"we a io on SRT Ee cor oc HAT Re + THE POST. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1939 KINGSTON ROYAL LYNE, TOWNSHIP Correspondent Phone Dallas 408 SHAVERTOWN - MT. GREENWOOD - TRUCKSVILLE Township Briefs Rev. Herbert Oliver, minister at Trucksville F. M. Church, attended a wedding in Philadelphia recently. Rev. Harry M. Savacool, pastor of Trucksville Methodist Church, suf- fered an injury while making his pastoral calls on Friday. Mrs. Henry Kahn of Main Street is recovering from her illness. Mrs. William Lohman of Harris Hill Road, Trucksville, and daugh- ter, Jane Ann, recently visited Mrs. Lohman’s sister, Mrs. Still of Dal- las. Mrs. Sheldon Rice of Washington, D. C., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kellar of Trucksville. Palmer Lewis of Washington re- cently visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis of Trucksville. Stewart Yorks, a student at Bloomsburg State Teachers’ College, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yorks of. Trucksville. Miss Ruth K, Evans, who is em- ployed at Harrisburg, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Evans of Carverton Road, Trucksville. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Roushey and daughters, Hazel and Helen of Trucksville, visited at Promised Land Lake on’ Sunday. Mrs. Rose Ransom entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Partington of Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Evans of Shavertown entertained the follow- ing at their home: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Evans and children of Sco- tia, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ev- ans and son of Scranton, Miss Annie Thomas of Edwardsville and Mrs. Helen Evans of Plymouth. Miss Flora Jean Stock, a student at College Misericordia, entertained at a party at her home in Carverton on Sunday. Guests were Gerald Sullivan, Roy Verfaillie, Frank Koch- er, Robert Saunders, Janet Downer, Karlene Chamberlain, Wilms Stock | and Flora Stock. Miss Charlotte Parsons, Harold Bennett, Miss Jessie Williams and Thomas Hughes motored to Blooms- burg on Mrs. Bennett's birthday. Mrs. Courtright of Harris Hill Road, Trucksville, is ill at her home. Miss Bernadine Staub of Trucks- ville Gardens entertained members of her class at her home on, Tues- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright were guests of her mother, Mrs. Walters of ‘Carverton Road on Sunday. On Scout Committee Mildred Beline and Ellen Sutton are members of the decoration com- mittee for the observance of Girl Scout week of Dallas District. A supper will be held at the Dallas Methodist Church to mark the oc- casion. Youngsters Masquerade Trucksville and Shavertown first and second grade classes held a Hallowe'en masquerade party at the school on Tuesday afternoon and enjoyed games and refreshments. “SMILING SERVICE ALWAYS” OLIVER'S GARAGE Packard and Hudson Cars White and Indiana Trucks DALLAS, PENNA. | FARMER AND — MODERN DANCES Every Friday Night HANSON'S PICNIC GROUNDS Harvey’s Lake, Pa. Himmler Theatre MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AT 2 DALLAS, PA. THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Stanley and Livingston” with Spencer Tracy Serial, “Daredevil of Red Circle” MONDAY AND TUESDAY éSan Francisco” Clark Gable and Janet MacDonald Also Comedy WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY féHell’s Kitchen” With the Dead End Kids Cartoon and Fox News NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Wizard of 02” Comedy—Serial “Daredevils of Red Circle” Women To Give Minstrel Tonight Ladies’ Aid Scores In Comical Production The Ladies’ Aid Society of Car- verton Methodist Church delighted appreciative audiences on Wednes- day and Thursday nights with their minstrel show. The production will be given again tonight in the Moun- tain Grange Hall at 8. End men are Miss Grace Hefft, Mrs. Melinda Sutton, Mrs. Stella i Pascoe, Mrs. Mae Pascoe, Mrs. Marie Hefft, Miss Francis Hefft. The solo- ists include Miss Margaret Buck- man, Miss Arla Coon, Miss Mar- garet Dixon and Mrs. Stanlea Thompson. Mrs. Naomi Prynn is interlocutor, Mrs. Henrietta Bodle is accompanist and Miss Beatrice Harris is director. The chorus includes Ruth Conk- lin, Mrs. D. Culver, Mrs. Mary Par- rish, Mrs. Betty Sweitzer, Rachel E. Risch, Bertha Pace, Mrs. W. Prynn, Mrs. G. Metz, Mrs. G. Dana, Mrs. H. Jones, Mrs. R. Risch, Mrs. J. Scoble, Elfrieda Vriehl, "Anna Mae Earl, Eleanor Vosburg, Mary Steph- ens, Shirley Fitzer, Ruth Pace, Mrs. R. Bachman, Audrey Scoble. Donations Sought The Keller Bible Class of Shaver- town Methodist Church is seeking donations for a rummage sale to be held in Luzerne. Contributions may be given to Helen McCord, Mrs. Ho- ward Appleton, Mrs. P. M. Malke- | mes, Mrs. George Prater, Mrs. Har- l old Lloyd, Mrs. G. R. Downer or | Mrs. Walter Cook. Ruth Mathers Is Recovering At Capital Word has been received from Washington, D. C., that Ruth Math- ers, who has been seriously ill, is recovering, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathers of Carverton Road were with their daughter during her ill- | \ Calendar For Week Bt Trucksville Church Rev. Harry Savacool, pastor of! Trucksville Methodist Church, has announced the calendar of events for the week as follows: Sunday, 10:30 a. m., “Torn Banners Lifted High”; p. m., picture sermon, ‘Christ in the Home of The Peasant.” Monday, 8 p. m., meeting at the church of all the committees on turkey supper to be held November | 15; Tuesday, 7:30, world service conference; discussion groups for youth led by Miss Hazel Jones; church school teachers led by Mrs. | Ben Boyd; adults class led by Rev. Mr. Savacool; three reels of mo- tion pictures on missionary work in Africa. ' sermon, | Repairs Are Finished To Concrete Wall Luzerne County Department of Roads and Bridges has completed, repairs to the concrete wall on the Harris Hill stone bridge in Trucks- ville. The damage caused when the lower part of the wall settled made it necessary to raise the wall and support it with concrete. LAKETON MRS. MARIE OBERST Correspondent Mrs: Leon McKrell and daughter, Marlene, of Montrose, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barto of Har- vey’s Lake. Mrs. Marie Oberst visited Mr. and Mrs. John Whipple and Mrs. Blanche Whipple at Nicholson on Sunday. 7:30 | Miss Mary Barto spent Saturday at Montrose. * ¥ ¥ Mrs. Hannah Nash visited her ; daughter, Ella Bachelor, at Kings- | ton over the weekend. i * ¥x ¥x Mr. and Mrs. Kochinas and chil- | | dren of Kingston visited Adolph | | Mayer on Sunday. *- HK Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sayre vis- ited their son, Charles Sayre, and | wife at Forty Fort on Sunday. ® kk Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sullivan and Mr. and Mrs. Mott Cornell of ‘Wilkes-Barre spent Sunday evening | with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Cor- |i j nell. * & % as guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Siffnagle, Mr. and Mrs. Beisher of Berwick, Mr. and Mrs. David Mayer of Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yankoski of Glen Lyon, Mrs. James Ayers of Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Cal- bert Ayers of Parsons, Miss Pauline Davis of Laketon, Mrs. Corey Gray, Gordon of Benton. LEHMAN Mr. and Mrs. Archie Major and daughter, Sarah, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lansberry and son, Willard, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crispell. The condition of Fred Zimmerman remains about the same. Mrs. Walter Wolfe is caring for la patient at Nesbitt Memorial Hos- pital. * kk Mrs. John Ide is a patient at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. Miss Vera Ide, a student nurse at General Hospital, visited her par- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mayer had Miss Lillian Hebron and Mrs. Roy | | ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Ide over K& the weekend. Miss Edith Swan of Idetown and Miss Edward Drabick called on Miss Alice Ide. * * ¥ re and Mrs. Jack Sullivan and and Mrs. Mott Cornell of Lg Barre spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cor- | ! nell. | * xo» | Pred. Winters is still at Nesbitt ; injuries received in an automobile | accident. i ® Extra Wide Wringer ® Large Cushion Rolls ® Tub Porcelain on Both Sides @® Rubber Cush- ioned Tub Cover, and Motor — No Vibration ® Rigid-Span, Bridge-type Construction. Deep Skirt. ® Lasting Polar White Soap-re- sisting Finish. » Oiled for Life 36 W. MARKET ST. WILKES-BARRE o PHONE 30019 WHITENIGHT'S Special Trade In Offer And You Make - The Terms JOHN G. BEDNAR FOR COUNCIL THIRD WARD (Luzerne Borough) JACKETS S$A-95 Other Jackets From ness. Mrs. Mathers has returned. | $2.79 to $13.95 EASY Washers—Ironers Rois Wools Philco Stromberg Carlson Suede . PREST-O-LITE LEE Gapeski ns Batteries Tires—Tubes SERVICE All Styles And Colors Washers—Sweepers To Choose From PARTS Reconditioned Washers REBENNACK & COVERT 267 WYO. AVE., KINGSTON Phone 7-4514 — Open Evenings OUR PRICES y ARE LOWEST OUR PRICES H U N T E R 3 ARE LOWEST WOOL and DUCK HUNTING COATS and BREECHES BOOTS 4 SUNES BALL OUTLET CO. 113 SOUTH MAIN STREET WILKES-BARRE, PA. Wilkes-Barre’s Largest Workingmen’s Shoe and Clothing Store LARE'S 188 MAIN ST. LUZERNE, PA. | PORK CHUCK PORK FRESH SMOKED SHOUL- ROAST KIDNEYS HAMBURG BACON DER 122° 12128 | 1228 [122° | 125¢ | i oressco CHICKENS Ib. 21c | PORK LOIN—Rib End ih. 16¢c BONELESS RIB ROAST ih. 29¢ BOILING BEEF Ih. 10c VEAL LAMB VEAL FRESH RING CHOPS : CHOPS SHOUL- SCRAPPLE | BOLOGNA DERS “19 “20 | "16c "9c "16¢ oressss ~~ ROASTING CHICKENS CONE OLIVES PEACHES MILK COFFEE HONEY Bottle Large Can 4 Tall Cans 2 lbs. 15¢c | 10¢ 13%2¢ 25¢ | 25¢ SUGAR—Pure White ih. 5¢ § BLACK PEPPER : Ib. 15¢ 'f PORK and BEANS can Sc CABBAGE SWEET FRESH Chestnuts Large 4 lbs. POTATOES | SPINACH 2 Ibs. Tangerines 4 lbs. 2 lbs. Dozen ? 9% | 9% | 9 | 29% | 2% | morave POTATOES bu. $1.09 Get Eady For | Fireplace Fixtures Screens, Logs, Fireplace i . Sets, Andirons, Log Bas- kets. Everything you might need for your fire- place—all at greatly re- duced prices. 6 Bargains in Rebuilt Stoves Guaranteed to Bake » and Burn Win Electric Heaters Guaranteed electric heat- ing element. Choice of a number of styles and sizes. Save Now On These Timely Items! Galvanized Bu. Basket Large Size “Save-0il”’ Oil Healers Made of galvanized carry out and trash A new type oil heater— ideal to warm a small TOO. $1 39 IT TI gl \HARDWA He just the thing to TOVE ¢ 0, 4 hes ¢ iron Radiator Cavers New style. Wal- nut or ivory fin- ish, 4 Opens to 40° ashes in, Cleanser Owned and operated by American Stores Company Acme LEADS the FOOD VALUE PARADE Smart, modern homekeepers know they don’t have to go from one store to another to find “bargains” in foods. They have learned that Acme Super Markets always “Lead” the Food Value Parade . “Get the Most for your Money” is the motto of the Acme Super Markets. Come in today—share in the savings. UNBEATABLE BARGAINS THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON ! Thin Skin—dJuicy Florida—Large Size—70 Count each 3 C GRAPEFRUIT Ib. 3c Fresh Crisp Home Grown ACME ‘QUALITY MEATS ALWAYS SATISFY! SPINACH oth hie Ib. 13¢ ROASTING PORK Ib. 23¢ RIB ROAST Ib. 23¢ 3=lb. pkg. 10c Small, Oven Tendered (Shank Half) Ib. 19¢ SMOKED HAMS NO WASTE SLICED BACON ACME PAN SAUSAGE MEATY SCRAPPLE RING LIVER PUDDING TASTY HEAD CHEESE QUALITY SEA FOOD | Crome 19 Cc DEVILED CRABS each (0c Cleaned Perch Round 6 lbs. Fish Ib. 10c| Fillets Ih. ™ Whiting 25¢ Boneless Stewing Fish Fillets ih. ™ Oysters pt. can 2ic TASTY POTATO SALAD HOME STYLE BAKED BEANS RICE PUDDING FRIED FISH CAKES Gold Medal “Kitchen Tested” FLOUR 24-1b. O1c bag Standard Quality Red Ripe TOMATOES Campbell’s TOMATO SOUP 4 « 25¢ Purely Vegetable Shortening CREAM WHITE ROB FORD ASPARAGUS R & R BONED CHICKEN Apricots Cait Calif. Beechnut Coffee Coffee w 29¢ | 3 = 3Yc Tin IN OUR PASTRY DEPT! CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE GOLDEN RODS 2 for 25¢ | BREAD i 1-Ib. pan 18¢c 1-1b. pan {5¢ 3 for 10c Del Monte or Asco (Halves or sliced) PEACHES No. 21 2%¢ cans No. 2 yf 2 on 1 5c Fresh off the Cob CORN NIBLETS 12-oz. 9 C 3 = 45¢ 2 No. 2 cans 25¢ i2-0z. can 15¢ 2 = 19¢ cans Win-Crest 2 each 39¢ COFFEE RINGS put filied-—ea. (2c 15¢ Supreme, Soft Twist, large or Cracked Wheat loaves 3 3 20-o0z. 40- Gold Medal Bisquick *%- 19¢: “02 27¢ PITTED DATES 8-oz. pkg. 10c | Fancy MIXED NUTS 1b. 1%c LAYER FIGS 8-o0z. pkg. 10c | CREAM DROPS 1b. 10c Eng. Walnuts 1b. 23¢ | POP CORN 2 cans 25¢ Softasilk Cake Flour Ige. pkg. 23¢ Red Devil 3 «= Ye Scot Towels | Waldorf Tissue 3 rolls 20¢ 3rolis 25¢ | 4 rolls I5¢ FREE! 1 Bottle Hand Lotion with each purchase of 3 cakes WOODBURY SOAP—AI! for 23¢ FINEST FRESHEST PRODUCE ! Ap PLE S Cooking 1 0 5c Scot Tissue | Ib. 12¢ No. | Sweet Potatoes “4 lbs. 10¢c White or Yellow Turnips 5 Ibs. 10c Best Home Grown Cabbage Ib. 2¢ No. 1 Yellow Juicy Fla. ONIONS (0 Ibs. {9c | ORANGES doz. 19¢c OPEN LATE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Prices effective until closing time Saturday, in Acme Super Market at 42 MAIN STREET, DALLAS