¢ ROYAL LYNE, Correspondent Phone Dallas 408 SHAVERTOWN — MT. GREENWOOD — TRUCKSVILLE Neil Henry To Preach At Shavertown M. E. Neil Henry of Shavertown will preach at Shavertown M. E. Church on Sun- day morning “in the absence of Rev. Russell May, pastor, he is attending ses- sions of Wyoming Conference at Endi- cott, N. Y. Mr. Henry’s subject will be “Does the End Justify the Means?” There will be no evening service. On Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. the Stand- ard Bearers will meet. On Thursday at 2 the Ladies’ Aid Society will meet. The Junior League will meet at 4 p. m. Thursday and the mid-week service will be held at 7:30, with D. C. Smith in charge. Senior Choir rehearsal will be at 8:30 Thursday. The Keller Class will meet on Friday at 8 at the home of Mrs. Ernest Keller. Professor Faint Will Substitute For Savacool Prof. George Faint of Bucknell Uni- versity Junior College will have charge of the morning service at Trucksville M. E. Church on Sunday in the absence of Rev. Harry Savacool, who is at con- ference. There will be no evening ser- vice. Epworth League will be at 6:45. The mid-week prayer service will be held on Thursday at 7: 30. Senior Class Selects Name For Year Book The Senior Class of Kingston Town- ship High School has decided to call its year book ‘The Triton”. The edition will go to press on May 1 and orders must be made by that date. Launch Membership Drive The King’s Daughters of Shavertown M. E. Church met Monday night. Mrs. Earl Lameroux presided. A member- ship drive was planned, to begin in May. Plans were made also for a rum- mage sale to be held April 26-28. Mrs. Russell Greenwood is chairman. A garden party will be held in June. Old-Fashioned Supper The Ladies’ Aid of Carverton M. E. Church extends an invitation to all to attend an old-fashioned meat loaf sup- . per on April 19, starting at 6, in the church basement. Harvey's Lake August Gomes of Harvey's Lake took over the management of the Martha Washington Tea Room April 1. Former manager was Eugene Fogel. Vernon Rood has been ill at his home for the past week. A new bar, with stainless steel fix- tures and a mahogany top and front, was installed last week at Hanson's Picnic Grounds restaurant. James Garey and Jerry Rosengrant helped put “oie up. Co Township Briefs Jack Beline has been seriously ill at his home on Lehigh Street. His condi- tion is greatly improved. Mrs. Hislop of ‘DeMunds Road is a patient at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Mrs. John Courtright is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Willard Engler in New York. Miss Marion Oliver is improving fol- lowing a recent illness which confined her to her home on Pioneer Avenue. Miss Bernice Spencer is vacationing at Laceyville, visiting her father. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gay of Carver- ton motored to Washington to visit Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Piatt of Arlington, Va. Richard Phoebe was a recent visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Chapple. Mr. Phoebe is living in Harrisburg. League Meets Supervisors ‘Branch 22, American Progressive League, met on Wednesday night in Shavertown school with the township supervisors to discuss WPA projects in the township. J HUNTSVILLE Huntsville Christian Church, Rev. C. H. Frick, pastor: Sunday morning, 9:30; service; Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Huntsville Methodist Church, Rev. Russell J. May, pastor; morning service, 9:30; Sunday School, 10:30. The Ladies’ Aid Society will serve dinner in the Methodist Church next Wednesday at noon. Mrs. David Arnold, Mrs. Harry Ran- dall and Mrs. Clarence Elston spent Wednesday evening with Mrs. Harry Edwards. Mrs. H. A. Randall entertained the Women’s Home Missionary Society. Present were Mrs. Malvin Wagner, Mildred Wagner, Mrs. Celeste Prutz- man, Mrs. F. H. Johnson, Mrs. O. L. Harvey, G. A. Learn, Mrs. C. R. Prutz- man, Mrs. Samuel H. Sturdevant, Mrs. Charles Nuss, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. Clarence Elston. Phillip Prutzman returned to Mans- field Teachers’ College after spending Easter vacation at his home. Glennwood Ide returned to Wyom- ing Seminary after spending Easter va- cation at home. KUNKLE FLORENCE HONEYWELL CORRESPONDENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Condon an- nounce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. Mrs. Condon was Miss Doris Kunkle before marriage. Mrs. Paul Krol of Easton spent Easter with her father, Fred Honeywell. Miss Frances Hess spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Russell Honeywell of Lake Street, Dallas. KF your property should fall victim to fire, a dozen problems may confront you. What should you do first? With whom should you get in touch? How should you present your claim? That is when you'll be doubly glad you have a home-town Agent to whom to turn for advice and assistance. For the home-town Agent is on the job not only to help you plan your insurance program wisely and economically but also to help you when disaster cortles. The Local Agency system is a basic feature of CAPITAL STOCK COMPANY FIRE INSURANCE. That is one reason why four out of five people choose capital stock, company fire insurance in preference to other types. .. Let us help you make certain you are properly and ade- quately protected against the haz- ; ards of fire, explosion, riot, wind- storm, or whatever would endanger the use and occupancy of your home or business. Wm. J. Niemeyer, Agent 74 Davenport Street Dallas, Pa. PHONE 382 K.T.H.S.Glee Club Wins County Honor Adds To Awards Being Accumulated By School Kingston Township High School has done it again The Girls’ Glee Club, a 50-voice group coached by Miss Madge Anderson, won the Luzerne County Glee Club champ- ionship in a close contest with the glee club of West Wyoming High School at West Wyoming Tuesday morning. The contest, sponsored by the Penn- sylvania Musical and Forensic League, was judged by Harold Harrison, musical supervisor of Edwardsville High School, Richard Ayre of Wilkes-Barre and Donald N. Luckenbill of West Hazleton High, The girls will compete in the district finals at Meyers High School, Wilkes- Barre, tomorrow (Saturday), and Richard Jones, who recently won the county oratorical contest, will also compete. Finalists from the 11 counties of the Northeastern district will be en- tered. The winners of tomorrow’s contest will go to the state finals at Norristown on the 29th. LEHMAN MISS VERA IDE CORRESPONDENT Seniors Will Sponsor Amateur Program An amateur program will be spon- sored by the. Senior Class of Lehman High School in the school auditorium on May 10 at 8. Contestants are lim- ited to the students of Lehman schools. Miss Myrna Stair entertained Miss Esther Stair of Wilkes-Barre at her home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stair of Morrisville, were recent guests at her home, also. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellsworth of Mehoopany called on Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whitesell over the week-end. Mrs. Clare Shupp and Carl Brandon were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sickler of Forty Fort. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ide and son, Fred, and daughter, Vera, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whitesell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brandon attended the funeral of Howard Sickler at Forty Fort Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crispell and son, Archie, spent Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Major. John Sutton and family of Outlet and Luke Lameroux of Hunlock’s Creek called at the home of S. W. Ide. Miss Grace has resumed her studies at Penn State after the Easter recess. Miss Jean Zimmerman has resumed her studies at Wilson College. When you need a cook and the wife's away It’s time to get one* the Classified way *A cook, not a wife. Let Us Give Your Car A FREE SPRING CHECK - UP (NO OBLIGATION) Add Woolbert’s AUTO SERVICE DALLAS, PA. In loss of fuel, food and replacements. . @ NOW'AT PORMER HOME DEMONSTRATION Qu PRICES & + & | | olin) lal § [STORES CO [SIAN "You ean pay for a set in savings! When you eook the old way you pay for a set anyway why not have a set now at these low prices. Cooking Class At Dallas Will Be Held Today The first of a series of four cooking demonstrations to be sponsored by Lu- zerne. County Gas & Electric Corp. in this section will be held this (Friday) afternoon at 2 in Dallas M. E. Church, under the direction of Mrs. Bertha Phil- lips Howe. Other classes will be held at Trucks- ville’s White Church on the Hill on April 20, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Shavertown, on April 26, and at Shav- ertown M. E. Church on April 28. A certain sum will be donated to the church for every woman attending. Cherry Blossoms Nicer Than WPA Increase Speech “I don’t know why, but nobody seemed to listen to the Senator talking about the 50-million-dollar WPA in- crease,” said Mrs. John Hayden of Ridge Street, who saw the Senate in action during a week-end trip to Wash- ington, D. C." Mrs. Hayden, who was accompanied by her daughter, Jeanne, and Miss Catherine Jeffers of Scranton, had a busy week-end seeing the sights of the Capitol City, since it was her first visit there. The cherry blossoms were in bloom, and the city was very beautiful in its exotic setting, she said. The three returned home yesterday. LAKETON MRS. MARIE OBERST CORRESPONDENT Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eggleston of Vernon, Mrs. Tantey Austin of Beau- mont and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beste- der of Centremoreland spent Easter Sunday with Samuel Eggleston and Mrs. L. E. Kerr of Alderson. Ralph Rausch of Alderson. Mrs. and Mrs. Stanley Honeywell of Wilkes-Barre spent Saturday with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Honeywell of Alderson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kocher, Jr., of Endicott, N. Y., spent Easter Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kocher, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kocher, Sr., visited Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moss recently. Mrs. Carrie Fraley of Wilkes-Barre and Mrs. Hattie Rauch of Alderson called on Mrs. Arthur Kocher Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Kocher and daughter, Carlene, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bartlett enjoyed a trip to Har- risburg on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutton and daughters, Arlene and Phyllis of Ide- town, called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kocher on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Whipple and Oberst Easter Sunday. Mrs. Edwin Kern of Idetown spent Friday afternoon with her mother. Marie Oberst visited Mrs. Wruble at Edwardsville on Easter Sunday evening. VCO VV OVO OPV BY MAIL! BEGINNERS Eight Lessons, $5 Forty-Eight Lessons, $25 ADVANCED Five Lessons, $5 Forty-Eight Lessons, $26.50 TERMS GRACE H. CALLANAN 13 Clarke Street ] Danvers, Massachusetts | Bott lene tothe VV VV VV Vv vvvvevvve ovo vow vee WATERLESS COOKWARE FRY PAN Only 19 1 Pormer H Dimonsiieicn ce R 2 QT. SAUCEPAN NOW ONLY $149 wv: CARD Former Home Demon- stration Pr ce $7.28 Mrs Carrie Frayley of Wilkes-Barre |& spent Easter week with her sister, Mrs. | § family of Nicholson visited Mrs. Marie a "MOORETOWN Naomi Perry is ill at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Jones. Mrs. Irvin La Barr has improved to the extent that she has been removed from the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, Kingston, to the home of her son in Kingston. Russell Steele will preach at Moore- town Church at 9:30 and at Meeker at 11 a. m. this Sunday in the absence of Rev. Krochler. Dorothy Smith To Appear In Recital On April 17 Mrs. Lillian Oliver, local piano in- $ structor, will present Dorothy Jean Smith in a piano recital on Monday night, April 17. Dorothy, who is 13, will also sing several numbers, ac- companied by Mrs. Isabelle Santiago, with whom the child is studying. Dorothy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith of Shavertown and has won awards in State-wide piano competitions. Mrs. Oliver has announc- ed that the recital will not be private. Carl Brandon of Lehman will be with us this Sunday to lead the singing. Misses Harriet Perrin, Phyllis Smith, Faith Kyttle were visitors in Benton last Sunday night. A benefit performance for the Alder- ‘son M. E. Missionary Society will be presented in the community hall Wed- nesday night at 8:15 by the young people of that church. The drama, “Wild Hobby Horses”, won first place in the Dallas District Youth Council play tournament. The Mooretown Lad- ies Aid will sell refreshments. Mrs. Stanley Keller has been con- fined to her bed for two weeks with flu. She is being cared for by her daughter, Mrs. George Covert. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roese and sons of Trucksville will soon move to this VV VV VV VV VV VV VV Vv VV YYVYYY MOTHER'S DAY MAY {4th Order Her A Box Of Candy Now— We Will Mail It Any- where In A Special Mailing Carton vans’ Cut-Rate Drug Store Dallas, Penna. VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VY VY VY UV YY YY dtd denarii dad section. ROTI, This is your opportunity to t Every bean from center. flavor. 4a5Co Win-Crest Gold Medal Kitchen Tested FLOUR SPRY BISQUICK 12 “bag Oe i 0 1, ~ Try FRY ileal GE . Tel \ LS 3 AY 8% - Continuing Our Big COFFEE SALE at a saving. Taste the difference, save the difference. Keil flo roiled A Superb Blend of the World’s Finest Coffees. Triple Creamed 11] Vegetable Shortening can 20-0z pkg Sauer Kraut rove cur I can Hormel’s Chicken Soup with 2 cans SPAM at Regular Price Delecious Fresh Prunes Gotd Seal Rolled Oats &580 Corn Flakes Toastea 825¢:3 It’s Fresh—and Delicious! Supreme Bread ry the world’s finest coffees evenly, thoroughly roasted to surface, insuring better nm 1 7¢C » 14¢ ks 24 Tae 79c C : wan 49c 17¢ : 40-0z 27¢ 1DKE rge No. 23 can Se for Ic Mild and Fragrant Lic : large 2 No. 23 23¢ Quick m0 oz Cooking pkg 7¢ 13- kg Dhoe 25 € C large sliced loaf N. B.C. Pride Assor Skidoo Creamy Cleans Hershey Bittersweet Chocolate Farmdale Poultry Shells Farmdale Scratch Feed %;°43¢ Jor $1.69 | Windex (Cleans Windows Without Water) 45C0 Hardwater Soap 6 =: [Qc this Bread. You will enjoy it. 7-02 pkg 10¢ » 23¢ 100-1b 95¢ | bag tment bag 3 cans 25¢ 6- vor 15¢ er SoapPowderpk; 5¢:2 Ba 29¢ Cleanser 3 cans |3¢ Granulated Soap 2 oe 39¢ OCTAGON Products Soap Chips 2!large pkgs 37, Save Half—Get Pictures Buy for Quality Save for Premiums Laundry Soap 6 cakes23¢ Toilet Soap bcakes 25, PRINTS Delivered to #1 paid for only Negative ” Size 21) -. Almost Double Size! #9 Eight-Exposure roll (sizes 1%”x2%”, ici QP 3%", 2%”x4%"”) developed and LARGER 5 your home postage Also Save Up to 1/3 on Films! Genuine Express Superchrome-—8-Exposure Rolls Negative (56 "x21" and 2%"x3Y%" ron 2 OC x41," roll 2 Sc—None Priced Higher 3aicapdiglgzs FANCY SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER P3177 head 15¢ NEW BEETS AND CARROTS Iges bunch 5¢ LARGE JUICY GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 15¢ Fancy Iceberg LETTUCE 9 lge. heads 15 ¢ Where Quality Counts And Your Money Goes Furtherst R CREDIT CARD PLAN EERE WS SS SSO AE These Prices Effective In Our Stores in Dallas And Vicinity