The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 23, 1938, Image 5

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of Sierra.
ton Township
Widow Of Jurist
Called By Death
Artist And Author, She
Is Survived By
Local Man
Widow of the late Hon. D. IL, Rhone,
first judge of the Luzerne County Or-
phansg’ Court, Mrs. Rosamond Dodson
Rome, a sister of D. W. Dodson, Fern-
brook, died suddenly at her home in
Huntington Park, Cal. She was buried
in California,
Mrs. Rhone was born in Downieville,
Cal., in 1854, the only daughter of Os-
borne and Lucy Wadsworth Dodson.
Her father had gone California in
He c;
Ty Miss Wads-
worth and returned to California by
way of the Isthmus of Panama, which
they crossed on ox-carts.
Mrs. Rhone spent her youth here.
She attended school at Town Hill and
Saree BO ie
‘Leather Co,
graduated from Wyoming Seminary in
1878. She married Judge Rhone In
She was an artist and an author.
She published two books, “Among the
Dunes” and “The Days of the Son of
Man.” She also contributed many ar-
ticles to the New York Times. The
National Geographic Magazine pub-
lished an illustrated article she wrote
while visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hel-
en Clapp, an employe of the English
government, on the Island of Narn, a
British possession below the equator
in the Pacific Ocean. She described
the island, which is of a phosphate
Mrs. Rhone also spent some time in
Australia. Her late years were spent
in California, with her daughter, Mrs.
Clapp, who, with her three sons, and
the two children of Mrs. Wilcox, de-
ceased, of Wilmington, Del.,, and her
brother, D. W. Dodson, survive her.
Last Rites Observed
For Elmer E. Kocher
The funeral of Elmer E. Kocher,
who died on Thursday, December 15,
was held at his late home in Noxen
on Sunday afternoon. Interment was
in the family plot in the Kocher cem-
etery at Ruggles.
The service was conducted by Rev.
Harry Rundell of Noxen Gospel Tab-
ernacle, Two selections, favorite hymns
of Mr. Kocher, “What a Friend We
Have In Jesus” and “Rock of Ages”
were sung by the Lancaster brothers,
Robert and Arden.
Mr. Kocher was born in Lake Town-
ship, August 16, 1861, and lived in
© that community the greater part of 30
years. In 1891 he moved with his
family to Noxen and was employed by
the J. K. Mosser Co, until 1913 when
the tannery was sold to Armour
He was employed by
them to within three weeks of his
The respect and esteem in
which he was held was evidenced by
the beautiful floral tributes.
The survivors: Sons and daughters,
Albert of Pomona, Cal.; Floyd and
Wallace, ‘Williamsport; Raymond,
Cloverdale, B. C.; Ralph Duboistown;
Mrs. Carl Auvil, Noxen; Robert, Tam-
pa, Fla.; Gilbert, St. Petersburg, Fla.;
George, Johnson City, N. Y.; Edwin,
Long Island, N. Y.; brothers, Ephraim,
Edmon; Michael, Laketon; Edward,
Lehman; sisters, Ruth Noxen; Mrs.
William Hausch, Laketon; 26 grand-
children and four great-grandchildren
also survive,
Mother of Mrs. Case
Dies At Wilkes-Barre
The funeral of Mrs, Richard
Evans of 326 Madison Street, Wilkes-
Barre, who died at her home on Tues-
day, was held Friday afternoon, with
interment in Fern Knoll Cemetery.
Services at the home and at the cem-
etery were in charge of Rev. Arthur
Salin of Wilkes-Barre and Rev. Thom-
as G. Swales of Athens.
Mrs, Evans was a member of Derr
~ Memorial Church, Irem Temple Aux-
iliary, Dieu Le Veut Commandery
Auxiliary and Chapter 90, Order of the
Eastern Star. Services were held at
the home Thursday evening by ot-
ficers of the Eastern Star.
Mrs. Evans is survived by her hus-
band, two sons, William S. Evans and
‘Stewart Evans, both of Wilkes-Barre,
a daughter, Mrs. Russell Case, Fern-
brook, and two grandchildren, Jane
and Richard Case.
Many Mourn Death
Of Mrs. Mary Dana
A descendant of one of Northeast-
ern Pennsylvania’s pioneer families,
Mrs. Mary Dana, 66, Tunkhannock,
passed away December 15 at her home,
Funeral services were held in Eaton-
ville M. E. Church on December 18,
with Rev. George Graves, Rev. E. W.
Osmun and Rev. James Burleigh of-
ficiating. Interment was in Eatonville.
Pallbearers were Herbert Dana, Bur-
ton Dana, Arthur Dana, John Dana,
‘Charles Dana and Richard Dana.
Mrs. Dana, a lovable, Christlan wo-
man, was born in Eatonville on De-
cember 4, 1872, Her home in Tunkhan-
nock was widely known for its val-
uable antiques.
Jackson Township School Board has
reorganized and elected C. R. Prutz-
‘man, president, and George Bulford,
Trucksville Women
Have Christmas Party
The Trucksville Ladies’ Aid Society
had its annual Christmas party at the
home of Mrs, J. B. Schooley on Fri-
day night. Games were played and
Christmas carols were sung.
Mrs. Herbert Williams gave read-
ings. Miss Natalie Stock received a
home-made fruit cake as a prize.
Santa Claus, in the person of Mrs. S.
D. Finney, distributed gifts to the
Mrs, Earl Gregory, Mrs, William
Thomas, Mrs. H. N, Savacool, Mrs.
Norman Ringstrom, Mrs. Wilson
Cease, Mrs. William Lohman, Mrs.
| Howard Ide, Mrs. J. L. Wagner, Mrs.
Francis McCarthy, Mrs. Gordon Math-
ers, Mrs. Frank Mathers, Mrs. S. D.
Finney, Mrs. Ray Finney, Mrs. Charles
Norris, Mrs. Elmer Coolbaugh, Mrs.
Sheldon Jones, Mrs. M. M. Lloyd, Mrs.
C. W. Palmer, Mrs. William Rhodes,
Mrs. Raymond Butler, Mrs. A. C. Kel-
ly, Mrs. Neual Kester, Mrs. Clifford
Johnson, Mrs. William Strausser, Mrs.
Stanley Case, Mrs. Fred Turner, Mrs.
William Morgan, Mrs. Lory Johnson,
Mrs, E. P. Keller, Mrs. A. C. Dymond,
Mrs. A. C. Woolbert, Mrs. David Wil-
liams, Mrs. Karl Stock, Mrs. B. C.
Post, Mrs. S. R. Henning, Mrs. Harold
York, Mrs. Charles Fisher, Mrs. Ralph
Hazeltine, Mrs. William Gregory, Mrs.
J. B. Schooley, Miss Verna Smith,
Ethel Vivian, Natalie Stock, Louise
Hazeltine, Marion Schooley, Ruth
The Sharp and Flat Music Club met
at the home of Vera Whitesell on Sat-
urday afternoon. Business was trans-
acted and presents were exchanged
and refreshments served, “The Life of
Beethoven” was given and a few se-
lections were played.
Present were: Arlene Wentzel, Ju-
dith Simms, Janice Ruggles, Ruth
Rogers, Doris Rossman, Janet Lamer-
oux, Betty Jones, Betty Ide, Elizabeth
Kramer, Mildred ‘Wentzel Vera Rog-
ers, Ruth Elston, Shirley Howell,
Francis and Edwin Stolarick.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stolarick and
son, Edwin, called on Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Crispell Sunday evening.
George Shupp is a patient at Nesbitt
Memorial Hospital,
Mrs. Emma Ruggles called on Mrs.
William Valentine on Sunday evening.
Billy Sutton is slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crispell and son,
Archie, called on Mr. and Mrs. Steph-
en Ide on Friday night.
Jessie Hoover is spending his Christ-
mas vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Hoover.
Estate of Adolf Dattner, deceased,
» late of Luzerne Borough, Pa, Notice is
hereby given that all claims against
and all debts owing to the late Adolf
Dattner are to be made and paid at
the office of
Henry Greenwald,
1200 Miners Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Executor and Attorney,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Estate of Charles S. Norris, late of
Jackson Township, Pa. Notice is here-
by given that all claims against and
all debts owing to the late Charles S.
Norris are to be made and paid to
Mrs. Eunice Norris, Administratrix,
Jackson Township, Pa., or to her at-
Henry Greenwald,
1200 Miners Nat'l Bank Bldg., |
‘Wilkes-Barre, Pa,
- Notice is hereby given that Letters
Testamentary have been granted to
the undersigned in the Estate of Mar-
tha H. Corss, late of the Borough of
Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsyl-
vania, deceased. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make
payment and those having claims or
demands to present the same without
delay to .
Miners Nat'l Bank of Wilkes-Barre,
Executor, Est. of Martha H. Corss,
Deceased, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
“The Annual Meeting of the Stock-
holders of the Industrial Loan Corpor-
ation of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. for the
purpose of electing directors for the
ensuing year and the transaction of
such other business as may properly |
come before said meeting, will be held |
at the office of the corporation, 25)
West Morket Street, Wilkes-Barre,
Pa., on Thursday evening, Jenuary
12th, 1939 at 7:30 P. M.”
The annual meeting of the stock-
holders of The First National Bank of
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., for the purpose of
electing Directors for the ensuing year
and for the transaction of such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting, will be held at the Bank,
Tuesday morning, January 10th, 1939,
between -the hours of ten and eleven
M. G. Shennan, Cashier.
Notice is hereby given, that in the
Estate of Anne or Anna D, Williams
in the Orphans’ Court of Luzerne
County, No. 1074 of 1938, John D, Wil-
liams, surviving spouse has petitioned
said Court, claiming property of the
decedent to the value of $5,000, al-
lowed by ‘Section 2 of the Intestate
Act of 1917; and that the premises
situate in the Borough of Dallas, Pa.,
: having a frontage of 106.8 feet on the
(Continued From Page Three)
on “The Quest of the Wise Men.” On |
Monday night a pageant, “The First]
Christmas,” will be given by the young
people as part of the Christmas pro-
gram which will begin at 7:45.
Christmas exercises of the church
school of Noxen M., E. Church are to
begin at 9:30 Sunday morning. Reci-
tations, carols and playlets will make
up the program, and church services
will begin at 11:15. Sermon by Rev.
Guy Leinthall, pastor,
The Sunday School Christmas pro-
gram will be held at 10 a. m. Sunday
at Plattsburg Free Methodist Church,
where Rev. Marjorie Schweppenheiser
is pastor. At 11 a. m., the pastor will
preach on “The Unspeakable Gift.”
There will be special music by a trio
which will have as members Mr, and
Mrs. Nelson Traver and Clarence
Shupp. The Christmas treat will be
distributed in the Sunday School after
the service.
The Sunday School departments of
Ruggles M. E. Church had their an-
nual Christmas exercises Tuesday
evening. A large group attended the
entertainment. The Christmas service
will be held at the church Christmas
morning at 8:45.
Christmas Eve will be celebrated by
the Sunday ‘School of Kunkle M. E.
Church by a program beginning at 8
o'clock in the evening. The entire Sun-
day School membership will partici-
pate in the entertainment, which is
looked forward to annually by the
congregation of the church. The
Christmas Day services will begin at
7:30 Sunday evening, in charge of Rev.
Guy Leinthall, pastor.
“My Own Christmas In France”, an
interesting account of his own experi-
ences of Christmas, will be the topic
of Rev, C. H. Frick’s Christmas ser-
mon at Huntsville Christian Church.
The Christmas Day service will begin
at 9:30 a. m.
The annual Christmas exercises of
the Sunday School classes were held
DECEMBER 23, 1938
Wednesday night at the church. The
enjoyable program was directed by
Mildred Major and Mrs. Ralph R.
Frantz of Huntsville.
An old Christmas custom will be
continued by the congregation of the
Sweet Valley Church of Christ Sunday
morning when Christmas gifts will be
distributed from under a big Christ-
mas tree at the church. The Sunday
School will meet at 10 o'clock and
church services will begin at 11 a. m,,
with a sermon by Rev. E. J. Water-
stripe, pastor,
The Sunday School will hold its an-
nual Christmas party tonight at the
church, beginning at 8:30. The pro-
gram, on which the department of the
Sunday School have worked for a
number of weeks, will be different
than it has ever been before. The en-
tertainment is under the supervision
of Mrs. Stanley Hontz, Mrs. Freda
Hartman and Mrs. Dan Davenport.
A Christmas program and a pageant,
“The Christmas Star”, will be pre-
sented by the Sunday School of Har-
vey’s Lake Lutheran Church Christ-
mas night beginning at 7:45 p. m, Rev.
John R, Albright will speak on “God’s
Gift of Love” at the morning services
at 9, and Sunday School will meet at
The Sunday School
program in-
A hymn, “Happy Christmas Comes
Once More”, by the children; “Merry
Christmas Again Is Here” Bill Lerch;
“Christmas”, John Smith; “The Best
Story”, Barbara Biery; “As With
Gladness Men of Old”, a. hymn by the
children: ‘Star of the East”, Charles
The pageant, “The Christmas Star”,
will be read by Elizabeth Jackson and
enacted by the following: Joy, Robert
Kerr; Hope, Betty Smith; Faith, Ed-
ward Mayer; Praise, Catherine John-
son; Love, Samuel Smith. It also in-
cludes two hymns, “While Shepheras
Watched” and “Joy to the World”,
and a recitation, “The Story Sweet”,
by Theodore Davis.
The Sunday School will sing the
the first stanza of Luther's Cradle
Hymn and the intermediates will sing
“Christmas Star”. The program will
close with remarks by the pastor.
Public Road leading from Fernbrook
to Dallas and extending In the rear, a
distance of 80 feet along the road lead-
ing to Shaver Trolley Station, being
the same land described in deed of G.
D. Still, recorded in Deed Book 668,
page 38; and also lot No. 134 on Plot
of Westmoreland Place in the Bor-
ough of Kingston, Pa., having a fron-
tage on Market Street of 43 feet and
a depth of 100 feet have been apprais-
ed and unless exceptions to the ap-
praiser’s report, are filed the same
will be confirmed on, January 9, 1939.
Attorney for John D. Williams
By virtue of writ of Fi. Fa. No. 31,
January Term, 1939, Luzerne County
Court of Common Pleas, I will expose
to public sale to the highest bidder for
cash in Court Room, No. 1, Court
House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., on Friday,
| January 13, 1939, at 10:00 A. M., the
following described real estate:
All those lots of land situate in Lake
Township, Luzerne County, Pa. being
lots numbered 51, 52, 59 and 60 as
marked on the Barnum Plot of lots at
Harvey's Lake, recorded in Luzerne
County Recorder of Deeds office in
Map Book 1, at page 18-19, with the
exception of a lot on the northerly
side of Pine Avenue being 50 feet in
front on Pine Avenue and 100 feet in
depth, and being a part of lots num-)
bered 51 and 52 conveyed to James J.
Brown by deed recorded in Deed Book
647, at page 268. Subject to an ease-
ment in James J. Brown to use water
from the well on a part of lot No. 51,
and subject to all conditions, cove-
nants, restrictions, exceptions and res-
ervations contained in prior deeds in
line of title.
Improved with one, one and a half
story, frame dwelling and with two,
one story, frame cottages, all on the
northerly side of Pine Avenue.
Seized and taken into execution at
suit of Harvey Kitchen vs. George T.
Puterbaugh, and Chester A, Puter-
baugh, Administrator of the Estate ot
George T. Puterbaugh, deceased, with
notice to Joseph Puterbaugh, Walter
Puterbaugh, Chester Puterbaugh, Ma-
bel Murphy, Geraldine Hughes, Edna
Maye, Matilda Myers, and Amelia
Lewis, and will be sold by
Frank Townend, Attorney.
By virtue of writ of alias fieri facias,
No. 34, January Term, 1939 Luzerne
County Court of Common Pleas, I
will expose for public sale for cash at
Court Room No. 1, Court House,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., on the 13th day of
January, 1939, at 10:00 A. M, to be
sold to the highest bidder, the follow-
ing described real estate: Surface of
lot in the Borough of Kingston, Lu-
zerne County, Pennsylvania, situated
on th westerly side of Pulaski Street
388.6 feet distant from intersection of
the southerly side of Zerby Avenue with
being 30 feet in front by approximate-
ly 120 feet in depth, being the same
premises described in Luzerne Coun-
ty Deed Book 615, page 201, being im-
proved with a two story, frame dwell-
ing known as No. 2 Pulaski Street,
Kingston, Penna. Subject to all the
restrictions and reservations in line of
title. Sold as the property of Stephan-
ia Zawacky.
Charles H. Miner, Jr., Attorney.
AT 10 A, M.
By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. No, 38,
January Term, 1939, issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne
County, to me directed, there will be
exposed to public sale by vendue to
the highest and best bidders, for cash,
in Court Room No. 1, Court House, in
the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the
13th day of January, 1939, at ten
o’clock in the forenoon of the said day,
all the right, title and interest of the
defendants in and to the following de-
scribed lot, piece or parcel of land,
All the surface of all that certain
piece of land in the Tenth Ward of
the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne
larly bounded and described as fol-
lows, to-wit:
BEGINNING at a corner of land
now or late of Susan Meyers on River
Street below Ross Street; thence by
said land North thirty and one-half
degrees West, one hundred twenty
(120) feet, to a corner; thence by land
now or late of Edward R. Mayer, North
fifty-nine and one-half degrees East,
twenty-five (25) feet, to a corner of
land now or late of Rueben J. Flick;
thence along line of said Flick’s land,
South thirty and one-half degrees
East, one hundred and twenty (120)
feet, to a corner on said River Street;
thence along said River Street, South
fifty-nine and one-half degrees West,
twenty-five (25) feet, to the place of
beginning; containing three thousand
(3,000) square feet of land, more or
Excepting and reserving the coal
and other minerals as excepted in line
of title.
Being the same premises conveyed
by Jabez W. L’Hommedieu and Flora
A. I’Hommedieu his wife, to Max
Dattner and Max Freedman by deed
dated March 19, 19283, recorded in Lu-
zerne County Deed Book No. 580, page
183. ;
Improved with a three family frame
apartment house known as No. 851
South River Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Flora W. L'’Hommediew
and H. Marion L’Hommedieu, Exec-
utrices of Flora A. I’Hommedieu, de-
ceased, vs. Max Dattner and Max
Freedman, and will be sold by
the westerly side of Pulaski Street,George Loveland, Attorney,
Shop Where Quality Counts for
Fancy Young
Fresh Killed
Fresh Killed Stewing
Chickens 2° =
Bee 1
Fresh Opened Oysters doz
Sage, Thyme, Marjoram Pkg 5¢
Poultry Seasoning Pks7c e
ASCO Sliced Bacon de 15¢
Fresh (3% Ibs. Rib Half)
(Whole Loins, Ib. 19¢
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables :
Cranberries ~ 19¢
Large Florida Fancy Emperor
Oranges? c= 35¢ | Grapes = 10¢
Tangerines ror oo. 126
Calif. Seedless
® o
11-0z 5c
ASCH Old-Fashioned
Peaches 2%: 27¢
Nature ripe—Quality freestones.
Delicious Fruits L
Fruit Salad, Fruit Cocktail,
cans 2QC
Bartlett Pears, Apricots,
Dole Crushed or Pineapple Tidbits. :
Dole Pineapple Juice 2 %::23c
4&SC0 Baking Powder ® can 15¢
Davis Baking Powder 12-o0z can 15¢
i Gold Medal
Pudding Softasilk Cake Flour 2%-1b pkg 23¢
= 25¢ &SC0 Pumpkin No. 2% can 10¢
Best Quality Mince Meat " 19¢
Glace Peels Ib 33¢ |New Currants 12-oz pkg 10c¢
Glace Cherries ® 45¢ | Layer Figs 8-0z pkg 10c
Glace Pineapple: ™ 39¢ | Pitted Dates 8-0z pkg 12¢
Fancy Cherries 3-oz bot 8¢
Raisins 3 15-0z pkgs 25¢
4SCO Cinnamon 4-0z can-10c¢
ASCO Pepper 4-oz can 10c
Pennsylvania, more particu- !
ASCO Bread Crumbs 2 12-oz pkes 15¢
Del Monte
Asparagus Tips No. 1 can 27¢
Tomato Juice Cocktail 26-oz jar 15¢
Sunrise Tomato Juice 3 24-oz cans 25¢
Pride of Killarney Tea *%-1> rkg 19¢
» can [Qc
3m. 5lc
ASCO Peas =: 2 %:22Qc
ASCO Stuffed Olives *%;% 17c :"%:2* 27¢
Eng. Walnut Meats I» 49¢ | Diamond Walnuts 25¢
Black Walnut Meats ™ 39¢ | Fancy Filberts m 21¢
m 23¢c
Ib 25¢
Large Brite Brazils ™ 19¢
Mixed Nuts hb 21¢
Fancy Pecans
Calif. Almonds
Season’s Greetings
Chocolates 5 v= 98¢
Cand Lucille Chocolates Ib box 49¢
andy Famous Mixtures 19¢
-1b Princess Chocolates Ib box 29¢
3 “ean 79¢ Chocolate Drops 1 10c
Good Cheer Chocolates 5%: $1.49
The Life of the Feast
«heat-flo” Roasted Coffee
ASCO Coffee
» | 8°
A superb blend of the
World’s Finest Coffees.
Win-Crest ® |5¢
Mild and fragrant.
Mother's Joy Cotfee™20c
Winey and different.
Assortments Quality Foods 99¢, $1.49, $1.99
SPSS SII I'hese Prices Eifective In Our Stores
in Dallas And Vicinity
Our Own
A Variety of
Holiday Cakes.
o_o 0 _o
PA Ed hh]