PAGE EIGHT THE DALLAS POST, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1939 CLASSIFIED ADS Rate 2 cents a word. Minimum charge 25 cents if cash accom- panies order. 30 cents if charged. Stamps accepted. WORK WANTED — Dressmaking and alterations, fur coats relined; Mad- eline Wagner Younkins; 174-Franklin Street, Shavertown, 513 FOR RENT — To reliable party, the Weiss Farm, 40 acres in Dallas. Good house, light, water. For long term or sell the same. Apply 28 Stanley St., Wilkes-Barre. 61 FOR SALE—Coal: Nut, $7.25; stove, $7.25; pea, $5.75; buckwheat, $4.75. Delivered at Shavertown. 25 cents per ton additional at Dallas. Stewart J. Eustice, Dallas 460-R-9. - 11 “WANTED—OId horses. We pay high- est cash prices for old live horses. Must not be diseased. Write or phone Ralph R. Balut, Dallas, Pa. Phone 371-R-8 and reverse charges. “FOR SALE—Coal: Nut, $7.50; Stove, $7.50; Pea, $6.00; Buckwheat, $5.00, ‘Prompt delivery. Owen M. Jones, Dal- lag 226-R-2. Call evenings. 4tf FOR RENT, SALE OR EXCHANGE— Farm near Lehman. Inquire 354 Wright Ave. Kingston. 64 FOR SALE—Several lots on Perrego Plot, Laketon, at reasonable prices. ‘Write or inquire, Arthur W. Richards, North Bowman St, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, or Ridge Ave. on plot. Small payment and terms. 64 FOR SALE—Lime, ground burned, and lump. Delivery. E. R. Hess, Al- media, Bloomsburg, R. D. 5. 63 HELP WANTED—Feed salesman by West Side firm. No previous ex- perience required. Write Box 212 Dal- las Post. 71 FOR SALE —1934 Plymouth Deluxe Business Coupe. Heater and radio. $250. Joseph Hand, 37 Main Street, Dallas. 71 FOR SALE—Furniture, stoves radios, pictures, books and Indian relics. In- quire 296 East Market Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. 71 FARMER — To work on shares; or- chard and poultry, Call Wilkes-Barre 2-1139 or at 1100 Miners National Bank Bldg. Wilkes-Barre, Penna. 71 FOR SALE—New 6 room house, Cen- ter Hill Road, Dallas. Double garage. Tot 50x150. Coray B. Ransom, Center- moreland 17-R-8 or Kingston 7-6238. 73 FOR SALE—40 acre dairy farm, 10 room house. good buildings, electric lights, modern improvements, in Leh- man, near school and state road. Will rent house, buildings and 10 acres sep- arately. Vacant March 1st. Phone 7-0804. tt LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Estate of James H., Hughes, late of Xingston, Pa. Deceased. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate having been granted to the undersign- ed, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same, without delay, to Madge von Storch Hughes and Carleton C. Jones, 506 Second Natl, Bank Bldg. Wilkes- Barre, Pa. PUBLIC SALE The time to repurchase the articles left on option, per agreement numbers below, have expired, the same have been forfeited and will be sold at Pub- lic Sale at the place of business of the undersigned, 37 W. Market Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., on March 3, 1939 at 10 A. M. 11761 15652 15852 16071 12377 15657 15875 16081 13291 15667 15877 16087 13528 15671 15882 16100 14360 15672 15883 16101 14362 15679 15884 16107 14388 15689 15890 16116 14504 15690 15895 16125 14882 15697 15896 16133 15047 15700 15900 16142 15062 15712 15907 16155 15085 15720 15916 16157 15151 15727 15921 16164 15481 15731 15928 16169 15483 15733 15929 16192 15484 15743 15933 16195 15495 15744 15937 16203 15500 15749 15949 16210 15502 15753 15952 16215 15521 15754 15957 16216 15528 15758 15963 16223 15633 15764 16000 16228 15536 15792 16005 16238 15543 15798 16009 16248 15583 15812 16020 16257 15596 15823 16023 16260 15697 15829 16045 16284 15603 15833 16047 16285 15635 15842 16061 15642 15851 16065 COLLATERAL LOAN EXCHANGE, BERNERAD COMPANY, Auctioneer. SEALED PROPOSALS The School District of the Borough of Luzerne, Pa., invites bids to be sub- mitted at 7:30 P. M., Monday, March 6, 1939, at the office of the School Board in the Bennett Street School Building, Luzerne, Pa.; or to Thomas J. Little, secy. 74 Main St. Luzerne, Pa., for Fire Escapes, etc. for the Bennett Street School Building ac- cording to plans and specifications prepared by Jacob S. Pettebone, Regis- tered Architect, 606 Second National Bank Building, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Paced by the brilliant play of James Knecht, who single-handed scored one more point than the Lehman team combined, Dallas Township took the lead after a lifeless first quarter, was ahead 15-7 at the half, and tallied 25 points in the last two periods. Chet Rusiloski was high scorer for the vis- itors. In a preliminary game, the Dal- lag Township Jay-Vees defeated the Lehman scrubs 20-15. Dallas Borough, after its startling 43-37 win over Dallas Township Fri- day night, lost to Laketon High 17-22 and dropped to a tie for second place with Kingston Township. Coach Wal- ter Hicks’ K. T. H. § five walloped Laketon Friday night climbing into the running with six wins and five defeats A victory. over Laketon tonight at Harvey's Lake will practically assure Dallas Township of the rural basket- ball championship, since only six games remain to be played before the season ends March 10th. Kingston LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT from whom said plans and specifica- tions may be had on deposit of five dollars for their safe return at the] time specified, A certified check or bid bond for 109% of the amount of the bid, made | payable to the Treasurer of the School | District of the Borough of Luzerne, Pa.,, must accompany each proposal. Separate bids will be received on] the following items: First—General Contract. Second—Electrical Work The School District reserves right to reject any and all bids: School District of the Borough of Luzerne, Pa. ) Thomas J. Little, Secy. the LUZERNE COUNTY, cc: In the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, No. 411 January Term, 1932, Libel in Divorce a vinculo matrimonii. Geraldine Helen Cassidy | vs. Thomas F. Cassidy. To Thomas F .Cassidy: Take notice that alias and pluries subpoenas in di- vorce having been returned by the | Sheriff of Luzerne County that vou| cannot be found in Luzerne County. | you are hereby notified and directed | to appear before the said Court oni Monday, March 13, 1939 at 10 o’clock A. M., and answer the complaint filed in the above case. WILLIAM R, THOMAS, Sheriff. F. M. MACKIN, ATTORNEY Notice is hereby given that letters of administration have been granted in the Estate of Helena Keller, late of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. George McGuigan, Esq., Administrator, 832 Miners National Bank Building, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Frank] McGuigan, Jr. Attorney, 620 Brooks Building, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present same without delay to Admin- istrator named. TAX ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOR- OUGH OF DALLAS, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, fixing the tax rate for the fiscal year 1939. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Council of the Borough of Dal- las, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: SECTION 1: That a tax be and the same is hereby levied on all property and occupations within the said Bor- ough subject to taxation for Borough purposes for the fiscal year 1939, as follows: Tax rate for general Borough pu- poses, the sum of fourteen (14) mills on each dollar of assessed valuation: For debt purposes, the sum of one and one-half (1%) mills on each dol- lar of assessed valuation; Making a total tax rate for all Bor- ough purposes of fifteen and one-half (15%) mills. Section 2. That any ordinance, or part of ordinance, conflicting with this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed insofar as the same affects this ordinance. Adopted this first day of February, A. D, 1939. WARDAN KUNKLE, President of Council. Approved thig first day of February, A. D, 1939. HERBERT A. SMITH, Burgess. Attest: WM. J. NIEMEYER, Borough Secretary. SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY. MARCH 10, 1939, At 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 24, March Term, 1939, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, in Court Room No. 1, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 10th day of March, 1939, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defend- © ants in and to the all the following Dallas Township’s Winning Streak ; Ends, But Team Hits Stride Again VICTORY OVER LEHMAN ATONES FOR DEFEAT Its mine-game winning streak broken by Dallag Borough Friday, league-leading Dallas Township quintet atoned for its first defeat of the season with a one-sided 40-23 victory over Lehman High Tuesday night. described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: the Township travels to Lehman for a game that may give the Trucksville team clear title to second place. All the teams take a breather Tuesday night with no games on schedule until Friday, January 24th, when the last lap of the season begins. Although Dallas Township seems to have things pretty well in hand in the boys’ league. a real battle for suprem- acy in the girls’ loop is raging be- tween K, T. H. S. and the borough sextet, With only four games to go, the two teams are tied for first place with four wins and one loss apiece. Lehman is second with two wins and two defeats, and Dallas Township and Laketon follow in that order. Standing in the Boys’ League: ‘Won Lost Dallas Township 10 1 Dallas Borough 6 5 RK T..H:S. 6 5 Laketon 3 9 Lehman 2 8 SHERIFF'S SALE ALL that certain lot of land situate in the borough of Forty Fort, County of T.uzerne and Sate of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to- I wit: BEGINNING at a‘ point on the | southeasterly side of Engelwood Ave- nue, said point being 50 feet in a northeasterly direction from the di- viding line between lots No. 6 and No. 7 on plot of lots of Engelwood Terrace; thence through lot No. 7 south 29 de- grees, 10 minutes east 285 feet more or less, to the westerly shore of Ab- ramg Creek; thence along Abrams Creek in a northeasterly direction, 30 | | feet, more or less, to the corner of lot No. 8, on said plot; thence along lot No. 8, north 29 degrees 10 minutes west, 175 feet, more or less, to a corner of land of John J. P. Dunn; along line of John J. P. Dunn land in | a southwesterly direction 40 feet to a thence again along said John | corner; J. P. Dunn land north 29 degrees 10 minutes west, 100 feet. more or less, to Engelwood Avenue; thence along Eng- elwood Avenue, south 47 degrees 27 minutes west, 10 feet to the place of beginning. Excepting and reserving out of the above described land for the use of other owners in the plot of Engelwood Terrace, as a pathway a strip 10 feet wide, adjoining the property of John J. P. Dunn and lot No. 8. BEING a part of lot No. 7 on plot of lots of Engelwood Terrace record- ed in Map Book No. 2, page 294. Improved with a single frame dwell- ing used as a dwelling and garage and designated as No. 1921 Engelwood Ter- race, Forty Fort, Pa. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Lawrence Arrick and Kath- erine Arrick vs. Fred William Broken- shire and Harriet C. Brokenshire, with notice to Jacob S, Engel and Pearle A, Engel, his wife, terre tenants and will be sold by WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. Felix W. Bolowicz, John M. Dudrick, Attorneys. SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY. MARCH 10, 1939, At 10 A. M. By virtue of writ of Fi Fa No.TAOI By virtue of writ of Fi Fa No. 36, March Term, 1939, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, in Court Room No. 1, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre Luzerne County, Penna., on Friday, the 10th day of March 1939, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All the surface or right of soil in and to that certain piece or parcel of land in the 13th Ward, City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of High Street distant south- westerly 118.95 feet from the southerly side line of Dana Street, said point being in line of land formerly of H. H. Harvey, now of Margaret Corrigan; thence along the line of said Corrigan fand, South 47 degrees 46 minutes East 112 feet, more or less to a point in line of land formerly of A. H. Gran- ville, now of Jos. Wasserstrom; thence along the line of said Wasserstrom land, South 42 degrees 4 minutes West 22.07 feet, to a corner on the north- erly side line of Shiber Lane; thence along the northerly line of Shiber Lane, North 47 degrees 46 minutes West 127 feet, more or less, to a cor- ner on the easterly side line of said High Street; thence along the easterly side of High Street, North 77 degrees, 6 minutes East, 26.68 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 3,137 square feet of land and improved with a two story brick factory building now numbered “122” on said High Street. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Wyoming National Bank of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., trustee vs. John W. Lee and Margaret Griffith Lee, terre tenant, and will be sold by WILLIAM R. THOMAS. Sheriff. Neil Chrisman, Attorney. thence | urBiggest Event-Founders Week At A&P We're celebrating in a big way this week, giving you the greatest bargains at mn command because we are honoring the Founder of A&P. Way back in 1859, George Huntington Hartford—our Founder—started to build the great chain of A&P Food Today it stretches from coast-to-coast, serving 6,000,000 thrift-wise women This tremendous popularity springs from the fact that women save shop at A&P. i | i | | | | | C R P D D Stores. each day. Del Monte | a QUALITY, Ph Ro money when they this value event! FLORIDA EFT Big as our bargains have been for months passed, we are ready to stake our reputation for value-giving by saying “Founder’s Week tops them all”. We're giving the greatest bargains at our command. Don’t miss Come. Carloads after carloads of luscious Canned Fruits and Fruit Juices have just been rushed to A&P Neighbor- hood Food Stores as one of the feature attractions during the company’s celebration of its 80th FOUND- | ER’'S WEEK SALE. alifornia Peaches ed Raspberries olk’s Grapefruit Juice el Monte = Pineapple el Monte Bartlett Pears Polk’s Fla. Grapefruit 3 Sliced Pineapple - Rs=° Dole’s Pineapple Gems 3 ' A&P Pineapple Juice 2 Ilona Brand Big Sliced or Halved Cans 3 Columbian No. 2 Tasty Brand Cans No. 2 Cans No. 2 Cans 2 Big Cans care 29C | A&P Pie Cherries Noe 2 cane 33¢ | Thank You Pears 3 Le: cos 25C | Del Monte’ Peaches’ 2 car cone 23¢ | A&P Peaches ‘iii. Sah € © OO C 10¢c 25¢ 29¢ 21c AP TUB BUTTER wan 3=89C ONE PRICE - - - ONE QUALITY PURE REFINED 2 ~13¢ Moonlight Puffs ~uic.. "cake. Sunnyfield Wheat or Rice Crackin’ Good Crackers lona Lima «ne been. 15¢ Pkg. Be Pkg. 5c a 50 A&P Home Style Bread | Sultana Red Salmon Fresh Candy Jelly Eggs 2 ™ 17¢c Ann Page Spaghetti. x4 “™ 23¢ Tall Can. Loaf §¢ 19¢ Large 216 Size FLORIDA ORANGES 20 ~25c¢ Juicy Florida GRAPEFRUIT :»nc: 4-19c 3 ==4 (c LARGE 46 SIZE U.S. No. 1 Yellow Onions 5 =. 15¢ NEW Pot: toes d Morrell’s Pride Tender Process SMOKED HAMS 23¢ SHANK HALF OLD FASHION Winesap Apples 5 =~ 3 Sweet Potatoes o ~ 24¢ Ib. 23¢ Morrell’s Pride Small SMOKED PICNICS Ib. 18c¢ Both Hams and Picnics are on Sale in our Meat Departments and Grocery Stores. SMALL FRESH RIB END UP TO Pork Loins f = = STEWING Chickens UP TO 35 lbs. BONELESS - Fish Fillets * 196 230 96 Legs & Rump Veal Round Steak YOUNG HEN Turkeys Above prices effective in your neighborhood A&P Food Store until the close of business, Saturday night, February 18th 19: ~ 35 «338