By MRS. ART Home Phone 208-R-2 Purely Personal HUR CULVER Office Phone 300 ‘of Goss Manor, Dallas. * Mrs. Lenora Honeywell of Church Street, Dallas, entertained on Wednes- day evening at a dinner party at the Elm Tree Tea Shoppe in Tunkhannock, honoring Mrs. Charles Jones, a recent beth Love of East Dallas. Guests were Miss Ruth Paul, Miss Mildred Devens, Miss Emily Goldsmith, Ralph Haley, Mrs. Arthur Culver, Mrs. Mrs. Ralph Haley, Mrs. Arthur Culver, Mrs. Leslie Warhola, the guest of hon- or, and the hostess. * * Mrs. Irving Roe of Country Club Road, Dallas, injured herself last week when she fell from a ladder in her home. She is improving and is now able to be about. * * Mrs. Edwin C. Norcross of Hunts- ville Road, Dallas, has returned to her home after spending some time as guest of relatives in Philadelphia. * * Mrs. Lloyd Richards of Elizabeth, N. J., will arrive on Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Woolbert of Goss Manor, to spend a week while Mr. Richards is on a business trip to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lee of Braden- ton Beach, Fla., have arrived at. the home of their niece, Mrs. Arthur Cul- ver, and their nephew, Peynton Lee, to spend a few days before opening their summer home at Lake Carey. * * Mrs. Sterling Meade of Parrish Heights entertained her Pinochle Club at her home on Wednesday afternoon. Guests numbered eight. Jimmy Oliver, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver of Lake Road, Dallas, who has been a patient at Geisinger Hospital in Danville, spent a few days recuperating from his recent illness at the home of his parents. He resumed his studies at State College on Wednes- day. : * » Local persons who have made res- ervations :at Bushkill Falls Inn for the Women’s Club State Convention are Mrs. Kenneth Oliver, Mrs. Charles Whitesell, Mrs. Ross Lewin, Mrs. Harry Kraybill and Mrs. John Durbin. * * Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shaver and daughter, Geraldine Ann, and son, Lloyd, Jr., of Philadelphia, spent last week-end as the guests of the former's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin of Center Hill Road. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Emma Shaver, who spent a week in Phila- delphia visiting her son. * * Mrs. A. C. Woolbert of Goss Manor will entertain the members of her Pinochle Club at her home on Wednes- day afternoon. . Miss Jane Hulme and Gene Collins of Towanda were Sunday guests at the home of the former's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Woolbert * Mrs. Wesley Moore of Main Street, Dallas, will entertain at her home at! a shower honoring Mrs. Charles Jones, the former Miss Beth Love of East Dallas, tomorrow night. Guests will number eight. * ® A. C. Woolbert of Goss Manor, Dal- as, has been ill at his home for a week. . and Mrs. Earle Cairl of Shamo- d son, Graydon, are expected arrive tomorrow to spend the week- ‘as guests of the formers’ parents, . and Mrs. William Cairl of Cem- etery Street, Dallas. * * Squire John Q. Yaple of Church Street, received word on Tuesday that he had been appointed to the county job of Health Officer. On Sunday we saw the Squire sporting a new car. Miss Jane VonArx of Church Street, Dallas, is ill at her home. Mrs. William Powell of Shrine View entertained at cards at her home on Friday afternoon. e * * Thomas Murphy of Shamokin is spending some time visiting friends and relatives in Dallas. Mrs. H. A. Smith of Machell Avenue is one of the members of the Garden Club who is seeing active service dur- "ing the Garden Show this week in Kingston. * * Mrs. George Hofmeister of Lake Nu- angola was a guest of friends and rel- atives in Dallas on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones of Cen- ter Hill Road, Dallas, who were called to Wilkes-Barre recently due to the death of the latter's father, are re- maining in the city for some time. * * Walter Lewin of Allentown spent the week-end as the guest of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Zig- mund Harmon of Main Street, Fern- brook. Stewart Walsh and daughters, Betty Joan and Nancy, of Syracuse, N. Y,, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Yaple of Church Street, Dallas. Mrs. Walsh, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Yaple, during the week, remained as her guest for another week. * * D. H. Crocker of Grove Street, Wilkes-Barre, was the week-end guest of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shaver of Center Hill Road, Dallas. ¢ Miss Dorothy Harfman of Wilkes- Barre was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kraybill of Center Hill Road, Dallas. bride, who was the former Miss Eliza- George VonArx of Church Street, Dallas, spent the first part of the week in Philadelphia and New York. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lewis of Cemetery Street, Dallas, had as their week-end guest their son, George, who is a stu- dent at East Stroudsburg State Teach- ers’ College. * * Mr. and Mrs. John Merical of Lake Road, Dallas, entertained at their home at a Mothers’ Day dinner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peynton Lee and son, Penny, of Machell Avenue, Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Browning and son, Robert, Jr., of Kingston spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Grose of Peckyville. Philip Templin of Dallas, a student at Susquehanna University, had as his guests over the week-end Clyde Veitch of Mill Street, Dallas, and Miss Jean Rosser of Kingston. Mrs. Laura Patterson of Lehman Avenue, Dallas, recently 'entertained guests from Scranton. * * Mrs. Coray B. Ransom, DeMunds, has returned after spending a week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Pedrick, Salem, N. J. Coray B. Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Hess and children, Barbara and Richard Ransom and Mary Graves Hess of DeMunds took Mrs. Ransom to Salem and Mr. Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ransom and daughter, Ann Louise, of Kingston, spent the week- end and brought her home. * * Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Hess, De- Munds, are leaving on Saturday for a week’s vacation. They will visit Mr. Hess's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Douglas, Bound Brook, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hess of Livingston, N. Y., spend a few days at the World's Fair and then visit Miss Isabel Graves of Philadelphia. William Polisky, who recently moved to Dallas from Kingston, has been transferred to Harrisburg office of the WPA. Mr. Polisky. and his family have made many friends who are sorry to see them leave. * * Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cross of Beau- mont have moved to Main Street. Mrs. Cross, the former Alberta Harvey, at- tended Dallas High School. Local people who are acting on the committee for arranging the annual fashion show and garden parrty of Nesbitt ~ Memorial Hospital are Mrs. Ralph Hallock, Mrs. Wesley Himmler, Mrs. J. C. Fleming, Mrs. Robert Saylor and Mrs. W. E. Batey. R * Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Davis of Pioneer Avenue, Dallas, announce the birth of a son on May 10 at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Davis is the former Miss Iona Davies of Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Robbins of Harris Hill Road, Trucksville, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Elma ‘A. to Philip H. An- derson, son of Mrs. J. H. Anderson and the late J. H. Anderson of Dallas. The ceremony will take place June 17. "® * Mrs. H. Austin Snyder of Lehman recently entertained at a shower hon- oring her sister, Mrs. Charles Salsburg, the former Adda Lizdas. Table decor- ations were yellow with a centerpiece of daffodils. Guests were Mrs. Francis Lewis, Lehman; Mrs. Myrtle Major, Shavertown; Mrs. John Hildebrant, Meeker; Miss Charlotte Hildebrant, Tunkhannock; Margaret Berlew, Evelyn Lizdas, Mrs. John Lizdas, Kingston; Mrs. Ottie Volcenis of Hazleton. Miss Mary Jeter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jeter of Center Hill Road, Dallas, and Miss Jeanne Hayden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hay- den of Ridge Street, Dallas, spent Sat- urday at Lock Haven, where they visit- ed the Pipe Aircraft Company and also enjoyed an airplane trip over the city. [pe We're Ready to take care of your Jewelry needs for the Bride or Graduate with a complete line of SHAEFFER PEN & PENCIL SETS WRIST WATCHES DIAMOND RINGS WEDDING OR STONE RINGS LOCKETS AND CHAINS CROSSES AND CHAINS DRESSER SETS ROGERS OR COMMUNITY SILVERWARE ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR SETS m= Special This Week = Rogers 26-pc. Silver Set in non-tarnishable chest — $9.00 Abe Finkelstein Jeweler & Optometrist 72 MAIN STREET, LUZERNE, PA. Eves Examined — Glasses Fitted | The marriage of Leonard Harvey and Marion Weintz will take place on Thursday, June 1. Mr. Harvey is the Constable of Dallas. Muriel Lewin, Center Hill Road, is working in the office of Post-o-graf, Inc., in Trucksville. Mrs. Clarence Phoenix of Noxen, who underwent an operation for mastoid at General Hospital, Wilkes-Barre, is convalescing at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. George Case of Kingston. Clifford Howell of New York City will spend Memorial Day with his mother, Mrs. Z. R. Howell, of Shaver- town. Mrs. W. B. Risley of Lake Street was injured last week when she fell down a flight of stairs at her home. Luckily, no bones were broken, but she suffered shock and bruises about the head, face and body. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Risley enter- tained Mr. Risley’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Seneca Risley of Bing- hamton, N. Y., for several days last week. * * Mrs. H. H. Zeiser, Mrs. William Smith, -Mr. and Mrs. Howard Risley of Wilkes-Barre and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Boston of Nicholson spent Sunday afternoon at the Risley home. Mrs. Louise VanNorman spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Reuben Shaver and other Dallas friends. * * Mrs. Machell Hildebrant was hostess at a dinner party on Monday night honcring Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas of Shickshinny, who celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary. Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scott, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Thomas. Mrs. Laura Patterson entertained on Mothers’ Day Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hilde- brant, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Rood, Pike's Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. Machell Hilde- brant. * * Mrs. Machell Hildébrant entertained a group of girls recently in honor of a group of recent brides and brides- elect, all members of Mrs. Hildebrant’s Sunday school class. Guests of honor were: Mrs. Joseph Hand, Misses Mary Fedor, Eleanor Machell, Jean Templin, Lois Gregory, Elizabeth Newmon, Helen Himmler. Other guests were Genevieve Munley, Ethel Maltman, Kate Davis, Jean Bogart, Leona Kings- Money in anv amount can be obtained quick- ly, confidentially, and conveniently, by per- sons of established credit with an assured income, through First National's BUDGET PLAN LOANS Rates are only $6.00 per hundred per year . . . re- payable in twelve month- ly installments. First NATIONAL BANK of WILKES-BARRE, PA. 59 Public Square Member Federal Deposit Insur. Corp. (Continued from Page 1) Hazletine, Fred Kiefer, Clyde Lapp, Dan Waters, Phil Cheney, L. M., Lettie Culver—the list is much, “much too long and we can only say that we are truly and deeply grateful. Above all, we owe thanks to HWR who, exposed constantly to our wilful whims, has never once interfered with our edi- torial liberty, permitting us, year after year, to be guided only by our journal- istic conscience. We know that ideal has, more than: once, put into this newspaper opinions which he, the pub- lisher, could not approve. We know, too, that we shall probably never again have the freedom of expression which we have had here. : Now this last Post Scripts is finished, or will be as soon as we have tacked on a peculiarily-fitting bit of rhyme. It is Clarence Day’s and we found it in Alexander Woolcott’s “Second Reader.” Farewell, my friends—farewell and hail! I'm off to seek the Holy Grail. I cannot tell you why. Remember, please, when I am gone "Twas aspiration led me on. Tiddledy-widdely, tootle-oo, All I want is to stay with you, But here I go. Good by. —Howell E. Rees. Calendar Of Events At Shavertown Church Rev. Russell J. May has announced the following services for Shavertown Methodist Church: Sunday, Family Day, service at 11 a. m. sermon, ‘“Life’s Second Choice”; 7:20, sermon, “Getting Along with People’; Monday, 8, church school board will meet; Tues- day, 8, Dr. Place’s Bible Class, monthly meeting; Wednesday, County W. C. T. U. convention; Thursday, 4, Junior League; 7:30, mid-week prayer service. ley, Ruth Him, Mrs. Laura Patterson and the hostess. ; Miss Claudia Jones of Trucksville and Helen Himmler were guests of Mrs. Ralph Dixon of North Welles Avenue, Kingston, on Wednesday. All were classmates at Wyoming Seminary. Mrs. Morgan Wilcox of Lake Street has been very ill of tonsilitis at her home. She is beginning to feel better. IT'S AN EASY LIFE At least so far as wash day worries are concerned when we are entrusted with your laun- dry work. Cleaner, more care- ful, more economical are some of the advantages you'll enjoy. Every type of wash service is available. 0'Malia Laundry ON THE LAKE HIGHWAY 2 Nh Full gouble foot storage capacity . 11.4 q. ft, shelfarea - 63 icecubes ata freering + 3 all-metal ice trays with Automatic Tray Release + 55Y/zin. tall 25/8 in. wide + 253/16 in. deep. 267 WYOMING AVENUE ® Has the Same Simplest Refriger- ating Mechanism —Same world-fa- mous Meter-Miser—Same one-piece all-steel Cabinet construction ~Same 5-Y ear Protection Plan—the same finest features of quality and performance as other Frigidaire models costing up to $100 more! Come in — see this brand new Frigidaire “Super Value 6” today! ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Washer and Sweeper Parts and Repairs REBENNACK & COVERT — DIAL 7-4514 — Gi MADE ONLY BY GENERAL MOTOR? KINGSTON, PA. Man Who Helped Build ; Kirby Chain Dies At Age 01 64 In Miami Beach (Continued from Page 1) which the Dr. Henry M. Laing Fire Co. conducts annually in his ‘Red Barn” have become a local tradition. He was a leading spirit in the found- ing of the Gatineau Rod & Gun Club, Maniwaki, Quebec, and the Algonquin Indians there adopted him into their tribe and conferred the honor of chief- tain upon him in 1934, naming him “Ki-tci-o-ki-ma,”” which means in English, “Big White Chief”. Surviving Mr. Kiefer are his wife, Arlene; a son, Fred M. Kiefer, Shrine View; his mother, Mrs. Barbara Kiefer of Wyoming, who is 94 years old; a| sister, Mrs. George Hofmeister, Nuan- gola; two brothers, Jacob Kiefer, Kingston, and Andrew Kiefer, Lake Carey; three grandchildren, Lois and Ida May Kiefer of Dallas and Nancy Wolfe of Chase, and several nieces and nephews. A daughter, Mrs. Lewis Wolfe, Dal- las, was killed in an automobile acci- dent several years ago. : ! HIMMLER THEATRE MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AT 2 DALLAS, PA. THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Alice Faye and Constance Bennett in “TAIL SPIN” first episode, Lone Ranger Rides Again. MONDAY AND TUESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Robert Montgomery , Rosalind Russell “FAST AND LOOSE” Also Penny Singleton in “Blondie” - . WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Boris Karloff in Loretta Young and Warner Baxter “Wife, Husband and Friend” Also Three Stooges Comedy—Fox News * . NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Shirley Temple in “THE LITTLE PRINCESS” Comedy and Serial The Lone Ranger Rides Again ~ LEKETON MRS. MARIE OBERST Correspondent Frank Schooley has been removed from General Hospital to the home of his brother, Irving Schooley, Shaver- town. His condition is about the same. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sayre spent Mothers’ Day at the home of her brother, Irving Schooley, Shavertown. Jack Wich is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sayre of Pike’s Creek. Marie Oberst visited Mr. and Mrs. John Whipple and family at Nicholson on Sunday afternoon. We Can TALK until we are BLUE in the FACE but you'll never know the difference | PURINA makes until you have tried it. TRUCKSVILLE MILLS MAIN HIGHWAY TRUCKSVILLE, PA.. For Beauty value. us build a driveway for you. an estimate. modern oil spray machinery. Kearney’s Barbecue Cory Ransom Grablick’s Dairy Conyngham Hayfield Farm Hillside Tire Company Trucksville Dairy Irem Country Club Glendale Dairy Dallas Post CARVERTON ROAD and Permanence . .. Build A Driveway A good driveway improves your property and adds to its Maybe you don’t know how little it costs to have Winter or summer, rain or drought, a good driveway: is always in good condition. We have all modern equipment for this work, rollers, grader, tank truck and RA FEW OF OUR CUSTOMERS Call Dallas 195-R-13 for free estimates F. GORDON MATHERS ROAD AND DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION Just call us and let us give you St. Anne’s Cemetery Kitsee Battery Co. Fogel’s Parking Station Midget Auto Track, Sans Souci Park Shady Side Dairy Woolbert’s Sinclair Station Albert Groblewski TRUCKSVILLE, PA. When you want high-class Quality... where it is a pleasure to wait on: you. meats for less money, trade Chuck Roast Boiling Beef Salt Bacon Smoked Shoulders Ih. 15¢ QUALITY MEATS Pork Loin Roast Ib. 14'/2¢| pins Bologna Ib. 15¢| Frankfurts Ib. 8¢| smoked Bacon Ib. 9¢ | Lean Smoked Bacon Ib. Ib. Ib. i5¢ 15¢ l4c Ib. 2c QUALITY Best Potatoes pk. 3ic Carrots bunch 5c¢ PRODUCE Green Onions bunch lc SEED POTATOES FOR PLANTING [Milk 10° 57c|| Butter 2" 47c| 10 lbs. 45¢ big can 0c 39 Sugar Beets Window Screens > Rose Bushes Coffee 2 Ibs. 23¢ 2 for 45¢ LARE'S 188 MAIN STREET LUZERNE, PA. - — ’ *