The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 23, 1938, Image 16

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ARE YOU using your skin tonie
regularly ? You probably used a
lot of this cooling, refreshing
liquid during the hot weather,
put you may not know that
tonics are even more essential
during the winter months.
You are using a lot more
creams and oils on your skin to
protect it against cold outdoor
weather and the steam-heated
atmosphere of your home or of-
fice. This is all very well, but
remember that the skin can ab-
sorb but a limited amcunt of
the fats and oils you apply. Any
surplus that remains on the
skin seeps into the pores, caus-
ing them to become clogged and
Here, skin tonics and their
close relatives, astringents, are
needed. These are basic beauty
preparations and every cosmetic
line includes them, as they have
a definite job to do.
The chief purpose of a skin
tonic is to leave your skin bet-
ter cleansed and more alive
after your cream or soap and
water cleansing. Some tonics
Pattern 710. SMART TWO-PIECE PAJAMAS. This style may
be worn as a tuck-in or boxy jacket. Designed for sizes 12 to 20 and
30 to 40. Size 16 requires 4% yards 36-inch fabric. Price 15 cents.
Pattern 9888. GAY FROCK WITH BOLERO that’s attractive
with buttons or braid. Designed for sizes 14 to 20 and 32 to 42. Size
16 dress requires 3% yards 89-inch fabric; bolero, 112
15 cents.
yards. Price
Pattern 6224. CAP, SCARF AND MUFF-PURSE for snowy
months. Done in easy plain and picot stitches. Pattern contains in-
structions for making the set shown; illustrations of it and of
stitches used; list of material requirements. Price 10 cents.
CASIONS. The medallions, quickly made, are lovely for many uses.
Pattern contains instructions for making the medallions; an illus-
tration of them and of stitches used; list of material requirements.
Price 10 cents.
SEND FOR our Pattern Book of Winter Styles and see what’s new
in fashions to stitch up for every occasion. A complete guide to the
latest tailored and dress-up frocks, sports togs, and at-home frocks.
Suggestions to delight the most eritical Miss and co-ed. Exquisite
lingerie, slimming modes to please the matron. And tips on acces-
sories and fabrics, too. Price of this book is 15 cents; book and a pat-
tern together, 25 cents.
ADDRESS orders to TOWN, Pattern Department, P. O. Box 721,
Rochester, N. Y. Be sure to include pattern size and number.
also have mild bleaching or
slightly astringent properties as
In beauty
salon: the first
step of a facial treatment is to
cleanse the face with lots of
cream. This 1s removed and
then squares of cotton, first
wrung out of ice water and
doused with skin tonic, are ap-
plied to the face to remove the
last trace of soiled cream from
the pores. After this, nourish-
ng or corrective creams are ap-
plied, and the operator proceeds
with her massage or other treat-
As a final step before apply-
ing foundation and make-up,
tonic is :again used. Or, oc-
casionally, a gauze mask mois-
tened with ice cold skin tonic is
pressed over the skin to tone
and freshen it while you rest
with packs over your eyes for
10 or 15 minutes.
Use your tonic ia the same
way as a part of your home
beauty treatments. Aside from
its freshening and “pleasantly
cooling action, however, you
mustn’t expect miracles from a
skin tonic. These preperations
are usually very mild, having a
slight alcoholic content, some
perfume, flower water perhaps
or distilled water.
For the skin that is lined
from sagging tissues or the skin
that is over-oily or blemished,
a stronger preparation is need-
ed. The lined skin, for instance,
may need a “mild” astringent,
which is more stimulating than
a skin tonic but not sc drying
as a regular astringent.
The oily or blemished skin
needs a fairly strong astringent.
Naturally, no tonic or astrin-
gent, however good, can give
you a good eccmplexion unless
you do your bit, too. The
thoroughness of the preliminary
cleansing is an important fac-
tor in the improvement, but see
that you do these things too:
cut, down on the amount of
spicy foods, wich pastries,
sweets and starches in your
diet. Drink at least six glasses
of water between meals.
The in-between age child—not big, not little—is really a
baby at heart. She loves a party dwess that is gay and
colorful, preferably an amusing print, with a story in
the pattern. This gala frock of fine sanforized-shrunk
shantung broadcloth would be grand for wearing to a
party. The belt is velvet, the cclor of the green leaves.
The dainty lingerie collar is hand-drawn and lace edged.
SO MUCH has been written
about the various silhouettes
and details of the season’s cos-
tumes that it now seems about
time to turn one’s attention to
accessories, particularly to
jewelry which, we’ve been din-
ning in your ears, is of the
greatest import nce this year.
Period types are everywhere,
genuine heirloom pieces and ex-
aggerations of them.
A type of jewelry considered
extremely smart is the big
modern-looking jeweled pins,
flower ideas and baroque de-
signs, set in polished gold.
Three- and four-inch flower
sprays are important in this
group, the blossoms very mat-
ural-looking in wcolored stones
combined with delicately colored
enamel. Considered appropriate
for wear with almost any kind
of costume, they are felt to be
particularly nice when pinned
on furs. Apart from the flower
idea, there is a variety of
other modern pins, some in two
shades of the polished gold and
many with a very large stone
surrounded by smaller jewels,
Another approved idea is all-
over jeweled pieees in amber
stones achieving particularly
lovely color effects. Two strand
Chanel-type necklaces with big
square stones are ore treatment.
Period pieces are also featur-
ed with amethyst, topaz and
other of the softer colored
stones preferred to the bright
jewels. Multicolor jewelry, how-
ever, continues important, and
gold is widely used.
Most authorities think well
of the pearl necklace, and espe-
cially of massive chokers of
twisted strands fitting close to
the throat, Other smart pearl
necklaces are combined with
rhinestones cr colored jewels.
Hair ornaments are, of course,
“best sel'ers,” ‘especially the
dark shell combs either with
gold tops or rhinestone clips.
Earrings are liked and are
worn in very large, jeweled
pieces fitting close to the ear.
A pin or clip is worn in the
hat. A single important jeweled
pir or a pair of clips is effective
attached to the back strap of
one of the tiny forward-tilting
new hats,
Q. How should fish bones be
removed from the mouth?
A. Between compressed lips,
using thumb and firefinger.
Q. How should one mark a
letter that is to be forwarded?
A. Simply write “Please for-
ward” in the lower left-hand
corner of the envelope.
Q. What is “fromage”? Also
what is the meaning of the
word “souffle”?
A. “Fromage” .s French for
cheese. “Fromage a lgdsric”
is cream cheese. “Souffle” de-
scribes a dish mixed with beaten
egg and baked.
Q. How is one supposed to eat
potatoes boiled in their skins
and served on individual plates?
A. Peel the potato on the
dish in which it is served. Leave
the skins on that dish and con-
vey the peeled votato to the
plate on which the main course
is served.
Q. May one use candles on a
dinner table without a center=
piece ?
A. Always, with candles, there
must be a centerpiece. It should
be sufficiently low so as not to
obstruct the view of guests
sitting on opposite sides of the