The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 15, 1940, Image 4

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Purely Personal
Home Phone 161
Office Phone 300
Mrs. R. B. MacDermott of West
Dallas spent this week visiting
friends at Atlantic City. Her son,
Don, will drive down this week-end
and bring her home.
Miss Fannie Lenzini of Alderson
has returned after spending a month
visiting her brother, William, in Or-
lando, Fla.
Mrs. Harry Harter and son, Sher-
man, of Trucksville, and the parents.
of the former, Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
Hildebrant of East Dallas left Mia-
mi Monday and are expected home
this week-end.
®* ® ®
Mrs. William Fowler of East Dallas
entered the General Hospital last
Thursday where she is under ob-
Mrs. A. S. Culbert of Baldwin
Street will go to Camden, N. J,
next Friday to be the guest of her
daughter, Betty. Saturday Betty
will drive home with her mother to
spend the Easter holiday.
* Mrs. Ralph Weaver of East Dallas
is a patient at the General Hospital.
* * =
Mrs. Vincent Shindel of Lake!
Street is spending several days as
the guest of friends in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Edwards of
Davis Street had as guests recently
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Edwards of Williamsport.
James Davies, Baldwin Street,
will arrive March 31 from Wesleyan
T. University to spend the spring va-
cation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Davies. Alice, who is
a senior at Vassar College will re-
main at the college during her va-
* %* %
Miss Peggy Shindel of Lake Street
spent Sunday in Easton where she
was a guest at Lafayette College.
Charles Stockey, who has been a
patient at Nanticoke State Hospital
~as a result of an injury, returned
to his home on Davenport Street,
Tuesday. He is much improved.
. Mr. and Mrs. Fred U. Zimmerman
of Lehman will have as their guests
over Easter their daughter, Jean,
a Junior at Wilson College and Mu-
riel, an occupational therapist at
Kernan’s Hospital in Baltimore.
® % *
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Hess,
DeMunds, have purchased a home
at Mt. Top. and Tuesday, March 12,
moved to that place. Their ad-
dress will be Mt. Top, R. D. 1.
Mrs. A. H. VanNorman is taking
care of Mrs. Claude Isaacs at her
home on Norton Avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Moore and
Mrs. Lulu Beisel spent Sunday at
. Lake Winola as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shiber of Cen-
ter Hill Road are spending the rest
of the week in Philadelphia attend-
ing the Flower Show.
. * % %
Mrs. Arthur Dungey of Lake
Street, was among the local people
attending the Bach Festival in
Wilkes-Barre last week.
Finance Committee gd as
Methodist Churelxetdiothe home
>>. Hildebrant on Tuesday even-
rs. Alec Neely of Idetown who
‘has been ill is much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Eggleston of
Vernon spent the week-end as
guests of the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Himmler of Lake
Joseph Worthington, who has
been ill at his home in Idetown, is
feeling much better.
Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver, Jr.,
former resident of Dallas are making i
their home in Richmond, Va. The
Olivers went from Dallas to Detroit
and have since been transferred.
Stanley Henning, a student at
Bucknell University will arrive to-
day to spend the Easter vacation
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley Henning of Trucksville. Norma,
a student at East Stroudsburg |
Teachers’ College will arrive next
Ladies’ Aid Society of Idetown !
Methodist Church held an all day.
quilting party at the church house
Lois Gregory To
Marry April4
Will Become Bride
Of Samuel Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gregory,
Mill Street, Dallas, announce the ap-
proaching marriage 6f their daugh-
ter, Lois, to Samuel Ashley, son of
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ashley of
Ledgeways, Dallas, which will take
place Thursday, April 4, in the Dal-
las Methodist Church. Rev. Francis
Freeman will perform the ceremony.
Miss Gregory is a graduate of Dal-
las Borough High School. Mr. Ash-
ley was graduated from Plymouth
High School and is employed at Oh-
ver’s garage.
Louise Space Makes
Cover For Opinator
~Miss Louise Space, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford: Space of
Huntsville Road, and a student at
Wyoming Seminary, has distinguish-
ed herself by making the cover for
the Easter issue of the Opinator, the
school weekly magazine.
The cover, which is a spray of
spring flowers in four colors, was
printed from four different linoleum
blocks cut by Miss Space.
Entertains For
Ruth Schooley
Bride-elect Is Guest
Of Honor At Shower
Honoring Miss Ruth Schooley of
Trucksville, bride-elect, an alumi-
num shower was given by Miss
Alice Fischer at her home in Wilkes-
Barre, Tuesday evening.
The party table was attractively
decorated with pink and white fav-
ors and tulips and flox were used
as a centerpiece. Bridge was play-
ed and prizes won by Mrs. Winnie
Cease and Mrs. Betty Turn.
Guests were: Miss Alys Joseph,
Miss Esther Beanie, Miss Sarah
Pfahler, Mrs. Verna Isaacs, Mrs.
Winnie Cease, Mrs. Doris Pierce,
Mrs. Betty Turn and the guest of
Ham And Egg Supper
The Ladies’ Aid Society of Jack-
son Methodist Church will hold a
ham and egg supper at the church
house on Wednesday night at 5:30.
Mrs. Walter C. Covert of Hunts-
ville Street has been seriously ill for
the past few days.
Mrs. Amos Kitchen of Aldereoi
Twas 6VEeG10 Nesbitt” Memorial
Hospital on Monday for treatment.
Mrs. George Weintz of Meeker
entertained Sunday in honor of Mr.
Weintz who celebrated his birthday
anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. John Aus-
tin of Roaring Brook, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Harvey of Dallas, and Mr.
and Mrs. F. James Davenport of
* % =
Mrs. F. James Davenport enter-
tained over the week-end Miss Viola
Smith of Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey of
Cemetery Street entertained the fol-
lowing on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Hoffman of Trucksville; Mr.
iend Mrs. Jack Hazeltine and fam-
| ily, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Harvey,
! Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cross and Da-
{vid Lohman of Dallas; Miss Mar-
| garet Harvey of Kingston; Dave
| Richards of Wilkes-Barre; Wayne
Harvey of Langley Field, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. Laisa Harvey en-
tertained Sunday evening, Miss
Charlotte Parsons of Trucksville,
Robert Prideaux of Kingston and
Wayne Harvey of Virginia.
Caster Cleaning
o Service o
Telephone Dallas
Kingston 7-4855
or leave articles at
The Lady's Shop, Main St., Dallas
— Please Call Early —
“Reputation is never completely earned—
it’s a continued responsibility.”
‘| and Fancies”, last night.
The annual banquet of the La-
dies’ Auxiliary of the Dr. Laing Fire
Company was held at the Tally Ho
Inn, Tuesday evening with a splen-
did attendance. Mrs. Ralph Eipper
acted as toastmistress.
Calvin McHose, representative of
the fire company, gave an enthusi-
astic talk in which he outlined the
plans and ambitions of the fire com-
pany and urged the wholehearted
cooperation of the auxiliary.
Mrs. Sarah Schmerer presented
Mrs. R. J. W. Templin, retiring pres-
ident, with a lovely table lamp as a
token of appreciation from auxiliary
members. Vocal selections were
given by Mrs. Richard Johnson, Mrs.
Thomas Robinson, Miss Marion Eip-
per and Miss Arline Ide. Mrs. Ord
Trumbower gave several readings.
Ladies’ Auxiliary Of Laing Fire
(Company Holds Annual Banquet
Group singing was led by Mrs.
Thomas Robinson with Mrs. William
Baker as pianist.
Present were mesdames F. B.
Schooley, R. J. W. Templin, Florence
Hunt, Catherine VanCampen, Steph-
en Sedler, Marcus Ide, Ben Evans,
A. T. Bowman, Mae Newberry,
Charles Kinsman, William Newberry,
William Franklin, N. J. Cave, Jack
Roberts, Grant Shaner, John Girvan,
Maizie Cook, Sarah Keller, Silas
Long, Joseph Schmerer, Fred Hugh-
ey, Arthur Newman, Earl Monk,
Joseph Wallo, Mary Kamor, Henry
Disque, Frank Barry, William Baker,
Richard Johnson, Ralph Eipper,
Thomas Robinson, Ord Trumbower,
Nelson Shaver, Misses Grace Cave,
Estella McKinnis, Arline Ide and
Marion Eipper.
Wayne Harvey Is
Guest Of Parents
Will Leave For Tampa
Fla. Camp Next Week
Private Wayne Harvey, who has
been stationed at Langley Field,
Virginia, surprised his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Harvey, when he ar-
rived at their home on Cemetery
Street on Sunday.
Wayne has just returned from
Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill., where
he completed a course in aeronautics
and was made a first class private.
The middle of next week he will
leave for Tampa, Fla., where he will
be stationed for some time.
Freshman Class Gives
Fashion Show Thursday
The Freshman Class of College
Misericordia presented a fashion
show in play form, “Springtime Fads
Miss Hel-
en Brown of Wilkes-Barre was chair-
man and Miss Elizabeth Croop of
Kingston assisted her.
Otficial Board Meeting
The official board of Jackson
Methodist Church will meet after the
evening service on Sunday night.
Mrs. BR. M. Jones,
Guest Of Honor
Celebrates Her Birthday
Anniversary With Party
To help her celebrate her birth-
day anniversary, friends of Mrs.
Richard M. Jones of Goss Manor,
entertained at a party last week.
Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. George
W. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chal-
lis of Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs.
Galvin Deusler, Miss Janine Sawyer,
Miss Maude Jones, Walter Thomp-
son, Harold Thompson and Richard
Jones of Dallas.
Mrs. Florence Martin
Is Hostess To Class
Mrs. Florence Martin, assisted by
Mrs. Charles Jones, was hostess to
members of the Ella Moore Class,
East Dallas, at her home Tuesday
evening. Plans for a minstrel show
to be put on by members of the
class were discussed and some time
in April set as the date.
Present were: Maude Wesley, Ro-
sella Carlin, Mary Pickett, Jule Wil-
son, Viola Brace, Goldie Stratus,
Myra Carlin, Charles Jones, Florence
Martin, Arline Moore, Mrs. Weiss,
Mrs. John Hildebrant and Mrs. Jo-
seph Patrick.
allas, Pa.
Right Here At Home
Come in and let us show you samples
and quote prices on
Sales Books, Programs, Manifold Books,
Booklets, Book Matches, Letterheads,
Garage Forms, Business Forms,
Paraffine Battery Tags. _— ——
Phone 300
Girl Scouts Are
Supper Hostesses
Fernbrook Troop
Fete Committeewomen
Girl Scouts of Troop 16 entertain-
ed Monday evening at a delicious
supper at the home of the captain,
Mrs. Walter Gerlach. Mrs. Edward
K. Conrad, Director of Wyoming
Valley Girl Scouts, and the commit-
teewomen of the Fernbrook Troop,
Mrs. Edgar Adolph, Mrs. Russell
Case, Mrs. Dorey Rogers and Mrs.
Charles Detrick were guests of hon-
Jean Detrick had charge of the
menu, Ann Detrick arranged the
table decorations and Mabel Rogers
was chairman of the program. Read-
ings were given by Aletha Jones, Pa-
tricia Van Hyning, Rhoda Eddinger,
Loraine Bonnell and Leona Roberts
Rhoda Eddinger sang a song in
French. A shadow play, “When I
Was Young” was given by Ann De-
trick, Mary Jones and Dorothy
Weaver. Games and group singing
wer enjoyed.
Others present: Margaret Gerlach,
Minnie Sidorik, Jane Case, Geral-
dine Hessler, Margaret Martin, Dor-
othy Hunter, Joan Schray, Ellen
Gerlach, Margaret Shields, Geraldine
Sebolka, Daisy Belles, Ann Marie
Cullen, Joy Lamoreaux, Dolerus
Schray and Margaret Roberts.
We Stand Corrected
The Post wishes to contradict the
personal item appearing in last
week’s paper which stated that Mrs.
Burton King of Alderson had just
returned from visiting her brother
in Orlando, Fla. This was an error
and we are sorry.
A Full Line Of
— AT ——
| ytierate
Drug Store
| mn
features . .
lighted oven!
with Balanced Heat
better than ever.
229, less current than famous Corox Cooking Units
of other years. And the big new TRUE-TEMP Oven
Come inl... See this Sensational New
Westinghouse £7 Range
The new 1940 model is here with new styling... new
Ja bigger value than ever before! Don’t
miss seeing its many new features designed to save
time, work, money. Flip a switch . .
. see the food in the
. heats 309, faster, uses
and Single Dial Control is
Small Down Payment
Easy Terms
See this new development at our store—no obligation.
NNOUNCE wheat cakes for
breakfast and watch the fami-
ly get to the table in double quick
time. Serve English Muffins for tea
and bow to the compliments of
your guests. Be
ready with the
makings for grid-
dle-toasted sand-
wiches for Sun-
day supper and
feel comfortable
about unexpected
The evenly
maintained heat
in the surface
units of the mod-
ern electric range
assures that even
golden browning
which all good things from the
griddle must have. It is so easy to
know that the heat is right. Just
turn the switch to high heat for
five minutes, grease the griddle,
then turn to low heat and bake.
Here is a variation for French
toast which is delicious. Spread one
side of a slice of bread with mar-
malade, lay a second slice on top.
Fasten with toothpicks and dip in
a mixture of 1 cup milk, 2 beaten
eggs, and 1 teaspoon salt. Fry until
golden brown. Top each with a tea-
spoonful of marmalade and serve.
Or if you prefer, put thin slices of
ham or tongue between the slices
of bread instead of marmalade.
English Muffins
cup scalded milk
cup water
teaspoon salt
teaspoon sugar
yeast cake, dissolved in a
tablespoon warm water
8 tablespoons shortening
4 cups general purpose flour
Heat milk with switch turned to
high heat. When lukewarm, add
water, snit, sugar, yeast, and 2 cups
flour. Beat well and let rige at
85°, until double in bulk, about one
hour. Add softened shortening and
rest of flour. Beat and knead well,
Goodies From The Griddle
let rise double in bulk, about fifty
minutes. Roll out 1 inch thick and
cut. Let rise until very light, about
one hour. Preheat griddle on large
surface unit of the modern electrie
range for ten minutes with switch
turned to low heat. Cook English
muffins fifteen to twenty minutes.
For variety, serve golden brown
corn meal griddle cakes with apple
butter, instead of syrup.
Jam-filled griddle cakes make a
SL delicious and un-
7 22> usual dessert.
( 7.9 Make large, thin
pancakes, about
6 inches in di-
Spread with strawberry
jam and roll. Sprinkle the cakes
with sifted confectioner's sugar,
and serve hot,
Melba toast isn’t just something
that happens in restaurants. Cut
white bread into very thin slices,
place in a shallow pan and bake in
a slow oven until dry and crisp. It
can be made to perfection in the
oven of the modern electric range
where the low temperature needed
can be accurately controlled. i
To wash glass from which milk
has been poured, plunge into cold
water before putting it into warm’
water. Rinse egg dishes with cold
water. This dissolves the egg left
on dish or spoon, but het water
makes it stick.
Hot meats should have a hot
garnish. Broiled orange slices
served around the
Easter Roast
Lamb have plenty
of eye appeal. Cut
the. unpeeled
oranges into
slices 1 inch
thick, Marinate for an hour in!
French dressing. Broil for about |
ten minutes in the smokeless brofler|
of the modern electric range. wor}
with a bit of ‘mint Jelly.
Place Orders Now
For Names On
Easter Eggs
(no charge for names)
with cocoanut cream or nut-and-fruit
centers covered with rich, dark choco-
Then have the children’s names
put on without charge!
Half pound [[{ Two pound
eggs, 26c [| eggs, 1.00
One pound |] Four pound
eggs, 50c [| eggs 2.00
Other Easter Candies:
home-made Easter eggs
Chocolate covered fruit-and-nut bunny, boxed
Milk chocolate hollow novelties
5¢, 10¢, 25¢ and 50c
Chocolate pigs, crosses,
Cream or nut-and-fruit eggs..5c each or 6 for 25¢
Miniature eggs, choice of four varieties....39¢ Ib.
Jumbo size jelly beans, fresh and delicious 19¢ Ib.
Regular size jelly beans, priced at
Stuffed Rabbits, dressed up...
Street Floor, Near Elevators
eggs or rabbits. 10c doz.