® PAGE EIGHT ‘Dallas Post. “THE TE HET IER) il POST, FRID ae TOE RAR rater AY, JUNE 30, 1939 CLASSIFIED ADS Wanted—Good home for nice young male cat and some small kittens. Apply 238 Pioneer Ave. Shaver- For Sale Storie, red shale, leaf mould. Perrigo Farm. 234 For Sale—1932 Oldsmobile, $85. Good condition. Phone 145-R-3 or 11 Davenport Street. 261 town. 254 WANTED TO BUY Old horses. We pay highest prices for old live horses. Must not be diseased. Write or phone Ralph R. Balut, Dallas, Pa. Phone 371-R-3 and reverse charges. 17tf WORK WANTED Wanted—Work as waitress or to help in private home. Box 198, 261 Work Wanted—Chauffeur, mechanic and handy man. Dallas Post, Box 107. 261 Wanted—Work for young boy. Box 109, Dallas Post. Work Wanted—Good strong boy wants work of any kind, garden, lawns. Can drive. George Wittig, Claude Street. Phone John Frank, Dallas. 261 FOR RENT For Rent—6-room furnished cot- tage, Lake Carey. Write Postoffice Box 238, Dallas, Pa. 261 FOR SALE For Sale—Farm, 120 acres, located one-third mile off Route 11 be- tween Berwick and Bloomsburg, Co- lumbia County. Reasonably priced. Call or write Mrs. C. E. Kelchner, 105 Walnut Street, Bedwick. 256 Coal: Nut, $7.05; stove, $7.05; pea, $5.55; buckwheat, $4.75; rice, $4.00. Delivered at Shavertown. 25¢ ver ton additional in Dallas. Stewart . Eustice, Dallas 460-R-9. 25tf aby Chicks—July hatches, N. H. and B. R. Finest breeding. Penn- lvania official blood test. July chicks strongest of season. 7% cents each, delivered. Joseph Davis, Le- Raysville, Pa. 264 h For Sale—new 6-room house, Cen- ter Hill Road, Dallas. Double gar- age. Lot 50x150. Coray B. Ransom, Centermoreland 17-R-8 or Kingston 7-6238. 261 For Sale—Fresh Guernsey cow. J. H. Manzoni. Phone 433-R-2. One mile west of Huntsville. 261 For Sale — Danish ball cabbage plants. Best quality. Mrs. Charles Moss, Star Route, Dallas. 261 For Sale—12 head of horses and 4 mules. Michael Stolarick. Phone 470-R-13 Dallas. 261 WANTED TO RENT Wanted To Rent—Six or seven-room house, preferably in Dallas bor- ough. Box 100, Dallas Post. 261 MISCELLANEOUS We Buy Used Cars For Cash. Perry’s Service Station, 375 Bennett St., Luzerne. 26tf REUPHOLSTERING All work guaranteed, large selec- tion fabrics. Write or phone 7-5636. John Curtis, 33 S. Goodwin Ave., Kingston. 10tf Guaranteed rebuilt Ford V8 engines. 4,000 mile guarantee. $7 month. Stull Brothers, Kingston, Pa. 19tf Himmler Theatre MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AT 2 DALLAS, PA. THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “Broadway Serenade” with Jeanette MacDonald Also Serial and Cartoon MONDAY AND TUESDAY “Blondie Meets The Boss” With Penny Singleton Also Comedy ~ WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY “Mexicali Rose” With Gene Autry Also Comedy and News NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “The Hardys Ride High” With Mickey Rooney Also Comedy and Serial PENNSYLVANIA STATE BREWERS ASSOCIATION RAILROAD AND UNION STREET KINGSTON, PA. DIAL 7-2181. I I I | | Please mail me complete informa | | with no down payment or other I I ADDRESS I AM [ 1 REPAIRING NEW ROOFS—SIDING obligate me in any way. MAIL COUPON FOR INFORMATION ! Ruggles Lumber Co. Plan on Building Costs which covers all cost of material and labor, INTERESTED IN [ 1 REMODELING [ 1 BUILDING It is understood this coupon is for information only and does not RUGGLES LUMBER CO. INCORPORATED —478M ——— RAILROAD AND UNION STREETS, KINGSTON, PA.—DIAL 7-2181 S, tion about your Time and Payment added finance charges. ROOMS—PORCHES CITY CHEV Refinished in green. miles left in this truck Transmission overhauled special. Five tires like new Listed here are only a few of the many trucks we have on hand. Our stock is continually changing. us know your requirements. Why get along with your present old job, when one of these low-cost trucks will start making money for you at once. 1936 CHEVROLET 14,-TON PANEL Reconditioned thoroughly. perfect tires. Guaranteed for 1000 1935 FORD 1,-TON PANEL New paint. Quiet motor. Good tires. 1936 FORD SEDAN DELIVERY Motor in good condition. Five good tires. 1933 DODGE 1,-TON PANEL New paint. Very good mechanical condition. A no-trade 1937 DODGE 3/4-TON PANEL Reconditioned thoroughly. New tires. ROLET CO. Let miles... oh ou Liberty and Hazle Street WILKES-BARRE — Open Evenings and Sundays — Dial 79-1171 355 Market Street KINGSTON Men's Shop Wins Forfeit Contest (Continued from Page 1) In other A League games, the Warrior Run Cubs routed a hapless Hunlock’s outfit, 25-6 to move into third place in the circuit, and the Colonial Club of Kingston took fourth with a win over Mergo’s Sluggers, 5-3. The Ashley Reds won a protested 8-7 victory from the East End Cards in a 11-inning North B League con- test. The best pitching job of the day was turned in by Al DeMiller, moundsman for Russell’s Ice Cream nine, who pitched his teammates to a 9-8 win over the Ashley Tigers in a game which went 13 innings. A contest between the Miners Mills Yankees and Glen Lyon Tigers was called off. The Nanticoke Zero Club toppled from the top of the South B League a month ago, began to climb back Sunday, tying for third place with the Heights Cards, whom they de- feated, 6-5. The Buddies will attempt to scale the South B heights Sunday after- noon when they meet the third- place Heights Cards in a game here, while the Luzerne Croation team opposes the top-flight Paramount Club in a North B contest. Schedules For Sunday A League: Warrior Run at Wilkes- Barre Grays, Hunlock’s at Mocana- qua Eagles, Wanamie at Colonial Club, Mergo’s at St. Mary's and Newtown Dixies at Orchard. North B: Luzerne Croation Tigers at Paramount, Kingston Rangers at Ashley Tigers, Ashley Reds at Miners Mills Yanks, Glen Lyon Tig- ers at Russell's Ice Cream and East End Cards at Newtown Cubs. South B: Heights Cards at Bud- dies Men’s Shop, Glen Lyon Pirates at Chase Moconaqua Holy Name at Kunkle, Nanticoke Zero Club, idle. MAKING RECORD e Haryy L. Thomas, formerly of Shavertown now of Forty Fort, for fifteen years manager of the Wilkes- Barre district for Lever Brothers, is making an outstanding sales rec- ord this year. More Lifebuoy soap has been shipped into his district this year than at any time in the history of his company. Mr. Thomas has been a winner in several na- tional sales contests. His summer home is at Alderson. Magneto and Carburetor SERVICE Quick Service--Prices Reasonable RUDOLPH’S ELECTRIC SERVICE 33-35 E. Jackson Street WILKES-BARRE, PA. Phone 2-5868 —FONTENOY KENNELS— Wire Hair Fox Terriers At Stud FONTENOY FIGARO Winner of 13 prizes at championship shows since May 25, 1939. — Also His Half Brother — FONTENOY FELLOW TRAVELER - Fee $15 At present we have several well-bred youngsters for sale as companions and breeding stock at reasonable prices. MR. AND MRS. LEONARD J. SCHWEITZER 51 Mt. Greenwood Road — Phone 367-R-16 TRUCKSVILLE N. B. (Continued from Page 1) quart and was getting a little less than one-half the two dollars which it costs to produce a hundredweight of milk on even pasture-feeding. It's a shame. Especially it's shameful in the face of attendant facts and the national propaganda to do some- thing about the fundamental ills of rural life. Why don’t the farmers solidly organize? That question is asked and it has a corollary. Why don’t | the farmers directly dispose of their products through nation-wide co- operatives that will wipe out the scrambled system of costly distri- bution? There's no answer. In its absence is also the absence of econ- omy in the one great industry whose | loss the nation could never afford | —unless, as is happening in Japan, , there be recourse to the eating of i worms, insects and weeds specially | prepared by formula chemically proved safe. 2 DAY SALE of BEDS FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY —javie aiche. SPECIALS FOR THE *FOURTH ~ 1938 Chev. Town Sedan Excellent in every way. Finish and interior like new. Large heater and defroster. % UNTIL JULY FOURTH 1936 Plymouth Coach Good rubber, heater and radio. % UNTIL JULY FOURTH % 1937 Chevrolet Coach Values to $10 S 92.89 Clean, unsurpassed mechanical You can buy one or more of condition. Good tires. * UNTIL JULY FOURTH % these beds with a purchase of any 1933 Chev. Sedan $195 1933 Plym. Coach $165 SIMMONS MATTRESS GOOD CARS — GOOD TERMS GOOD TREATMENT BONNER - VAN CAMPEN Trucksville Branch W. D. ROBERTS, Mgr. Phone Dallas 411-R-2 EASY TERMS FURNITURE (0. 106-108-110 S. MAIN ST. W.B. Are you ready for the holiday? 1932 4-DOOR CHRYSLER SEDAN ~ 1932 4-DOOR GRAHAM SEDAN 1932 GRAHAM COUPE 1932 V-8 FORD SEDAN 1929 FRANKLIN SEDAN ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER $50 © $150 Imperial Motors MARKET STREET KINGSTON MEATS CHUCK ROAST (out of better heef) ib. 15¢ BOILING BEEF 2 Ibs. 15¢ HAMBURGER (fresh ground) 2 Ibs. 25¢ ROLLED VEAL ROAST ih. 25¢ VEAL CHOPS Ih. 20¢ LEGS and LOIN VEAL (to roast) Ib. 20¢ BEEF, VEAL and PORK (ground) Ib. 24¢ COLD MEATS BOILED HAM I/a=1b. 12¢ VEAL LOAF or CHEESE LOAF 1/2 Ib. 12¢ SALAMI ih. 25¢ RING BALOGNA POLISH SAUSAGE 8c 1b FRANKFURTERS ® SPECIALS : WATERMELONS 49¢ CANTALOUPES 2 for 15¢ LEMONS doz. 23¢ CABBAGE 3 Ibs. 10c SUGAR 10 Ibs. 45¢ BANANAS (very large) doz. 19¢c MILK tall can 6¢ LARE'S "tuzewee vn. Let’s Talk Facts About Low Cost Hlectric Cookery. ! Wt continue to meet a few people who still have the age-old idea that electric cookery is too expensive. So we want to again repeat that we re- cently proved its low cost right in this territory. .In three public cooking dem- onstrations, checked for accuracy by housewives who are your neighbors, Bertha Phillips Howe, home economist of this company, prepared three meals, each sufficient for four people. And the total cost of the electricity used— checked by your neighbors right be- fore the eyes of all present—was only 7c, figured at our 3 cent rate. We think this proof of low cost should be a clinching argument in favor of cool, clean, automatic electric cook- ery. A telephone call or a card will bring you complete information. LUZERNE COUNTY GAS & ELECTRIC CORPORATION ELECTRIC COOKERY (RETA 3} LE, F-N 0] THINK vd