The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 30, 1938, Image 12

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    YCUR HANDS—and your en-
tire personality—are on parade
when you study your hand at
rummy or bridge. Card playing
is a test of you beauty routine,
for your friends have a chance
te study you while you are in-
tent on you: playing. which they
are only too quick to take ad-
vantage of. Hands are especially
conspicuous when you play or
deal, and your partner has
plenty of opportunity to take a
good long look at those tell-tale
Having your make-up and
your manicure examined at
elose range is good for you. It
gets you into the habit of tak-
ing pains—a habit that young
girls especially should acquire.
Good grooming will stand you
in good stead the rest of your
life. Start it now, and it will be-
come second nature before you
are twenty-five.
Don’t ever sit down at a
bridge table if your fingernails
aren’t in. A-1 condition. Remem-
ber the old saying, “You can tell
a lady by her fingernails.”
Rough cuticles, chipped polish,
or polish that is out of harmony
with your frock, mark you as
careless and untidy, no matter
how pretty you are or how
spruce and neat you may be
about your clothes, face and
Of course, hand care starts
fong before the bridge party is
announced. A touch of brittle
nail eream every night will help
to prevent the cuticle from grow-
ing ragged or dry Use warm
olive oil or a rich lubricating
hand cream at night.
You can take your choice of
polish shades, but, unless you
have time to change your polish
with each costume, you had bet-
Pattern 4970. AT-HOME FROCKS that will make you look
your prettiest when doing the household chores. Trimmed in rie-rac
braid. Designed for sizes 14 to 20 and 32 to 42 Size 16 requires 3%
yards 36-inch fabric. Price 15 cents.
Pattern 705. SLIMMING FROCK that will give you a trim ap-
pearance at all times. Both versions are very flattering. Designed
for sizes 84 to 48. Size 36 requires 3% yards 36-inch fabric. Price
15 cents.
Pattern 9847. SWEET NEW JUMPER FROCK for the little
girl. It is made with the greatest of ease. Designed for size 4 to 12.
Size 6 jumper requires 13% yards 36-inch fabric; blouse, 7% yards.
Price 15 cents.
uses just two materials. Pattern contains block chart; carefully
drawn pattern pieces, directions for cutting, sewing and finishing;
yardag( ‘chart, and diagram of quilt. Price 10 cents.
SEND FOR OUR Pattern Book of Winter Styles and see what’s new
to stitch up for every occasion. A complete guide to the latest
tailored and dress-up frocks, sports togs and at-home dresses. Sug-
gestions to delight the most critical school Miss and co-ed. Ex-
quisite lingerie, slimming modes to charm the matron, and tips on
accessories and fabrics, too. Every page and illustration brings im-
portant hints on how to sew easily, thriftily and smartly. The price
of this book is 15 cents; book and a pattern together, 25 cents.
ADDRESS orders to TOWN, Pattern Department, P. O. Box 721,
Rochester, N. Y. Be sure to include pattern size and number.
ter choose a rairly neutral
shade that goes with a wide
range of costume colors. Polish
in a clover shade will keep the
fingernails in key with blue and
purplish clothes; rust or thistle
is lovely with almost all brown
shades. But do not make the er-
ror of wearing a clover shade of
polish with = rusty-brown cos-
tume colors, or a rust polish
shade with a wine or purple
Apply your make-up with
care, too, for the benefit of those
who view you across the ecard
table. Use one of the make-up
bases—either cream or liquid—
that will give your skin a clear
uniform color and texture.
Blend in your rouge so there
are no edges. If you like a pow-
der lotion as a make-up base
and like to use a cream rouge,
try mixing the rouge with a lit-
tle softening cream in the palm
of your hand before blending it
into your cheeks. The color will
go on more smoothly and lightly.
Powder the entire face for a
smooth, finished effect under
bright lights. Whisk off the ex-
cess with a compiexior brush
and inspect your face critically
to make certain that there are
no powder edges or smudges to
show where you “left off.”
Remember that your rouge is
important, so, even if you
ordinarily use very little color
try just a bit more 0’ a soft rosy
shade for your card parties.
Place it rather high, ther blend
the color in just beneath your
lower lashes, down toward the
center of the cheeks and back
toward your hairline. Rouge ap-
plied in this way is especially
youthful and becoming.
Now resolve to be a good
sport, and you will be as charm-
ing over the card table as you
are when you dance or take part
ir outdoor sports.
Soft, fine wool plush in gray-green tone is collared with
luxurious gray fox on this new Paris coat. The hat is
green felt with -a black veil:
WHEN YOU'RE doing the
Lambeth Walk, you'll want a
skirt that will add grace to your
movements which is one reason
for the continued vogue of chif-
fon and for the full-skirted dress
Remember the days when
dance Iresses were up to the
knees and zveryone said that as
long as dancing continued to be
the most popular indoor sport
skirts would be short? Such was
the post-wer notion. Skirts
lengthened, whether one danced
or not, and now the skating fad,
also an indoor sport in many
Q. How sandwiches
A. Ordinary sandwiches are
eaten in the fingers. These may
be cut in half. or quartered,
if further daintiness is desired.
Generally this is attended to
for one before one is served.
A knife and fork should be
used for club sandwiches and
for any huge or generously
filled or moist-filled sandwiches
which would be better managed
Q. I have both goblets and
tumblers among my glassware.
Whick are more suitable for a
dinner table?
A. Either is correct for a
dinner table. As the more dec-
orative of the two, goblets may
be considered more suitable.
places, is being held r:sponsible
for their upward trend. Very
short and very wid: is the skat-
ing skirt, and very long and
very wide is the dancing skirt
If a new evening dress is
among your requests for this
season’s clothes, remember that
it may be either very stiff, such
as’ moire or slipper satin, or
even an upholstery fabrie, such
as a Louis XVI brocade, or of
The gamut of evening fash-
ions made of filmy fabries is
increased by a showing of very
full chiffon inset with fine
matching lace, usually in black
or midnight blue called “eérbeau
blue.” A teeling for the com-
bination of chiffon and lace has
been growing along with the
favor for very feminine styles.
Ink-blue satir for a dinner
gown and the use of tulle over
lame, suck as white tulle over
gold, for evening wear are not-
able fabric choices in the col-
lection shown by Vionnet in
One notices that the mono-
tone evening dress is getting te
be more and more of a rarity.
The huge success of two-colored
daytime costumes is being re-
flected in the choice of evening
clothes. The rich combination
of velvet and silk is again very
much the rage either in two
tones of one color or in contrast.
The strapless evening gown,
& very popular fashion. rather
naturally brings in its wake
some sort of shoulder covering,
a cape or jacket not in self but
in contrasting material.
Velvet jackets embroidered
with beads of metal threads are
very attractive additions to not
one, but several, costumes and
are therefore a good investment.
Little capelets of ostrich are
attractive on the type of women
who can -wear fluffy feminine
clothes well.
Is Your Hair Dry and Lifeless?
Astonishing new Greaseless Cream
brings results in two days. Recon-
ditions dry, dull, lifeless hair, and
Sirsolves. daudsufl. Imparts a soft
lustre and gloss par-
ticularly to frizzy SEND 0c
permanenced EOR SAMPLE
spread small amount on palms, then
massage and brush hair. You'll be
delighted! 2 Day Hair Diet Sample
shipped postpaid for 10¢ or mail $1
for Full Size Jar sent postpaid, on
Money Back Guarantee.
230-5th Av., Dept. B., N.Y.
Build up a steady trade, in territory not covered
showing high grade laboratory-tested fabrics,
many of them exclusive. All represent latest
fashlon ideas. Unusually low prices on linens,
rayons. cottons, woolens, silks. Exclusive line
of women’s and children’s first quality ready-to=
wear garments, We loan you attractive samples
that are irresistible, and furnish selling helps.
This delightful occupation as-
sures you a dependable, year. VW RITE)
round income and creates new FOR
friendships. Write today for
details, DETAILS
Dept. 1196, Binghamton, N. Y}