’ 0» "a decision can be made. "KINGSTON ROYAL LYNE, TOWNSHIP _ Correspondent Phone Dallas 408 - SHAVERTOWN — MT. GREENWOOD — TRUCKSVILLE | Bid Good Bye To Knechts Directors Meet With Unemployed Indicate They Are Not Opposed To Projects The property committee of Kingston Township School Board, having as members Messrs. Bennett, Appleton, and Prater, met with a committee from the American Progressive League on Saturday afternoon at the high school to discuss the possibility of grading the Trucksville and Shavertown school grounds. ; at the home of Mrs. Earl Honz and were willing to approve the project at Shavertown if the costs are not too great and suggested that the unem- ployed committee procure figures so The Trucks- ville projects will be discussed when the new building there has been com- pleted. Township Briefs Miss Mary Bimpkins of Wilkes-Barre was the guest of Miss Helen Gallagher of Main Street over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ness of Shav- ertown are entertaining Mrs. M. J. Hessam of Marietta, O. William Hunt of Shavertown is seriously ill at General Hospital in Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. Russell Lahr of Lehigh Street was, removed to her home on Tuesday after undergoing an operation at Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Siegel and fam- ily of Shavertown have moved to Bing- hamton, N. Y., where Mr. Siegel has secured employment. Mrs. James Reed of Lehigh Street is ill at her home. Monica Stencil, a senior at Kingston Township High School, is still in Nes- bitt Memorial Hospital. She is ex- pected to come home in about tw weeks. > Card Party For Brownies Committee women of Trucksville Brownie Pack, No. 2, sponsored a card party and tea on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert Altick, Warden Avenue. The party was en- joyed by a large group of friends of the Brownies. / King’s Daughters Plan Ennual Garden Party Plans for the annual garden party were completed by the King’s Daugh- ters Class of Shavertown M. E. Church at a meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles Hoffman, Jr. The garden party will be held on Wednesday evening, June 28, on the church lawn. Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux; who presided, announced the following committees: General chairman, Mrs. Earl Lamor- eaux; reservations, Mrs. Howard Wool- bert; patrons, Mrs. Russell Schall; re- ception, Mrs. Russell J. May, Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux; program, Mrs. M. J. Borth- wick; decorations, Mrs. rJack Jones, Mrs. Thomas Moore; refreshments, Mrs. Fred Layaou, Mrs. Lawrence Cool- baugh. Hontz were welcomed as new members. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Russell Schall offered tributes to mothers. Mrs. Ruth Shotwell assisted as hostess. In addi- tion to those named, others present were Mrs. Russell Greenwood, Jennie Stark, Barbara Downer and Francis Thomas. Heads Committee Mrs. Edward Griffith of Mt. Airy Road has been named chairman of the nominating committee for the board of directors of the women’s board of Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Program Marks Music Week In observance of music week, a spe- cial program was given at the high school on Wednesday afternoon. For the Junior. High School program, June Parsons played a piano solo and Paul Lyne and Albert Groblewski sang two duets, assisted by Margaret Jones. The Senior High School program consisted | of selections by the orchestra, numbers by Miss Parsons, Mr. Lyne and Mr. Groblewski. Frank Klonin played two saxophone solos and Margaret Jones played two piano solos. Conflict Brings Suggestion Social activities in the township have increased to such an extent recently that many people are of the opinion some kind of a clearing house for dates should be planned, since many times several social functions are held on the same night. Such an arrangement is badly needed. Mrs. Mary Snowden and Mrs. Howard Local members and friends of the Glenview P. M. Church attended a farewell party on Tuesday night in the church for Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Knecht and family, who will go to Shamokin P. M. Church. The Knecht family leaves a host of friends behind who wish them the best of success. Mrs. Lewis Stritzinger, Mrs. Mary Lloyd and Mrs. Achenson had charge of the entertainment. Mrs. Patton Will Speak Mrs. Margaret Patton will speak at | the Mother-Daughter dinner at Rug- gles Methodist Church tonight (Fri- day). Her subject will be “A Moth- er’'s Equipment”. Fire Company Meets Shavertown Fire Company met on Monday night. All committees on the membership drive made their final reports. Missionary Society Meets The Searchlight Foreign Missionary Society of Shavertown met this week at the home of Mrs. Earl Hontz and heard an interesting talk of experience in missionary work by Mrs. Russell May. Junior Prom Tonight The Junior Class of Kingston Town- ship High School will hold its prom tonight (Friday) in the high school. Donlin’s Pennsylvanians will furnish the music. Sunday Services At White Church On Hill Rev. Harry Savacool, pastor of the White Church on the Hill, has an- nounced the following services for Sun- day: 10:30, sermon, “Motherhood, In- structive and Christian”; 7:30, special service of music with cornet and trom- bone selections and baritone solos. Rummage Sale May 23-24 Final plans have been made for the rummage sale to be held in Luzerne on May 23 and 24 by the Ladies’ Aid So- ciety of Trucksville M. E. Church. Mrs. W. E. Roberts is chairman. Local Picture Exhibited A picture long to be remembered locally is on exhibition at the Inter- national Salon of Photography at the New York World's Fair. It was taken by Albert Williams, Jr., of Trucksville, and is a scene of the midnight burning of the Trucksville grade school. ‘Baby Clinic Conducted By VNA Help To Mothers Mothers of this section are taking advantage of the baby clinic held each Thursday afternoon at 2 in Shaver- town M. E. Church parlors under the supervision of West Side Visiting Nurse Association. y The clinic was begun about 12 years ago and is free to all mothers. Each year the class grows in size. Miss Eve Mauser, registered nurse, is the super- visor. She works with four local phy- sicians who contribute their services. The mothers appreciate and thank the Keller Class for its part in securing the | services. Welcome Pastor and Wife . The congregation of Shavertown M. E. Church held a reception in the church parlors this week to welcome the return of Rev. and Mrs. Russell J. May to the church for their second year. s Rev. Frankfort Lists Services At St. Paul's “Prayer from the Viewpoint of Mod- ern Science” will be the subject of the sermon at the 11 o'clock service on Sunday at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Shavertown, where Rev. Herbert Frankfort is pastor. Mrs. Thomas Hontz will speak at a special Mothers’ Day service at Luther League devo- tions at 6:45. Another service honor- ing mothers will be held at the ves- pers at 7:30, when Rev. Mr. Frankfort will preach on “The Ministry of Moth- erhood”. A rose will be presented to every mother attending. There will be special music. During the week the following ser- vices will be held: Tuesday, 7, Boy Scouts; 7, Young People’s Choir; Wed- nesday, 8, Ladies’ Auxiliary. Will Mark Ascension Day A service of worship will be held on Ascension Day, Thursday, May 18, at 7:45 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Shavertown. Ascension Day falls 40 days after Easter and is one of the most significant festivals of the church year. Rev. Herbert Frankfort, pastor, will preach on “What the Association Means To Us.” The public will be invited. Father And Son Dinner The Brotherhood of St. Paul’s Luth- eran Church, Shavertown, will have a father and son dinner on Friday night, May 19, at 6:30. J. M. Horner, boys’ secretary of the Wilkes-Barre Y. M. C. A, will be the speaker. The committee has as members Charles Dressel, Stanley Davis, James Harf- man, David Spry, Paul M. Winter, Fred Malkemes. Reservations can be made by calling Dallas 105. “IN LUZERNE BIG BON- HEADQUARTERS FOR HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES nt BON-TON : MEN'S SHOP i wh, PR T'S THE TON" LUZERNE NOW OFFERS YOU A GREAT | NEW SELECTION OF OVER 600 Men's and Young Men's 2-Pants ALL-WOOL FINELY TAILORED SUITS at *25 WOOLENS: COLORS: Tweeds Fernwood Green Berges Leghorn Tan xfords Rauatic Bl Herringbones guatic Bue Gabardines Briton Brown Banker Greys Dawn Gray Pin-Stripe Worsteds —And Many Other Shades DOUBLE AND SINGLE BREASTED SPORT MODELS OR BUSINESS SUITS LAST BUT NOT LEAST ! . | We Have The Most Liberal Credit Terms In The Valley—If You Wish U. S. NO. 1 FLORIDA NEW Potatoes 1 ESTABLISHED 1559 RAE SELECTED SIZE AND QUALITY POUND FULL GC PECK MAYFAIR Dill Pickles 3 qt. 5 oz. G jar ane RICH AND FULL BODIED Red Circle Coffee 1-1b. Bag 2-1b. Bag 17¢ | 33¢c STANDARD QUALITY Tomatoes No. 2 5¢ WEEKEND SPECIAL! . A&P FRESH BAKED Raisin Bread i 8c STRONG, STURDY LITTLE Brooms EWE ma 90 MONOGRAM BROOMS No. 6, each 45¢—No. 7, each 55¢ DOLE’S PINEAPPLE GEMS 3 tall cans 25¢ SULTANA RED SALMON 2 tall cans 35¢ HERSHEY CHOCOLATE SYRUP 3 cans 25¢ LIFEBUQY SOAP 3 cakes 17¢ GIBB’S SPINACH 3 hig cans 25¢ POLK’S GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 4 No. 2 cans 25¢ RINSO or OXYDOL 2 big pkgs. 3Tc CRISCO or SPRY i Ib. can (8c 3 Ib. can 49¢ HORMEL’S SPAM can 29¢ IONA BRAND Hershey Golden Bantam Kisses CORN he 35¢ No? 25¢ In an attractive Mothers’ Day pkg. NECTAR TEAS Disinfectant and Bleach ORANGE PEKOE & INDIA CEYLON Clorox 1, -1b. pkg. Y-1b. pkg. PINT BOTTLE | QT. BOTTLE 1 3 C 2 5 C 13 2 3 MED Woh [JC %b. [ge GOLD MEDAL | Wheaties w Qc * * ANN PAGE FIKE FOODS * * Tested and Approved by Good House Keeping Bureau ANN PAGE PURE FRUIT 8-o0z. 1-1b. C Jar Preserves aor Luscious fruit preserves . . . with all the rich fruity goodness of the home-made kind. ANN PAGE Pt. Qt. SALAD DRESSING = Jc = 29c¢ | ANN PAGE 8-0z. Pt. 4 SANDWICH SPREAD w 3c = 24¢ NEW TEXAS ONIONS 3 Ibs. {2c | FANCY FRESH PEAS 2 Ibs. {5c ROME BEAUTY APPLES 5 Ibs. 73¢ ICEBERG LETTUCE ‘2 heads 15¢ EXTRA LARGE GRAPEFRUIT 3 for (9c FLORIDA ORANGES (large size) U.S. NO. | MAIN POTATOES FRESH PICNIC STYLE Pork Shoulders doz, 29¢ {5 Ib. full pect: 35¢ SHOULDERS, RUMPS or LEGS Veal Rib Roast = ROUND BONE BEEF ROAST CROSS CUT BEEF ROAST These prices effective in your Neighborhood A&P Food Stores and Markets until close of business, Saturday night, May 183. Ib. 23¢ Ib. 25¢