PAGE FIGHT Dallas Township Alumni Annual Dance Tonight Dallas Township Alumni Associ- ation will hold its Fifth Annual Semi-formal Dance, on Friday night at Dallas Township High School au- .ditorium. Donlin’s Pennsylvanians will play. Reservations can be made by phoning Dallas 209. CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED TO BUY Wanted To Buy—Ingrain carpets. Phone Dallas 466-R-11. Mrs. Wil- liam Parks. 491 FOR SALE For Sale—Registered English setter puppies; 7 weeks old, males and females. Ed Estock, Overbrook Avenue, Dallas. 492 For Sale—48 B. R. Pullets, 5% months old. Clarence Hilbert, Beaumont. Phone H. L. 3422 . 491 For Rent—House, all improvements. $25, Pioneer Avenue, Trucksville. Phone 225-R-2. 491 For Sale—Cow. Fresh next month. John Sosik, Shavertown. 491 For Sale—8x10 heavy truck can- vas cover, $5 complete with ropes; also one larger. All new covers. Call Dallas 126-R-2. 483 For Sale—Rental Leases, For Sale signs, No Trespassing signs, No Hunting signs, For Rent signs, etc Dallas Post 404 @uaranteed rebuilt Ford V8 engines 4,000 mile guarantee. $7 month Stull Brothers, Kingston, Pa. 19% Wedding Announcements, Engraved Stationery, highest quality. See ‘our samples and save money. The Dallas Post. 38tf Coal: Nut, stove, egg, $7.30; pea, $5.75; buckwheat, $4.90; rice, $4.00. Delivered at Shavertown. 25¢ per ton additional in Dallas. Stewart J. Eustice, Dallas. 460-R-9. 411 We Buy Used Cars For Cash. Perry’s Service Station, 375 Bennett St., Luzerne. 26tf REUPHOLSTERING All work guaranteed, large selec- tion fabrics. Write or phone 7-5636. John Curtis, 33 S. Goodwin Ave, Kingston. 10tf Wanted To Buy —Old horses. We pay highest cash prices for old live horses. Must not be diseased. Write or phone Ralph R. Balut, Dal- las, Pa. Phone 371-R-3 and re- verse charges. 34tf — HASSTTLLANEOUS For prompt removal of dead, old, disabled horses, cows, mules, phone Carl Crockett, Muhlenburg 13-R-4. Phone charges paid. 40tf LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING The annual meeting of the shareholders of The First National Bank of Dallas for the election of directors will be held at the bank on Tuesday, January 9, 1940, (sec- ond Tuesday) between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock A. M. W. B. JETER, Cashier. December 8, 1939. Luzerne, County, ss.: In the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, No. 928, October Term, 1939. Libel in Divorce a vin- culo matrimonii. Martha Garrison vs. James Arthur Garrison. To James Arthur Garrison: Take notice that an alias sub- poena having been returned by the sheriff of Luzerne County that you could not be found in this county, you are hereby notified and directed to appear before the said court on Monday, January 8, 1940, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., to answer the com- plaint filed in the above case. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. Joseph F. Gallagher, Attorney. Need Money For Christmas? Convert Something You Don’t Need Into Money With A Classified! RESURRECTION PLANT Miracle Of Nature These rare and curious plants grow and stay green by placing them in water. When taken out of water they curl up and go to sleep, remaining in this state for years, reawakening upon being put into water. 25c each. Get half dozen for the home. Send stamps or money order to Dallas Importer—P. O. Box 276 FARMER DANCE GOBLE ORCHESTRA DOC TRAVER, Caller — Every — SATURDAY NIGHT The GROTTO HARVEY'S LAKE MEEKER Dorman Wolfe spent Wednesday in Conyngham Valley. Mrs. A. D. Hufford is ill at her home. Elmer Scovell is a patient at Gen- eral Hospital, Wilkes-Barre, where he is undergoing observation. Mrs. Marie Wolfe, who under- went an operation at Homeopathic Hospital, Wilkes-Barre, is much im- proved. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alderson of Hazleton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Drablick. The regular Ladies’ Aid supper will be held at the Methodist Church on Friday at 6. (Held from Last Week) Mrs. Leonard Harvey Entertains Ladies’ Aid The Meeker Ladies’ Aid Society was entertained by Mrs. Leonard Harvey at Dallas recently. Lunch was served at noon to the follow- ing: Mrs. Jessie Shupp, Mrs. William Schmoll, Maude Wolfe, Mrs. Eva Drabick, Mrs. Harry Dixon, Mrs. H. E. Payne, Mrs. Lillian Hildebrant, Edna M. Karschner, Mrs. Lena Van Buskirk, Mrs. Elizabeth Ide, Grace A. Ide, Mrs. Edith King, Letha Wolfe, Mrs. Elma Robinson, Mrs. Lloyd Rogers, Mrs. Mark Kroehler, Mrs. James Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. George Weintz, Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Harvey and ‘Dicky” Hazeltine. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rogers, Mrs. Edna Karschner and daughter, Dorothy of Meeker and Russel Steele of Kingston spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers of Idetown. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolfe and family of Johnson City, N. Y., spent Thanksgiving Day with Dorman Wolfe. Mrs. Eugene Robinson and daugh- ter, Mary Ruth, spent the weekend in Bloomsburg. Mrs. Lloyd Rogers spent a day re- cently with Mrs. Leonard Harvey at Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. John Rebennack entertained at a family dinner on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harvey of Dallas spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. George Weintz. Ladies’ Aid Meeting The Ladies’ Aid of Idetown Meth- odist Church will hold a rally on Wednesday, December 13, beginning with dinner at noon and continuing at 2 with election of officers and a business meeting at which dues will be collected. LARE’S SUPER SERVICE {88 Main Street, Luzerne STEWING or BOILING BEEF — LAMB 9¢ Ib. PORK Picnic Shoulders Ib. 10c Rib and Loin Ib. tic Serapple Ib. 5¢ LAMB — VEAL CHOPS 1b. 18¢ Live and e and Dressed CHICKENS Leg of Veal 1b.19¢ Chuck Roast " 12:¢ Fresh Ground. Hamburg 21bs. 25¢ RING BOLOGNA Ib. 7c FRENKFURTERS Ib. 18¢ HAMS 1b.23 CHEESE 1b. 15¢ KETCHUP bi NUTS Ib. 12% Xmas Candy Ib. 9c Celery bunch 2c Good Shor... IP big hot. 9¢ Tender Potatoes pk. 25c THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1939 Postscripts (Continued from Page 1) a baby, news which pleases me mightily. So back to my type-ma- chine for a while and then home to read until midnight from a book on fiction-writing, a subject which I sometimes suspect is beyond my limited intellect. —O— Tuesday, December 5: By times up and abroad early, pleased to inform anxious inquirers that Mr. Risley’s condition is much improved, for many people ask about him and all wish him a speedy recovery. So to my desk, writing this and that. At noon visited by F. Kiefer, the col- umnist, who does tell me’ that he has received C. Sandburg’s four volume work on Lincoln called “The War Years” and Fred, a student of Lincolniana, highly thrilled by Sandburg’s books, which I do read are the best to be done yet on Lincoln. Later R. Hazletine, the historian, does drop in and, finding me in an argumentative mood, does chide me, saying “Why is it that sometimes when I come in here you just won't agree with anything I say?” whereupon I did answer “Why is it that sometimes when you come in here everything you say is illogical?”, a response at which he did guffaw and which I did think was very comickall. Pi Mu Sorority Meets The monthly meeting of Pi Mu musical sorority was held Saturday |§ afternoon at the home of Nancy Swartz in Dallas. A short business |§ meeting, at which Jane Ayre, presi- |§ dent, presided, was followed by a program of descriptive music. Piano |§ selections were played by Janet | Post, Jane Case, Claire June Mal- kemes, Eloise Freeman and Nancy Swartz. Those present: Mrs. Lillian Oliver, counselor; Jane Ayre, Claire June Malkemes, Nancy Swartz, Jane Case, Louise Hazeltine, Janet Post, Eloise Freeman, Doris McCarty. GAY-MURRAY NEWS This ® beautiful new modern Dexter Speedex Washer will bring more happiness and thank- fulness than any gift you could select for wife or mother. $39.50 Buys a DEXTER w—Here’s just one of the many gift possibilities that you'll find here. There are all kinds of elec- trical appliances — Westinghouse Irons, Mixmasters, Beaters, Schick Shavers and Driver Tools for “dad”, while in our second floor Toyland, there are all the new methods of “Billy and Ruth” toys. Give Better Gifts Y—Santa found 300 kids waiting to welcome him last Saturday in our second floor Toyland and the old boy chuckled as he was asked for everything from dolls to horses. and girls who are taking part in our “Billy and Ruth” contest. These contest letters must reach us by Tuesday, December 9. Any boy or girl can enter the contest. Y—If winter holds off a few more days, we'll have everyone prepared for it. We recently installed hot water radiator heating systems for both Hobart and Raymond Furman at Mehoopany, a deep well pump for S. R. Ellsworth at Keiserville, an oil heater for Helen Ainey at Montrose and a bathroom for Guy Smith at Lake Winola. %—Maple City Barn Equipment makes the cattle comfortable and saves work. Clarence Sickler, Han- netta Weaver and Fred Shouldice are recent Stanchion customers. Stanchions now sell at $2.25, while waterbowls are $2.75, but we are warned that these prices are sure to advance soon. You can save by buying now. Attention Sportsmen! %—We have all sizes of Kleenbore Ammunition. 22 Rim Fire and 25 Stevens Rim Fire are the only rifles which are not legal for deer hunt- ing. Ice fishing for pickerel is open during December and January. We have the “Tip Ups”. Shop Here For Xmas SANTA ARRIVES 2:30 and 7:30 EACH SATURDAY. Gay-Murray Go. Inc. TUNKHANNOCK, PA. TERRE TE TETEY ri fe —— PE PS PE IE FE SE TE PE PE TE PL TLE TE TE TERE PERE BE GE 2 3 RR RE A RR RR BR RR RR Rr RR RR TR TR RE RE A TP PR BR PR BR RE i RE BR Bi Th TE Th i Oh Th Th Ts 0% POMEROY'S.. sama SAYS —— COME IN AND SEE ME IN TOYLAND ! English Style Reg. 4.95 | # All wood body with stencil decoration. Three bow hood. # English rubber tire wheels. Other Carriages from 2.98 to 15.98 STREAMLINE VELOCIPEDE Heavy, tubular steel frame. Ball bearing “ front wheel. Large 95 Santa’s hub caps. Adjustable seat and handle bars. 12 inch size. in . Other Velocipedes 3.98 to 13.95 Toyland Bring the children to Toyland and let them talk to Santa Claus. He’s doing his best to grant all the re- quests. RIDE the Ride and Steer—“Em” LIVE PONIES (STEEL LOCO Let the children steel. Enamel- select their favor- ed in red and e ite pony and enjoy black, Seat and ide in our To handle for Beportment, y steering. Will hold 200 lbs. Santa is here in His Toyland Headquarters at Pomeroy’s... where he has the most Sompiste assortment of toys that really go ..they’re here awaiting your selection. so come in and have Santa help you make your choice. BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ BICYCLES 39.80 Gos ® Master Welded Frame ® Luggage Carrier with Electric Light ® Electric headlight ‘ ® Electric Horn built in 5 frame ® White side wall tires ® Coaster brakes ® Chrome rim And the balance in Easy weekly payments buys one of these bicycles. Roller Bearing Scooters 32° Strong, heavy steel, Stands 38 inches long and 33 inches high, . Has a steel parking | stand and foot brakes. Roller bearing wheels with rubber tires. Other Scooters at 1.19 to 5.95 Santa received 100 letters from boys | $s] DOWN DELIVERS . . . BENESCH'S PAY ONLY 50° A WEEK! PUBLIC SQUARE