THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1939 PAGE FIVE KINGSTON ROYAL LYNE, Correspondent Phone Dallas 408 SHAVERTOWN - MT. GREENWOOD - TRUCKSVILLE TOWNSHIP Township Brevities ( \ Miss Ruth Evans is a guest of rh parents on Carverton Road for the holidays. She is an employe of the State at Harrisburg. : Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hughes of 85 Terrace Drive, Shavertown, an- nounce the birth of a son. Mrs. Hughes is the former Miss Hilda Stevenson. * %* = Mrs. Roy Stadler of Greenboro. N. C., visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Greenwood of Shavertown recently. The Christian Comrades Class of Trucksville Methodist Church held a Christmas party on Tuesday night at the church. . x % Mrs. Stephen Johnson of Shaver- town has recovered from a recent illness. 8 Harry Harter of Hillside has re- turned from a hunting trip near Stroudsburg. * % % Rev. A. K. Lindsley, elder of Wilkes-Barre District of the Free Methodist Church, has recovered from his illness. The following students have re- turned from school to spend the Christmas vacation: Sherman Hart- * k ok er, Robert Montz, Robert Bachman of Trucksville; Larry Isaacs, Eddie Richards, from Susquehanna Univer- sity; Stewart Yorks, Bloomsburg; Willard Woolbert and Fred Finney, Lewisburg, and Harry Kellar from Virginia. * Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stang of Oil City and Dr. and Mrs. Ambrose Stang of Washington, D. C., have returned to their home after com- ing here because of the death of Mrs. Mabel Stang. Mrs. Betha Holcomb and son, Eu- gene, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lyne, recently. * % Calendar Of Xmas Events At Shavertown Church Rev. Russell J. May, pastor of Shavertown Methodist Church has announced the following Christmas services at his church: Sunday, 10:30 a. m,, combined | service with Sunday school; pageant, “The Bethlehem Inn”, directed by Neil McHenry; cast: Eleanor Bar- tels, Verna Morgan, Cortez Jennings, ‘George Stevenson, Robert Appleton, Winnie Jones, Howard Frantz, Jr., Philip Santiago, Fannie Ockenhouse, Ruth Shotwell, Beatrice Griffith, | Have Xmas Party Helen Kirkendall, Robert Tryon, Ro- land Kocher, John Chappel, William Davis, Beatrice Riley, Granville Sow- ! den, James Campbell, Ethel Ber- tram; 7:30 p. m., candlelight page-| ant, “At His Throne”: directed by Rev. Mr. May; cast: Mr. and Mrs. | Paul Eckart, Rev. Mr. May, Neil] Henry, William Davis, Verna Mor- | gan, May Warden, Buddy Williams, | Irving Miller, Althea May, Eleanor | Bartels, Wilma Hunt. Alumni And Lettermen Organize Cage Team Alumni and lettermen of Kingston Township High School have organiz- ed a team to play in the Back Moun- tain Alumni basketball league. How- ard Woolbert will be coach. Walter Hicks and Elwood Swingle will ref- eree the games. Home games will be held in the high school on Thurs- day nights. The schedule will begin early in January. The letter girls also are planning to organize a team. Missionary Society Meets At Mrs. Patton's The Women’s Home Missionary Society of Shavertown Methodist Church met recently at the home of Mrs. Howard Patton. Mrs. Walter Fletcher led devotions. Miss Lena Murdock presided. Others present were Mrs. Ernestine Keller, Mrs. Earl Hons, Mrs. C. B. Henry, Mrs. Ella Howlett, Mrs. Charles Hoffman, Jr., and Mrs. Arthur Leek. —COAL FRESH-MINED, MIXED PEA and CHESTNUT '3.90 ton MIXED EGG -- STOVE -- LUMP 3.00 PRICES F.O.B. MINE @ — Phone — George Miko Plymouth 9-2709 (Between 6 and 8 p. m., or write Atlas Coal Co. Box 1125, Kingston, Pa. Piano Pupils Give Musicale Parents Enjoy Carols And Christmas Hymns A delightful Christmas musicale was held at the home of Mrs. Wes- ley Oliver in Shavertown Tuesday evening. Carols and interesting ar- rangements of Christmas hymns made a splendid program. Pupils taking part were: Claire June Malkemes, Naomi Hons, Rob- ert Malkemes, Edmund Whitby and! Janice Lacy of Shavertown; June | Colwell, Betty Welsh, Ruth Scott, | Nancy Lou Swartz, George Swartz, | Ralph Templin and Ernestine Bank- | er of Dallas; Dorothy Smith, Kings- | ton. : Mrs. Greenwood Hostess To Young Matron’s Club Mrs. Russell Greenwood of Shav- ertown recently entertained the Young Matron’s Club at her home. Guests were Mrs. Edwin Ofgant, Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux, Mrs. D. H. Fado, Mrs. Sterling Lamoreaux, Mrs. | Curtis Carr, Mrs. Granville Sowden, | Mrs. Ray Stadler, Mrs. Howard Hontz. Gifts were exchanged. Mrs. | Edwin Ofgant was high scorer at cards. | | Girl Athletes Select Officers For Year The Girls’ Athletic Association of Kingston Township High School has elected the following officers: Ma- | rion Jones, president; Marion An- thony, vice-president; Margaret Da- vis, secretary; Josephine Nichols, | treasurer; Bernice Lozo correspond- ing secretary; Adetha Miller, ser- geant at arms. The Association will entertain all former letter girls before the alumni game on December 29 at 7:30. Trucksville Scouts The Girl Scout Troop of Trucks- ville held a party in Trucksville Methodist Church on Wednesday after school. Refreshments were served, games were played and gifts were exchanged. Christmas Party A Christmas party was held by the Ladies’ Aid Society of Shaver- town Methodist Church on Thursday at the church. A covered dish sup- per was held, after which gifts were | exchanged. ) Lehman And Jackson To Join For Program Christmas exercises at Lehman Methodist Church, where Rev. C. Duane Butler is pastor, will be held | on Sunday evening at 7:30 in the; church. The Jackson congregation will join with Lehman parishioners for the service. The program will be directed by a committee having as members Mrs. H. Austin Snyder, Mrs. Clyde Cooper and Mrs. John Sidler. Special music will be pro-} vided by Carl Brandon and Arthur Miers. Rev. Mr. Butler’s sermon topic at the Idetown and Lehman churches on Sunday morning will be “The Significance of a Birthday.” NEW YEAR'S EVE m= DANGE = Starting at 12 Sunday night and continuing until 5 a. m. Monday SQUARE and MODERN Hillside Hall It's Not Too Late —— . . . to drive to Kingston for those last-minute gifts . . . our large se- | lections comprise beau- ; tiful lamps, tables, china, glassware, linger- ie . . . almost anything your heart desires . . . nicest of all our studio is open every evening late so that you can make your selections unhurried and with ease. y Stubio AND GIFT SHOP 137 Chestnut Street | i | | | | | | Mgrs. B. S. ANTHONY'S | Kingston 1. The WEEK'S NEWS CURRENT EVENTS PHOTOGRAPHED FOR THE POST CLEVELAND RELIEF RE. SUMED — 46,000 Clevelanders whose food allowance had | been reduced to almost star. vation level, are again being fed. Thirty - two carloads of food shipped by the Federal Surplus Commodities Corp. was distributed to the needy. R YOUR MERRY CHRIST- MAS—This striking cuff brace: let chosen by Kathryn Adoms. RKO star, is gold filigree. Curved panels, narrowed to the wrist to fit, are linked to- gether with gold chains. | FO is to become a matter YAKICHIRO SUMA, former coun- selor at the Japanese Embassy in Washingion and long a friend of the U. S. shown in Tokyo in his new role of Foreign Spokesman of Japan. 5 WARTIME ART IN PARIS — Wartime pre- 58 cautions demand that #1 shop windows be am- ply protected against flying glass during a possible air raid. This window is protected with tape artistically. WALTER M. SWERTFAGER. Seagram’s Director of Adver- tising and Public Relations, awards first prize in the Sea: gram Ancient Bottle Golden Glow Cocktail Contest, among members of the Society of Amateur Chefs, to Reinald Werrenrath, famous baritone. WAR CLOUDS GATHER—A view of a simple little frontier town in the Province of Bessarabia ceded to Rumania after the World War. Bessarabia, it is rumored, of dispute between Russia and Rumania. Sir Hubert Wilkins, winner of the second prize, looks on. Rev. Morgan Announces Services For His Charge Rev. David Morgan, pastor of the Methodist Churches at Ruggles, Alderson, Noxen and Kunkle, has announced the following schedule of events in his charge: Ruggles: Friday, 7:30, Christmas service in the church hall, with a program directed by Mrs. Beulah Bronson; Sunday, 8:45, worship, sermon, ‘“‘God’s Voice and Man's Need’; music by the young people’s choir; followed by church school. Alderson: Saturday, 8, Christmas program. Sunday, 10 a. m., worship, “God’s Voice and Man's Need”, pre- sentation of white-wrapped Christ- mas gifts for the needy; 4 p. m., 12:7, § RR ITT rene REE GREENWAL FURNITURE — HARDWARE — STOVES LUZERNE, PENNSYLVANIA AACS Epworth League, closing service for white Christmas gifts; Missionary Society assisting; 11, Sunday school. Noxen: Sunday, 11:15, a. m., wor- ship, sermon, “God's Voice and Man's Need”; 6 p. m. Epworth League, cantata, “Tinsel and Gold”; Monday, 6, Christmas program; church school. Kunkle, Sundy, 7:45, Christmas service of Sunday school. Receives His Letter Walter Schuler, former local ath- lete and a graduate of Kingston Township High School, received a sweater and letter for his athletic record at University of Scranton. The awards were made at a dinner last Saturday night. END A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ’S 2 2% ® %* The perfect combina- tion of rich oil, fine | 132 West 4 Why look old when it’s Your mirror will tell you: “My dear, you look 10 years younger. Your hair is no longer faded and mousy. Those ugly grey streaks are gone. Credit Clairol with adding color and brilliance and subtracting 10 years from your appearance!” Does your mirror say the same to you? It will, if you use Clairol, the Modern* Method of Hair Coloring which shampoos, reconditions and tints—easily, quickly and without preliminary bleaching . . . giving your hair natural-looking color and lustre. | See your hairdresser today or send this coupon NOW. Naturally... wit) CRANROL Be sure to look for this mark of GENUINE Clairol on the bottle, | Send FREE booklet, advice and analysis. so easy to look young? 6th St., New York, N.Y. i | { ) soap and delicate i Name... color that can’t be copied...a blend that Address... only Clairol contains. City...on... eerverer | State. li ! My Beautician | Calendar Of Events At Trucksville Church Rev. Harry M. Savacool, pastor of Trucksville Methodist Church, has announced the following calendar of holiday events: Sunday: 9:30 a. m., church school, Christmas playlet by Christ's Fol- lowers’ Class; 10:30 a. m., worship, special music under the direction of Mrs. B. Aubrey Ayre; sermon topic, “A Babe—A Sign’’; 6:45, devotional meeting of the Epworth League; 7:30, annual candlelight Commun- ion; confirmation and reception of members; 9:30 a. m. Epworth League will meet to go caroling; Thursday, 7:15, church study night. NOTICE The persons who took the chime clock from Spiegel’s Club are known. To save embarrassment and arrest they can return it and no questions will be asked. BE MERRY at AND When led to a manger THE CHRIST CHILD (The following poem was written by the pupil of the fifth grade of Dallas Borough schools, whose teacher is Miss Mary Morgan.) Some shepherds were watching their flocks by night, When suddenly they saw in the sky a bright light. Then an angel appeared and said unto them, That the Christ Child was born in‘ Bethlehem. And the shepherds made haste and followed the star To their surprise it was a baby boy Which was to bring the world much joy. that was afar. Campus Breuwities The beautifully decorated halls of the Secretarial Department of College’ Misericordia made a lovely setting for the Christmas Party held by the Secretarial Science Club this week. Sebastiana Licata was gen- eral chairman of the affair. Articles of food for Christmas baskets to be distributed by students before their vacation begins today were collected at an “Abnegation Party” held by the Junior Class last Thursday morning... Miss Elizabeth Grady was general chairman. The Home Economics Club, which directed the collection of gifts for the Christmas baskets, made plans for its work at a meeting on Mon- day. Looking beyond Christmas vacation to the New Year, the Physics Club, at its meeting De- cember 14, made plans for a reception for new members next month. Miss Jane Croop is pre- sident of the club. Gowned in white satin, with neck clips of green spruce and bows of holly red, the Choric Speech Choir of the college made a lovely appear- ance when it appeared at the Christ- mas party of the Catholic Daughters of America in Lady of Victory House, Wilkes-Barre. The program was presented under the direction of Miss Mary V. Nolan, head of the speech department and who intro- duced Choric Speech at Misericordia. Himmler Theatre MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AT 2 DALLAS, PA. THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY * DOUBLE FEATURE * Fast and Furious” with Franchot Tone “Jeepers Creepers” Elvira and the Weaver Brothers Matinee only: Serial, “Dick Tracy’s G-Men MONDAY AND TUESDAY “Four Feathers” With All Star Cast Also Our Gang Comedy WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY “Shipyard Sally” With Gracie Fields Also News and Cartoon NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Babes In Arms” With Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland Comedy and Cartoon Saturday Matinee, Serial LIC ICD PERUGING'S CAFE 258 CHARLES STREET, LUZERNE, PA. SPAGHETTI “THE REAL ITALIAN WAY” Largest Dance Floor and Best Equipped Kitchen in Wyoming Valley EL FOOD and SANDWICHES DEDEDE DEDEDE aie yin: yon wily ye om RE RWINIA ream way USED TRUCK SPECIAL! 1937 G. M. C. 3;-ton Panel, R. License. like new. Mechanically Perfect. 4 New Tires. Low Mileage 1987 Dodge %;-ton Panel, R License. Transmission and Clutch Overhauled. Quiet Motor. 4 New Tires 1936 Ford Y,-ton Panel. 1936 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery. New Paint. Transmis- , sion Overhauled. Quiet Motor. | 198% Ford Sedan Delivery. Original Black Finish. Like | New Inside and Out. { New Tires | 1987 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery 1»-ton R License. Recon- : | ditioned Throughout. 10,000 Mile Guarantee against Oil | JOAN CLAIR, CLAIROL, Inc. | Consumption. New Tires Original Paint. : Completely Rebuilt. 4 New Tires. 1,000 Miles Guarantee... Five Good Tires Mechanically Perfect. Original Paint $350 3390 $229 3250 3390 $379 Refinished in Green. Like New. City Chevrolet Co. LIBERTY & HAZLE STREETS, WILKES-BARRE 856 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON _= Open Evenings and Sundays e Dial 7-1171 Ella Moore Class Holds Xmas Party Mrs. Walter Strazdus Is Hostess To 22 Members The Ella Moore Memorial Class of the East Dallas Methodist Church held its annual class dinner at the home of Mrs. Walter Strazdus on Tuesday night. There were 22 mem- bers. Gifts were exchanged. At the business session which fol- lowed the party they held the elec- tion of officers with the following results: President Mrs. Charles Jones; Vice President Mrs. Paul Car- lin, Secretary Mrs. Lawrence Swank; Treasurer Miss Arline Moore. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Hildebrant with Mrs. Fred Hughey as the assistant hostess. The committee for the Christmas party consisted of Mrs. Strazdus, Mrs. Laura La Bar, Mrs. Ralph Weaver, Mrs. Harry Miller and Mrs. Ted Wilson. THE CHRISTMAS STORE SUPER SERVICE 188 Main Street, Luzerne Our Home Dressed Chickens Ib. 17¢ All Fresh Killed TURKEYS 1b. 23¢ ROUND STEAK BOILING BEEF PORK Loin --Rib End -- Shoulder 10¢ BEEF CHUCK ROAST HAMBURG SCRAPPLE ih. 5¢ LAMB CHOPS Ib. 19¢ Cheese Ib. 15¢ AGED FOR FLAVOR 5-1b. Box Delicious Assorted Chocolates 89% All dipped in rich dark chocolates Xmas Gandy 1b. 9% ALL THIS YEAR’S NUTS BRAZIL NUTS Ib. 123c WALNUTS Ib. {8c CALIFORNIA PEACHES can 9¢ WHOLE BEETS 2 No. 2 cans 23¢ PEPPER ih. 10c COFFEE Ib. 10c FLORIDA ORANGES dez. 9¢ TENDER CELERY bch. 2¢ Ib. 19¢ Ib. Sc ib. 123¢ Ib. f2%¢ Best No. { POTATOES peck 25¢