mouth organ selections, Mr. Waters. William Ferrey Guest Of Honor Given Surprise Party On Birthday Anniversary A birthday surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ferrey in honor of their son, Bill, April 11, on his 23rd birthday. Many gifts were received and re- freshments were served. The party was enjoyed by the fol- lowing: Miss Doris Long, Miss June Long, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long, Miss Thelma Updike, Sweet Valley; Harry Rogers, Lehman; Miss Mary Koehler, Miss Marguerite Koehler, Huntsville; Charles Searfoss, Miss Ila Cotterman, Town Hill; Harry Casterline, Miss Hazel Gordon, Miss Helen Gordon, Hayes Corners; Miss Mabel Ferrey, Luzerne; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rogers, Meeker; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kline, Richard Kline, Marion Kline, Morris Kline, Laketon; Mrs. Alice Myers, West Pittston; Russel Baer, Miss Ann Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adametz, Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Ferrey, Bill Ferrey, Lewis Fer- rey, Albert Ferrey, Mildred Ferrey, Betty Ferrey, Shirley Ferrey, Caro- line Ferrey, Dallas. Student Programs Presented At PTA Members Of Nominating Committee Appointed A splendid program comprised mostly of student entertainment was given before the largest crowd of the season at the Dallas Borough Parent-Teacher meeting Monday evening. Geography and physical education classes of Mr. Clarence LaBar pre- sented an excellent program center- ing around modern methods of transportation and communication. Airplane and ship models were dis- played and talks were given by Margaret Kairns, Frank Kuehn, Rose Mary Barry and Alice Shaver. Seventh and eighth grade boys gave a lively exhibition of tumbling and ninth grade boys of diving. The big race between 7th and 8th grade girls was won by the 7th grade and that between the 7th and 8th grade boys by the 8th grade. A three round boxing contest between Arth- ur Houck and Paul Klug ended in a draw. William Brickel was appointed a chairman of the nominating com- mittee to present a slate at the next meetings and Joseph Jewell, Mrs. Louise Colwell, Mrs. Earl Monk and Mrs. Stephen Sedler were named assistants. Slides illustrating proper interior and exterior methods of home dec- orating were shown by Benjamin Disbrow through the courtesy of John Williams. Doris Hendershot Is Wed To Robert Dover Mr. and Mrs. John Hendershot, Main Street, Luzerne, have an- nounced the marriage of their daughter, Doris, to Robert Dover, son of William Dover of Kingston Township. Rev. S. E. Davies, pastor of the Bennett Presbyterian Church, performed the ceremony. Attendants were Miss Charlotte Dover, sister of the bridegroom, and Howard Hendershot, brother of the bride. Mr. Dover is employed by the Dover Milling Co. ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS IT'SEASY!.. 2 ish one © i Be No. 1 (for Refrigerato inghouse Bride, tor because... ® Letter No. 2 (for Range Bride, You should have a RAE F . Just choose the hese letters in 25 to 10 You should hav ” First Prizes) 10 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS FREE EACH WEEK! They're 1940 Aristocrat-Six models with all equipment including set of Hall China “Peasant-ware” Dishes and Water Server; Window-Front Meat-Keeper; large glass- top Humidrawer, and many other extras. Only Westinghouse has “True-Temp” Control, Fiberglas Insulation, and the Economizer Mechanism that uses current only 2 hours out of 12. Here’s a prize that really SAVES! [ROTR 38 CEL FET NEW ELECTRIC RANGE ... 10 W""TINGHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGES FREE EACH WEEK! They're 1::w 1940 Commander models . . . complete with big True-Temp Oven with Balanced Heat and Single Dial Control; 5-speed Corox Units; Deep Well Economy Cooker; Automatic Time and Temperature Control, and many other convenience features. This wonderful prize makes good food taste better. Don’t forget — there are no tricks to it and nothing to buy! 7% - HURRY!...HURRY!... GET FREE ENTRY BLANKS AT OUR. STORE! HAS TO WIN ® Luzerne County Gas & Electric Corporation irst Prize you'd like to win 0 words: r First Prizes) e a Westinghouse “Dear Westinghouse Westinghouse Range because. « «Dear West- Refriger- IRONS FREE EACH WEEK! New Streamline Ad- Jjust-o-matic—design- ed for better, faster, safer. effortless ironing! You'll enjoy this prize for years to come will award one range or one refrigerator for the best letter written by a customer of this company, if that letter does not win a first prize in the national contest. See local entry blank for details. 50 WESTINGHOUSE § Be Sure To Ask For Both Local And National Entry Blanks LUZERNE COUNTY GAS & ELECTRIC CORP. Cartoon—Serial PI PB PW NPT ITD | - w *