| PAGE EIGHT TO "THE POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 195. ‘CLASSIFIED ABS HELP WANTED WANTED—Representative to look after our magazine subscription interest in Dallas, Pa. and vicinity. Our plan enables you to secure a " good part of the hundreds of dol- lars spent in this vicinity each fall and winter for magazines. Oldest agency in U. S. Guaranteed lowest rates on all periodicals, domestic and foreign. Instructions and equip- ment free. Start a growing and permanent business in whole or spare time. Especially adaptable for Shut-ins. Address Moore-Cotrell, Inc., Naples Road, North Cohocton, NS Y. 433 WANTED TO BUY Wanted To Buy—Before Nov. 1. Small 10 to 25 acres. Suitable for chickens. Stocked or not. Box A, Dallas Post. Paul Szabo. 431 Wanted To Buy —Old horses. We pay highest cash prices for old live horses. Must not be diseased. Write or phone Ralph R. Balut, Dal- las, Pa. Phone 371-R-3 and re- verse charges. 34tf FOR RENT For Rent—Five-room house, bath, garage, electricity, newly-paper- ed throughout, convenient to bus. Phone 477-R-4. 431 FOR SALE For Sale—Waxed oak settee. Good condition. Reasonable. Phone 281-R-8, 9 to 11 a. m, 431 For Sale—House and barn paint, $1.15 gal. All kinds of paint sup- plies. Finance plan available. Bloch’s Paint Store, 121 S. Main Street, Wilkes-Barre. 431 For Sale—Good farm horses; from 1200 lbs. to 1600 lbs. Michael Sto- larick, Lehman. 433 For Sale—1938 Ford V-8 Dump Truck. Bargain. Good as new. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that let- ters of administration c. t. a upon the Estate of Roxie H. Smith, de- ceased, late of the Township of Kingston, Luzerne County, Penna., have been granted .to the under- signed, and that all persons having claims against said estate are here- by requested: to make known the same and all persons indebted to the said decedent are requested to make payment without delay to the undersigned. VERNA M. SMITH, Administratrix c. t. a. 2 Brooks Street, Trucksville, Pa. Charles H. Miner, Jr., Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that let- ters testamentary in the Estate of Elizabeth Goeringer, or Lizzie Goer- inger, deceased, late of the city of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County,Pa., having been granted to the under- signed, and that all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the said decedent are request- ed to make payment without delay to the undersigned. Louise Anna Goeringer, Otto W. Goeringer, Executors, 24 Parsons Court, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Charles H. Miner, Jr., Attorney. In the Court of Common Pleas of LUZERNE COUNTY, ss: Luzerne County, No. 17 October Term, 1939. Libel in Divorce a vin- culo matrimonii Florence Saylor Cadieux vs. Alvarez Cadieux. To Alvarez Cadieux: Take notice that an alias subpoena having been re- turned by the Sheriff of Luzerne County that you could not be found i in this County, you are hereby noti- fied and directed to appear before the said Court on Monday, Novem- ber 13, 1939, at 10:00 o’clock A. M., to answer the complaint filed in the above case. Postscripts (Continued from Page 1) The next day the first leaf fell. It groaned weakly and then it went, sliding and slipping through the air, taking an interminably long time to reach the earth. It was sad, but there was something lovely about the way it floated slowly downward. And the little maple leaf, knowing the time had come, tightened his grasp on his limb and prayed for strength. After that the rains came, hard, cold, driving rains that tore his brothers from their limbs and pack- ed them deeply below. The very little maple leaf was soggy and very miserable, but he clung fiercely, and when the rains stopped after three days he was still hanging to his limb, and there weren't very many of his brothers left now. The wind came and tossed him about violently, and it took every bit of strength and will power to keep his hold, but he did. One day it snowed a little, and he almost forgot his misery, watching the lazy flakes. There was a day when two lovers walked through the woods, hand in hand, and the girl, whose cheeks were reddened by the wind and whose eyes were sparkling, pointed to the little maple leaf and called him “a brave little fellow.” That helped. But he knew he could not last much longer. He ached all over from holding so tightly. “Why don’t you go, my son?” his mother asked one day. “You suffer so much.” “No, mother,” the little maple leaf answered. “I have decided to be the last leaf in the world to go. I must be sure that the others have fallen.” That night he asked the wind, as it went rushing by. “Wind, is there any leaf anywhere that has not fallen?” The wind went away in a burst Michael Stolarick, Lehman. 431 WILLIAM R. THOMAS, of speed and when it came back the Sheriff. [next night it told him. In all the For Sale—$950 piano, $25; $190 | WILLIAM A. VALENTINE, world, no leaf had survived the cold electric refrigerator, like new, Attorney. and the rain and the frosts. The $75. 140 Franklin St., Dallas. 431 7 re : = for Sale—General Electric refriger- ator in perfect condition, $45. ‘Located in Kingston. Box 600, Dal- las Post. 431 For Sale—8x10 heavy truck canvas cover, $5; complete with ropes; also one larger. Box 276, ip : 4 For Sale—Ninety-acre Dallas Bor- ough estate. Will divide to suit purchaser. Terms reasonable. Elmer Parrish, Dallas 230. Cell gysuingy ¥ 2 4 - For Sale—Steinway Miniature Grand Piano. Mahogany case, like new in every respect. Will sell for one- half list price. Lizdas Piano Store, 247 S. Main Street, Wilesbane. 4 For Sale—Rental Leases, For Sale signs, No Trespassing signs, No Hunting signs, For Rent signs, etc. Dallas Post 40tf Guaranteed rebuilt Ford V8 engines. 4,000 mile guarantee. $7 month. Stull Brothers, Kingston, Pa. 19tf For Sale—Stove and fireplace wood. Call Harvey's Lake 257 or 253. For Sale—Trespass Signs. Get our quantity prices before you buy. The Dallas Post. 38tf Wedding Announcements, Engraved Stationery, highest quality. See our samples and save money. The Dallas Post. 38tf Coal: Nut, stove, egg, $7.30; pea, $5.75; buckwheat, $4.90; rice, $4.00. Delivered at Shavertown. 25¢ per ton additional in Dallas. Stewart J. Eustice, Dallas. 460-R-9. 411 We Buy Used Cars For Cash. Perry's Service Station, 375 Bennett St. ) Luzerne. 26tf REUPHOLSTERING All work guaranteed, large selec- tion fabrics. Write or phone 7-5636. John Curtis, 33 S. Goodwin Ave., Kingston. 10tf MISCELLANEOUS For prompt removal of dead, old, disabled horses, cows, mules, phone Carl Crockett, Muhlenburg 13-R-4. Phone charges paid. 40tf LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that ar- ticles of incorporation will be filed with the Department of State of Pennsylvania on November 3, 1939, under the business corporation law, Act of May 5, 1933 for the incorpor- ation of an intended corporation to be called Rialto Restaurant Inc., to be formed for the purpose of con- ducting a restaurant for the sale of prepared and cooked food and bev- erages to the public and to do all business incident thereto. OS Edwin H. Shepowich, 51 Bennett Building, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Garage Gets New Front A new brick front is being erect- ed at James R. Oliver's salesrooms and garage on Main Street, Dallas. od JOHN G. BEDNAR FOR COUNCIL THIRD WARD LARE’S 188 MAIN ST. LUZERNE, PA. PORK SAUSAGE - - PORK LOIN RIB ROAST ROLLED RIB ROAST - LAMB CHOPS - VEAL CHOPS - - - SMOKED BACON SLICED BAGON - - VEAL SHOULDERS - BEETS = x a. SWEET POTATOES - GCHEESE—Full Snappy SUGAR =. ow BEEF, PORK, VEAL—Ground Together - Ib. 24¢c HAMBURG—Fresh Ground - - - BONELESS VEAL ROAST - - - — TRY OUR HOME DRESSED CHICKENS — PIGS FEET = ow = SCRAPPLE = = = CABBAGE - = = Ib. 21¢ ib. 121¢ Ib. 17¢ 29¢ Ib. 23¢ Ib. 19¢c Ib. Ib. ib. 5¢ = = = = = |h 9c = = = = = |b. 19¢c = = = = 21h 12%c = = = = = |b. I6c = = = = bunch 2c «x w.= «Ih 2 = = = = Albs. 10c = = = = = |b. 15¢ = = om 10 Ibs. 53¢ Trhewuive RX8) RUBBER 4 / Cut out this and bring it with you to any TRIANGLE STORE and you can buy A PAIR OF THESE BOOTS for $2.54—15% off regular price. Offer good until Oct. 31. Guaranteed Quality Nationally Famous Brands -- A WHALE OF A BARGAIN AT -- Look JEN! Genie Elk nce H-Tops "2-98 h Exceptional Value! a 2 a We 80 S. Main 97 S. Main — Also — & Plymouth Nanticoke Pittston WBE (Luzerne Borough) little maple leaf was alone. Then he knew his time had come. “I am the only leaf left, Mother,” he said, “and now I am going.” His mother looked at him proud- ly. Her voice was sad. ‘Next year, when the leaves come again,” she said, “I shall tell them of you and they will make a song about you. Go now, very little leaf, and God bless you.” The very little maple leaf took one last look about him. The world was brown and dead and there was no friend left to say good bye. He was alone. One lonely leaf, of the countless trillions which had rustled and whispered here such a short time ago. He was so tired, so awfully tired. He wanted so much to rest his stem, which ached from holding so tightly. He shook his points weakly. “Good by, mother,” he said. “Good by, son,” the mother call- ed back, sleepily. And then the little maple leaf slipped away from his limb and fluttered down and down and down until he settled softly among his brothers—and it was Winter. Farmers Agree On Milk Survey (Continued from Page 1) solid and immediate hope that more and need, lies with the store meth- od of distribution. With maximum economies it is fair to say the store price of milk would be at least four cents under the home delivered price and at least two cents under any home delivered price that is remotely possible.” “It looks like a deadlock,” For- tune concludes. “And so, for the moment, it is. But it is a deadlock that is ready to be resolved, and the speed at which this’ foreseeable unwinding will proceed is largely up to the consumer.” We Do For Veedol Motor Oils—5 gts. Gear Lubricants—35 lbs. Chassis lubrication. Drain and flush cooling system. Inspect hose and hose connec- tions. Anti-freeze—4 qts. Inspect battery and terminals. PLAY SAFE SAVE With This WINTER SPECIAL — ALL CARS Big Savings On Winter Protection Here's What $ 95 ADD WOOLRERT’S Auto Service ii MAIN ST. DALLAS, PA. :: TIRES — LUBRICATION — ACCESSORIES KUNKLE Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elston entertained at their home recently Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Craze, Miss Sue Zimmerman of Kingston and George Chapman of Kingston. * * * A group of friends surprised Fred Dodson with a party on Tues- day night. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. James Miers and daughter, Dorothy Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hilbert and son, Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gross and daughter, Dawn, Miss Helen Kinsman, Thomas Landon, Althea Landon, Ted Cob- leigh, Marguerite Ide, Mildred Dev- ens, Doris Hess, Elva Knecht, Laura Rothery, Estella Elston, Ike Mision, { Marvin Elston, Mrs. Estella Isaacs and Mrs. Fred Dodson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elston are attending the World's Fair this week. * Xx % Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Elston en- tertained at dinner recently Mrs. Daisy Parrish, Plymouth; Mrs. Ad- die Elston, Mrs. Florence Ransom, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Walter El- ston, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elston, Mrs. Owen Ide, Mrs. Ralph Hess and daughters, Doris and Janet. Mrs. A. C. Devens, Mildred Dev- ens and. Mrs. Ralph Hess had dinner with Mrs. Olive Kasarda, Wednes- day. VOTE HENRY BANTA FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR (Luzerne Borough) Inspect and adjust fan belt. Check generator charging rate. Clean and re-oil air cleaner. Clean and adjust spark plugs. Check light bulbs. Check brakes (adjusting extra) Check wheel alignment (adjust- ing extra) PHONE 385 your property should fall victim to Mrs. Fred Dodson Entertains For Husband Mrs. Fred Dodson of Kunkle en- tertained Tuesday at dinner honor- ing her husband Fred who cele- brated his birthday anniversary. Guests were: Mrs. Phillip Dodson | and son, Bobby, Mrs. Paul Crockett, Miss Jean Dodson, Frank Dodson of Muhlenburg; Mrs. Ralph Elston, Marvin Elston, Mrs. John Isaacs of Kunkle; the guest of honor and the hostess. Stoker Exhibition A display of anthracite-burn- ing equipment at Philadelphia re- cently brought 174 queries from interested prospects to R. A. Davis, anthracite week chairman and dis- tributor for Iron Fireman. Chair- man Davis said the display was viewed by more than 50,000 in Philadelphia and large crowds at Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. VOTE HENRY BANTA FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR (Luzerne Borough) SATU FUR Many Others * BUY ON OUR CON- VENIENT BUDGET PLAN * Every Coat Guaranteed * P. S. — Closing out fox chub- bies and jack- ets for only 29 16 PUBLI SPECIAL 569°" VALUES UP TO $119 Seal Dyed Coney Mink Dyed Muskrat Mendoza Beaver. £2, Black Caracul Russian Pony PENNSYLVANIA'S LEADING FURRIERS RDAY DATS ¢ SQUARE 74 fire, a dozen problems may confront you. What should you do first? With whom should you get in touch? How should you present your claim? That is when you'll be doubly glad you have a home-town Agent to whom to turn for advice and assistance. For the home-town Agent is on the job not only to help you plan your insurance program wisely and economically but also to help you when disaster comes. The Local Agency system is a basic feature of CAPITAL STOCK COMPANY FIRE INSURANCE. That is one reason why four out of five people choose capital stock company fire insurance in preference to other types. Let us help you make certain you are properly and ade- quately protected against the haz ards of fire, explosion, riot, wind- @ storm, or whatever would endanger the use and occupancy of your home or business. Wm. J. Niemeyer, Agent Davenport Street Dallas, Pa. PHONE 382 Lehman Avenue Chobits a graved Wedding Stationery which carries with it the assur- ance of absolute correctness at no extra cost SEE OUR SAMPLES FIRST THE DALLAS POST, Inc. Dallas, Pa.