The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 13, 1939, Image 4

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\ N eighborhood Notes Pg News s Of Local Church Affairs
Purely Personal
Home Phone 161
Office Phone 300
Mrs. Myra Carlin, Mrs. Julia Wil-
son and Mrs. S. W. Hildebrant of
East Dallas left yesterday for the
World's Fair. They will remain in
New York until Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Pickett is ill at her
home in East Dallas.
* kk
Miss Pauline Leinthall, Alderson,
left Sunday to accept a position at
the Pennsylvania Oral School at
Scranton. Her mother, Mrs. Lena
Leinthall has been house mother at
the school since September. Mrs.
‘ Leinthall spent Thursday visiting
her son, and daughter-in-law, Rev.
and Mrs. Guy Leinthall at Alderson.
Mrs. Amos Kitchen is ill at her
home in Alderson. Her daughter
Mrs. Clarence Leas of Dallas is
spending the week with her.
* % %
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Risley enter-
tained Tuesday and Wednesday, the
latter’s sister-in-laws, Mrs. Rose
+ West, Tunkhannock and Mrs. George
West of Waverly, N. Y.
Miss Margaret Short, instructor of
music at College Misericordia, spent
several days last week visiting
friends at Syracuse.
Miss Mary Nolan, dramatics teach-
er at College Misericordia, spent
Wednesday and Thursday at her
home in Media, Pa.
Miss Genevieve Munley of Church
Street, Dallas, who underwent an
operation for appendicitis recently,
has recovered and is able to be
‘around again.
* x x
Miss Helen Sullivan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, Hunts-
ville Street, is still seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Donn, Har-
vey’s Lake anaounce the birth of a
girl at Nesbitt Hospital, Tuesday.
- W. R. Neely of Lehman, vice-pres-
ident of First National Bank of Dal-
las, Wo urned to his home yes-
~ terday after three weeks hospitali-
* ¥* %
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Honeywell,
Bete Street, announce the birth of
ir second son on Monday, Octo-
- 9 at the Nesbitt Memorial Hos-
tal. Both mother and child are
Mrs. Honeywell before her
marriage was Miss Helen Hess.
Miss Jane VonArx, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Von Arx, is ill
+ Lggmnaar —xt Lawn Acres, Hay’s
Mrs. Harvey McCarty, Lehman
Avenue, has been ill at her home
with a severe cold.
* dk ok
Mrs. Marrilla Hoover was ill for
a few days this week at her home
but is now up and around.
Mrs. George W. Von Arx, Sr., of
Jersey City is the guest of her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
George Von Arx of Lawn Acres.
George Phillips of Wyoming Sem-
inary spent the week-end as the
guest of his mother, Mrs. Florence
Phillips of Norton Avenue.
The Dallas Junior Women’s Club
will sell doughnuts next week. Be
sure and get your order in with any
* ¥ ok
Mrs. Nicholas Cave entertained
the members of her bridge club at
her home on Tuesday afternoon.
Guests numbered 8.
Mrs. Joseph Schmerer who has
been seriously ill at her home on
Huntsville Road is much improved.
Miss Faith Miller of Wilkes-Barre
was the winner in the Dress Club
conducted by My Lady Shop in Dal-
Mrs. Helen Honeywell of Church
Street entertained the members of
her 500 club at her home on Wed-
nesday afternoon. Guests numeber-
ed 8.
Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and
son have moved from Idetown to a
new home at Goss Manor.
Mr. and Mrs. Barber of Wilkes-
A Complete Ensemble
Barre have moved to their new
home at Goss Manor. Mr. Barber
is manager of the Irving Theatre.
Mrs. Byron Starr, Goss Manor, is
ill at her home.
* Xx %
Mrs. Henry Kraybill, Center Hill
Road is spending sometime in May-
town visiting relatives. Mr. Kray-
bill is attending a convention in
New York City."
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bodycomb
and sons, Robert and Richard, Main
Street, spent several days at the
World’s Fair last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Peynton Lee and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of East
Dallas spent the week-end at
Mrs. Charles Lee, Lake Street,
Dallas, has been elected the captain
for the Women Golfers of the Irem
Temple Country Club. Mrs. Lloyd
Kear, also of Dallas, is the retiring
¥ Kk
Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett of
Kingston entertained at dinner on
Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
John Sheehan, Huntsville Road.
Mrs. John Nicholson, Norton Ave- :
nue entertained at a surprise birth-
day party honoring her husband re-
cently. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Hallock, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Hausch, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson,
Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stevens,
Dr. and Mrs. Brandon Gearhart and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Calm of
kk ck
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Miss Maude Fritz
and Lewis Lord, Sr., Noxen, at the
home of the bridegroom’s sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Fiske, Sr., Saturday afternoon. Rev.
Richard - J. Davey, pastor of Dor-
ranceton M. E. Church performed
the ceremony.
* Xx 3k,
Stanley Moore of East Dallas, who
has been suffering from an infected
jaw submitted to an operation on
Thursday at the Nesbitt Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hauck and
Tnursday to spend the week- end in
Philadelphia, as the guests of the
latter’s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. New-
ton Mishel. Mr. Mishel who has
visited here frequently has been
confined to the hospital with an" in-
fected eye.
Mr. and Mrs. Eckley Schooley of
East Oronge, N. J., were the week-
end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Byron
Creasey of Pioneer Avenue, Shaver-
Mrs. Charles Jones, East Dallas,
will entertain the members of the
Entre Nous Club at her home on
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Klinedinst |
and family of Bloomsburg were |
guests this week of Mr. and Mrs,
Harold Hauck, Lehman Avenue. The
Klinedists were former residents of
Mrs. Florence Phillips entertained
the members of her contract bridge
club at her home on Monday even-
ing. Guests were Mrs. Kate Bauer,
Mrs. William ‘Williams, Mrs. Arthur
Turner, Mrs. Fred Gordon, Mrs.
Harold Hauck, Mrs. James Kline-
dinst, Mrs. Harvey McCarty, Mrs.
John Wilson, Mrs. John Nicholson,
Mrs. M. L. Brown, Mrs. Louise Col-
well, Mrs. H. W. Peterson, and the
family ofl Lehman Avenue left QP Lapeer
June Preisser wears this navy
wool with all-around pleated skirt
and collars and cuffs in stiffly
starched pique.. Tie flaunts red
polka dots with red buttons sub-
stituting for cuff links.
Mildred Kitchen
Hostess At Party
Miss Mildred Kitchen was hostess
to members of her Sunday School
class at a party at her home in Al-
derson, Thursday evening. Halo-
we’en decorations were effectively
Guests were: Muriel Heidt, Naomi
Higgins, Florence Ward, Edna Mil-
ler, Lulu Pendleton, Mary Louise
Kitchen, Elsie Garinger -and the
I [NT Lo
Captain and Mrs. CO. N. Boorua,
who have spent the summer at their
home in Dallas will move on the
first of the month to Hotel Sterling
for the winter.
* kk
Mrs. Kate Bauer accompanied by
her son, Fred and Miss Myrtle Lam-
eroux left on Wednesday for Los
Angeles where Miss Lamoreaux and
Mrs. Bauer will spend the next six
months. Mrs. Bauer will return im-
Machine or Machineless
Guarantees You:
1. Finest Materials!
2. Latest Equipment!
8. Expert Operators!
Free consultation on all your
beauty needs, under personal
supervision of Miss Nan!
$1.50 to $7.50
HAIRDE fa 90
39 W. Market St.
No Appointment Necessary
Laketon Seniors
Will Use Proceeds For
Trip To Washington
A delightful evening filled with
bright laughter and clean entertain- |
ment is waiting for you at the Lake-
ton High School auditorium Tuesday
evening, October 17, when members
of the Senior Class raise the cur-
tain on a new domestic comedy en-
titled ‘Polishing’ Papa” written by |
Clark Willard. The performance is
given by special arrangement with !
the Dramatic Publishing Co., Chi-
“Polishing Papa”
farce—one that audiences
you to relax and
The cast which is under the di- i,
rection of Miss Margaret M. Dunn, |
faculty adviser, is composed of the
following: Josephine Hummell, Eliz-
abeth Sorber, Charles Kern, Richard
Williams, Florence Melusky, Otis
Allen, Leo Johnson, Ruth Stevenson,
Robert Payne and Ruth Rogers.
The following committees will as-
sist with the production of the play:
publicity, Lucy Smith, Faith Kocher;
property and stage, Joseph Garrity,
Reese Walters, Isem Pennington;
prompters, Marian McNeel, Olga
Brin; ushers, Dorothy Nienius, June
Oney, Kenneth Davis, Eugene Gor-
don, William Watlock.
Entertainment between the acts
will be furnished by the newly
elected supervisor of music, Mr.
Camp and guest soloists from
Tickets may be purchased from
any member of the Senior Class or
at the door. Proceeds will be add-
ed to the Washington Fund.
Phone 38-3200 |
To Give Concert
Friday, November 10 a concert
will be given by the combined Jun-
ior and Senior Choirs of the Dallas |
M. E. Church in the church building.
Mrs. Harold Rood will direct the af-
In the production of each one
million American automobiles, it is
estimated that the agricultural pro-
ducts from half a million acres are
Le ———rce |
Himmler Theatre
“Daughters Courageous”
Priscilla Lane and John Garfield
Comedy and Serial,
“Daredevil of Red Circle.”
“Blondie Takes A
with Penny Singleton
“Nancy Drew, Detective”
with Bonita Granville
“Charlie Chan In Reno”
with Sidney Toler
“Each Dawn {| Die”
with James Cagney
is a modern:
will '|
scream at—a comedy that will allow |
forget your | :
Along Hollywood's
Bridle Paths
At the end of the trail beautiful
Virginia Bruce leads her mount to
Entertains Scout
Plans Outlined For
- Coming Season
to Committee Women of Girl Scout
Troop 65 at her home in Alderson,
Monday. Plans for the coming year
were discussed and outlined.
First fall activities of the troop
will center around outdoor badges.
This objective will be pursued up
until the holiday season. Services
for scout week will be held in the
| Alderson M. E. Church the last Sun-
| day in October.
Present at the meeting: Miss Flor-
ence Hausch, Mrs. Ray Garinger,
Mrs. Adolph Mayer, Mrs. Harry
Rossman, Mrs. Guy E. Leinthall,
new committee member and the
The average motor car in the
United States is said to be 4.71
years old.
i rr
| Former Classmates Fete
| Mrs. Edward Sidorek
Mrs. Harvey Kitchen was hostess | mesdames
Honoring Mrs. Edward Sidorek, .a
recent bride, classmates at Dallas
Township High School entertained
at a variety shower at the home of
Miss Beatrice Hildebrant, East Dal-
las, Saturday evening. Mrs. Sidorek
is the former Minnie Crispell of
Guests were: Misses Helen Zim-
merman, Nellie Honeywell, Irene
Brace; Edwin Lumley, Fred Girton,
Robert Pickett, Michael Wallo, Mi-
chael Kozemchak, Dick Connelly,
Richard Williams, Hugh Williams,
Edward Sidorek, the guest of honor
and the hostess.
Auxiliary To Meet
Members of the Henry M. Laing
Fire Co. Auxiliary will meet Tues-
day, October 17 at the Tally Ho
Grille. All members are urged to be
present. Plans for the Election Day
dinner will be made.
Mrs. Beatrice Moore Is
Hostess To S. S. Class
Mrs. Beatrice Moore entertained
the stables and an extra helping of | members of the Ella Moore Class,
East Dallas M. E. Church at her
home in East Dallas Tuesday even-
Plans for a turkey supper to be
held Wednesday, November 1, were
discussed and the following com-
mittees appointed: Mrs. Blanche
Swank menu; Mrs. Viola Brace,
licity and tickets; Mrs. Viola Brace,
kitchen; Mrs. Irene Moore and Nellie
Patrick, decorations; Mrs. Thomp-
son, gift booth.
“Present were: Miss Arline Moore,
Viola Brace, Blanche
Swank, Julia Wilson, Aubrey Weav-
er, Lyda Weaver, Beth Jones, Myra
Carlin, Rosella Carlin, Mrs. Thomp-
son, Mrs. S. W. Hildebrant and the
| hostess.
Plan Chicken Supper
Ladies’ Aid of East Dallas M. E.
Church met at the home of Mrs. Ro-
sella Carlin last night to complete
arrangements for the chicken sup-
per to be held Wednesday, October
18. Serving will start at 5:30.
John Quincy Adams, sixth presi-
dent of the United States, who was
elected to office by the House of
Representatives, served in the
House of Representatives for 17
years after completing his term in
the White Houge
Lehman PTA
Opens Season
Committees Appointed
And Officers Installed
Installation of new officers and
selection of a nominating committee
to present names for a new presi-
dent made up the greater part of
the business at the first meeting of
the Lehman Parent Teacher Associa-
tion in the new high school Monday
The meeting was in charge of
Charles Nuss, former president. Mrs.
Howard Crosby, vice-president, was
authorized to act as president until
the new president is elected and the
following officers and committee
chairmen were installed: secretary,
Mrs. A. B. Simms, treasurer, P. H.
Clark; research chairman, Miss
Beatrice Cornell; publicity, Miss
Lee Fahler. New committee chair-
men appointed were: program, Alex-
ander Tough; hospitality, Mrs. Kirk
McCarty; ways and means, Clyde
Cooper; survey, Mrs. William Major.
H. A. Snyder, supervising princi-
pal, outlined briefly the set up of
the new school and described the
new courses. A membership drive
for the association was announced
by publicity chairman.
Next meeting will be held the
second Monday in November.
To Hold Supper
The annual autumn roast beef
supper will be held at St. Therese’s
Church, Shavertown, November 1.
Supper will be served from 5 until
8 o'clock. Rev. Harold Durkin, pas-
tor. Committees will be announced
You want to look
attractive at all
times — and you 3
will if you visit
our Shoppe for
Facials, Shampoos
Scalp Treatments
Phone 38-9950 Second Floor
Benesch’s, Public-
Square, Wilkes-Barre.
Town. LX?
Deliver to my address your
Beautyrest Mattress
new, deeper Beautyrest.
New And Deeper
B greatly improved inner-spring mattress with a double GUAR-
BNTEE of service—More comfort; more beauty—longer life, a
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The slumber comfort known the world
over . .. (GURRANTEED FOR 10 YEARS instead of 5 as formerly)
{0 Year