‘a e ~ / 5 KINGSTON ROYAL LYNE, TOWNSHIP Correspondent SHAVERTOWN -- MT. GREENWOOD -- TRUCKSVILLE Township Brevities Harry Long, William Roberts, Royal Lyne, Jr., and Hedley Lyne motored to Shenandoah on Wednes- day. * %* = Mrs. Sheldon Rice of Washington, D. C., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Kellar of Trucksville, * % Xx Larry Isaacs and Eddie Richards arrived Wednesday from Susque- hanna University. * % x A musical contest will be held in the local high school next Thurs- day afternoon. David Evans, Sr., of Main Street, is ill at his home. * % * William Roberts of Main Street, ! terested Study Proposal For Kindergarten PTA Names Committee To Examine Suggestion The Parent-Teacher Association of Kingston Township will study the advisability of inaugurating kinder- garten classes in the school district as a result of a discussion at the meeting of the township PTA on Monday night. After members of the association had heard the names of five chil- dren whose parents would be in- in a kindergarten, Rev. Trucksville scoutmaster, was ad-|Russell May, president, named Mrs. advanced to neighborhood commis-’'Bruce Coleman of Trucksville and sioner recently. He will supervise’ Mrs. Harold Flack and Mrs. Russell Trucksville, Shavertown and Fern- Houser of Shavertown as a commit- brook troops. * * Miss Nancy Marshall has returned to her home in Allentown, having been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Conrad of Mt. Greenwood Road. Mrs. Sue Haslinsky Wassell is re- covering at her home from injuries sustained when she was struck by an automobile. * %* 3k Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hall of Shav- ertown announce the birth of a daughter in General Hospital last Sunday. Gordon Austin, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Austin, has re- turned to Langley Field, Va. * % = David Costine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Costine, left on Wed- nesday for Camp Tanama, Panama, where he will serve in the aviation corps. on Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Richards of Carverton Road announce the birth of a daughter in Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Both mother and daugh- ter are doing well. * %x % Jane Lohmann has resumed her duties at the Trucksville post of- fice after an illness of several weeks. Robert Rogers is visiting his par- ents. ® * ¥» Mrs. Harry Montz of Carverton Road is recovering at her home from her recent illness. Rev. Herbert Olver, pastor of the ill at hisHV = 2gf-a.will local Free Methodist Church is ill at his residence on Lewis Avenue. * % ® Orville Averett of Mt. Airy sec- tion, has been removed to his home after an operation for appendicitis in the General Hospital, Wilkes- Barre. % % * Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coolbaugh announce the birth of a son in Nes- bitt Memorial Hospital last Satur- da; Mrs. Ralph Baker and daughter, Beverly, of Waymart is visiting with Mrs. Hattie Hersch of Orchard | Street. — Pen and Pencil Sets Gifts of all sorts for brides, graduates and birthdays R. S. Roberts, Jeweler MAIN STREET DALLAS, PA. — NEW STOCK — FISHING BOOTS Lowest Prices In City MEN’S AND BOYS’ WOOL MACKINAWS and JACKETS $2.98 and $3.98 Ball Outlet 118 SOUTH MAIN STREET WILKES-BARRE EMMIIEnmiie: McCORMICK-DEERING Farm Machinery o@e SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Spraying Material o®e Red Arrow Insecticide e®e Royster Fertilizer White Rock Lime Quaker Field Seeds Burst’s Garden Seeds o®eo WAYNE FEEDS Wayne Chick Starter will start your chicks right and keep them growing. o@e SPECIAL ATTENTION on repairs for any make of Farm Machinery. Z.E. Garinger eS tee to study the proposal. About 65 persons attended the meeting and heard an interesting talk on children’s books by Miss Sara Senwick of the staff of Oster- hout Library, Wilkes-Barre. Miss Senwick reviewed the new interest in children’s books and made sug- gestions concerning the types of books which are best for young readers. The Shavertown grade school or- chestra, directed by Miss Dorothy Weaver, played. The treasurer re- ported a balance of $14.38. New Officers Are Named By The Willing Workers The Willing Workers’ Sunday School class of Glenview P. M. Church met at the home of Miss Dorothy Harmond. New officers were elected as follows: President, Betty Stritzinger; vice-president, Muriel Lewin; secretary, Ann Louise Detrick; treasurer, Dorothy Har- mond. Muriel Lewis assisted the hostess. Others present were Lillian Strit- zinger, Jean Detrick, Jane Case, Erma Shaver, Ellen Gerlach, Anna Van Kirk, Betty Stritzinger and Ann Detrick. Schools Observe Easter Kingston Township schools are closed for their annual Easter va- cation. Classes will be resumed Tuesday morning. Carverton Ladies’ Aid The Ladies’ Aid Society of Carv- erton Methodist Church will" meet in the church parlors on Monday night. There will be an entertain- ment and lunch. Members of the committee in charge are Mrs. Wil- lard Prynn, Mrs. Richard Prynn, Mrs. Dana Sickler, Mrs. Jack Dana and Mrs. Abe Gay. Craft Club Meets Mrs. Russel Case was hostess to the Craft Club at her home on Wednesday afternoon. The club held an Easter party. Mrs. Kenneth Cobleigh assisted the hostess. Good Friday Service A special Good Friday service will be held in the Trucksville Meth- odist Church from noon until 3 p. m. Rev. Harry Savacool, pastor, will | preside. Kingston Township Pupils Compete In Spelling Bee Olin Shaver of the sixth grade and Marjorie Ransom of the eighth grade were victors in the annual spelling bee held at the high school on Wednesday afternoon. They re- ceived medals and will represent the township in the county-wide contest. Local pupils who competed were Betsy Reynolds, Gloria Sickler, Ma- falda Spaciana, James Davis, Betty Smith, William Beck, David Davis, Robert Lozo, Fern Howell, LeRoy Thompson, Granville Sowdon, Rob- ert Malkemes, Joyce Fox, Lois Sword, Lillian Myrick, William Calkins, Carl DeWitt, Marian Fritzges, Rich- ard Laux, James Warkomski, Lois Kline, Marilyn Richards, Arlene Holtzman, Marilyn Davis, William Metzgar, Patricia Cairns, Delbert McGuire, Betty Moss, Thomas Ayre, Aileen Fritzges, Marjorie Ransom, Paul DeWitt, Phyllis Ranier, Ed- ward Lady, Kermit Sickler and Paul Savacool. Friendship Class Elects New Officers At its meeting in Trucksville Methodist Church Tuesday night the Friendship Class elected the fol- lowing officers: President, Mrs. Hel- en Gardner; vice-president, Mrs. Thomas Ayre; secretary, Mrs. Jacob Harrison; treasurer, Mrs. Howard Ide. The hostesses were Mrs. Rob- ert Garner, Mrs. Burton Darrow, Mrs. Jacob Harrison and Emily Fischer. Lindsley Holds Revival Meeting In Florida Rev. and Mrs. A. K. Lindsley of Carverton Road left this week for Lake Worth, Fla., where Rev, Linds- ley will hold revival meetings for three weeks. Miss Grace Lindsley accompanied her parents and will have charge of the young people’s meetings during the revival. Spaghetti Dinner The Young Men’s Class of Shav- ertown Methodist Church will hold a spaghetti dinner in the church parlors on Wednesday. Reorganization Meeting The Fernbrook Boy Scouts troop, which will meet in the future in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, will have a reorganization on Easter Monday night. Briggs-Stration Motors RUDOLPHS’ ELECTRIC SERVICE WILKES-BARRE, PA. — PHONE 2-5868 — 38-85 EAST JACKSON ST. The Silver Leaf Club of Kunkle met on Tuesday night at the Grange Hall. Aderine Nulton, president, led devotions and the business dis- cussion. Plans were laid for a min- strel to be held May 1 in conjunc- tion with the Kunkle fire crew. “Drop In” parties were planned for April. After numerous games were played, lunch was served to the following: Hazel Transue, Betty Meeker, Marie Rydd, Frances Hess, Jennie Miers, Frances Smith, Dor- othy Henney, Myrtle Hess, Emma Miller, Ella Brace, Lillian Kunkle, Irma Harris, Gertrude Smith, Nell Ellsworth, Anna Weaver, Dorothy Dodson, Elizabeth Hess, Agnes Els- ton, Grace Ide, Laura Rothery and Aderine Nulton. A group of friends surprised Mrs. Amanda Herdman at her home on Easter Sunday Services At White Church On Hill The observance of Easter at the White Church on the Hill, Trucks- ville, where Rev. Harry M. Sava- cool is pastor, will begin at 6:30 a. m. when the: Dallas District Youth Council will conduct a sun- rise service. Church school will be at 9:30. At the morning worship at 10:30 there will be special Easter music and Rev. Mr. Savacool will preach on “God’s Answer’... Ep- worth League devotions will be at 6:45. In the evening at 7:30 the choir, directed by Mrs. B. Aubrey Ayre, will present a cantata, “Rab- bani!” Calendar for the week: Monday, 8, Men's Club will hold a ladies’ night at the church; Tuesday, 8, monthly business and social meet- ing of the Epworth League; Thurs- day, 7:15, midweek service. EASTER Headquarters EGGS Cocoanut Cream or Fruit and Nut—>5¢ each—3 for 10c ® Name on Free 10c—25¢—49c¢ — SPECIAL — 5-pound Eggs $1.98 ® Milk Chocolate Novelties, Chickens, Roosters, Bunnies, Etc. e o Johnson’s BOXED CANDIES Live Easter Rabbits MERCHANDISE AND 19-85 NEW BENNETT STREET STORAGE WILKES-BARRE STORAGE COMPANY HOUSEHOLD GOODS Leased Space For Manufacturers and Distributors ® WILKES-BARRE, PA. ® 1937 PONTIAC, 6- cylinder, Deluxe 4- Dr. Sedan — Built-in trunk—Interior good as new — Mechanically perfect " throughout—Original brown fin- ish like new—This handsome car was traded from first owner and carries a guarantee equal to a new car—Drive this car and be convinced that this is the most 1938 Lt order — No money car you can get for $445 COUPE—Can be pur- chased just as traded need be spent to recondition this car—Direct from this money—Only PLYMOUTH — Perfect running first owner 1939 CHEVROLET FPA BSE 1. to l-ton Pick-Up én —We challenge you to tell us this truck has ever been driven —It absolutely looks like new— Former owner has no further use for same—See this be- $465 fore you buy—Only 1935 CHEVROLET 4d Deluxe Sedan — Mo- tor overhauled—New / rings, pistons, bear- ings—Completely re- built—Paint like new—Excep- tionally clean inside—New tires —Knee action overhauled—The best buy in town— ° $295 Only— 7-1171 “QUR NAME REMOVES THE RISK” CITY CHEVROLET CO. YOUR WILKES-BARRE CHEVROLET DEALER i A, L. STRAYER, Pres. Market and Gates Streets, Kingston, Pa. Open Evenings and Sundays 7-1171 o0¢ Evans Drugs PHONE 222—9098 SHAVERTOWN, PA. cized styles . . toes... cut-outs... Black, Blue, Beige. for Easter! THE POST, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1940 Saturday night in celebration of her birthday. Frances Hess spent Tuesday visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Russell Honey- well at Dallas. Work is progressing nicely on the exhibit the local Girl Scouts will display at the Wilkes-Barre arm- ory next month. * * x Local women who attended the W. C. T. U. meeting at the home of Mrs. Zel Garinger in Dallas on Tues- day afternoon were Mrs. R. C. Devens, Mrs. Stella Isaacs, Mrs. Ann Richards and Mrs. Marie Dymond. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elston re- turned last Friday night from a vis- it in Florida. The Easter program at Kunkle Sunday School will be held on Sun- day morning at 10:30. Teachers will have charge of the program. * ¥ * Gerald Snyder, teacher of voca- tional agriculture, spent the Easter vacation with his parents at Fawn Grove. Mrs. Harold Smith entertained a group of friends at a quilting party last Thursday. Present: Mrs. For- rest Kunkle, Mrs. Jason Kunkle, Mrs. Wheeler Kunkle, Mrs. Gordon Austin and Mrs. Dan Meeker. To Make Animal Toys Mrs. Ziba Smith will entertain the Jackson Ladies’ Aid Society at an animal party on Wednesday, March 27. Members are requested to bring odd pieces of material from which they can make stuffed ani- mals to be sold at the November sale. CAP GUNS — CAPS All the new models. See them in our window. BACK DATE MAGAZINE STORE 61 MAIN ST. LUZERNE Ere, Ww WW Ww WW the message of Spring . . is expressed nowhere more beautifully than in the color and freshness of our green-growing Easter flowers and plants. It's economical, buying at our large and convenient greenhouses. CINERARIAS RED TULIPS HYDRANGEAS : POTTED PLANTS EASTER LILIES CALLA LILIES RED TULIPS DAFFODILS AZALEAS SPIEL BROTHERS 'Y Classic originations to make even a lovely foot look lovelier. Elasti- . sandals . . . walled lasts . . high, low, and Cuban heels. Select now HILLSIDE (On The Main Highway) Www Www WwW open 106 MAIN STREET LUZERNE Acme Super Markets offer you the kind of Foods you like to serve at prices you like to pay. You'll find your every food and table need priced for Greater Savings. SERVE HAM AND EGGS FOR EASTER! SMALL SIZE—SHANK HALF HAMS 17¢ These are oven-tendered. Very tender and delicious. 12c 25¢ New Process, Tender, Smoked PICNICS FOR THAT EASTER FEAST! Finest Tender Young TURKEYS QUALITY SER FOOD Fillets of Fish YOUR " Sea-Trout or Mackerel <"°'" 10¢ Fancy Stewing Halibut Ib. 27c| Oysters pt. can 19¢ Large Carefully Graded EGGS Every Egg Guaranteed Fancy Woodside Roll or Fine Tub BUTTER 2: 63¢ nn BRC Chase & Sanborn Asco (Sliced or Halves) COFFEE PEACHES “19¢ y Ral) 1: Sanka or Kaffee Hag " 29¢ Bonnie Oak Evap. Milk 12 cans 75¢ : 4 tall cans 25¢ Cream White Purely Vee. Shortening 3-1b. can 39¢ S I G A XXXX, Brown 1-lb. pkg. 6 ¢ or Powdered Brer Rabbit Molasses (Green Labeh 2 No, | cans 25¢ N. B. C. Premium Crackers i-1b. pkg. 15¢ Heinz Soups (Most every kind) : hi] can i% oof 1 C. Ovaltone sm. can 33¢ : + EASTER CANDIES -* DECORATED EGGS or Fruit & eh 9c E i G S Black Walnut or Marshmallow @ ¢ EGGS 3 for 10c 3 7-02 98g Eggs JELLY EGGS " + £90 1%-1b. 39¢ Asco Pure dozen BEVERAGES we 7 89¢ Chick Chick Egg Dyes 3 pkgs. 25¢ Asco Sweet Tender Peas 2 No. 2 cans 25¢ Delicious Sliced Beets glass 10¢c Sunrise Tomato Juice Eveready Fruit Cocktail Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Asco Stuffed Olives Yankee Dill or Sour Pickles 2 No. 5 cans 25¢ No. 221 can (9c 17-02. can 10¢c T13-o0z. jar 29¢ qt. jar 10c ! — IN OUR PASTRY DEPARTMENT —. Fresh Fruit and Nut 'N Jelly Rolls each I 5¢| Rings each 25¢ *HOT CROSS BUNS dozen (0c (*For Good Friday Only!) FRESHEST FRUITS and VEGETABLES —— Extra Large Calif. Seedless ORANGES Fancy Calif. Pascal CELERY 2 9 ¢ extra lge stalk 1 4 ¢ CABBAGE 3 10¢ 3 CA U L i F LOWE R Fatey Sow Wiite = Lo 1 5¢ In Observance of Good Friday, March 22nd, Our Markets will close from 12 Noon to 3 P. M.. OPEN LATE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS. Prices effective until closing time Saturday in Acme Super Markets at 42-44 Main St, Dallas —99 Main St., Luzerne Fresh Southern