Glasses and case in Dallas. wner can claim them by paying is ad. The Dallas Post ~~ 441 WANTED—Female ted—Girl for general house- rk; between 16-18. Phone one W-B. 3-1720. 441 ted — Girl for general house- vork within | walking. distance of ts ville Store. Phone 40-R-2. liam Townsend, Overbrook 441 ED TO RENT Rent—Room, board it desired. ] ; Phone 282-R-T. 441 [PLOYMENT WANTED ted—Seamstress desires work. ressmaking or sewing. Phone R-7. : 441 1 D— Representative to look er our magazine subscription t in Dallas, Pa. and vicinity. od part of the hundreds of dol- ent in this vicinity each fall’ inter for magazines. Oldest in U.-S. Guaranteed lowest on all periodicals, domestic foreign. Instructions and equip- ee. Start a growing and nt business in whole or re time. Especially adaptable for t-ins. Address Moore-Cotrell, ‘Naples Road, North Cehootans 43 ted To Buy —Old horses. We orses. Must not be diseased. or phone Ralph R. Balut, Dal- Phone 371-R-3 and re- - : 34tf Sale—Heating stove and used ‘battery, both good condition. Ww. Strohl; Davenport Street. 441 IY farm horses; from . to 1600 lbs. Michael Sto- 433 Sale—8x10 heavy truck canvas ver, $5; complete with ropes; ne larger. Box 276, Dallas. \ 434 Tr Se Rincon Dallas Bor- ough estate. Will divide to suit ser. Terms reasonable. Elmer ish, Dallas 230. Call svedings 42. Sale—Stsimvay Miniature Grand . Mahogany case, like new er respect. Will sell for one- ist price. Lizdas Piano Store, 'S. lain Street, Wilkes-Barre. Sale—Rental Leases, For Sale signs, No Trespassing signs, Nu [unting signs, For Rent signs, ete I 40 Guaranteed rebuilt Ford V8 enginet 4,000 mile guarantee. $7 month Brothers, Kingston, Pa. 19tr Sale—Trespass Signs. Get our! antity prices before you buy. The Dallas Post. 38tf Wedding Announcements, Engraved tationery, highest quality. See r S=uples and save money. The 38tf Coal: Nut, stove, egg, $7.30; pea, $5.75; buckwheat, $4.90; rice, $4.00. Delivered at Shavertown. 25¢ r ton additional in Dallas. Stewart . Eustice, Dallas. 460-R-9. 411 We Buy Used Cars For Cash. Perry's ~ Service Station, 375 Bennett St. 26tf * An work guaranteed, large selec- ion fabrics. Write or phone 7-5636. Curtis, 33 S. Goodwin Ave., 10tf MISCELLANEOUS For prompt removal of dead, old, disabled horses, cows, mules, hone Carl Crockett, Muhlenburg 13-R-4, Phone charges paid. 40tf LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that let- ters of administration c. t. a upon the Estate of Roxie H. Smith, de- ceased, late of the Township of Kingston, Luzerne County, Penna. have been granted to the under- signed, and that all persons having claims against said estate are here- requested to make known the same and all persons indebted to the said decedent are requested to: make payment without delay to the undersigned. 2 VERNA M. SMITH, Administratrix c. t. a. 2 Brooks Street, Trucksville, Pa. Charles H. Miner, Jr., Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE Estate of Isabel H. Trembath, late of the Borough of Kingston, Pa., deceased. granted to the undersigned, all per- ns indebted to said estate are re- ‘having claims or demands to make known, and present the same with- ut delay to R. W. Trembath, Bxocutor, 123 Warren Street, Tunkhannock, Pa. (Continued from Page 1) is a philosopher, inhabiting a realm known best for its dazzling dis- play of air castles. At least this was the case in the days when a man could go out and locate a split rail fence without packing along a week's supply of food. We weren't aware how ser- ious the situation had become until we began our own autumn search for a rail fence. Week-end after week-end we plodded over wire- inclosed fields, only to see more gleaming wire fences stretching endlessly ahead. We were on the verge of panic when, last Sunday, somewhere to-hell-and-gone beyond Center Hill Road, we found it—a genuine, split rail fence. ¢ We suppose this will seem like quite a fuss to make over split rail fence. People will say that we might better be defending peace or honor or democracy. Our anta- gonism toward the wire fence will, no doubt, seem elfin beside such indisputably serious problems as, say, the European War. Maybe it is. But we think if somebody had got: Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler ‘and Stalin together on a split rail fence last August there wouldn't be any European War. Harold Lloyd's New Store Nears Opening The new luncheonette and soda fountain at Main Street and Carver- ed by Harold Lloyd within the next ton Road, Trucksville, will be open- ten days. Equipment has been ar- riving almost daily and Mr. Lloyd has been busy installing it. The establishment will be one of the most attractive ingthis section. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that let- ters testamentary in the Estate of Elizabeth Goeringer, or Lizzie Goer- inger, deceased, late of the city of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County,Pa., having been granted to the under- signed, and that all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the said decedent are request- ed to make payment without delay to the undersigned. 3 ’ Louise Anna Goeringer, Otto W. Goeringer, Executors, 24 Parsons Court, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Charles H. Miner, Jr., Attorney. PHILIP KUNKLE For SUPERVISOR || DALLAS TOWNSHIP New Bennett Street Now Open RENN'S CAFE 289 BENNETT STREET Tonight and Saturday Night — DANCING" Music by “Jolly Ramblers” Our Specialty Spaghetti—Sea Food FOR BETTER GOVERNMENT Vote Donald Hughes — For — School Director LUZERNE BOROUGH Republican Ticket VV VV VV VV VY VV VV VY YY YY Vv YY FIRST NATIONAL BANK MEMBERS AMERICAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION DIRECTORS Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford Space, A. C. R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, W. B. Devens, Herbert Hill. OFFICERS C. A. Frantz, President Sterling Machell, Vice-President W. B. Jeter, Cashier F. J. Eck, Assistant Cashier DALLAS, PENNA. Vault Boxes For Rent Interest On Savings Deposits. ' No a count too small to secure | careful attention. 7Accounts. Sr Service Splendid Program Given At Alderson Alderson Girl Scouts held their annual vesper service in the Alder- son Methodist Church, Sunday, di- rectly following the regular church service. Program: prelude, Mildred Kitch- en, clarinet and Charlotte Getzman, piano; march as scouts assembled, Charlotte Getzman: scout promise, salute to flag, “Oh, Beautiful Ban- ner”, scouts as body; scout hymn, entire congregation; scripture les- son, Edna Miller and Margaret Clack; vocal solo, Shirley Sutton; talk, “Why I Am a Girl Scout”, Lois Avery; offertory duet, clarinets, Mildred Kitchen and Mary Delaney. So you're ashamed of your home, eh? To be a real home, a house must be more than merely weather- proof. It must be cheerful, inviting, attractive. POST Ads can show you how to accomplish this at a sur- prisingly reasonable cost—For home improvement, read the POST Ads. Sailor Longs |For The Sea (Continued from Page 1) been around the world only once, but he has touched at most ports on both sides of North and South America. ” In his travels, Williams has col- lected a valuable lot of souvenirs and he is generous in pressing them upon new-found friends. “I'll give you anything I have,” he says, “but don’t take the sea from me—ever.” HUNTSVILLE ‘The annual chicken supper and bazaar will be held in the Metho- dist Church on November 6. Mrs. C. R. Prutzman and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Snyder visited Philip Prutzman® at Mansfield State Teachers’ College on Saturday. Roy Jacobs of Plains is visiting his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Perrego. Elizabeth ~~ Breckenridge, Jean Cease, Thomas Cease and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Marr and sons return- ed from New York World's Fair. Fourth Birthday Party _ Mary Ann Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, was guest of honor at a party celebrating her fourth birthday anniversary Satur- day. Present were: Lois Harris, An- na May Shaver, Nancy Schooley, Barbara Brown, Nancy May Elston, Marilyn Harris, Carolyn Shaver, Patsy Helfrich, Mary Ann Brown, Mrs. Fred Riley, Mrs. Clarence Els- ton, Mrs. Arthur Brown. ]. E. Seward Honored At Birthday Dinner J. E. Seward of Dallas was the guest of honor at a birthday dinner. given last Sunday by his grand- daughter, Mrs. Machell Hildebrant of Lake Street, Dallas. Guests were Mrs. Grace Stroud, Dallas; Mrs. Laura Patterson, Mr. Seward and Mr. and Mrs. Machell Hildebrant. Sell unwanted articles that you have wasting space in closets and attics—phene Dallas 300 and ask for an adtaker. Take advantage of our economical rates to realize cash, only 2 cents a word! ‘School, will speak at Luther League «and the stories of the hymns told. F. D. Hartsock of Scranton; iy -lass Meets i Ww. M. S. Supper r Mary Durbin S. S. Class met Fr day evening at the home of Mr: Harold Shiber, Goss Manor, with J twenty members present. Next meeting will be held November 24 at the home of Mrs. Owen Jones, Parsonage Street. All members are urged to attend. Ei Jute League Sunday “The Power of Personality” will be the subject of Rev. Herbert E. Frankfort’s sermon at the morning service at 11 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Shavertown, on Sunday. Prof. J. A. Martin, supervising prin- cipal of Kingston Township High devotions at 6:45. “The Limita- tions of God” will be Rev. Mr. Frankfort’s sermon at vespers at 7:30. Familiar hymns will be sold Disgusted with your job? Ashamed of your house? Scared stiff to take the old car out? Well snap out of it—for a few cents you can find a happy solution to your DON’T SLEEP WHEN GAS PRESSES HEART If you can’t eat or sleep because gas bloats yoy up try Adlerika. ly SHOE REPAIRING One dose usua relieves pressure on heart from stomach gas due to 55 MAIN ST. LUZERNE, PA. | 3 constipation. Adlerika cleans out o BOTH bowels. ” ; FRENCH and MORRIS MULLAY’S FOR MODERN — Registered — Civil Engineers DALLAS, PENNA, © Land Surveys Successors to Charles Cooke & Sons JOHN G. BEDNAR FOR COUNCIL THIRD WARD (Luzerne Borough) rize EARN DAILY PAY FOR SPARE TIME WORK In seven weeks’ subscription campaign by The Dallas Post. Only spare time needed to earn several dollars daily in commis- sions with opportunity to win a big cash prize at the end of the campaign. Open to all—No experience necessary— entries invited from Dallas and nearby towns and communities. + - On every EARN DAILY PAY IN SPARE TIME subscription taken, $400.00 CASH HOW PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED Four Cash Prizes are offered as follows: sorrows—see the ADS in the POST. : 2 either new or renewal, the solicitor retains a liberal commission. One may earn several dollars daily, in spare time, on commission alone, and also have an opportunity to win a big cash prize at the end of ' the campaign. Everyone living in this section is eligible to enter. More points or credits will be given during the first part of the campaign than during the latter part, so there is a big advantage in making an early start. Start early by entering today. Costs nothing to enter. Costs nothing to win a prize. There will be no losers. No experience neces- sary. Send for an order book today. If you need money this is just the opportunity for which you are look- ing—a chance to earn several dol- lars daily in commissions alone, even if you do not win a cash prize. POINTERS ON HOW TO WIN A PRIZE First—you enter the campaign by sending to The Dallas Post an En- trance Coupon, which gives you 5,000 free points or credits. Or phone the Campaign Manager to put in an Entrance Coupon which gives you 5,000 free points or credits. An order book will be supplied immediately and then one may start out among friends and ac- quaintances and secure cash sub- scriptions, either new or renewal to The Dallas Post. Use your telephone and notify your friends you are out after one of the cash prizes offered in the campaign. Call, phone, or write the Cam- paign Manager any time for infor- mation or supplies. Notify him im- mediately before someone else in your community beats you to the easy subscriptions you know you can get. FIRST PRIZE 925() Cash-Second Prize 150 Cash - Third Prize 5 Cash-Fourth Prize 25% CASH COMMISSIONS PAID $400 in Cash $250 in Cash $150 in Cash $75 in Cash First Prize Second Prize Third Prize Fourth Prize The solicitor retains 25 per cent cash commissions daily on all col- lections on new subscriptions or re- newals. The four cash prizes will be awarded at the end of the cam- paign to the four solicitors who secure the 4 highest point stand- ings, less commissions, already drawn by them. PRICE AND POINT SCHEDULE Old Term 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years New 4,000 1,000 $4.00 20,000 5,000 $5.00 50,000 15,000 Nothing less than one year, cash in advance, will count. Price $2.00 DAILY ONALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ONLY SPARE TIME NEEDED TO EARN SEVERAL DOLLARS DAILY And Also Have An Opportunity To Win A Big Cash Prize At The End Of The Campaign THE COMPAIGN RULES Any man or woman, boy or girl, fifteen years, or over, living in this section may enter the campaign. It is not necessary to be a subscriber to The Post in order to be eligible. Fill in and bring, send or mail the &Entrance Coupon at the bottom of this ad, and the Campaign Manager will furnish full information and supplies. Or phone the Campaign Manager to enter your name. No employe of this newspaper or member of his or her family is eligi- ble to enter. An audit of the points polled by - the different workers will be made by a committee of well known busi- ness men at the end of the drive, and the four solicitors finishing with the four highest point totals will receive the four cash prizes less any commission already drawn. This is a clean-cut business prop- osition, and a fair and square deal is guaranteed all who enter. DALLAS ENTRANCE COUPON Good for 5,000 Free Points in The Dallas Post Circulation Campaign Mail, send or bring this Coupon to The Dallas Only one of these Post office at once. coupons will be accepted from each entrant POST Phone: Dallas 300 Call, Office on Lehman Ave. or supplies. Office hours are from 9 a. m. until 5 Campaign Headquarters write or phone Campaign Headquarters at the office of The Dallas Post for information p. m. daily, Saturday included. Phone Dallas 300. J.S. LACKEY, Campaign Manager Bon’t Put Off Entering