w & FS vy KINGSTON ROYAL LYNE, Correspondent Phone Dallas 408 SHAVERTOWN - MT. GREENWOOD - TRUCKSVILLE TOWNSHIP Fire Laddies Plan Community Events Plans for a community gathering and field day at the Kingston Town- ship athletic field and grove on July 4 were made at the meeting of Trucksville Fire Company on Tues- day night. Dick Reese, temporary chairman, has appointed the follow- ing committees: athletic, Harry Long, Royal Lyne, Jr., Robert Bul- ford and Glen Bulford; publicity, Royal W. Lyne; treasurer, Albert Groblewski; refreshments, Gene Considine, Jack Lewis and Francis McCarthy. Years ago a field day was held won Labor Day on the Conyngham plot at the Methodist church and the plan of the commit- tee is to make this year’s field day just as much of a community and financial success. Committees soliciting funds for the company reported receipt of $140 to date. About $800 is needed to carry out improvement plans. These will be started as soon as possible. The new fire siren has ar- rived and was inspected by those at the meeting. Recovering From Accident Roger Williams who was injured in an automobile accident in Shav- ertown Monday night is recovering at his home after having returned from the hospital. Will Attend Conference Rev. and Mrs. A. K. Lindsley and daughter Grace, will leave on Mon- day for Winona Lake, Ind., where they will attend the General Con- ference of the Free Methodist Church. Rev. Lindsley who is a district elder of the New York con- ference, will be the ministerial dele- gate. Miss Lindsley is a delegate to the World Youth Advance and Mrs. Lindsley will attend the Wo- men’s Missionary Convention. CHILDREN’S DAY PROGRAM Children’s Day exercises will be held at the White Church on the Hill Sunday at 10:30 a. m. A bap- tismal service will be held at even- ing worship at 7:30. Sermon topic; “Are Ye Able.” FESTIVAL PLANNED An ice cream and strawberry so- cial will be held at St. Paul's Lu- theran Church of Shavertown under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid So- ciety tonight (Friday) at 8. Cake, ice “cream, strawberries and coffee will be served. Mrs. Willard Lozo, Mrs. Wayne Graybill and Mrs. Her- bert Frankfort will be in charge. TO SPEAK ON ETERNITY For his matin service Sunday at 8:30 a. m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Shavertown, Rev. Herbert Frankfort has chosen the subject, “Awakening on the Morning of} Eternity.” WILL ATTEND CONVENTION Peter Yurchak and A. C. Dick of Trucksville and Calvin McHose of Alderson will attend the Convention of Rotary International in Cleve- land, Ohio, next week as repre- sentatives of Dallas Rotary Club. Mr. McHose is the club delegate. AT SUMMER SCHOOL Teachers from Dallas Township schools who will further their edu- cation during the summer months in schools of higher learning are Thor- wald Lewis who will attend New York University; Amanda Walsh who will attend Columbia and Rol- and Doll of Dallas who will continue work for his Ph.D., degree at Colum- bia University. FIRE COMPANY TO MEET Members of the Henry M. Laing Fire Co. will hold their regular monthly meeting in the Firemen’s Hall at 8 o'clock tonight. (Friday) STRAWBERRY SOCIAL I. O. O. F. Lodge of Lehman will sponsor an ice cream and strawberry short cake social at the Odd Fellows building, Lehman, on Friday night, June 23, starting at 7. REMEMBER YOUR DAD Father's Day June 18th Silks 25¢ Washable Hand Mades 55¢—2 for $1.00 Wrinkle Proof Botany Ties $1.00 — All Purchases Boxed Free — The Buddies MEN'S SHOP LUZERNE, PA. RECENT ARRIVALS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Ash, Shavertown, a son, Sunday, June 3. Mrs. Ash was formerly Mae Hontz, daughter of Mrs. Charles Dressel. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rich- ards, Dallas, a son, Daniel Robert, Friday, June 2. Mrs. Richards was formerly Jean Keithline. The ar- rival of a son in the Richards family makes Mrs. Richard Jones, formerly of Shavertown, now of Wilkes-Barre, a great grandmother. Congratula- tions, mother, grandmother, great- ”y grandmother apd also “Pop”! NEW GAME LAND One of the largest single tracts of game lands ever purchased by the Game Commission has been obtain- | ed recently. The tract has an area of | | anon, Mt. 7,241.3 acres, and is located in Leb- | Pleasant and Duberry Townships, Wayne County, about eight miles north of Honesdale. ] ANNOUNCEMENT The Annual Outing of the O. E. S. of Dallas will be held at the cottage of Mrs. Robert Jones, Barnum Street, Harvey's Lake, Tuesday, June 20. Please note change in date. Picnic supper at 6 o’clock. Families and friends invited. Trucksville Man Charged With $3,192 Theft Charged with embezzling and mis- applying to his own use $3,192 in funds of Milton Metals Company, Colorado, of which he was secre- tary, John J. Lipko of Trucksville was ordered brought into court on a capias by Judge John J. Aponick when he failed to appear in court Tuesday to answer the charges. Bsa Shaver Leaves | Water Plant To Wife By his will filed Tuesday, the late. Asa Shaver of Kingston Township leaves his $4,000 estate to his wife, Julia E. Shaver and gives his chil- dren Louis Shaver and Grace Par- sons, permission to use the water plant as long as they live. Sugar Hollow Bear Steals Bee Hives There must be something in a name that attracted a bear with a sweet tooth to Sugar Hollow, just off the Dallas-Eatonville road, a few nights ago and caused him to steal honey from Wellington Tif- fany’s bee hives. A week ago when Mr. Tiffany’s 12-year-old daughter, Alberta, fin- ished her supper she went to work in her flower garden only to be in- terrupted shortly by a bear working around her father’s bee hives about 100 feet from the kitchen door, and | only about forty feet from her when she discovered him. Since that evening the bear has made two trips to the hives nightly, but now he does not come until just after darkness falls. He has wiped out three of Mr. Tiffany’s | colonies of bees, destroying the! hives, and has carried off eight | frames as far as the edge of the woods. Sugar Hollow, you bet that means | something to a bear with a sweet tooth. Orator—I believe in free speech, | I do! Heckler—You don’t believe any- one would pay to hear you, do you? | HILLSIDE TIRE SERVICE Gulf Gas—0ils Lee Tires Tel. Dallas 9089-R-2 Trucksville, Pa. | ROBBINS SHIRT SHOP for the Graduates SHIRTS SSE TIES 55¢ & $1.00 HOSE SWANK JEWELRY 50c to $3.00 ii —————————————————————————————, | ,i Day program. Wm. J. Niemeyer, THE POST, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1939 COLLEGE SENIORS BID BRIGHT FAREWELL Here College Misericordia Seniors are resplendent in gowns of colorful pastels, in direct contrast to academic costumes of undergraduates or somber gowns of seniors, of the Main Entrance to the College buildings. as they pose for a picture in front SIX THOUSAND EXPECTED AT LUZERNE DAY OUTING While only a select few will par- ticipate in the grand Luzerne-to- Fernbrook Marathon Race which will begin festivities on Luzerne Day, between five and six thousand peo- ple are expected to attend the an- nual town outing at Fernbrook Park on Wednesday afternoon, July 19. A varied sports program will in- clude ball games and all manner of field day events for both men and women in addition to the marathon race and will be carried on through- out the afternoon. A Beauty Contest and Baby Con- test will also headline the day’s at- tractions, and many special prizes will be awarded during the Luzerne In the evening, a free dance will be held in the Fern- brook ballroom, featuring Donlin’s Pennsylvanians. The huge festival will be the sixth sponsored by the Luzerne Civic As- sociation. Each year the affair draws thousands of people from all over Wyoming Valley besides resi- dents of this section. Special bus rates will be given persons attending from Luzerne and vicinity, accord- ing to Justice. of the Peace Frank Shivy, secretary of the Association. Luzerne Day committees were in- structed to finish arrangements for the affair as soon as possible by general chairman Herbert Hawke at _a meeting in Frank Shivy’s of- fice last night. Committees named to make ar- rangements for the annual outing | include: Concession comittee: James Lare, chairman, R. C. Davis, and Jacob Mann; baby contest committee: John Zelenak, chairman, Thomas Little, Morris Judkovics, Ben Cha- sin, Jacob Mann and Morris Freid- man; publicity: Thomas Barry, Earl Atherholt, Edward McNelis and Emanuel Sicurella; finance: Edgar Lare, “chairman, Myer Greenwald, C. H. Ahrendts, William Gunster and R. C. Davis; advertising: Wil- Why MORE than 80% of insur: able property throughout the country is ai by Capital Stock Company Fire Insurance. Because stock fire insurance removes ALL the risk. Because stock: fire insurance companies maintain not only legal reserves but also eapi- He and surplus accumulated to meet abnormal losses as well as normal expected losses. Are YOU properly insured? Consult us for sure protec- tion. We shall be glad te analyze your insurance re- quirements without charge or obligation: AGENT 74 DAVENPORT STREET DALLAS, PA. PHONE 382 liam Gunster, chairman, Joseph Boyle and Myer Greenwald; beauty contest committee: W. J. Thomas, chairman, Fred Pritchard and Wil- liam Michelson; sports committee: Sarg Evans, chairman, Philip Mor- gan, Neal Lecher, Anthony Dem- boski, and John Rahl; dance com- mittee: Karl Hughes, chairman, Sid- ney Brown, George Kovacs, Frank Clark and Charles Freidman; prize committee, Louis Bileggi, chairman, Anthony Moreck, George Kovacs and H. Amdur. DAVID MILLER’'S SUPER FOOD STORE Free Delivery—Dial 7-3187--7-3188 | McSparren To Speak At Jackson Grange John A. McSparren, past master of Pennsylvania State Grange and former State Secretary of Agricul- ture, will be the principle speaker at the meeting of Pomona Grange No. 44 of lower Wyoming and upper Luzerne counties at Jackson Grange tomorrow. (Saturday) An all-day program has been ar- ranged with the morning session devoted to a business meeting and memorial services. Afternoon ses- sions will be open to the public and will include a demonstration by the home economics committee of Po- mona No. 44, music, readings, and the address by Mr. McSparren. 882 Market St., Kingston. MOORETOWN MRS. BASIL STEELE Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Neta Smith and Dottie Shaw visited Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith and family of Ruggles on Monday evening. Mrs. Mable Wandel, Wilkes-Barre, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wendel. A drama will be presented Friday night at 8 in the Mooretown church hall by a group from Sweet Valley. It has been presented previously in a number nearby communities and has been well received wherever given. PAGE KUNKLE FLORENCE HONEYWELL Correspondent Fred Honeywell, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Honeywell, and son, Russell, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nulton motored to Binghamton Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Keithline. Victor Rydd is on a vacation. Mrs. Jane Mann spent the week end with Mrs. Ralph Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hess and Miss Frances Hess spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Hess at Noxen. Mrs. Harry Sweezy and Mrs. Jane Mann spent Tuesday with Mrs. C. W. Kunkle. : Refinished in green. perfect tires. New paint. Quiet motor. miles left in this truck Motor in good condition. Transmission overhauled New paint. special. Five tires like new Very clean throughout USED ’31 Ford Coach ..... $ 45 ’34 Ford Coach... $135 ’30 Chev. Coach ...... $ 45 Liberty and Hazle Street WILKES-BARRE CITY CHEVROLET CO. —— TRUCKS — 1936 CHEVROLET v,-TON PANEL Reconditioned thoroughly. Five Guaranteed for 1000 miles 1935 FORD 1,-TON PANEL 1936 STEWART 3/-TON To 1-TON PANEL Five good tires. 1933 DODGE 1,-TON PANEL Very good mechanical condition. A no-trade 1934 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY Excellent mechanical condition. Tires like new. — Open Evenings and Sundays — Dial 7-1171 $29 245 CARS 31 Chrysler Sedan $ 75 ’31 Buick Sedan '35 Ply. Deluxe Sed. $265 355 Market Street KINGSTON Tender Special Process Sugar Gured Milk Fed Calves Liver Boneless Veal Roast Fresh Lean Pork Chicken Legs Chicken Breasts Ib. 25¢ Ib. 23¢ Butts 1h. 15%2¢ Ib. 3%¢ Ib. 42¢ HAMS 23; Fresh Lean Pork Ghops Fresh Ground Beef Tender Cube Steaks We kill and dress chickens—just buy the parts you like. Chicken Necks, Backs, Wings, Gizzards and Fat Ib. Z3¢ 3 Ibs. 0c each S¢ 6 to a pound 1b. 25¢ Spiced Ham or Guaranteed Fresh Eggs 2doz.4%¢c Luncheon Meat ~~ 6-lb.can $1.39 | Big Boy Spaghetti 1 Oleomargarine Ify, Sp | Bie savitmas Soup /2 ig Boy Pork & Beans n Club Cheese 2-1b. box 39¢ Big Boy Vegetable Soup Ca Topper Coffee (Special) 3 Ibs. 50c | Premier Asparagus Tips (tall) 21c Royal Scarlet Coffee 3-1b. can 55¢ | Assorted Fruits (buffet size) doz. 75¢ Beech Nut Coffee Ib. 28c | SPry : 3.1, can 48¢ Hotel Astor Coffee 9 Ihe, 49c | Gold Medal or Pillsbury Flour ~~ 24-lb. sack 79¢ Gold Cross Milk case of 48 cans $2.99 Octagon Laundry Soap [@ bars 39¢ | pion Grade Milk (0 cans 55¢ Long Thread Cocoanut th. 19¢ | white Rose Carrots can 10¢ Quick Cook 3 Minute Tapioca 2 Ibs. 25¢ |. Checker Sweet Peas 4 cans 29¢ Heinz Pork and Beans 3 Ize. cans 25¢ | White Rose Sweet Potatoes 2 cans 25¢ Heinz Spaghetti 3 ige. cans 28¢ | Fresh Lima Beans 2 cans 25¢ Heinz Catsup 3 ge. hotties 58c | New Irish Potatoes can 10c Treasure Shrimp ige cans i0c | 1000 Extra Fine Silk Tissue 6 rolls 25¢ Sardines (with tomato Sauce) 5 cans 25¢ | Premier Red Cuthbert Raspberries i [ Pure Apricot Jam 2b. jar 19¢ | Sunbeam Extra Tender Sweet Peas 10c - Jam (peach, pineapple) 4-Ib. Ige. glass jar 8%¢ | Sunbeam Golden Bantam Corn 0c Jam (raspberry, strawberry) 4-lb. ge. jar 63¢ | Blood Red Beets largest size cans 9¢ Pure Jam (lge. custard glasses) 9¢ | Ritter Beans cans 4¢ Premier Fresh Seedless Raisins 4 pkgs. 15¢ | Pickles (any kind) Ige 12-0z. size hot. 9¢ Meaty Delicious Prunes 5 Ibs. 25¢ | Pure, Delicious Sandwich Spread qt. 33¢ imported Italian Tomato Paste 6 cans 25¢ | Pure Salad Dressing qt. 25¢ Sunbeam Spaghetti 4 cans 25¢ | Heinz Bread and Butter Pickles Igst. size 19¢ Premier Pumpkin 4 cans 25¢ | Morton’s Salt ~ 2 Ige. boxes 15¢ Delicious Sweet Corn 4 cans 25¢ | Beechnut Tomato Juice 4 for 25¢ Premier Spaghetti large jars 25¢ | Heinz Tomato Juice 46-0z. can 23¢ Wax Beans 4 cans 25¢ | Grapefruit Juice 46-0z. can 7c Largest size cams, highest quality Ferndale or White Rose Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Apricot, or Grapefruit. Whole portions. can (0c--3 for 49¢ Pure Semolina Elbow Macaroni Semolina Spaghetti or Spaghettinni Pure Egg Noodles Pure Catsup Premier Asparagus Tips 4-ibs. 25¢ 4 Ibs. 25¢ Ib. 10¢ Ige. 14-02. bottle 9¢ 10'/2-0z. 12¢ Pure Peanut Butter Peanut Butter White Rose Pure Grape Juice Spices (any kind. 10c size) Whole White Blue Rose Rice Royal Dessert (any flavor Chase & Sanborn Break-0-Morn Coffee Chase & Sanhorn Dated Coffee qt. 29¢ 4 cans 25¢ 5 Ibs. 25¢ 5 pkgs. 24¢ ib. 15¢ Ib. 20c 2 Ibs. 25¢ Ige. jar 23¢