® v 9 x Reading down, first column, Robert And- erson, Betty Anthony, Evelyn Atherholt, Nancy Bevan, Helen Brothers; second column, Donald Bulford, Eileen Cawley, Charles Chapell, Elizabeth Chersin. Reading down, first column, Alice Hol- comb, Ernest Holdridge, Ruth Hontz, Doris Howell, Marion Howells; second column, Lawrence Isaacs, Robert Jones, Wendell Jones, Dorothy King, Albert Klump. Missing from the above Reading down, first column, James Conklin, Joan Conway, William Dag- gers, Amandus Dalley, Elsie Derby; sec- ond column, Martha Derzak, John Dol hon, Elizabeth Drake, Ruth’ Dressel, Lau- ren Dymond. Reading down, first column, Helen Law- son, Dorothy Luft, Phyllis Lyne, Jean Moss, Jean Nelson; second column, Fan- nie Ockenhouse, William Parsons, Wal- lace Perrin, Eleanor Prushko, Bryant Rinus. Reading down, first column, Benjamin Earl, David Evans, Janet Evans, Mat- thew Evans, Roland Fielding; second col- umn, Robert Fritges, Charles Gable, Ruth Gordon, Lauris Graves, Robert Gregory. Reading down, first column, George Schmoll, Ruth Swartz, Rose Shaw, Dor- othy Siegel, Betty Staub;; second col- umn, Sara Totten, Marion Turner, Lewis Wil- liams. pictures is Stanley Evans, also a member of the Senior Class. Dorothy Staub, Monica Stencil, ~ KINGSTON TOWNSHIP ROYAL LYNE, Correspondent Phone Dallas 408 SHAVERTOWN - MT. GREENWOOD - TRUCKSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hutchinson were recent visitors at New York City, visiting the World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dymond of Main Street entertained over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Carl White- sell and daughters of Union, N. Y. The Whitesells have returned to their home. One of the greatly missed feat- ures of the Declaration Day cele- bration in Trucksville was the Me- morial Day ceremony at the Trucks- ville Cemetery. The writer re- members the patriotic and beauti- ful parade of school children and patriotic organizations and the fine program at the cemetery which were held under the direction of the late Asa Shaver, who organized the program for many years until it was taken out of his hands} held the next year, and then discontin- ued to this date. This was a wound that never healed in the heart of Mr. Shaver. Plans should be re- vived for next year’s Memorial Day program. pie Monica Stencil, senior in the high school, has been confined at her home for the past three weeks, fol- lowing an appendicitis attack , in the hospital, is hoping to attend the last week of school. | Mr. and Mrs, Ted Poad were re- cent visitors in New York City at- tending the World’s Fair. The Ladies’ Aid of Shavertown M. |E. Church are invited as special guests of the Dallas Ladies’ Aid supper to be held on Friday in the church parlors. ] | Mrs. Alberta Holcomb and son, Eugene, were visitors on Decoration Day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Lyne. Plans have been completed for the party of the Kings Daughter’s Class who will be entertained by Mrs. Edwin Ofgant and Mrs. Rus- sell Greenwood at the home of Mrs. Ofgant on June 12. Husbands of the members will be the invited guests. Junior and Senior High School [0oyds Y31y dy} Ul PAY Sem }qIYxd auditorium on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gilroy has returned from Philadelphia where they were visitors over the week end. Mrs. J. C. Leurs of Trucksville is visiting her son, Palmer, in Wash- ington, D. C. Howard Appleton is visiting Har- risburg this week on official school business. ‘ William! Boyers, Jr., suffered a broken arm, falling from the bicycle he was riding on West Center Street. Professor J. A. Martin is at Har- risburg attending a conference on school equipment. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Fado have re- turned to their home on Pioneer Avenue from a visit to Kansas. Rev. Russell May of Shavertown announces the following services Sunday: service at 11 Sunday: morning service at 11, “Christ and Society”, at 7:30 p. m., “John, the Baptist”. Monday night at 7:30, Official Board will meet. Tuesday at 7:30 p. m.,, Epworth HILLSIDE TIRE SERVICE Gulf Gas—0ils Lee Tires Tel. Dallas 9089-R-2 Trucksville, Pa. OLS SHIRT SHOP Broadcloth shirts in white, plain colors, $ 1 27 stripes and fig- ures. TIES 32° 2 For $1 HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSWEAR See Our Windows EIT TR LE 0s © (GLE CORIER RT FONTH IRE) STREET. ES League business meeting. Thurs- day, Junior League at 4 p. m. At 7:30, the opening class of the 6 weeks’ course on Leadership Train- ing School will be heard. At 8:30 the senior choir will meet. Kingston Township High School Alumni will hold their dance in the high school auditorium on Wednes- day, June 7. Dr. Carl Staub of Philadelphia and sons were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Staub, of Trucksville. Miss Margaret Smith of Athens is visiting her mother, Mrs. Edna Smith of Harris Hill Road. New York Players Will Start Lake Season June 12 ‘Harvey's Lake Supply Building Being Made Into Theatre Harvey's Lake will have a sum- mer theatre this season starting June 12, when a Broadway company opens with “The Curtain Rises” at Harvey’s Lake Theatre. Albert Cox and John Dooley of the Capitol Theatre, Wilkes-Barre, have taken a lease on the old Har- vey’s Lake Supply Company build- ing at Alderson. During the past few weeks they have been making extensive alterations, removing par- titions and installing steel work. The stage is now under construc- tion and seats will soon be installed. The company will be composed of eight players under the manage- ment of Chamberlin Brown of New York City. The Brown agency will handle the booking of all produc- tions. Whenever occasion arises for players for special parts they will be brought from New York to take part in the productions. — SAVE WITH OUR — Profit Shariag Cards Mullay’s Shoe Rebuilding For Quality and Service 55 MAIN ST. LUZERNE, PA. “In Love With Love” will be } played during the second week of the season. Although arrangements are not yet completed it is expected that a three price admission will be in effect throughout the season ranging from 60c to $1.00. There has been a definite need for such a theatre in this commun- ity for many years. The Nuangola Company has been well patronized since its establishment at Lake Nu- angola some years ago, and it is expected that the Harvey's Lake Theatre will have a record equally as successful. China Missionary At St. Paul's Church Rev. Ralph W. Sell, a missionary from China who has just come from the war' zone, will speak at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sunday, June 11, at 11. m. Rev. Sell is here on a furlough. The public is in- vited. Are You Getting a Little Bit Ashamed of the old JALOPY? Bring it to the g BONNER-VAN CAMPEN TRUCKSVILLE BRANCH —and trade it in on a later model Chevrolet, Ford, Buick, Plymouth or Pontiac or on a spanking new CHEVROLET nel i Good Cars — Good Terms Good Treatment BONNER - VAN CAMPEN Trucksville Branch W. ND, ROBERTS, Mgr. Phone malas 411-R-2 They CallIt AClub . . . ' ICallIt AWind Fall Reeve’s Mojud Hosiery Club is made up of a group of happy women who have the double satisfaction of get- ting the best hosiery value in town, and a bonus for doing so! sign up at REEVE’S Hosiery De- partment, where their purchases of Mojud Silk Stockings are tabulated, and each. time the number of pairs they’ve bought reaches twelve, they get an extra pair on the house. The club is free to join, so don’t wait another minute! They | REEVE’'S 95 MAIN STREET, LUZERNE For VALUES.. SHOP at LARE’S SODA 3 big bottles 25¢ SUGAR 10 Ibs. 45¢ | MILK 10 cans 57¢c BUTTER 2-1b. roll 47¢c TOMATOES big can 10c/ MUSTARD 2 gts. 25¢ —m GOLD MEATS =— VEAL LOAF PICKLE LOAF CHEESE LOAF Shoulder of Leg or Loin YIBAL: Ib. 14¢ | VEAL ...........c...cc..... 1b. 20¢ Boiling Chuck BEEF ........ Ib. 74c | ROAST ................ 1b. 15¢ Rib End Veal PORK LOIN ..1b. 1414c | CHOPS ................. 1b. 19¢ Fresh i End Cuts HAMBURG ...... 2 Ibs. 25¢ | PORK LOIN .... 1b. 18¢ wm 196 88 MAIN STREET LARE’S' LUZERNE, PA.