PAGE EIGHT THE DALLAS POST, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1939 CLASSIFIED ADS LOST AND FOUND Found—Yellow male angora cat with harness. Grace Stroud, 73 Franklin St. Phone 419-R-2. 171 HELP WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Mrs. James Oliver, Dallas. 171 WANTED TO BUY Old horses. We pay highest prices for old live horses. Must not be diseased. Write or phone Ralph R. Balut, Dallas, Pa. Phone 371-R-3 and reverse charges. 17tf FOR RENT 4-room apartment. Garage. Heat fur- nished. 280 Pioneer Ave., Shaver- town. Phone 249-R-2. 161 FOR SALE Mixed Gladioli Bulbs. 1 cent each. Mix- ed dahlia bulbs, 5 cents each. Fred Mintzer. Phone 277-R-9. 171 Corn crib, new, turkey runs and shel- ters. 'F. B. Chase, Idetown Road, Huntsville. 17tf To settle an estate—18 acres, facing both sides of Loyalville Road (new WPA) extending from Harvey's Creek to Senator Sordoni’s Naemor Farm. In- quire Corey Gray. 171 Dutch Boy white lead, mixed by ma- chine free. Buy your paints direct from Raker Paint Factory, 595 Market St., Kingston-Wilkes-Barre Highway, where ‘the paint that you buy is made before your eyes.” 161 Baled Hay. Wilson Ryman. Phone 316-R-3. 142 Remington Standard Typewriter, $25. Holdredge Typewriter Co., 40 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Phone 3-0615. 146 Coal: Nut, $6.75; stove, $6.75; pea, $5.25; buckwheat, $4.75. Delivered at Shavertown. 25¢ per ton additional at Dallas. Stewart J. Eustice, Dallas 460-R-9. 14tf Lots on Goss St. Inquire Mrs. Charles Parrish, Church St. 143 100-acre farm. Modern improvements in house. Mrs. H. B. Ervine, 67 Elm St., Tunkhannock. 135 LIVE STOCK AND POULTRY Mammoth Pekin Ducklings. Hatches every Thursday. C. L. Hilbert, Beau- mont. Phone H. L. 3422. 166 Quality chicks, Parmenter’s Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshire Reds and White Leghorns. $10 per hundred. Tiffdale Farms, N. B. Travis, Mgr, Brooklyn, Pa. Phone 57-R-14. 145 BABY CHICKS—May 15 to June 15 Hatches. N. H. and B. R. chicks. Fin- est breeding. Wonderful vitality. Penn- sylvania official blood test. Hatches Tuesday and Friday. 8 cents delivered. Circular on request. Tel. 31-R-11. Joseph Davis, LeRaysville, Pa. 117 Mammoth Pekin ducklings; buy the best; seven for $1.00; also chicks and custom hatching. Wayside Duck Farm, DeMunds. 171 REUPHOLSTERING ---- All work guaranteed, large selection fabrics. Write or phone 7-5636. John Curtis, 33 S. Goodwin Ave., Kingston. 10tf MISCELLANEOUS Farmers—paint your barns now. Buy your paints direct from Raker Paint Factory. Spray guns and ladders loaned free. See it made at 595 Market Street, Kingston-Wilkes-Barre Highway. 161 Dressmaking and alterations, fur coats relined. Madeline Wagner Younkins, 174 Franklin Street, Shavertown 513 Television Young men (18 to 28) wanted to learn how to install and service television sending and receiving apparatus, that is expected to find its way into this area in the near future. Must have at least a grammar school education or do not apply. Television is now being broadcasted from both world’s fairs, and from 17 other licensed stations * throughout the United States. We feel that it will only be a matter of time before it will be here. Manufacturers, dealers, and distributors will need thousands of men. We wish to con- tact ambitious young fellows who are willing to study and work hard to learn this brand new 20th century business. After several months of preparation it is possible to earn while you are learn- ing. Those selected will be brought East for a short training period. If you wish consideration write immed- iately to Box 47, Dallas Post. In order to eliminate curiosity seekers ten cents must be enclosed to cover cost of mail- ing application form. This training plan sponsored by New York Technical Institute. Do not apply unless you honestly think that this kind of work would appeal to you. Mechanically or electrically inclined persons — those liking mechanical drawing or chemistry or wood work, or physics, or mathe- matics usually do well studying tele- vision. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT To Wilbur E. Evans, Respondent: you are hereby required to appear on June 19, 1939, at 10 A. M., and to answer complaint of Estella Eckart Evans in divorce a vinculo matrimonii, filed to No. 108 March Term, 1939, in the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. Ivo V. Giannini, Attorney for Libellant. Utility To Begin Expansion Program (Continued from Page 1) Postscripts (Continued from Page 1) out of existence and shiny new buses will chug suburbanites into the city . . . Comely Mercedes Angley, formerly of the Tally Ho, is now brightening His- lop’s Restaurant . . . It’s silly, but for . Nos some reason this columh persists in | In his cross-eXamination, Attorney calling that new patriotic hymn, “God | Turner asked Mr . Craig if there is Help America”, instead of by its right | S0™m€ Way to improve service to the later, we will remedy them as they oc- cur.” 164. title, “God Bless America” . . . L M.. | hard-hit Parrish Heights section im- We're glad you like Eph and we'll con- vey your kind words, too, to Mrs. Blez . . . Post Scripts, our feline namesake at the Tally Ho, has learned to grin, only his missing tooth makes strangers think he’s leering at them . . . There was more than we thought to that story about the sale of poison liquor in a blind pig not far from Dallas . . . No action yet, though, by State police . . . Signs of Spring: Supervising Principal T. E. Williammee, striding past, hatless . . . little girls along the highways, ap- blossoms . . . a parade of youngsters blossoms . . . a parade of yougsters walking, two by two, past our window, being herded by a patient young lady and bound, no doubt, upon their first school outing of the year . . . radios blaring again through open windows; wistful nights; white shoes; fertilizer. DALLAS, PA. THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MONDAY AND TUESDAY . Glenda Farrell, Barton MacLane also Florence Rice, Una Merkle “FOUR GIRLS IN WHITE” WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Frederick March, Joan Bennett “TRADE WINDS” FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Nelson Eddy in “LET FREEDOM RIKG” MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AT 2| \ Lake Township High Juniors will | Hummel, stage “Intruding on Horace” in the payne, Ruth Rogers, Richard Williams, school auditorium Tuesday night at 8.| Geraldine Farver, Olga Brin, Otis Allen, Funny and fast-moving, it concerns a | Ruth Stevenson, Kenneth Davis and HIMMLER THEATRE | | | | George Bent and Olivia De Havilland in | WINGS OF THE NAVY” | in a jiffy . . . and haul that Serial, “Hawk of the Wilderness” | pile of ashes out of your back Comedy yard along with all the other * * “TORCHY GETS HER MAN” | | mediately, and suggested that the par- allel pipe be installed immediately. Mr. Craig expressed opinion that such a step, while feasible, would be impract- ical, while there is a possibility that the company’s new Center Hill well does not come up to expectations, in which case the company will drill an- other well on Parrish Heights. In commenting upon the hearing, borough officials expressed themselves as pleased with the co-operative atti- tude of the company and indorsed the plan to postpone further action against the utility until it has had an oppor- tunity to carry out its program. A committee which has been investi- gating the possibility of a municipally- owned plant indicated that it, too, would await results of the company’s program before deciding upon any fu- ture course of action. Laketon High Juniors meek historian thrown in with a group of crooks. To Stage Comedy May 2 The cast, directed by Miss Margaret Dunn, includes Charles Kern, Josephine Elizabeth Sorber, Robert Leo Johnson. Let us help you do your Spring Cleaning eo We'll clean out your cellar rubbish that has collected during the winter months. Just let us take those wor- ries off your mind . . . and see how much easier it is to do your spring cleaning this year at little added cost. PEYNTONB. LEE PHONE 161 DALLAS, PA. potash per acre. quality. INVESTMENT BUILDING ee TEE TOMATOES are heavy feeders on potash. To grow a 10-ton crop requires approximately 100 lbs. of actual potash (K.O) per acre. Larger yields require proportionately larger amounts. Potash, in addition to increasing yields, is the quality-produc- ing element in your fertilizer. It keeps plants vigorous and productive, increases resistance to diseases, reduces stem-end cracking, improves color, and makes the fruit more firm and meaty. ties are very important profit considerations to both grower and canner. Use enough high-potash, complete fertilizer your crop to supply at least 100 lbs. of available Your county agent or experiment station will tell what analyses and rates of applica- tion are best suited to your soil. See your fertilizer dealer or manufacturer. You willbe surprised how little extra it costs to apply enough potash for better yields and American Potash Institute INCORPORATED These quali- v ok Write us for our free booklet, “Better Tomatoes” WASHINGTON, D. C. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Be it resolved that the tentative bud- get for the school year 1939-1940 be placed on file in the office of the super- vising principal where it shall be avail- ESTATE OF SUSAN L. WHITE- NIGHT, late of the Borough of Kings- ton, Pa., deceased. Letters Testamen- tary on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, who re- 26-28 West Union Street, Kingston, Pa. Fred B. Davis, Atty. 730 Miners National Bank Bldg., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. FAMILY FLOUR 12 POUND BAG 31c—48 POUND BAG $1.17—98 POUND BAG $2.33 A&P SLICED PINEAPPLE POLK’S GRAPEFRUIT JUICE N.B.C.RITZ CRACKERS COLDSTREAM SALMON SUNNYFIELD CORN FLAKES ails for inspection by any person in- quest all persons having claims or » erested. : 1 : Be it further resolved that the board demands against the Esters of the dun A DV E RTI S E hold 3 2 cedent, to make known the same, and i a meeting for formally adopting | all persons indebted to the decedent to your mer chandise e said budget May 26th, 1939, at|make payment without delay to > - ’ Ba MARGARET V. IDE, and it will sell! Kingston Township School District. EMMA V. GEYER, Howard W. Appleton, Secretary. Executrices, (Gal L a] ha i HAVE YOU BEEN IN TO SEE US YET ? " If you haven’t—you are missing the chance of a life time. Yes, this is our week, but it is yours too—because although we are out ~ to get new sales records, IT IS YOU WHO WILL BENEFIT THE MOST . « . if you will be sure to take advantage of the hundreds of big bargains we are offering our customers during A&P Clerks’ eek. The values in this “ad” are only a handful of the many bargains. Won’t you come in and see us, and permit us to tell you about our many other great savings? | Telghman Brand i C Standard Quality lona Beans ona worn Tomatoes With Pork and Tomato Sauce White Crushed No. 2 1b. No. 2 can G cans C can Sunnyfield All-Purpose 4 bag 59c America’s Largest Selling Pink Salmon Ige. pkg. 8c 2 big cans 35¢ 4 No.2cans 25¢ 1-1b. pkg. 20c tall can 10¢ pkg. 5c GIBB’S SPINACH 3 big cans 25¢ Be One Of The Thousands Who SAVE UP TO 10c A POUND On Fine Fresh Coffee 8 o'clock Coffe America’s 1b. = 1b. Most Popular Coftee ~~ "8 14¢:3 hay 39¢c BURRY’S COOKIES Cream Filled 2 hs, 25¢ Morrell’s Tender Process Smoked Hams END Corned Beef Hash Silver Skillet 2 cans 25¢ | | NEW 1940 RINSO 2 hig pkgs. 3Tc ‘ ANN PAGE SPAGHETTI 4 cans 25¢ | | OXYDOL Soap Powder 2 hig pkgs. 3Tc CRISCO (-lb.can i8¢ 3-lb.can49c | | HORMEL’S SPAM can 29¢ SPRY {-lb. can i8¢ 3-lb. can 49c¢ Date & Nut Bread 5% 2 cans 25¢ FREE! FREE! N. B. C. SALTED PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 botfloof Wonthury's Mlmont | | PREMIUM GRAGKERS | | Dionne duintupleis tsaspoon fo WOODBURY'’S SOAP 5 of Palmolive Soap 3 Cakes 9 50 pkg. 14c 5 Cakes 2c | ® GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES © F U. S. No. | C New Potatoes » 25 - CAULIFLOWER large head 15¢ NEW TEXAS ONIONS 4 Ibs. 15¢ ASPARAGUS large bunch 29¢ | | FRESH PEAS 2 Ibs. 15¢ LARGE LEMONS doz. 29¢ | | ONION SETS 4 lbs. 22¢ || Extra Large Juicy " Jumbo Soi G | Florida Oranges ae | ® BUY YOUR MEATS WITH CONFIDENCE AT A&P MARKETS © | Prime Cuts of Steer Beef ( | Rib Roas T FIRST SIX RIBS Ib. 9 5 ” | | SHANK 23; Smoked Picnics Sunnyfield Sliced Bacon Smoked Pork Squares Morrell’s Tender Process— Short Shank—Cello Wrapped Ib. 17¢ 2 Y2-1b. pkgs 2c Ib. 15¢ The Lowest Price This Season! Fresh Shad These prices effective in A&P Food Stores and Markets until Saturday night, April 29. From Chesapeake BUCK ROE Bay 1b. 1b. 4