31st, Credit Balance January 1 ,1939 ......cce00eeccencsos 4,755.17 Cash Fees Paid to Treasurer in 1939 ... 24,299.85 oN 8 FATE AaE ; ——ar : = By a ; 29,055.87 to Cash Fees Harned in December, 1938 : paid te Treasurer January, 1939 .....ecceessessne 2,015.20 : 27,040.17 Cas Fees Raped it December, 1939 205s n et paid to DICasurer .... cd msssvrnsrese 2,329. ey = ¥ P : . 29,369.72 Salaries ....... se sussssuazerene . . reese 25,370.00 Credit Balancei'sceevvsvsessnconcsonssrscsssssnsnassosves CSE 38,099.72 Sheriff: Credit Balance January 1, 1939 ......... vsevseenes 21,394.03 Fees Charged to County December 1, 1939 ..oseeesce 26,018.41 Cash Fees Paid to Treasurer in 1939 ......ceeeceee 22,214.13 69,626.67 Cash Fees Earned in December, 1938 paid to Treasurer in 1939 .......... sasseressassve 2,959.05 os 66.667.52 Cash Fees Earned in December, 1939 mot yet paid to Treasurer ..... sesuvaaere 2,116.04 68,783.56 Salaries, 1939 ............ 34,353.33 Pay of Court Deputies ... 6,075.00 Pay ef Special Deputies . 2,027.00 Pay of Solicitor ........... ove erin sien cssesssesesee 2,500.00 Expenses, Regular Deputies—Serving Writs ...ec.. 5,177.50 Exyenses Court Deputies .........c..... essnetsesava 844.44 Expenses Special Deputies ....... swe se sve eeleios 327.31 Expenses Committing PriSONers ceececececessesseas 857.66 52,161.24 CPi = BalaniCes du ec vivtsvsvsnsnnvarsssorenssvens suiress sess 16,622.82 Register of Wills: Credit Balance Jonuary 1, 1939 ...eeeepseecaccocsscos 9,243.88 Cash Fees Paid to Treasurer, 1939 ...cceveeeesoocens 28,807.43 38,051.31 Cash Fees Earned in December, 1938 . paid to Treasurer, 1939 .............. adeisies veisbive 2,859.12 35,192.19 Cash Fees Earned in December, 1939 NOt yet paid to TTeaSUrer sueeececcseessrsssoseesss 2,837.66 38,029.85 B..laries, 1939 ....cevevsnone erenerenis 25,579.90 Credit Balance! .. ici cross tress ivenansesorvainiiossidsnne sis 12,449.95 Olerk of Courts: Credit Balance January 1, 1939 ..cecceveeensconsecss 14,823.54 Cash Fees Paid to Treasurer, 1989 ...eeveeeeseeseoss 4,957.25 Fees Charged to County, 1939 ...... crenesetsessiene 25,086.16 44,866.94 * €ash Fees Harned in December, 1939 BOL vet paid (0 Treasurer: .. veces ccnsovaossenss 200.18 45,067.12 Batarien, 1030... ...ciios ios vesnvnsssrnrssssscorsriovensir ror are 15,845.00 Credit {Balance vesveovessenvonsvssnorvasssssess sons svenssaens 29,222.12 Prothonotary : Credit Balance January 1, 1939 55,433.10 Fees Paid to Treasurer, 1939 ... . 57,718.16 * Fees Charged to County, 1939 .. seve 68,115.60 181,266.86 Cash Fees Harned in December, 1938 paid to Treasurer in 1939 .......... esses saneioss 2,177.00 179,089.86 Cash Fees Earned in December, 1939 : not yet paid tO TICASUTEr .oceevencrcvcconsssessens 2,585.85 181,675.71 BAREIS, 1030 i vici.r.icensntrsrnsrvenssnansarevsaasiasvens teens 71,650.00 Credit Balance ........... Paris eineniseioee es 0s eines nas isiven sss 110,025.71 LUZERNE COUNTY PROBATION OFFICE Report of the Accounts of Miss Janet Rhys, Bookkeeper, for the Year Ending December 81, 1939 Receipts: Support Cases 101,817.37 P. & B. Cases - 13,492.07 Costs ........ 3,032.52 Fines . 987.36 Capiae . 241.11 Restitution ..e.eeeesecenes 1,778.68 BUECOHIANIONNE. J svores sisnrnnrnvensass onoorevsnnsioes 56.50 3 121,405.61 Disbursements: Support Cases ... 101,817.37 F. & B. Cases ... 13,492.07 CoStar esc. 3,032.52 Fines ..... 987.36 €aADIne sess vovain cooiine 241.11 Restitution ....cc0000e.. 1,778.68 MiISeelIRNCOUR" .. oi cvvs cio rsivnorsvnnnsssnsaonesons 56.50 121,405.61 TRUST ACCOUNT Receipts: Bank Balance January 1, 1939 ....... 1,839.18 Support Cases ..oceeeaees sev aioe anny 15.00 FF. & B., Cases ....co0se. . 2,216.45 Canty ........ccoveinvees 6.95 Miscellaneous ...ceecececess 15.00 4,092.58 Disbursements: «© Support Cases ... 55.00 © ¥. & B. Cases 3,075.07 Costs v........ oe 6.95 Miscellaneous ...... 69.75 3,208.77 ubalanee December 31. T0830 .....cuc. iiss eiusvinesiasuinnsmaes 885.81 SUMMARY STATEMENT OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE LUZERNE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR BOYS, KIS-LYN, PENNA. Furnished by Charles F. Johnson, Superintendent, December 81, 1939 Salaries of All Other Employees .... Medical Care and Supplies ........ vee Fuel, Light and Water ............ essere Groceries, Meats and Provisions Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings Maintenance and Repairs Other Expenses: School Supplies Office, Salary of Superintendent ceeessssce oe including Postage, Advertising .... Farm Expenses Miscellaneous (Rewards, Automobile In- surance, Manager's Expenses) Total Expenditures for 1939 Amount sed From Special Income Account . a Appropriated by County Commissioners ..........eeceees ve sn eeuieels 94,751.00 15,722.48 79,028.54 DETAILED STATEMENT OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Expenses: Officers’ Salaries ... 34,347.96 Teachers’ Salaries . 7,985.04 Wages -.......... kh 2,108.41 School Supplies .eeseeee.s 2,422.29 Office Supplies and Postage 796.63 Telephone ‘Service ......coceeee eessusnsnesencss esense 279.79 INSUPANICE ovis cvrivrnrasioes inne 262.13 Board of Managers Expense 59.82 Advertising ........ 56.65 Stable and Feed ... 412.11 Freight and Express . 17.09 Rewards and Parole EXDense .ceeeecee 161.01 MHECRHlaNeOUR «ois sve iris Jancrnsusnvasorssssniorsn . 193.76 Maintenance: Repairs to Machinery 1,643.36 Lime, Fertilizers, Sprays 1,181.98 Oil and Gasoline ...... 1,487.29 Repairs to Buildings . 1,130.86 House Equipment ...... 1,058.82 Seeds and Plants ............. 983.42 Hardware and Lamber ,.. c.ive osvacs snssasssnnsay 2,943.59 Sustenance: Light, Heat and Power ........ 4,927.72 EERNErY ..ovonsessshesrisaes seinen 2,634.88 DAIYY. reese 11,277.38 PIgZerY veeessaerionns 1,518.31 LAUNATY Uo ovioiinhiinive creas essesessssnsesnsssens oe 374.50 Groceries and Provisions i..c.:ic.cvssrssssssessinsnesss 4,610.11 Dry Goods and Clothing .... 3,457.14 Medical and Dental Service . 873.256 Drugs and Medicine ......... 507.80 Bread and Flour ... 2,158.78 SHOER foes beeen eon 2,343.19 MISCO HIANCOUE Ic cscs iron rc vrsmencrsonves crirsbnsrusne 436.93 Received From County Commissioners POPULATION DURING 1939 Total Number of Inmate Days ....c..coovveeriinnrannns 109,008 Average Daily Population (inmate day divided by 365).. 208.65 STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INCOME ACCOUNT 49,102.69 35,118.99 94,751.00 15,722.46 79,028.54 LUZERNE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR BOYS, KIS-LYN, PENNA. Furnished by Charles ¥. Johnson, Superintendent Balances: Cash on Hand January 1, 1939 .........cccovuvvennnn 20,288.48 Reecipis: Receipts From All Sources During 1939 ... vs 27,489.45 Total Receipts and Balances... ..dvsicensssuviosessivmninrens Expenditures: REpAITS LO ReSerVOIY i... chs eecvvnrosesonsans eevee 1,397.60 Automobiles and Trucks ,825.00 New School Equipment ... 462.114 POLatOeS fOr Seed... (ci au asirisnssensnssnmens 450.10 Expenses in Connection with Fresh Air Camp ...... 312.00 Year and Deficit of Luzerne County Industrial I A Ror A AA ar eR 4,192.09 Miscellaneous IXpeNSes vu iii rere ara 20.33 Rota] BXPONSeR. cir viii eras sas ey ee 8,159.76 Purchase of Holena Farm ......... c.. cess desnessi 3,708.00 Maintenance of Industrial School for November and December—in lieu of appropriation .......... 15,722.46 Balance on Hand December 31, 1939 47,777.93 217,590.22 TC 2018711 TOTAL VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE COUNTY OF LUZERNE AS RETURNED BY THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS FOR THE YEAR OF 1939 AND SUBJECT TO TAXATION Real Estate Valuation (including Coal Lands)............. ... . $295,846,330.00 RETURN OF PERSONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION OF F OUR (4) MILLS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE ACT OF JUNE 17th, 1918 Mortgages, Stocks, Bonds, Judgments, etc. ..........coviivivernn. $ 71,282,561.00 TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1939 Total County and Sinking Fund State of Pennsylvania County of Luzerne No, oi ets Term 1940 siuTaiare siuteiels tine le Five and Two-Tenths (5.2) Mills Raebert N. Bierly, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that the foregoing account is a correct statement of receipts and expenditures, and the Haaneial condition of the County of Luzerne for the year ending December ROBERT N. BIERLY RR ~ Controller & dav go Apna ry of Luzerne County. A) COANE Yippee! and many Whoops! The St. John’s Social Club, which operates the St. John’s bowling al- leys, has requested yours truly to make arrangements for the bowlers annual jamboree and stag party which will be given to all bowlers of the three leagues using the St. John’s alleys. The Social Club, as in the past seasons, sponsor this affair as an appreciation to the bowlers for their business. That the school boys are getting the bowling fever is evidenced by the fact that the Swoyersville High School has also gotten in line and bowled its first competition game last Sunday against the St. John’s Pin Boys. Next season it is the aim of the bowling club to sponsor a freshman bowling league in which only beginners will be allowed to compete. The Mullay Shoe Rebuilders’ girls’ team is a jinx to Al Regal and his barbers. Last Friday the girls went and took all three games from the | barbers and then hiked up to sixth place in the league standing, pass- ing the General Cigar boys. The Piledgi Tavern boys are sure a generous bunch of sports as they proved last week. Well, it just goes to show what our ten command- ments can do to the right boys. Spinicei Garage have lost but five games all season. Their last games with the Ben Sterling team, intend- ed to be a hot game to watch, turn- ed out only another game with ‘the Sterling team showing no life. Buddies Juniors are climbing again and beat out the Quarteroni’s for four points last week. Those balls which rolled into the gutter were the downfall of the Quarteroni team. Also we have another anvil chorus in the Quarteroni bunch. Mike Zipay and his Prudential Life Insurance men will give Frank Lipo and his insurance boys some competition in getting the boys in- sured. Mike has taken over the Replacers team in the Business Men’s League. ; Grablick Dairy and St. John’s Holy Name teams met for the first time last week although they are now in the third round of the sched- ule. For two previous games were postponed due to holiday activities. And they split with two points each. “Bazako” wants to know who thinks he is better as a bowler than he is. Well, any one who hits a 98 score when the team is running a close game, should be in the kinder- LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT IN SWEEPSTAKES RACE The Luzerne Business Men's Bowling League rolled its final week’s games of the Sweep- stakes with heavy scores... Rahl Market, with 3036 pins beat the Luzerne Anthracite Truckers. Stelma, with a 648 took the honors for both teams. Luzerne Anthracite Outside team won two games from the Bon Ton team with 2957 pins. Paluck led both teams with a 638 score. Stegmaiers took all three games from the West Side Ice with 2846 pins. Comorosky with 663 pins was the man in the series. Stolarick Brothers Plan Old-Fashioned Buction An old-fashioned public auction —+to which farmers from this section will bring stock and equipment for sale—will be held at Stolarick Brothers’ farm at Lehman on Tues- day, March 12, beginning at 1 p. m. Farmers from a large area will attend the sale, to turn over their own goods to the leather-lunged auctioneer or to buy from among the goods other farmers will bring. The farm on which the auction, the first of a scheduled series, will be held is a short distance from Leh- man Center. A 70-acre farm, its big red barns are well known in this section. For the last 21 years it has ben noted for the fine stock George, Michael, Andrew and John Stolarick have collected. Herman Sands & Son will be the auction- eers. garten league which is functioning behind the boiler room. The Pin Boys had Elmer’s goat in that crucial series with the Bud- dies. Three years ago today, the Bud- dies Men’s Shop was leading the Business Men’s League with Bon Ton in second place. Pine Brook was knocked off for three points by Bon Ton team with Felix Savage doing the star rolling for Bon Ton. The Keystone Barbers were leading the Merchants’ loop. Sue Leandri was taking the high scoring honors for his team in their game against the Karlotski Bros. Roach’s All Stars played an exhibition game with Keystone Barbers. Stush’s All Stars met the Rahl’s Juniors in an exhibi- tion game. Bizup was the big gun in the Business Men's Big Ten. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1940, At 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 60, March, 1940, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, in Court Room No. 1, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 8th day of March, 1940, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and in- terest of the defendants, in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All that lot and piece of land in Township of Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Bounded /on the north by lands of Isaac H. Coursen and lands of Maud Anderson, formerly Samuel Atherholt; on the east by lands of Maud Anderson, formerly Samuel Atherholt; on the south by land of Harrison Gay formerly Samuel English, and on the west by lands of Porter Michael formerly David Reeves. Containing 51 acres; more or less, and being the same lands conveyed to Grover C. Stock and Flora E. Stock, his wife, the mort- gagors herein, by deed from Adam Stock ‘and Alice A. Stock, his wife, dated February 28, 1927 and record- ed in Deed Book 656, page 20. Improved with a frame dwelling house, barn, garage. the suit of The Federal Land Bank of Baltimore vs. Grover C. Stock and Flora E. Stock, his wifé, and will be sold by DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. Fred B. Davis, Atty. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1940, At 10 A. M. By virtue of writ of Fi. Fa. No. 61, March Term, 1940, from Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne Coun- ty, Pa., on Friday, March 8, 1940, at 10 A. M., in Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., all those two parcels of land situate in the Borough of Kingston, Luzerne County, Pa., as follows: (1) Bounded by Wyoming Ave., So. Union St., Gershom Place, land of Anne and Frances Dorrance and So. Dorrance St., as more fully bounded and described in deed of Anne Dorrance, et al, to Young & Loveland, recorded in Deed Book 617, page 353, excepting therefrom lots 1, 2, northwesterly 10 feet of 4, wedge shape piece of 3 adjoining 5 increasing from 0 feet on Gershom Place to 5 feet of width at rear, lots 5, 7, southeasterly 10 feet of 8, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, on plots recorded in map book 2, page 281, corner lot 140 feet on Wyoming Ave. by 150.12 feet on So. Dorrance St., conveyed to Dorranceton M. E. Church and all land on Wyoming Avenue between Gershom Place and South Union St., for depth of 150 feet except lot 40.1 feet on Wyo- ming Ave., 50 feet from Gershom Seized and taken into execution at | Place and 128 feet from S. Union 4 dS aI lo go together with right of way thereto over 18 foot rear alley from 8S. Union St., is included in this sale. (2) Bounded by So. Union St., Ford St., Chapin Lumber Co. and Columbian Volunteer Fire Co., as more fully bounded and described in deed of Anne Dorrance, et al, to Young & Loveland, recorded in Deed Book 617, page 353, excepting therefrom corner lot 40 feet on S. | Union St., by 126 feet on Ford St. For all the foregoing parcels: In- ‘cluding all easements, rights of way rand covenants running with the (land as in chain of title; excepting the coal and other minerals as in {chain of title but with all rights to I support of surface appertaining. Sold as properties of James W. Young and Charles N. Loveland by DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. George Loveland, Atty. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of writ of Fi. Fa., No. 77. March Term, 1940 issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, there will be exposed to public sale on Friday, March 15, 1940, at 10 o’colck A. M. in the Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, by the Sheriff of Luzerne County, the property of Cecile Simmons, being 80 feet in front on Poplar Street by 122 feet in depth, and being lots numbered 227 and 229 of plot of lots of the Estate of Alexander McLean, de- ceased, in the 14th Ward of the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. All improved with a two story double frame dwell- ing house. DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. A. L. TURNER, Attorney. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE On Friday, March 8, 1940, at 10 A. M, Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., execution from the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, Pa., real estate of Lena Moskowitz situate in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pa., bounded and described as fol- lows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the south- erly side of Hazle Avenue, it being also the center of a 13 inch party wall between land of the said Lena Moskowitz and land now or late of Frederick Jacob; thence along Hazle Avenue, south 7 degrees, west 25.53 feet to a point on land now or late of the William Gabel Estate; thence along said land, north 83 degrees, 5 minutes west 66.71 feet to a cor- ner; thence north 31 degrees, 11 minutes west, along land now or late of E. H, Kulp 59.73 feet to a point on Cinderella Street; thence along Cinderella Street, north 58 de- grees, 52 minutes, east 36.45 feet to a point on land of Frederick Jacob aforesaid; thence along said Jacob's land, south 31 degrees, 23 minutes east, 27.25 feet to a point; thence still along said Jacob’s land, south 6 degrees, 22 minutes west, 22.57 feet to a point in the center of the party wall aforesaid; e alo nence along |. : Vdi J ; i Tonight's Games Junior League Kegler Are In Exciting Race The Junior Bowling League made clean sweeps of their series with all apponents in one-sided games this week. The Buddies won all three games from the league-leading Quarteroni team. The Mullay Shoe Repair girls took all three games from the Al's Barbers. Central Cafe won all three from the Gen- eral Cigar boys. Keyy St. Market took all from the Ferraro Truckers. Psolka and Honeywell, paced the Mullay girls, while S. Mesencik and Lazar took the high scores for the Barbers. Charnitsky was the spark plug for the Kelly St. team with Renoe nobly backing him up. ‘“Ba- zako” Stelma came back to show the boys he really could bowl and put in a 528 score for the Truckers. P. Evans, Dizzy Leandri and Bob !Bulford were the mainstays of the | Central Cafe, while Dietrick and | Stepanic tried hard to hold off the opposition. In the fast action game of the evening, the Buddies’ Emmanuel Sicurella took the high honors with a 590 score, with Bella next with 579. Tonight the Quarteroni team will imeet the second place Kelly St. {team and more action is foreseen as these two teams are deadly rivals. Buddies will have the girls oppos- ing them and this also will prove lan interesting match as the girls have been steadily creeping up on their rivals and now nestle in sixth ‘place in the league. Edward Jones Represents Roger's Cleansers, Dyers Edward Jones of Dallas has been named representative in this section for Roger’s Cleansers and Dyers of Larksville, a growing firm which is winning a high reputation for its quality work. The firm is owned by Roger W. Brown, also of Dallas, who had six years’ experience with Kingsley and Brown of AnnVille, near Hershey, before opening his new, up-to-date plant in Larksville. One of the advantages of his or- ganization is that he employes a skilled tailor and furrier. Mr. Jones collects and delivers daily in Dallas. Orders can be phoned to Dallas 498. At the famed Mayo Clinic in Ro- chester, Minn., something like 17,- 000 operations are performed in a normal year. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT 83 degrees, 5 minutes east 57.5 feet to Hazle Avenue, the place of be- ginning. Being the same premises convey- ed to Lena Moskowitz by deed dated April 28, 1926 and recorded in Lu- zerne County Deed Book 632, Page 581. : Improved with a brick store, apartment and garage known as No. 63 Hazle Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. J. F. McCabe, Atty. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SEALED BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board of School Directors of Dallas Borough School District up to 8 p. m., March 15, 1940, for the furnishing of the following: coal; supplies—office, instruction, janitor; new roof, two-story frame building; filing cabinet; electric stove; dupli- cator; shop “benches; -typewriters; locker space for gymnasium cloth- 1ing; program clock; laboratory ap- i paratus; physical education equip- ment; and miscellaneous equipment. Copies of the requisition and spec- ifications may be secured at the high school office or from the undersigned by mail. All items covered by these bids to be furnished for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1940. Bids will be publicly opened at 8 p. m., March 15, 1940. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or parts of bids or to select any item from any bid. By Order of the Board, D. A. WATERS, Secretary. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters of Administration have been granted in the Estate of Gustave A. A. Kuehn, late of Dallas Borough, Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pay- ment, and those having claims or demands to present the same with- out delay to Mrs. Jean A. Kuehn, Machell Avenue, Dallas, Pa., Admin- istratrix. . EDWIN H. SHEPORWICH, Attorney. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of writ of Fi. Fa. No. 78 March Term, 1940, issued out lof the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, there will be exposed to public sale on Friday, March 15, 1940, at 10 o’clock A. M,, in the Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., by the Sheriff of Luzerne County pro- perty of Edward Carey and May Carey, his wife, situated in Fair- view Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on the State Highway in the Village of Mountain Top at the intersection of said State Highway with Maple Street; thence along Maple Street South 50 degrees of lot No. 41; thence along lot No. 41 South 39 degrees 38 minutes West 50 feet to a « lot No. « the a alone 22 minutes East 150 feet to a corner. (1 F ownship. championship clinched, barring late League Standing W L ‘Pet. Dallas Borough ..7 2.7% Dallas Twp. 7 5 583 Laketon 5 4 555 Lehman... 0 5. 6 6 .500 Kingston Twp. 8 9 250 JUNIOR LEAGUE ? WI. Pls, Quarteroni Bros. 50° 19: . 69 Kelly St. Market 46 23 62 Buddies’ Juniors 45 24 60 Central Cafe 42 - 27 = 54 Ferraro Truckers 30 39 40 Mullay Shoe Repair 22 47 30 General Cigar Co. 22 47 27 Al’s Barber Shop 19: 5:50 195 Schedule For Tonight 7 p. m., Kelly St. Market vs. Quarteroni Bros.; General Cigar Co. vs. Ferraro Truckers. 9 p. m., Buddies’ Juniors vs. Mul- lay Shoe Repair; Central Cafe vs. Al’s Barber Shop. BUSINESSMEN'S LEAGUE We... 1: Pts. Rahl Market 56 13° 76 L. A. Outside 48°21" 67 Bon Ton Men’s Shop 49 20 66 Stegmaiers 4d: 95.159 Greenwald's 41°..28 59 West Side Ice 35 34 46 Piledgi Tavern 35.134. 46 Pete Smith 32. 37-4 Buddies Men’s Shop 31 38 4 L. A. Truckers 18-51. 95 L. A. Office 18° 51. 92 Prudential Life 8:61--10 Schedule For Monday 7 p. m., Rahl’'s vs. Greenwald's; Prudential vs. Buddies; Bon Ton vs. L. A. Office. 9 p. m., West Side Ice vs. L. A. Outside; Truckers vs. Pete Smith; Stegniaiers vs. Piledgi Tavern. G am a8 A. “Store Salesbooks, Ledger Sheets, and Commercial Printing. — Get our Prices First — THE DALLAS POST, Inc. i i te LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT "along said Highway North 39 de- grees 38 minutes East 50 feet to the place of beginning. Being Lot | No. 40 on plot of lots recorded in | Map Book 3 page 138. Improved with a two story frame dwelling house, fruit trees and other oui- | buildings. | DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. | A. L. Turner, Attorney LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE | Friday, March 15, 1940, ten | o'clock A. M. court room No 1, Court | House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., execu- . tion from court of common pleas of ‘ Luzerne County, Pa. real estate of William Kozlowsky and Margaret Kozlowski, mortgagors and Anthony Golembiewski, real owner, all that triangular lot and piece of land one hundred sixty and 40/100 feet on Fairview Avenue and one hundred nineteen feet on Youngblood Avenue and eighty-seven and 92/100 feet lon line of lot 66, and being lot 67 on Hillcrest View plot of H. F. Goer- inger at Shavertown, Kingston Township, Pa., improved with a one story, frame, bungalow dwelling- house and outbuildings. DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. G. J. CLARK, Attorney } LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT : IN THE ORPHAN’'S COURT OF {LUZERNE COUNTY, Estate of | Amanda Prutzman (or Bretzman) Deceased, No. 491 of 1934. To the | Legatees, Creditors and other per- sons interested in said estate; NO- | TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Min- ‘nie Mathers Reed, Executrix has filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphan’s Court her petition praying for leave to sell the real estate of the decedent, consisting of lot 50x150 feet, being part of lots No. 434 and 435, on Sarah S. Bennet plot, Luzerne Borough, improved with a two-story frame dwelling, and known as No. 380 Charles Street, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, at private sale to George Schwall and Viola Schwall, his wife, for the price or sum of $1,600.00. The sale is for the payment of legacies, and if no exceptions be filed thereto or ob- jections made to granting the same, hearing will be had upon the peti- tion Monday, March 25, 1940, at 10 o’clock a. m. DONALD O. COUGHLIN, Attorney for Petitioner. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1940, At 10 A. M. By virtue of writ of Fi. Fa. No. 59, March Term, 1940, from Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne Coun- ty, Pa., on Friday, March 8, 1940, at 10 A. M,, in Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., all that parcel of land situate in the Borough of Kingston, Luzerne Coun- ty, Pa., as follows: Bounded by Rutter Ave., So. Dor- rance St., Ford St., and Pettebone Branch of D. L. & W. R. R. Co. as more fully bounded and described in deed of Anne Dorrance, 4 'C DO But Borough's Lead Still Seems Safe - Dallas township ousted an aggressive Laketon five from second place in the Back Mountain basketball league this week by defeating the league- leading Dallas Borough team, but the borough seemed still to have the season catastrophes. The township’s 20 to 16 defeat of the borough five fulfilled the tradi- tion that the Dallas Township squad is an ever-present jinx to the bor- sough’s athletic teams. The borough has lost only two games this sea- son, both to the township. Coach Tinsley’s team still holds a safe lead, however. It has three scheduled games and at least two postponed games—one with Dallas to lose most of its remaining games to fall from first place. Jim Knecht, the league high scor- ing ace, led Dallas Township in its triumph Tuesday night. He scored 15 points. The borough was trailing, 10 to 4, at the end of the half. On the same night Kingston Township, which showed new spirit this week, defeated Lehman, 38 to 32. Stencil, Kingston Township for- ward, ran wild and tallied 18 points. Smith was high scorer for Lehman, garnering 10 tallies. In last Friday night's games Dal- las Borough defeated Laketon, 44 to 26, and Kingston Township de- feated Dallas Township, 34 to 27. Tonight Dallas Borough will play at Lehman and Dallas Township will play at Laketon. Next Tuesday night Laketon will be at Lehman and Kingston Town- ship will be at Dallas Borough. Six From Dallas Area Chosen For Jury Service Six person—including one woman —from the Dallas section have been | selected for service on juries at Luzerne County Court House in the 1) last week of March and the first week of April. Those chosen: Week of March 25-Dallas, Mrs. May Cave and Ar- thur Thomas; week of April 1-Dallas, Gerry L. Cover, R. D. Renshaw; sey; Harvey's Lake, Walter Snyder. Townsend Club Meeting The next meeting of Dallas Townsend Club will be held in the I. O. O. F. Hall on'Monday night, March 12. The local unit now has about 160 members. The officers have urged interested persons to listen to the broadcast on the Townsend Plan every Sunday night at 8 from Washington. : LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT feet of 58, lots 60, 71, and north- westerly 2 feet of 72, lots 67, 66, 65, southwesterly 5.62 feet of 26, lots 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, and north- easterly 25 feet of 19 on plot record- ed in map book 2, page 281; includ- Ing ail easements, rights of way and covenants runnisg with the land as in chain of title; excepting the coal title but with all rights to support of surface appertaining. a Sold as the property of James W. Young and Charles N. Loveland, by DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. | George Loveland, Atty. SHERIFF'S SALE : By virtue of writ of Fiera Facias, out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, I will expose for public sale for cash at Court Room (No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, | Pa., on the 15th day of March, 1940, |at 10:00 A. M., to be sold to the highest bidder, the following de- scribed real estate: ALL that certain land, property of Jay Fuller, Jr., in Dallas Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Beginning at corner of land of John M. Culp thence North 27 degrees West, 11 perches.” Thence along road to Dallas North 18 degrees East, 14.14 perches to a corner. Thence South 27 degrees East, 21 perches. Thence South 63 degrees West, ten perches. Contain- ing 1 acre. Improved with a frame dwelling house, out buildings, fruit trees and shrubbery, located on a public road leading from Huntsville to Dallas. DALLAS C. SHOBERT, Sheriff. GEORGE L. FENNER, Sr., : GEORGE L. FENNER, Jr., Attorneys LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SEALED PROPOSALS Pennsylvania Department of High- ways, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the Secretary of High- ways, Room 506, North Office Building, State Capitol, until 10:00 am. Eastern Standard Time, March 15, 1940, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled and contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible for the resurfacing of ap- proximately 1765 linear feet of ex- isting pavement with bituminous surface course JA-1, 30 feet wide and the construction of plain con- crete curb type gutter on both sides 3 feet 5 inches wide. Luzerne County, Kingston Borough, Legisla- tive Route 40105, Section 1A. Bid- ding blanks and specifications may be obtained free; a charge of $2.50 a set is made for construction draw- ings. They may be obtained upon application to the Pennsylvania De- partment of Highways, Harrisburg. not be made. They may be seen at offices of the. Pennsylvania Depart- ment of Highways, Harrisburg; Pennsylvania Company Bank Builc ing, 7 East Lancaster Avenue, Ard- ‘more; Wabash Building, Libe Avenue and Ferry Street, Pit burgh; and Wy omin Kingston Township, William Ram- : No. 67, March Term, 1940, issued and other minerals as in Chaia wf - A refund for drawings returned will Township. The borough would have Na from lots 56, 57, southwesterly 10 "ii -