© 10:30 worship service when Rev. Har- . ry Sawvacool will preach.on “The Su- KINGSTON TOWNSHIP ROYAL LYNE, Correspondent Phone Dallas 408 SHAVERTOWN — MT. GREENWOOD — TRUCKSVILLE June Shaw Wed At | Lovely Ceremony Local Girl Becomes Bride Of Lawrence Brown Of Lehman The marriage of Juhie Shaw, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shaw of Trucksville, and Lawrence Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Brown of Leh- man, took place in The Little Whited” Church on the Hill at Trucksvilles6n Thursday night, February 2, at 6:15. Rev, H. M. Savacool, pastor performed the ceremony. The attendants were Kay Zimmer- man and Rose ‘Shaw, sister of the bride, and Glen Brown and Paul War- mouth, the former a brother of the groom. The bride wore teal blue with a corsage of pink rose-buds. Her sisters wore blue and maroon and their flowers were sweet peas. The bridegroom’s attendants wore boutin- nieres of sweet peas and rosebuds. The bride was graduated from Leh- man High School in 1938. Mr. Brown also attended Lehman High School and is doing florist work at Wheaton, Ill, where they will reside. Father Of Savacool Dies At Stillwater Rev. Harry ‘Savacool, pastor of Trucksville M. E, Church, left Tuesday morning for Stillwater, N. J., having received word of the death of his father there. Mr. Savacool was 61 years of age and had lived in Still- water all his life, Hig wife died sev- eral years ago. He was a member of the Methodist Church and had served as an official of the Stillwater Church for many years. Funeral services were held Thurs- day afternoon at 1:30 in the church at Stillwater, Mrs. Harry Savacool left here Wednesday afternoon to be with her husband, who is the only child, for | the funeral, 3 Services For Sunday At Trucksville M. E. Services at The White Church on the Hill on Sunday will begin at the preme Test.” A special musical ser- vice will be held in the evening, with Mrs. Cora Morgan of Wilkes-Barre as guest soloist. The church choir will | sing special music. On Tuesday night the Sunday School ' board will have a supper meeting at 6:30. On Thursday night the regular church institute will be held at 7. Dr. | G. M. Bell of Kingston, district super- intendent, will be the speaker. VALENTINE PARTY The Friendship Class of Trucksville M. E. Church will hold a valentine party in the church parlors Monday night at 8. Members of the class, their | husbands and friendg are cordially in- | vited, Mrs. Samuel Davis will be | chairman, assisted by Mrs. Harold} Weiss, Mrs, Donald Anderson and Mrs. ! Robert Taylor. of the clasg will be on February 20, instead of 21. WARNS TAXPAYERS Tax Collector Harry Bogart an- nounces that the collection of the $5 per capita tax will be forced and an extra assessment will be added for collections. MOVING PICTURES The State Forestry Department will show moving pictures at the high school on February 20 in connection with the PTA meeting. The District Inspector will be in charge and Mr. Hench of Bloomsburg will speak. The monthly meeting | FIREMEN ARE PAID Kingston Township supervisors have delivered to the secretaries of Shaver- town and Trucksville Firemen’s Re- lief Association checkg for $79.09 for the 1935 payments due the firemen, INTELLIGENCE QUIZ An interesting intelligence quiz was given at the high school auditorium on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Everett questioned the Junior High School students and Miss Ludwig quizzed the | Senior High School pupils. PTA MEETING The Parent-Teacher Association of Kingston Township will meet in the high school on Monday night, Febru- ary 20. WILL REPAIR BRIDGE ¢ State Highway Department officials this week notified Luzerne County members of the House that $85,000 has been allocated for repairs to the bridge spanning the Susquehanna River at Wyoming. The bridge was damaged by mining operations. Work is ex- pected to begin this week. BILLINGS HAS COVERED : 293,000 MILES TAKING MAIL ALONG R. D. ROUTE Trucksville post office also has a rural mail carrier who has made a great record of miles traveled in delivering mail, Walt Billings of Harris Hill Road has delivered mail for nearly 30 years and has traveled about 293, 000 miles, Congratulations to Walt, who is known for his years of efficient service. He has made a host of + friends and he has kept them all because of his pleasant willingness to ‘be of service, BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Laing K, Coolbaugh and daughters, Jane and Joan, spent last Sunday ice skating at Lake Ca- talpa. * * Miss Jean Williams of New York City spent last Sunday with Mrs. Louis T., Wilcox. : - - : William Thomas Brown, Jr., of Ter- race Drive, Shavertown, has recovered from scarlet fever. - * William Haley of Trucksville was operated on for a kidney ailment in Nesbitt Memorial Hospital Sunday night after having a blood transfusion, He is reported as being in a favorable condition. i * * Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Donald Slocum of Main Street, Sha- vertown, upon the birth of twin boys on Monday night at the home. Mrs. Slocum and the babies are doing fine, * ® John Jackson a student at Univer- sity of Philadelphia, is visiting his mother, Mrs, Marietta Jackson, dur- ing mid-year recess. Schedule Of Events At Shavertown M. E. Rev. Russell J. May, pastor of Shav- ertown M, E. Church, has announced the following program for Sunday: morning service, 11 a, m. sermon sub- ject, “The Old And New”; Boy Scouts, Cubs and Sea Scouts will attend; eve- ning service, 7:30, a “hymn sing.” Monday night, 8, teachers of the children’s division will entertain par- ents in the church parlors; Tuesday, 8 King’s Daughters will meet at the home of Mrs, Lacey Williams, Main Street; Thursday, 2 p. m. Ladies’ Aid Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Miller, Center Street; 4 p. m., Jun- ior League; 7:15, Junior choir; 7:30, mid-week prayer service; 8:30, Sen- ior choir; Friday night, entertainment by Edgar Young, magician. CLASS WILL MEET Mrs, Lacey Williams of Main Street, Shavertown, will entertain members of the King’s Daughters Sunday School Class of Shavertown M. E. Church at her home Tuesday evening, Feb. 14. The meeting has been changed from Monday due to a tea at the church. PIGEON SHOOT Local marksmen will be offered an opportunity to display their skill on! February 22 at Ezra Hoover's farm, between Trucksville and the Checker- board Inn on the Carverton Road. BIRTH ANNOUNCED Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Slo- cum of Main Street, Shavertown, a son, their third child, Tuesday morning at home. IT'S “NEO-DYNAMIC” LARE’S For Value . . SMOKED BACON ...... 4 1b. pkg. 14c¢ BOILING BEEF ....Ih 10¢ CHUCK ROAST .....1b. 18¢ SMOKED HAMS ...lb. 21¢ PORK SHOULDER ........ 1b. 13¢ MINCED HAM 1b. 123c IAD... 1b 8c KETCHUP 3 bots. 25¢ MILK can 6¢ LARE 188 MAIN STREET LUZERNE analyze your insurance re- quirements without charge be fa) TH, Directors Receive Financial Report Bogart Says $33,000 Is Due Yet On Uncollected Taxes Kingston Township school board met on Monday night and received a report from the treasurer showing $6,798.42 on hand in the general fund and $46,- 326.80 on hand in the PWA fund. Tax Collector Harry Bogart reported he has collected $56,977.13 on the last duplicate, $1,901.50 of that amount hav- ing been collected in January. An amount exceeding $33,000 has not been collected, 7 Bills totaling $942.78 were ordered paid. The directors discussed progress on the mew Trucksville grade school. In addition to Directors Appleton, Ben- nett, Henning, Earle and Prater, At- torney Arthur Turner, solicitor, Ralph M. Herr, architect. A, M. Hildebrand, contractor, and Royal Lyne, clerk of works, attended. Lincoln’s Face Text Of Shavertown Sermon “The Face of Lincoln” is the text of a special vespers sermon by Rev. Herbert E, Frankfort Sunday at 7:30 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Sha- vertown, At 11 Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Frankfort will speak on “Poise in a World of Panic”. Sunday School at 9:45, Confirmation class, Thursday af- ternoon at 4, Senior choir practice Friday at 8. Outlet F. M. Services Miss Grace Lindsley, district presi- dent of the Young People’s Missionary Society, will speak at 6:45 Sunday be- fore the Y. P. M. S. of Outlet Free Methodist Church, Sunday School at 10, class meeting at 11, Rev, Marjorie Sweppenheiser will speak on “Life Re- gained” at the evangelistic service at 7:45. BEEKEEPERS TO DINE The first annual dinner of the Lu- zerne County Beekeepers’ Association will be held on Thursday at 6:30 p. m. at Mt, Top Presbyterian Church, All beekeepers will be welcome, HORTICULTURISTS MEET The Horticultural Association of Luzerne County will meet Tuesday night at 8 in the offices of the Agri- cultural Extension Association in the | post office building, Wilkes-Barre, All| members are invited, Plattsburg Services “A Princely Character” will be the subject of Rev, Marjorie Sweppen- heiser at Plattsburg Free Methodist Church Sunday morning at 11. Sun- day School at 10, class meeting at 6:45 and preaching at 7:45. IT'S “NEO-DYNAMIC” MORE than 80% of insur: able property throughout the country 3 Droteded by Capital Stock Company Fire Insurance. Because stock fire insurance removes ALL the risk. Because stock fire insurance companies maintain not only legal reserves but also capi- al and surplus accumulated to meet abnormal losses as well as normal expected losses. Are YOU properly insured? Consult us for sure protec- tion. We shall be glad to or obligation. Wm. J. Niemeyer, AGENT 74 DAVENPORT STREET DALLAS, PA. PHONE 382 eer / 4 EE EE E — only for the last ten years. issue on. Them Were The Days~. 4 Although The Post is 50 years old this year, its files are complete This, has been possible to review the events of even a decade ago. ..“Them Were The Days” will be a regular feature of The Post from. this then, is the first year in which it John Sullivan is busy remodelling the rear part of his building on Main Street, | The Dallas Orchestra has changed its meeting place to Higgins’ College Inn. Mrs. Hannah Fitch DeWitt died on Tuesday at her home at Falls. John Perkins suffered several broken ribs when his automobile skidded on the icy pave on the Lake ‘Silkworth Road. The parties who became involved in the latest domestic mix-up in Shaver- town were held for court, Little Shirley -Jones fell and broke her collarbone, Reports have been flying so thick concerning the state starting the im- proved highway between Crosby Cor- ners and Ruggles Station this spring it makes a man dizzy trying to dodge them. The Bowman’s Creek school house at Noxen which has not been used for some time, is now claimed by the Kresges and it appears it was built on leased grounds with this understand- ing. Miss Lillian Riley, a former sales- lady at Lare’s Market, has accepted a position with the Commonwealth Tel- ephone Co. of Dallas. Bert Stroh presented a biography of Dr. G. K. Swartz at the monthly meet- ing of Rotary Club on Thursday. Earl Monk motored to Ithaca N. Y. last Monday where he visited the Tre- mayne-King Hardware Company's fac- tory. The school board has decided to postpone the official public opening of the new high school Intil Saturday April 20. Boy Scouts Mark Anniversary Week Special Affairs Locally Recall The Ideals Of Scouting An important change in the set-up of the Executive Council marked the early part of Boy Scout Week, Feb- ruary 8-15 in the Dallas District. The Council, hitherto a small elec- tive body, will be enlarged to admit a representative from each scout district, it was disclosed by John Hewitt, chief scout executive of Wyoming Valley, at a meeting of Dallas District scout of- ficials held in the Odd Fellows Hall last night, The new plan will bring the man- agement of the Boy Scouts and the formation of their policies closer to the boys and their leaders, according to Mr. Hewitt, A number of church services will be devoted to a discussion of the Boy Scouts Sunday. Rev. Francis E. Freeman pastor of Dallas M. E. Church, will preach a sermon on QUENCH STUBBORN BLAZE Henry M. Laing Firemen Extinguish Fire In Building In Rear: Of Tompkins Home "A stubborn blaze in small office ST. LUKE’S, NOXEN “Boasting” will be the subject of Rev, John Albright at the morning service at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Noxen, at 11 Sunday morning. Sun- day school will be at 10. At 7:30 Rev. Mr. Albright will preach on “The World’s First Reformer.” LAKETON LUTHERAN Rev. John Albright will preach on “Boasting” at the morning service at Laketon Lutheran Church Sunday. Sunday school will be at 10, LUTHERAN INSTITUTE Sunday School Institute will be sponsored by Lutheran churches of the upper section of Wilkes-Barre Con- ference on February 18 at St. Paul's Church, Wilkes-Barre. Sessions will be held at 2 and 7:15 p. m, ACCEPTS NEW JOB Philip Anderson of Huntsville Road, who hag been office manager for Dal- las-Shavertown Water Co., has accept- ed a position as an accountant in the Wilkes-Barre office of Continental Can Co. No one has been named yet to fill the vacancy in the water com- pany’s local office. DORRACO PAROLED Tony L. Dorraco, Wyoming, was sentenced to one to three years this week in the death of Tony DePietro, Wyoming, but wags later placed on pa- role. DePietro bled to death after be- ing stabbed in a card game last No- vember, building in the rear of the L. A. Tomp- kins home on Overbrook Avenue, Dal- las Township, gave volunteer firemen -- from Dr. Henry M. Laing Co. a stiff battle last Thursday. ! Efficient work on the part of the firemen held the loss to about $200, Chief Leslie Warhola estimated. The | blaze was started by a defective flue and flames swept up the partitions. scouting Sunday morning. A dough- nut and coffee social will be sponsored by the Fernbrook Troop, No. 284, Wed- nesday night at St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Shavertown, Edgar Adolph, Hugh Ridall and Wil- | liam Boyce are district commissioners, and Ted Hessler is field representa- tive. Troops comprising the Dallas District are Trucksville, Shavertown, Fernbrook, Dallas, Huntsville, Idetown, Kunkle, Alderson, Laketon and Noxen. VV VV VV VOVVVOV VV VVVYYeYY VY 1 ‘GREGG SHORT HAND BY MAIL! BEGINNERS Eight Lessons, $5 Forty-Eight Lessons, $25 ADVANCED Five Lessons, $5 Forty-Eight Lessons, $26.50 TERMS GRACE H. CALLANAN 13 Clarke Street Danvers, Massachusetts | siealnatassthainabaad aaah ltt a ihe vv IT'S “NEO-DYNAMIC” OFFERS GREAT M( ON THIS NEWSPAPER AND AMERICA’S FINEST MAGAZINES Here's the thrifty, economical way fo subscribe for this newspaper and your favorite magazines at prices that are really sensational. These offers are good either for new er renewal orders. 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