The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 08, 1939, Image 6

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A taste of brisk fall weather this week presages the renewal of
competition in the rural scholastic football league ,with the battle for First matches in the Businessmen’s Bowling League will be rolled
the championship centering about Kingston Township High, winners at St. John’s Alleys, Monday night, with the West Side Merchants’
of last year, Dallas Township and Lehman Township. League scheduled to begin Wednesday, and the Junior League next Fri-
For the past two seasons, coach Walt Hicks’ K. T. H. S. eleven day night. :
has dominated the local football spotlight, winning the rural champ;
ionship in '37 and again from Lehman last Thanksgiving.
At the same time, Kingston
Township has done well in the Lu-
zerne County League, ending mid-
way down the list last year.
The Orange and Black is favored
to take the local crown again "this
year, despite the graduation of
The Democratic Party
Submits To The Voters
A Ticket Tested Upon
Every Qualification
With the St. John’s alleys re-
surfaced and the entire auditorium
newly painted, the 1939-40 bowling
season starts Monday night at 7:00
p. m. Businessmen’s League will
open the season and continue to
bowl every Monday evening for
thirty weeks.
West Side Merchants’ League
opens Wednesday evening at 7:00
p. m. with a thirty-three week
schedule on Wednesday nights.
The Junior League will open Fri-
day night at 7:00 p. m. and bowl
John Sobeck, newly elected president of the businessmen, will wel-
come the bowlers and officially open the winter competition by rolling
the first ball down the reconditioned alleys at 7 p. m.
bowl every Friday night. League
officials have not yet been elected.
The Forty Fort M. E. League will
open its season next Tuesday at
St. John’s with six teams, and bowl
their games every Tuesday night.
The opening games will be at
7:00, with the West Side Ice op-
posing Bill Search’s Brokenshire
Tavern team. Joe Banks and his
team will oppose Pete Smith's boys,
3 Tavern Team
Reaches Finals
Defeats Cybuch Twice;
Opponent Undecided
The Town Tavern team reached
eight regulars and three subs.
Lehman will be handicapped by
a change of coaches. Malcolm
McCulloch, last year’s football men-
tor at Lehman, was given a gym
every Friday night.
From last reports Buddies Shop
will be absent from the Business-
the pio-
men’s League. Buddies,
and the Luzerne Anthracite Out-
side force will face Johnny Rosnick
and the Luzerne Anthracite Office
neers inthe league, had a team in
At 9:00 p. m., Luzerne Anthracite
On Saturday nights, teams from
the Newspaper Major League, to
which the St. John’s belongs, will
bowl games on these alleys.
FOR THE JUDICIARY: The Honorable M. F.
instructorship in Wilkes-Barre City the league each season, but this| Truckers will meet Steve Novak
the finals in the West Side Mer-
chants’ Softball League champion-
ship race this week, while their op-
. ponent for the league crown was
still undecided.
Behind the pitching of Johnny
Dorosky, the Tavern team won their
second and deciding game from
the Cybuch Grocers, 4-0, Dorosky
allowed six hits and Kester, pitcher
the Cybuch Grocers, 4-0. Dorosky
Walsh was outstanding at bat for
the Tavern and Brennan for Cybuch.
For the second time, the game
between Ferraro’s Truckers and
Lloyd’s Provision was called on ac-
count of darkness. Both times,
schools last winter.
Coach Thorwald Lewis, whose
Dallas Township gridders open their
season against Edwardsville Sep-
tember 16, lost nearly the entire
varsity line and half the backfield
through graduation, and must mold
his new team from a much lighter
Both Dallas Township and Kings-
ton Township have been practicing
for a week in preparation for un-
usually early opening games.
The only bright spots in the Dal-
las lineup are Jim Knecht, full-
back, and Ted Szela, quarterback,
only veteran backs on the squad
this year, and Bert Burnell and
Robert O’Boyle, returning varsity
season are expanding and will place
their teams in out-of-town leagues.
pilot Bon-Ton
Men’s Shop, replacing Buddies. Bill
Micholson had a team in the Lu-
zerne League since its organization
Last season Bon-
Ton was out due to inability to get
Joe Banks will
many years ago.
a team manager.
Bruno Spinicci is another expand-
Bruno will have a team in the
Merchants’ League in Luzerne and
one in the Holy Trinity League in
Bruno will also bowl
with the Piledgi Tavern in the Bus-
inessmen’s League.
and his Piledgi Tavern team. John
Rahl and his boys will face George
Wheeler and his Standard Tru-Age
Beer team. Stegmaier’s, under the
leadership of Hank Comorosky, will
face Charlie Kurpis and his Green-
wald Furniture team.
While most of the teams will have
their last season’s bowlers in their
lineup again, many new faces will
be seen in the league.
President Bruno Spinicci will
formerly open the West Side Mer-
chants’ League next Wednesday
evening by rolling the first ball.
Polly Tomek will roll them with [All teams of jthis league are not
yet lined up, but all will be on
Vernon Ties Series,
Beats Meshoppen, 2-0
Their series knotted, Vernon and !
Meshoppen will meet at Meshoppen |
Sunday to decide the finalist in the
Bi-County Baseball League champ-
ionship playoffs. |
The winner will oppose Carverton
for the league championship in a
three-game series.
Recovering from a blanket de-
feat in the first of the semi-final
series, Vernon trounced Meshoppen,
2-0, Sunday on the Vernon diamond
Luzerne Anthracite this season. |
Luzerne Anthracite Outside team
hand when the season opens next
Wednesday night.
before a large crowd.
Novack held the Meshoppen play-
McDonald and Attorney John Hilary Bonin, Es-
quire. Judge McDonald was named by the Gov-
ernor of Pennsylvania to complete the term of the
late President Judge William S. McLean. Attor-
ney Bonin is an outstanding practitioner of the
law. Both candidates are rated among Luzerne
County's most experienced and trusted barristers.
FOR SUPERIOR COURT: The Honorable J. Har-
old Flannery, repeatedly the prime choice of the
majority public for the office of Congressman; a
lawyer of the temperament perfectly suited to
handle the affairs of the people in the high appel-
Ferraro’s were leading when the| lineman. will be represented in both senior ers to four hits while his teammates 1 t
dusk fell Whether Dallas Township will | leagues. The Junior League will open its | garnered seven safeties from New- ate court. :
compete in the Luzerne County Sponsors who have signified their | season a week from tonight and 'hart to gain their triumph, 9
| Packard and Hudson Cars
White and Indiana Trucks
League, along with Kingston Town-
ship, has not been decided. Four
tober 21 leaves room for a fifth.
League rules require five conference
September 23, Exeter, away; Sep-
tember 30, Jenkins Township, away;
October 7, Taylor, home; October
14, West Pittston, away; October 21,
vacant; October 28, K. T. H. S,,
away; November 4, Tunkhannock,
home; November 11, Lehman, at
intention of joining the Merchants’
are requested to have their fran-
berths. Only twelve can be used.
Torchy Wilson will trot out his
Carverton Wild Cats in the Junior
that his teammates make. This is
Bowling, Torchy, not base ball.
The boys in the back room of
Wheeler's are working on George!
to put in a Wheeler's Juniors this
season. A good idea.
Blight Bros. will have Andrew
Leandri on their team in the Jun-
iors. Dizzy will have the team
] MULLAY’S conference teams are already on its | chise fee paid in order to be sure of BY PUBLIC DEMAN D erm, trained by tradition and experience for his
: schedule and a vacant date on Oc-|2 berth in this league. Nearly | { s
jo FOR MODERN league rules twenty teams will apply for season’s pronounced success in law.
Lester Thomas, a man risen
; 55 MAIN ST. LUZERNE, PA. ie T, hi hedule: S League. Torchy claims his 200 : = y iali
a tember 16. Edwardsville, ‘away; | scores will offset any low scores from the ranks of toil, an industrialist, a student
of industrial and business progress, one whose
career bears the brand of good reputation.
and Stanley Janowski. Mr. Riley has earned re-
election by painstaking attention to duty, by ac-
: eS 2 ————— fg ——— igi i . -> hil: .
& y —a=——— Srigually with the Keystone Bar : cessibility to all the people all the time, by devo-
Sve pn v : | Hank Comorosky has moved his : ; tion to economical use of the county's resources ;
S futotserine rT Rise S P 0 R T S ee eat home. fo bis bowicr| [EY Jeti i to the iid that the taxpayers have received a full
PAUL Bb. SMITH _ | friends. rr So return on every investment. Mr. Janowski has
1 ; ; SC ~ Wheeler's Grand Opening last ARD TIRES “1 eg . : : .
hme xe vn 3, Tike Bre] - REVIEW ER SLE been identified with business since his early |
: aes iio ye 2 lage and “surrounding The Thrift Sensation of 1939 manhood. > Eg
EEE A new bowling season is upon us. "A 50% > DISCOUNT ALSO APPLIES Io THE
® A YOUNG FELLOW who used To the confirmed bowler the pens PURCHASE OF 2nd TIRE ON THE FOLLOWING: FOR REGISTER OF WILLS: Ralph Gitz, a citi-
SHOE REPAIRING to burn up the sand lot leagues in| ing of a new season is anticipate s blemished i h f th
Luzerne—and not so long ago, at! With unbounded enthusiasm. Ex- Ti rest 0 - Zen unpiemisheq in c aracter, one ot the most
WHILE YOU WAIT that—has been promoted from the perience has proved to him that no NE HIGH SPEED | Fi restone CONVOY widely known residents of the county
LUZERNE QUICK * [oes SS To Sr rm i | oe lid a | me [8 7
y A - T Pins. re scount re scount| 2- Tires | - .
A , For Mickey Witck, who lives with a Los 13lls10.30| $5.15 [515.45] $5.15, dso) $7.20 | $3.60 [$10.80 FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS: Joseph "Jobey”
Lr is mother on Walnut Street in be- ’ ; 5.25-171| 13. # p 60) 475-18 3 3 :
P11 yx a TORK tween the summer baseball wars Putting a team curtailed by the | [330-17 32 hes 3920 “ aa 1% 373 1148 Bi alogowicz. Rs President of the government of
SHOES ‘AND GLOVES and is the idol of Luzerne youth, | @bsence of two players on the field, | 550.18 00 Bsoo-z0l 7-60 | 3.80] 11.40 his home community, he initiated its greatest
YA was purchased from Newark, Inter- Hunlock’s defeated Wilkes-Barre, 6.00-16.| 14.35] 7.18] 21.53} 7.17 5.35.17 950 4.75! 14.25(" rogram f d * t d bt d : d
Dial 7-4330 national farm for the Yankees, by | 9-0. Now the city team is threat- S51) 17.40| 8.70| 26.10] 8.70 5.25.18 8.65] 433] 1298] 432 prog : OI Imoderniza lon, ept-re uction all
ose the New York Giants last week on | ening to protest the game. Why, | [yuo Prices Include Your Old Tin S30e 10.35 5 tax-saving. A farmer, miner and businessman.
3 J. ARCANGELI, Proz. the baste of one of 2 fans i we Sons Brow. Maybe the score FOR GREATEST SAF 5.11035) 53801553) 512
BE 180 MAIN ST. LUZERNE, PA, || records ever made by an nthracite we # > De es more one- ETY AND ECONOMY ; 2:
a d had a full :
2 dr Tei in organized team on deck. Cam DUT A NEW TUBE IN EVERY NEW Sing | Fos LASER: join Brie: Sahay oe
ih ball long—only since 1935—but The only trouble with Hun- LIFETIME [¢] 4] AR VN } Oat. wi . Wehlare on a vancement of great
BIG PARTY BO ci, claims Chari Lawson, x : groups among the county's people. Tried, tested
top has been punctuated by eague president, is that they
——— batting and fielding that emi- never get going until it is too 0 TIME OR MILEAGE Aig and true. = a
NORRIS GLEN nently bears recounting. late to do much good. The See Firestorie Tires made in the Firestone Factory and Exhibition Building at New York World's i ® ¥
Hillside 5] voles during Woe minier ton. A life-long citizen of Luzerne County, a pro-
Lehman-Huntsville Road base for the Bassett people, and bat- and are ‘pever. able lof 8% fessional man d in the t di i f h d
: ’ : around to the games until rearea in e traditions o ar
I —— ted (.319) and fielded (.946) his June. ; k A § = d » h h - i
work. As a man associated with the business of
(formerly Farmer’s Inn)
— 8:15 —
Admission 25 cents
Orchestra Every Wednesday Night
Farmer Dance Every Friday Néght
His first venture into professional
baseball was with Bassett in the Bi-
way to a place on the Bi-State All
® THE OWNERS ‘of Norfolk of
the Piedmont League, who knew a
good thing when they saw it, em-
ployed Witek in ’36 and ’37. Mick-
ey batted .314 the first year and
.320 the second, to win a place on
the Piedmont All Stars and in the
hearts of the Norfolk fans.
The next year he went with New-
ark; played as brilliantly as before,
considering the higher grade of
competition, and has been chosen
for the last two years as the best
fact of the matter is that most
of the rural team’s players go
After that Hunlock’s always goes
to town. On various occasions they '
have even reached the champion-
ship playoffs after losing most of
their early games,
Fair, Also visit the Firestone Exhibit at the Golden Gate International Exposition at San Francisco
Listen to the Voice of Firestone with Richard Crooks, M. t Speaks and 7
. Orchestra, under direction of AlfredWallenstein, Monday el Seckrana fhe Rome Sbbon
“The Big Gulf Station At Hillside”
—— PHONE 9089-R-2 —
FOR CORONER: Stanley M. Leonard of Pitts-
mortician he pledges his full attention to the
Coroner's duties.
FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR: Steven Guido, of a
family known to the affairs of Luzerne County for
many years.
A Ticket Representative Of All .
vy ®
second baseman in the International
ELMER RHONE AND HIS |: ¥ Public Interests
"ORCHESTRA AND FLOOR SHOW the last 139 games he has play- : | ;
OR VERY SATURDAY NIGHT ed with the Bears and a Biedly These are the men chosen by the committees
EE Te ae DISTRICT ATTORNEY elected o the Democratic voters to administer
EASY bought him to aid their ailing ag party affairs. They afford distribution of choice
> infield. Primaries, Tuesday, September {2th slab cll
; ove
Washers—Ironers Niro wil dip ts Bhith 4 the : rall seven legislative districts and among all
RADIOS end of the International League sea- ° arge classifications of the county's people.
I son unless the Bears gain the play- : : ’
Philco rit on the ost Drilli QUALIFIED | With confidence they are submitted to the
Al 2 .
Stromberg Carlson Ptect ot i. Br oe , Kileveh years experience as Abststunt Democratic men and women of Luzerne County
= on - . > " »
P. PREST-O-LITE : LEE bascball, we. wight as well touch District Attorney for endorsement at the Primary Election, Sep-
| Batteries : Tires—Tubes [|on the situation down at Hunlock’s ® e tember 12.
i” Creek.
SERVICE The Hunlock’s A. C., which plays EXPERIENCE FEARLESS aa I gl
Washers—Sweepers in the Senior A Division of the Sus- 24 years as a leading :
quehanna Baseball League, has end- titioner at the In prosecution and
2 PARTS ed the season far down the list. prac :
uzerne County Bar ust to defendant
: Reconditioned Washers Dut. Sustatonthow the Tov ir . y i e S LUZERNE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE, a
k that they still- have what it mE " 7 ;
| REBENNACK & COVERT | cies Hunioats wend wi || Nominate The Man Who Can Win In Novemb Faas J. Law, Shalrman,
\ 267 WYO. AVE., KINGSTON schedule with a seven-man tri- i d d ad i in i ovem er
2 2 h Sunday over the third :
Phone 7-4514 — Open Evenings || “'F* _° TE RE A ER RE CN.
h place Wilkes-Barre Grays. :