~ ville Road. PAGE FOUR ie THE POST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1939 Purely Personal By MRS. ARTHUR CULVER ' Home Phone 161 Office Phone 300 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer, Shrine- view, spent the weekend in Phila- delphia, where they were register- ed at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel. While there they witnessed the Princeton-Harvard football game at Princeton. Next week Mr. Kiefer will go to Canada on a hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Edwards, Trucksville, will spend the week- end in Philadelphia where they will | attend the Penn State-University of Pennsylvania game. Mrs. Sarah Maxfield of Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre injured her- self seriously on Tuesday when she fell down the stairs at her home. Her condition is critical. Mrs. Max- field is the grandmother of Dr. Rob- ert Bodycomb of Main Street, Dal- las. Mrs. Emma Shaver of Center Hill Road is spending this week visiting her sister, Mrs. Earle Cairle at Shamokin. She will return home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haley and Mrs. Henry Kraybill, Center Hill Road spent the weekend visiting friends in Pittsburgh. Virginia Starr of Goss Manor whe has been confined to her home with a severe injury to her eye is im- proving. She will be taken to the Will's Eye Hospital in Philadelphia for further observation. ; Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain, Grand View Terrace attended the Mothers’ meeting at the Sterling Hotel on Wednesday in connection with the Child’s Theatre of Wilkes-Barre. William Brickel, teacher in the Borough High School, submitted to an operation for appendicitis on Fri- day evening at the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. His condition is fine. Marvin Avery of Alderson, who has been sick for the past week, is able to be around again. Sam Eggleston of Alderson has been under the care of Dr. Boston lately because of an infected toe. Friends and fellow workers of John Wilson of Franklin Street, held an open house at his home on Sat- urday evening to celebrate his birthday anniversary. Guests during the evening were about 250. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bodycomb and family of Main Street, spent the weekend in Wilkes-Barre where they were guests of the former's parnts, Mr. and Mrs. William Body- comb. Mr. and Mrs. H. Judson Hold- redge, Trucksville, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Edna, to Raymond W. Hy- land, son of Patrick Hyland, Alexan- dra, Va. The ceremony was per- formed August 29 by Rev. A. W. Ballantine at Manassa, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harvey entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rogers, Mrs. Edna Karschner and daughter Dorothy of Meeker and Russell Steele of Kingston. Mrs. John Nicholson entertained the members of her contract club at her home on Norton Avenue on Monday evening. Guests numbered 8. The club will meet in two weeks with Mrs. Helen Peterson of Hunts-, Mrs. Peynton Lee will entertain her card club at her home on Thursday evening. Guests will num- ber 12. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Evans of] Harrisburg were guests over the | week-end of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Turner of Huntsville Road. i EE. OVERBROOK CIDER PRESS (Fernbrook-Huntsville Road) NEW -- MODERN -- SANITARY BIG CAPACITY OPEN DAILY CIDER FOR SALE Call Dallas 467-R-16 KOZEMCHAK BROS. | ————————————————————————————— ee? Ee ——————————— THAHKSGIVING DINNER an old-fashioned feast, with T urkey and all the trim- mings. | WILLIAMS’ | NORTH MOUNTAIN | INN ON ROUTE 115 Write or Phone for Reservations Sweet Valley Dallas 292-R-3 5” WANT LOTS of EGGS ? Follow the Purina 4-Point Program . . . Feed PURINA LAYENA the complete all-in-one feed, or PURINA LAY CHOW, to supplemerit your home grain Trucksville Mills | STANLEY MOORE, Prop. TRUCKSVILLE, PA. | (MAIN HIGHWAY) | -Phone 58-R-2 — » JeanFrey, Bride Of James Davis Couple Will Make Their Home In Kingston Mr. and Mrs. their daughter, Jean and James E. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Davis of 66 North Gates St. King- ston. Saturday October 21 at 3 p. | William Niemeyer, Floyd Ide, Thom- | m. in the parsonage of the North | as Robinson, William Baker, ior and junior choirs. direction of Mrs. promises to be a splendid affair. verne Race, | Durbin, Jessie Moore, James Oliver, | Dallas Concert Given Tonight Choirs Of Methodist Church To Perform Friday, Harold Rood, J. C. Fleming, Don’t forget the concert being | | given tonight, | Methodist Church by the joint sen- | Under the | it in Dallas | Senior Choir members: Mesdames Philip Frey of Richard Johnson, Elizabeth Titman, | Beaumont announce the marriage of | | Harold Titman, Henry Welch, La- John ! An- Street Presbyterian Church, Wilkes- | toinett Mason; Miss Phyllis West; | Barre. Rev. George Westberg per- formed the ceremony. Miss Francis Frey, sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor and | Francis Lewis Freeman, Messrs. Evan Brace, Brinley Davis; | Joseph Jewell, LeGrand, John Roberts, : Thomas Davis was his brother's Ralph Brickel, William Baker, Floyd | best man. cessories. Miss Frey wore blue and | matching accessories. Mr. Davis is a graduate of King- left for the New York where they attended the Fair. They are now residing with the groom’s parents | on Gates St. Mrs. Davis is a graduate of King- | ston High School and is employed | at the Wilkes-Barre Deposit and | Savings Bank. | | | ! i | | ) ‘Mrs. H. A. Smith of Machell Ave. | Dallas entertained on Friday at ] luncheon at her home. Johnny Hauck who has been in | at his home on Lehman Avenue for | several days has returned to his | studies at the Borough School. | David Kraybill of West Virginia | was the weekend guest of his] brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and | Mrs. Henry Kraybill of Center Hill Road. Mr. and Mrs. Water Risley spent | the week end at Nicholson visiting | their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. | and Mrs. Clarence Boston. MARY ATKINSON MARRIED | Announcement has been made of | the marriage of Miss Mary Atkin- son, daughter of Henderson Atkin- 'son, Trucksville, and Olin Webb, | son of Mr. and Mrs, [Seth M. Webb, | Shavertown, in the First Baptist | Chuch of Kingston October 28. Rev. | Montreville Seely performed the | ceremony. The couple will make | their home in Shavertown. Beautiful, Gleaming, All White Porcelain 5 MONTHLY (10 MAIN STREET EVENING DRESSES FOR HOLIDAY PARTIES with waspwaists, full backswept skirts, bustle bows—ijackets, too! ® Moires, satins, taffetas. Sizes 10 to 20 ® $4.95 t0 59.95 THE Lady's Shop DALLAS, PENNA. Our SPECIALS For Community Days The Famous — ANDES KITCHEN RANGE 109° TRADE IN YOUR OLD STOVE AS A DOWN PAYMERT | PARAMOUNT STORES gu Luzerne, Pa. { Ide, Z. E. Garinger, Thomas Barto,” The bride wore a burnt sugar | Howard Cosgrove and James Frank- colored crepe dress with brown ac- | lin. ‘““The West Side’s Larges COMMUNITY DAY®S S ALEK STORE OPEN DAILY—8:30 A. M. 3 No T0 8:00 THE COATS YOU WANT OF SEASON PRICES LOWER THAN END 3949.14 Worth PCE and up Worth $35 and up Fur Trimmed CO ATS The colors are mostly black, also wine and teal. 34 SPECIAL FUR TRIMMED COATS $ 194 FUR FABRIC COATS $9 Black or gray. Regular $16.50 Values UNTRIMMED COATS Fitted or Box Styles in All Colors and Sizes. Many styles to choose from. $ 0-44 FUR ENRICHED DRESS COATS Colors of Mink, Kit Fox, Skunk, American Grey Fox, Caracul as well as trims of Fur Plastrons, Jackets and Tuxedoes! REGULAR $25.00 Regular ° $20 Value $ 14° For Sport — For Dress Tweeds — Fleeces — Black Diagonals — Triple Twills VALUES— $12.95 to $19.95 A Small Lot Of SPORT COATS $ 4-38 Values to $15.00 OUR STOCK 1S 0% L SHOE S$ Women's Noveltie Patents! K ® BLACKS = Regular $2.98 Reg. $5.00 Shoes | Sizes 31% to 9 / Squirrel, Widths AA to C Reg. $2.98 Values Sizes 3%, to 9. J = A BIG VAL GROWING SPORT eo Blacks ® Browns © Two Tone Swedes eo Two Tone Alligators e Leather or Rubber Soles Regular $2.98 A Broken Women’s Novelties! SENSATIONAL SALE OF LEGGING SETS Diagonals—Tweeds—Dressy Fabrics Some are fur trimmed—Coat and leggings lined throughout! Zipper anklets on leggings! Reg. $10.95 Values ALL 37.84 Reg. $9. 95 COATS Fleeces, Tweeds, and Diagonals! SIZES 3 to 6—7 to 14 Children’s New Winter | Remarkable Sale of SHOW SUITS Es SIZES 3 TO 6 55° isa V/00L Reg. $5.95 Value Plaids and Plain Colors. Full Lined Coats and Pants! THE GLOBE STQRI PAL" SHOES FOR SALE of DA Sale of USE GOATS Prinis of Fine Percales Zipper and Wrap Around Styles REGULAR $1.29 VALUE is Reg. and Extra Sizes—Full Cut Heavy Weight Outing Flannel White, Gray, Pink and Blue Reg. 12¢c a yd. 8¢ Fine for Slips, Gowns, Pajama Sets! Rayon Satin SLIPS Reg. 19¢ SLIPS 46¢ ode SIZES 34 TO 44 Heavy Double BLANKETS Not Less Than * 5% Wool $2.94 Reg. 98c Values Bright Colored Plaids Bias and straight cuts Reg. $1.00 SLIPS A TIMELY OFFERING OF BLANKETS i Reg. $2.69 25% WOOL 72 x 84 LANKETS Reg. $4.00 Values Beautiful Colors—Real Warm Sheet Blankets LARGE SIZE—HEAVY sde Children’s UNION SUITS “LACKAWANNA TWINS” Sizes 2 to 12 Reg. 89¢ “Ge é Reg. 69¢c 5 Wt 06e All Leg and Sleeve Lengths Children’s Flannelette once PAJAMAS Siz JUST RIGHT FOR SBM BOYS’ MACK ALL WOOL INTERLINED- Reg. 7.95 Value g Sizes 6 to 12 Assorted Plaids Boy Reg. $3.9! Value Sizes 8 to