PAGE EIGHT Te THE FO ST, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1940 CLASSIFIED A"S | _FACTS YOU LOST Cocker Spaniel puppie, black with white markings. Answers to A name of “Pepper.” Reward. Phone ™ CATS AS TIME -KEEPERS. | SHAPES OF THE POPILS ; : OF THE CAT'S EYES, WHICH HELP WANTED GRADOALLY CONTRACT BEFORE NOON AND DI- Girl for general housework. Give = experience and references. Write Box A, Dallas Post. 151 COULD Wanted—Couple to take care of country home, no children. Man to take care of lawns and act as general caretaker, also able to take care of horses; drive and care for car; wife to do plain cooking and general housework. Give age, qualifi- cations and reference in first NEVER KN THe CHINESE FORMERLY USED THEIR LATE AFTER NOON, THE CHINESE wil By Bob Dart READ THE VERY VAL- UABLE A YOUNG CLERK NOTICED THE AEROPLANE ON AN AIR MAIL STAMP WAS UP- SIDE DOWN. HE BOUGHT A WHOLE SHEET WHICH HE LATER SOLD FOR THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! } ¥ Copyright 1939 Lincoln Newspaper Features. Inc. Primm vo, LIVING ave TER MARRIAGES 5 OF GLOUCESTER PRESENTED TO KING GEORGE II.OF ENGLAND, A4YR. OLDHORSE, 27 IN. HIGHS letter. Box S, Dallas Post. 142 | P 0 < bier rip is Ambitious, energetic, healthy, | hard-working boy to drive and care for truck, run errands, | ist 1 inti Yanik: lov | Frenbrook knows the man whose assist In printing plant; home gave refuge to Riley's cab- salary to start; opportunity to|griver. It was in 1904 that Riley learn good-paying trade; hard tried to cross Pierce Street, Kings- work; write for interview, giv- ton, on a bet and was drowned, Mrs. ing education and references, | Blewett says, and until someone to The Post, Dallas. Do pobjpcses he's wrong wy re Standing : i back of her memory. Riley’s driver apply in person. In | clambered on a EA of fy which deposited him on the front porch of ia Mr. Clemow, who works at Harris | . . Apartment, 4 rooms, kitchenette, | Hardware Company in Kingston (Continued from Page 1) FOR RENT garage. Handel Thomas, Fern-| with Mr. Blewett and Lewis Le- brook. Dallas. 151 | Grand. We refer Mrs. Blewett’s | : | correction ‘to Attorney William Five-room house; bath; = electric | Brewster, who, in his “History of light; garage; garden; convenient | the Certified Township of Kingston”, | to bus; lovely neighborhood. Phone | 477-R-4. 143 | WANTED TO BUY | chickens. | 151 | Roasting and stewing Gosart’s Store, Shavertown. Wanted To Buy—Roasting or on ing chickens. Phone Dallas 317-R-3. | Second hand baby carriage in good | condition. Box. B., Dallas Post. | 15 = FOR SALE | Zeiser cottage at Lake Carey, fur- | nished; 150 ft. lake front, beautiful | grounds, huge porch; 9 rooms, elec- | tricity, bath, hot and cold water, running water in all bedrooms, 1st floor lavoratory, fire place, Pyrofax stove, furnace, concrete cellar, drill- | ed well, 2 car garage. $8,000. 15tf! FOR SALE—One expensive look- | ing radio, cord and plug in good | condition. | Bed, springs, bureau, rocker, hall | rack. Cheap. Phone Dallas 203R0. | 32 Spring Street, Shavertown. 15% rnone 327R10. | 151 Fresh ~~-rnsey cor __ =zxatie Wuson. Tremendous Trade-In Sale—Flectric| refrigerators, $20 up. Mechanical- | ly perfect. Radios, $2 up. Iceboxes, $1 to $20. Name your own month- ly payments. Open evenings until 9 u- m. Lazarus Bros. Forty Fort Store, 970 Wyoming Avenue. Phone 7-1965. 151 Fresh cow and calf, one-half Guern- sey, one-half Holstein, 7 years old. Elmer Allen, Outlet, near Har- vey’s Lake. Dallas R. D. 4. 143 13-plate, 66 amp. hrs. Motrex Stor- age Battery; A-1 shape. Replaced by bigger battery. $3. Can be seen at Dallas Post. 121 Farmers Save Money on Coal! Haul | your own. Buckwheat $3; pea $4; chestnut $4.25; lump $3.75. Take Dupont highway out of Wilkes- Barre. Turn right at Mayfair Club, follow signs. Fresh mined, 2,000 Ibs. to ton. Licensed weighmaster. Atlas Coal Co. 124 Baby Chicks—N. H. and B. R. April Hatches, Wednesday and Friday. Penna. official Blood Test. Circular on request. 8c delivered. Joseph | Davis, Leraysville, Pa. 10tt | | Farms for sale or rent. Inquire Box | Y, Dallas Post. otf | 1 Ten-room cottage at Lake Carey. | Beautiful grounds, 5 bedrooms and maid’s bedroom, hot and cold water, bath; maid’s lavatory first floor; two fireplaces, hot air heat, Pyrofax range, running water in every room, drilled well; two-car garage, large porch, good cellar. Cheap. West Side. Inquire Dallas Post. otf For Sale—Coal from any breaker. Stove, furnace, fireplace wood. Ralph D. Lewis, 128 Shaver Ave, Shavertown. Phone Dallas 253-R-8. 3tf For Sale—D & H Anthracite Coal— egg, stove, nut, $7.75; pea, $6.25; buckwheat, $5.15; rice, $4.40. De- livered. Bag coal. Edwards Coal Co., Main St., Dallas. Phone Dallas 457-R-3 or 121. 2tf Coal—Nut, stove, egg, $7.50; pea, $6.00; buckwheat, $4.90; rice, $4.15. Delivered at Shavertown. 25c¢ per ton additional in Dallas. Wood $2.00 per load. Stewart J. Eustice, Dallas 460-R-9 or 288-R-8. MISCELLANEOUS Painting—Paperhanging—Old wall paper removed by modern steam process. No fuss. No dirt. Call us for lowest estimates. Excellent, ick workmanship. Elwood Oney, larvey’s Lake 3219. 96 | Molasses: Ugh Ugh. | 2 : | | invasion of the Moslems, who were says Riley was drowned in 1902. As for Bill Niemeyer, who insists there was no flood in 1904, we sug-. gest that he thrash that out with, Attorney Brewster, who is positive | there was. Oe | Despite her plaint that she “all-wore-out-with-it-all’”’, Dorothy | { Ames Carter of the Spring Feverish | {row w Carters, helps this department through a busy week by submitting an essay on April, as it might be interpreted by the following: Chaucer: Whan that Aprille with ' her showers sote . . . i Small Boy: April's Fool's past and | you're the biggest fool at last, nyah, | nya 3 Floridians to Northerners: Gonmit bye. Al Jolson: ‘Tho’ April sho-wersss | may come my way, they bring the | flower-ersss that bla-oom in May... | Brook Trout: Hooked again! | Fishin’ Worm: Let’s go see how | the other half lives. Street Vendor: any umberellas . . . ...Jimi Farley: Primarily speaking... Census Taker: Huh ? Two Indians Taking Sulphur and | | Any umberellas, | 2 First Robin: Chirp. } First Crocus: Peep. | Eavespout: Drip. | You: Yawn. Yawn. | And to dispose of the last of the | odds and ends which have accum- | ulated on our desk, awaiting their | chance to elbow into this depart- | ment, there's this bit of nonsense | verse, called “How to Make a] Double Petunia Out of a Begonia”, | composed by an anonymous, helpful | and slightly-mad contributor. goes like this: Begonia is a kind of sausage. A sausage and battery is a crime. People crime trees. Trees a crowd. Crowds make a noise. Your noise is on your face. 7 The eyes have it. Likewise the nays. Horses nay. Horses have colts. Go to bed with a colt. Wake up with double petunia. — { And that, dear readers, is the way a lazy editor fills a column in a hurry. Sees Free India Playing New Role Pillager Walks | | Into Trap Laid By Lake Police | Stevenson Says Suspect | | Had Broken Into Margie | Cottage Seven Times (Continued from Page 1) | opere te with Chief Stevenson and | Assistant Chief Swanson and the investigation was widened to in- clude all possible enemies of Mr. Margie. On an application for an operator’s license at Harrisburg, po- lice found that one of their sus- pect’s printing resembled that of the message left at the Margie cot- tage, but the evidence was not yet(92 between Kunkle Mr. Margie was notified of the arrest and came to the Harvey's Lake police station to confront the suspect. About midnight, Chief Stevenson said, Powell confessed, ex- plaining that his motive had been rooted in his old quarrel with Mar- gie. Powell was given a hearing before Squire Ralph Davis at the Lake yesterday morning. The clock was found, Chief Stev- enson said, in Powell's home at West Pittston and Assistant Chief Swanson was on his way to Scran- ton yesterday afternoon to claim the to a woman for $20. The suspect is a clean-cut looking young man who has been employed regularly as a salesman on a good salary. Will Op=n Bids Today and Lutes’ convincing enough to justify an ar-! Corners will be opened at Harris- rest. The search narrowed on February Mr. Margie’s garage at Pittston, vhite paint over an automo- bile and filled the radiator with turpentine. On March 7 someone visited the Margie cottage, but the damage that time was confined to penknife cuts on porch posts. Pos- sibly the marauder suspected a trap. Police Lay Trap Determined to crack the case, whatever the cost, Chief Stevenson | detailed Assistant Chief Swanson and Officer Arnold to maintain a constant watch over the cottage. Ar- ‘inold was there Wednesday after- | noon when Powell entered. Wait- ing, Arnold saw Powell smash eight | windows, then the policeman cov- | ered kim with a revolver. Showing [no resistance, Powell accompanied {Arnold to the police station where, | for several hours, he denied any guilt. THE WYOMING NATIONAL BANK OF WILKES-BARRE, PA. Personal Loan Service $25 to $1080 Payments On $100— $7.75 Per Month—15 Months Discount Rate $6 per Hundred LOANS INSURED NO ENDORSERS REQUIRED Husbands and Wives Sign Together. Single Persons Sign Alone. YOU NEED NOT BE A DEPOSITOR TO APPLY FOR A PERSONAL LOAN AT THE WYOMING NATIONAL BANK OF WILKES-BARRE, PA. is 20, 1940, when someone entered! burg today. Rheumatism Pains Sop tn 7 fo IQ Minutes It is now easy to end rheumatism pains. 7 to 10 minutes will prove it to you. nothing. Bids on a concrete link on Route | | with Mrs. Clara Shook. The test will cost you | So why suffer another day from | | the agony of this painful ailment when you can secure MUSCLE-RUB, | the new preparation that not only | conquers the pains of rheumatism | but also lumbago, sciatica, neu- | ralgia, as well as the less serious i lameness of muscles and joints? It lis no longer necessary to dose the Jayson with internal medicine. The entire MUSCLE-RUB treatment is a | simple liquid, applied directly to { the limbs, shoulders, neck, face or: back—wherever the trouble may be. | There is no burning—no irritation. | | All pain stops as if by magic. Even i chronic and severe conditions re- | ingly that seldom i spond so amazingly that seldom is | | more than a bottle needed. We urge only that you make this | test. MUSCLE-RUB is now obtain- able at any drug store. Buy it to- day. Use one-half the bottle, and if | you are not amazed and delighted with the results, return the remain- | he will refund your money. The {price is 50c regular size, 89c for { large, family size. | ing half bottle to your druggist, and | i | Get a bottle of MUSCLE-RUB Today Special This Week at ALL DRUG STORES — STORAGE — STORAGE COMPARY MERCHANDISE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Leased Space For Manufacturers and Distributors WILKES-BARRE 19-35 NEW BENNETT STREET ® WILKES-BARRE, PA. (Continued from Page 1) |B 4 : accustomed to seclude their women. | The custom was never widely adopt- | ed and has been virtually aband- oned today. Miss Batlivala said. Women of India have had com- plete’ civic equality with men since 1500 B. C., she pointed out, and by 500 B. C. they were given further property rights. It was only with the coming of the Pritish that India’s social structure was changed and women pushed into the coun- try’s social and political back- ground, Miss Batlivala charged. At present, she said, Indian women are second only to American women in the important public posts they hold. India has had 60 women legislative members and one wo- man Cabinet member since 1935. “or prompt removal of dead, old, disabled horses, cows. mules. yhone Carl Crockett, Muhlenburg 13-R-4. Phone charges paid. 40tf Guaranteed rebuilt Ford V8 engine: 4.000 mile guarantee. $7 mont! | Stull Brothers. Kingston Pa. 19t1 ‘Vanted Ta Buy —Old horses. We, pay highest cash prices for old | live horses. Must not be diseased. | Write or phone Ralph R. Balut, Dal- | las, Pa. Phore 371-R-3 and re- verse charges. 34tf 1936 FORD SEDAN DELIVERY — Low mileage on this se- dan delivery — Me- 'e fA V/A chanically perfect — Five good tires — Performs like new—Must be seen to $245 be appreciated 1937 CHEVROLET Fa MASTER TOWN SE- % |] DAN—Original black _ finish — Like new — Just traded today— No reconditioning on this car ne- cessary — Thoroughly checked — On display for ONLY 1939 CHEV. 1% -TON PICKUP Former first owner had no further use for same CA 2 (5: 2 —Absolutely good as new—Carries new car $42 5 guarantee—Only g 1938 CHEVROLET * ¢ MASTER TOWN SE- F ¥ DAN—O Original paint —Traded from first owner — Tires like new-—Mechanically perfect—1000 mile guarantee—New $44. 5 car performance—Only 7-1171 i “OUR NAME REMOVES THE RISK” CITY CHEVROLET GO. YOUR WILKES-BARRE CHEVROLET DEALER A. L. STRAYER, Pres. Market and Gates Streets, Kingston, Pa. Open Evenings and Sundays 7-1171 Centermoreland Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gregory of John- son City were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mon- tross on Sunday. Misses Lena and Emma Van Tuyl are moving into the McCain home on South Main Street. C. M. Gay and family of Herrick were visiting friends here Sunday. We are happy our minister, Rev. T. F. Kline, and wife, will be with radio, which Powell said he had sold | ys another year. Mr. and Mrs. Draper Schoonover visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klinesavage in Luzerne on Monday. Kenneth Besteder of Harrisburg spent the week-end at his father’s home here. Mrs. Fred Welsh and daughter of Dallas spent Saturday afternoon Brush Fire Threatens A brush fire Wednesday afternoon near the home of Miss Mary Still in Fernbrook threatened several near- by home when it spread, fanned by a stiff breeze. Dr. Henry M. Laing Fire Company extinguished it. Pembridge Held On Check Charge Police Say Ho Passed Five Worthless Checks Nabbed by city detectives after several Wilkes-Baire merchants had charged him with passing checks on a bank in which he had no funds, Jack Pembridge of Dallas was held for court in Wilkes-Barre this week in default of $500 bail. Pembridge, who cashed worthless checks here recently but escaped prosecution when he made good, was taken into custody by Detec- tives Joseph Olds and Thomas Nolan on Monday afternoon. He was given a hearing before Police Magistrate Emerson Fletcher on Tuesday morn- ing and jailed when he was unable to raise bail. A former resident of Chinchilla, Pembridge came to Dallas several months ago to visit relatives and several Main Street business men say they cashed checks for him, only to discover that the checks had been drawn on a non-existent bank. When they threatened to prosecute, he made the checks good. May 1. Dallas Township Tarpavers! All 1939 taxes, both Property and Personal, are past due since January 1st and settlement must be made now. Liens for taxes will be filed against properties, after Legal action will follow against personal delinquents. Pay now and avoid further costs. BERT A. Li yh ALES SE) A 5 \ Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Shoes for Dress, Work or Sport Wear—Everything Reduced! N N re NN \ \ RN A \ 4 LL lili ~ oe AR Cccnuaasthh