The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 29, 1939, Image 2

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    wal aa
r her 8lst birthday,
who was born in a
Carbon County on
passed quietly to
onday afternoon at
ad come to her
and Sunday to
2 Gary Ch-wseas and a
aday cam yester-
oon, for a & Purpose.
joined in mourning the
indly, courageous lady who
known as “Aunt Becky”.
nk’s life was recounted in
re story in The Post last
omewhat recovered from
biege of illness, she was
ard to celebrating her
double Christmas holiday. |
I delighted with that article, |
aid, and with the many re-
ces which came to her over |
'ex-end. i
Monk had lived in Dallas
funeral was held yesterday in |
las Methodist Church, of |
had been a devoted mem-!
ny years. Rev. Francis E.
eached a stirring eulogy. '
as in Woodlawn Ceme-
* Mrs. Monk are two
arl Monk of Dallas and
of Pittston.
e Damages Interior
ucksville Home
~amaged the interior of
of Fred Gobel, Carverton
cksville, on Sunday morn-
firemen from Trucksville,
~town, Dallas and Luzerne re-
ted to the alarm.
unknown origin, the fire
cned to spread to the Free
list parsonage on one side
kb home of L. H. Johnson on
pr. Bucket brigades were
py neighbors until the fire-
er Is Working
Bombing Planes
s received from Clinton
that he is enjoying his
the big Martin Bomber
Baltimore. Clint is a!
t of exceptional ability, |
bing more to his liking than
d in the same plant is
pinney Of Church street,
Eleanor Powell, MGM star, puts her best foot forward in leaping
smack into a Hapy New Year.
Primary Election
ToBe April 23
State Announces Dates
On Election Calendar
Harrisburg, Dec. 28—The 1940
election calendar was announced to-
day by the State Bureau of Elections
The political calendar begins on
February 3, which will be the first
day for circulating nomination pe-
| titions for the primary election.
I Other important dates:
{ Feb. 22—Last day an elector may
| move from one election district to
| another in order to be eligible to
| vote at the primary election.
| March 4—Last day to file nom-
| ination papers.
March 9—Last day to withdraw
{nomination petitions. Last day to
file objections to nominating peti-
| tions.
March 23—Last day to register
| before the primary election.
March 25—Last day to change
, party enrollment except in the cities
j of Pittsburgh and Scranton.
| April 3—Last day to file nomi-
| nation papers nominating independ-
| ent candidates.
| April 8—Last day to change party
lenrollment in the cities of Pitts-
; burgh and Scranton.
| April 23—Primary election. Polls
will be open continuously from 7
[2 m. to 8 p. m.
April 29—First day to register
| atter primary election.
May 13—Last day to contest the
nomination of any candidate at the
| primary election.
Mother Dies On
Christmas Day
Mrs. Race Follows Her
Infant Into Shadows
Mrs. Andrew Race of Beaumont
died in Nesbitt Memorial Hospital
on Christmas Day at 5:30, two days
after her infant daughter, born
December 23, had preceded her in
The baby was buried at Noxen
on Sunday. Funeral services for
Mrs. Race were held yesterday |
morning at 9:30, with services at!
the Gospel Tabernacle and inter- |
ment in Orcutt’s Cemetery.
Before her marriage last March,
Mrs. Race was Esther Honeywell. |
She was employed at Noxen tan-|
work. Another Dallas man | nery, where she was a bookkeeper | and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
for eight years. Mrs. Race was a
membe=r of the tabernacle congrega- |
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| May 23—Last day for candidates
and treasurers of political commit-
Sweet Valley Woman tees to file expense accounts.
Dies Biter Motor Crash | Sept. 2—Last day for withdrawal
tof candidates nominated at the
Mrs. Helen Gilroy, 28, wife of SPring primaries or by nomination
John Gilroy, Sweet Valley R. D. 1.,| P2Rers:
; > : : | Sept. 4—Last day an elector may
died in Mercy Hospital, Wilkes-| move from one election district to
Barre, on Sunday afternoon as a | another in order to be eligible to
result of injuries she received in| vote at the general election.
an accident on the Friday preceding. | Sept. 16—Last day to file sub-
Mrs. Gil hiured when th | stituted nomination certificates to
tri i Ss was Tiare - on bo | fill vacancies caused by withdrawal
Iiue a. d bi mg rn hd jof candidates nominated at the pri-
nly lection.
throwing Mrs. Gilroy and her five. | ay, a 5 t day to register be-
year-old daughter out of the vehicle. |. - the general election
Apparently Mrs. Gilroy tried to pro- 0 :
soe t. T—Last day to ch
tect her daughter, who was sitting | > e 25% day to.change party
11 t t in th iti
on her lap. She suffered fractures of | Pittebagh Fi) ye ne cities of
arms and body. | 2
From France, where he has been
engaged in research work, Dr. H. A.
Spencer, a native of Dallas and a
brother-in-law of Corey A. Frantz
of Dallas, has been transferred by
President Roosevelt to Finland
where he will aid in combatting ty-
phus which has broken out in the
wake of war.
Dr. Spencer, whose father was
Dr. H. A. Spencer, has been in the
government Public Health Service
for about 20 years. Last week Mr.
Frantz received a letter from his
brother-in-law, speaking of his work
in France. Apparently he had not
received a hint of his transfer then,
because he made no mention of it.
In Finland, Dr. Spencer will co-
operate with the Red Cross in fight-
ing the epidemic, the extent of
which is not known in this country.
Dr. Spencer was born and raised
in Dallas. He attended the public
schools here and later was gradu-
ated from Wyoming Seminary. Fol-
lowing his graduation from the
Medico Chirurgical College in Phil-
Firemen Name
Play Committee
| McHose Heads Group To
| Plan Benefit Show
At the regular meeting of Dr.
{Henry M. Laing Fire Company last
| Friday night a motion was adopted
j authorizing a committee to begin
| planning for an entertainment to be
adelphia he practiced in Lykens| given by members as a benefit
Valley and then entered govern-|gsometime next month.
ment service. Until a couple of years | The committee has "as members
ago he was stationed in Germany. | 0.1.5 McHose, chairman; Leslie
e was transfered to France two | Arthur Dungey, Henry
Soars ago | Warhola,
Dr. Spencér married the former Peterson, Fred M. Kiefer, Harry
Adelphine Shafer of Dallas, iho, ann gn John Q. Yaple, Chair.
died shot seven yours ago | man McHose has called a special
* meeting of the committee for Fri-
day night, January 5, at the hose
Goss Building Progresses
Representatives of Goss Manor
Development Company were in Phil-
adelphia last week making final
plans for the construction of 32 new
homes on the plot.
Mathers Complete House
Gordon Mathers has completed
his modern six-room house on Mid-
land avenue just off Centre Hill
Oct. 21—Last day to change party
enrollment in the cities of Pitts-
burgh and Scranton.
Nov. 5—General Election. Polls
open continuously from 7 a. m. to
8 p. m.
Dec. 5—Last day for candidates
and treasurers of political commit-
tees to file expense accounts.
Dec. 6—First day to register after
the general election.
Luzerne Quick
Shoe Repairing
We Are Distributors For The
tion and taught Sunday School |
there. She was held in high esteem |
in the community.
Surviving are husband and father
Honeywell; sister, Ruth, and brother,
% The perfect combina-
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The entertainment, it is hoped,
| will be the first of a series in which
Will Usher In New Year
y : {a large number of Dallas folks will
At Watch Night Service | take part. It will be a part of the
On New Year's Eve The White | fire company’s long-range program
Church on the Hill, Trucksville, will | to stimulate new interest in the vol-
2 unteer company.
with thousands of other
Methodist churches in the obser- | Burgess Smith's Home
vance of a Watch Night service. At)
| Gay For Holidays
9:30 p. m. there will be an enter- |
tainment and party with refresh- One of the most ardent advocates
ments in the church basement. This | of Christmas lighting along Main
is to be a social time for all, old! Street, Dallas, was Burgess H. A.
and young. A service of re-conse-| Smith, but not to be outshown by
creation will be held in the church that section of the community he
Sanctuary at 11:30 p. m., concluding | has done a beautiful job of Christ-
at midnight. , mas lighting on his own home.
Fr your property should fall victim to
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[J Leghorn World 1Yr.
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e year. In making your
A very special offer
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issues of
prices all gained.
He called his shots at the out-
set of 1939 . . . 209, gain in
business over 1938,” he said . . .
”” More jobs, steady wages
here's what happened: Business
jumped 19.5%, jobs, wages, farm
Now Roger Babson is ready
with his comprehensive, thorough
Which Way Is Business Headed Next Year? ROGER BABsON's FORECAST FOR 1940
Babson's 1940
big news you
. +. big news you will want to
discuss with your family, friends,
associates. x Don't miss it!
It Starts On Page One Today!
analysis of 1940 . ..
farm price, living cost trends.
With war, elections, neutrality,
Congress, clouding the outlook,
big news from coast-to-coast .. .
its job, wage,
predictions will be
will want to read
Roger .W. Babson
1939: War in Europe .
can and under the sea .
historic close! As it has in former years, The Post will bring
you next week its annual Chronology of the year
of 1939 throughout the world, profusely illustrated and supple-
. . peace in Spain . . . death at the Vati-
. . 1939 brings the epochal 1930’s to an
. . . Headlines
menting the annual review of local events. Watch for it! Don’t
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