“ter Hill Road will have as their week. _ been ill for the last week. * Huntsville entertained Thanksgiving, - at her home on Thursday evening. bronchial pneumonia, is much im- PAGE FOUR THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11539 Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local Church Affairs Purely Personal By MRS. ARTHUR CULVER Home Phone 161 Office Phone 300 Mr .and Mrs. J. T. Jeter of Cen- guest this weekend their daughter, Helen, of Caldwell. N. J. Miss Patricia Reynolds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dorrance Reynolds of Goodleigh Farms, who has been ill for the past week of influenza, is improving. Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hazeltine of Trucksville cele- brated her birthday anniversary at a family dinner Monday evening. W. B. Risley has been ill at his home on Lake Street for the past *x & Xx Mrs. E. J. Munley and daughter, Genevieve, moved last week from their residence on Church Street to the home of the former's daughter in Kingston. Alfred Metzger of Shavertown has i Paul Jones, a student at Dickin- son College, spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Jones at Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder, East Dallas, spent Thanksgiving Day as| guests of Friend Hildebrant at Ves- | ia], N. Y. . * % %¥ Mrs. Blanche Swank will be host- ess to Epworth League of East Por | las Methodist Church tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jurchak enter- tained over the weekend Francis Mottey of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breslin of Shavertown spent the weekend in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Major of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Garinger and daughter, Janet, Lake Street; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Major and daugh- ter, Elma, and Mildred and Mary Ellen and Patricia Clark. * k ¥ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elston, Kun- kle, entertained at a family dinner Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dogd- son, Mr. and Mrs. John Isaacs and the Elston family. Mrs. Harvey McCarty will enter- tain the members of her bridge club John Valaika of Plains has moved to Dallas and is making his home with his sister, Mrs. Galvin Duesler 45 Center Hill Road. =n, = Wh ¥ Mrs. Owen Jones, Parsonage Street, entertained the members of the Durbin Class at her home on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Starr and daughter, Virginia and Mrs. Ross Lewin and daughters, Joann and Barbara will motor to Philadelphia where Virginia will undergo treat- ment at the Will's Eye Hospital. Mrs. Lewin and family will visit her mother, Mrs. Emma Shaver. * k % Mrs. Theodore Hinkle and infant daughter, Sandra Lillian returned to their home on Mt. Airy Road on Wednesday from the Homeopathic Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Von Arx and family spent the holiday week- end in Jersey City as guests of the former’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bronson of Kingston were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson of Sweet Valley. * % Xx Dr .and Mrs. Sherman Schooley of Shavertown spent the weekend in Philadelphia where they attend- ed the Penn-Cornell game. Jackie Durbin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Durbin of Franklin Street, who has been ill at his home with proved. * x * Dr. George K. Swartz who has been ill at his home is much im- proved. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shaver of Center Hill Road spent the holiday at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Crocker of Wilkes-Barre. * * * Mrs. Henry Kraybill and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haley have returned to their home after spending the week- end visiting relatives of Mrs. Kray- bill in Maytown. Mollie Durbin, Franklin Street celebrated her fifth birthday anni- versary on Tuesday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nulton of Kunkle spent the Thanksgiving holi- day as the guests of Fred Honey- well. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Richards and son, Daniel, Jr., spent the week- end as the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keith- line of Pottsville. Mr. and Mrs. Prosser Williams of Taylor were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin of Center Hill Road. x * * Harold Hauck, Dr. Charles Ash- ley and James Oliver spent a few days in Canada duck hunting this week. Harold Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Smith of Machell Avenue, returned Wednesday from General Hospital where he had been ill for 10 days of pneumonia. MRS. A. R. HOLCOMB OF HUNTSVILLE IS YOUNG AT EIGHTY-FOUR YEARS Fit as a fiddle and rarin’ to go pretty well describes Mrs. A. R. Holcomb, Huntsville, who even at 84 holds up under a 290-mile automobile trip better than her 19 year-old grandson. Sunday, Mrs. Holcomb, her daughter, Mrs. George Ide and her grandson, Glen Ide, Mrs. Howard Jones and her two sons, Edward and Paul left home about noon, drove to Har- risburg where they took a look at the capitol, ran over to Car- lisle to leave Paul at Dickin- son College, returned to Hunts- ville about 9 p. m.—a total of 290 miles in 9 hours. Dog-tired, Mrs. Ide and Glen fell into bed. Mrs. Holcomb settled back in her favorite rocking chair to finish an inter- rupted story in True Romance magazine. Woman's Club To | Present Concert Will Be Given In Borough High School “Showboat of 1939” will be pre- sented by the music department of the Dallas Junior Woman’s Club in the Dallas Borough High School to- night, Friday, at 8 o’clock. Special features of the perform- ance will be: solos by Clementina Swartz, Margaret Robinson and Charlotte Payne; specialty dances by pupils of Kathleen Sweeney; reading by Miss Helen Watts. Is Hospital Patient Brinley Davies of Ridge Street is a patient at Nesbitt Memorial Hos- pital where he is being treated for blood poisoning in the right hand following an injury received about a week ago while he was employed on the Flood Control Project at Lu- zerne. His condition remains about the same. Charles Jones, East Dallas, who has been ill for several weeks re- turned to work this week. Howard Caperoon of Franklin Street is spending several days in Camden as the guest of his brother, Fred Caperoon. Mrs. Carrie Ryman of Hays Cor- ners is seriously ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rogers an- nounce the birth of a daughter at Nesbitt Hospital Sunday November 26. * * 3% Mrs. Frank Wright is ill at her home at Idetown. Mr. and Mrs. Niles M. White of Baldwin Street entertained Thanks- giving Day, Robert Williams, Wilkes- Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howells, Miss Edith Howells and Willard Howells of Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Culbert, Bald- win Street, spent Thanksgiving in Easton. Miss Frances Hess, who has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Russell Honeywell, Lake Street, has returned to her home on Beau- mont Road. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Morrow, Shavertown, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, November 26 at Nesbitt Hospital. This is the Morrow’s second child, the other being a boy of 18 months. Mrs. Morrow is the former Nell Clemow of Shavertown. * % Xx John Hanson, proprietor of Har- vey’s Lake picnic grounds is re- cuperating at his home at the Lake after spending two weeks in the hospital, where he underwent an operation. Henry Kraybill of Center Hill Road, Dallas, was called to the home of his parents in Mayton on Wed- nesday by the death of his father. Rev. David Morgan Rev. David Morgan, pastor of the Noxen, Alderson and Kunkle Meth- odist Churches makes the follow- ing announcements: Sunday, Sacra- ment of the Lord’s Supper in all churches except Kunkle; sermon subject, “We Have An Altar”; re- organization of Epworth League at Alderson, Sunday at 4 p. m. SHOE REPAIRING WHILE YOU WAIT LUZERNE QUICK SHOE REPAIRING erm We are Distributors for the FAMOUS “WOLVERINE” WORK SHOES AND GLOVES —peeie — Dial 7-43880 —— nase J. ARCANGELI, Prop. 130 MAIN ST., LUZERNE, PA. { bert Christmas Gifts, of Today . «— The Heirlooms of Tomorrow HERE fis no time like the pres- ent to start these lovely needle- point pieces for Christmas gifts. Turn your leisure hours into in- teresting ones—and, at the same time, create useful decorative pieces of true heirloom value. Needlepoint lends to the home a charm which cannot be equalled. Needlepoint— with the glamour of centuries of tradition is the utterly fascinating handwork that has the added ad- vantage of being easy to pick up. e realize nowadays that needle- o point is not as hard to do as it may seem and the above Hiawatha pieces, designed by the Heirloom Needlework Guild, are doubly easy. All come packaged—each a com- plete outfit. Once you start, you'll never stop—and the finished prod- uct more than repays you for the effort put into it. These unusual needlepoint pack- age outfits can be found, with other fine designs, for chair seats, benches, footstools and many other uses, in the art needlework art- ment of your favorite store. * Women Of Rotary To Have Dinner To Entertain Husbands At Club December 14 Thursday, December 14, Women of the Rotary will entertain their husbands at a dinner at the Irem Temple Country Club. Members are urged to keep this date open. Guests are invited. Committee members are: Mrs. A. N. Garinger, chairman; Mrs. R. L. Hallock, Mrs. L. S. Kingsley, Mrs. Robert Altick, Mrs. John Nicholson. Entertain Tues. For Anniversary Fifteen Guests Help Wilcoxes Celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wilcox en- tertained on the occasion of their wedding anniversary on Tuesday night. Wesley Himmler exhibited parlor motion pictures. Zel Gar- inger played the banjo with Mrs. William Baker at the piano for group singing. Mr. Garinger also entertained with his Dancing Dan. There were two tables of six-hand pinochle. At a late hour a two- course luncheon was served to fif- teen guests. Sunday Services At St. Paul's Church Holy Communion will be admin- istered at the morning service at 11 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Sha- vertown, on Sunday and Rev. Her- E. Frankfort, pastor, will preach on “A Picture of the Last Judgment.” Sunday school will meet at 9:45. The devotional service of the Luther League will be held at 6:45. “Are you Afraid?” will be Rev. Mr. Frankfort’s sermon subject at vespers at 7:30 p. m. Kathleen Coolbaugh Is Bride Of Ogden Palmer Announcement has been made of the marriage of Kathleen, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cool- baugh, Trucksville, and Ogden Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Palmer of Forty Fort, Friday, No- vember 24 in the parsonage of the Forty Fort Methodist Church. Miss Marian Heale, Shavertown, acted as maid of honor and Harold Bennett of Forty Fort, best man. The couple will make their home in Trucksville. EASY Washers—Ironers RADIOS Philco Stromberg Carlson LEE Tires-—Tubes SERVICE Washers—Sweepers PARTS Reconditioned Washers REBENNACK & COVERT 267 WYO. AVE, KINGSTON Phone 77-4514 — Open Evenings PREST-O-LITE Batteries ARIAS Miss Zacharias Weds Noxen Man Rev. Morgan Performs Ceremony At Alderson The marriage of Miss Marjorie Zacharias of Alderson and Lawrence Race, son of Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Race of Noxen, took place Sunday evening in the Alderson Methodist Church with Rev. David Morgan officiating. Attendants were Miss Turner and Russell Casterline. Mr. Race is employed at the Ar- mour Leather Co. in Noxen. Societies To Meet The Foreign Missionary Society of the Dallas Methodist Church will meet on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ralph Brickel. The Young Women’s Missionary Society will meet on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ray Shiber. This meeting will be the Christmas party. To Hold Luncheon The J. A. B. Class of the Dallas Methodist Church will hold a busi- ness men’s luncheon at the church on Wednesday at 12. At one o'clock they will conduct a covered dish | luncheon. The public are cordially invited to attend. Each person at- tending is requested to bring a cov- ered dish and 25c. OVERBROOK CIDER PRESS (Fernbrook-Huntsville Road) NEW -- MODERN -- SANITARY BIG CAPACITY OPEN DAILY CIDER FOR SALE Call Dallas 467-R-16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION ! DIRECTORS Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford Space, A. C. R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, W, B. Devens, Herbert Hill. OFFICERS C. A. Frantz, President Sterling Machell, Vice-President W. B. Jeter, Cashier F. J. Eck, Assistant Cashier DALLAS, PENNA. Vault Boxes For Rent Interest On Savings Deposits. No account too small to secure careful attention. TAccounts. | KOZEMCHAK BROS. | MEMBERS AMERICAN Emily Casterline Becomes Bride Wedding Is Solemnized Thanksgiving Morning | The wedding of Miss Emily Cas- terline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Casterline of Noxen, and William Lyons, son of Mrs. David Lyons, also of Noxen, took place Thanksgiving morning in the Nox- sn Methodist Church at 10:30. Rev. David Morgon performed the cere- | Main of honor was Miss Susie! nother sister, Elloise and Elsie Lyons, a niece of the bridegroom, acted as bridesmaids. James Frank- lin Patton served as best man and ishers were James Casterline and James Lyons. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride. The couple are making there home in the Gilmore house at Nox- en. Mrs. Lyons is a graduate of Nox- en High School and Mansfield Teachers’ College and has been em- ployed as a teacher in the Noxen schools. She is assistant superin- tendent of the Primary Department in the Methodist Church. Mr. Lyons served in the U. S. Army for several years and is em- ployed at the Armour Leather Co. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Snyder Hosts At Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Snyder of Sutton’s Creek entertained at a family dinner Thanksgiving the following people: Mrs. Marie Pom- eroy, Nelson Cowdrick, Toms River, N. J; Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Stock, Flora Jean, Donald and Grover Stock, Jr., of Carverton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughey and Harry of Fernbrook; Miss Margaret Snyder, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Miss Mildred Sny- der, Paul Jones, Endicott; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Snyder, Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. John Sedam, Jack Sedam, Harrisburg; Miss Flora Brown, Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder and Billy Frantz of Sutton’s Creek. Roast Beef Supper A roast beef supper will be served by the Ladies’ Auxiliary at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Shaver- town, next Tuesday night, beginning at 5:30. Mrs. John Eck, chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Byron Kit- chen and Mrs. Catherine Lemke. mony. |] Casterline, sister of the bride, and | maT rasarons ror| Piano Pupils To Present Musicale THE PERFECT * WEEK END -_~ Ann Rutherford chooses a grey felt to match her pebble crepe dress of the same shade. Folds of pink and brown velvet ribbon cluster at the back and hold the hat on with ribbons tying under the curls. Mrs. McGroarty Is Shower Hostess Entertains For Sister In-Law Tuesday Night Mrs. Charles McGroarty, Shaver- town, was hostess at a personal shower honoring her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Hutsko, Tuesday even- ing. Mrs. Hutsko is the former Miss Geraldine McGroarty who was a Thanksgiving bride. Guests were: Mrs. William Kess- ler, Mrs. Fred Lisman, Mrs. John Green, Mrs. George T. Howe, Mrs. Blaine Lewis, Miss Mary Crawley, Miss Ann Hutsko, the guest of hon- or and the hostess. Miss Mary Crawley and Miss Ann Hutsko were winners at pinochle. COME OUT AND HEAR THE TEMPLE BOYS — EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT — Hillside Hall On The Main Highway AL PARTINGTON, Caller Pupils of Mrs. Wesley Oliver To Entertain A group of piano pupils of Mrs. Wesley Oliver will present a musi- cale at her home in Shavertown to- night at 7:30. Those taking part in the program are: Barbara Clark, Nancy Swartz, Patricia Ferry, George Swartz, Dor- is McCarty of Dallas; Dean Dodson, Louise Dodson, Granville Sowden, Robert Malkemes, Claire June Mal- kemes, Richard Case, Shavertown; Louise Hazeltine, Janet Post, Ma- rian Jones, Trucksville; Ann Em- ery, Kingston. Educator Visits Dallas Dr. C. O. Williams, assistant di- rector of teacher education and cer- tification of the State Department of Public Instruction, Harrisburg, visited College Misericordia last all secondary certification of teach- ers from Secondary schools in the state. Himmler Theatre MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AT 8% DALLAS, PA. THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY % DOUBLE FEATURE w% ' “Blackmail” With Edward G. Robinson “Quick Millions” With the Jones Family Saturday Matinee Only— Serial “Dick Tracy’s G-Men” MONDAY AND TUESDAY “The Women” Joan Crawford and Norma Shearer Cartoon WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Stronger Than Desire” With Virginia Bruce Two Comedies and Fox News NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Golden Boy” | With Barbara Stanwyk Comedy and Cartoon Saturday Matinee, Serial | ELECTRIC COOKERY COSTS LESS (LVL ERY THINK RCI] GALT ET Ficures can’t be denied—particularly figures that are proven day after day in the home. And that's just what's happening in the homes of customers who have changed from old-fashioned to modern electric cookery. They're finding day after day that electric cookery costs consider- ably less than so many people think it does. And our public demonstrations show the same low costs. With this proof, why not modernize your cooking now. You'll find the time you save this new way will be particularly useful during the busy holiday season. LUZERNE COUNTY GAS & ELECTRIC CORPORATION y 47% RIL week. Dr. Williams has charge of ar