PAGE TWELVE WPA Seamstresses Double For Santa Get $47,000 Appropriation As Their Christmas Gift Generous clothing orders from the Dallas Borough WPA sewing project this week will make it a happy Christ- mas for about 80 local families. The packets of garments, issued Saturday, contain everything from dresses and slips to shirts and trous- ers, and will provide a new outfit for everyone in the family from baby to father. A new $47,000 appropriation for la- bor and materialg, in effect Monday, will extend the work for another year. The project is sponsored by Dallas Borough Council and the workers are supervised by Mrs. Bertha 'W, Thomas, experienced seamstress, who is said to be one of the best sewing project heads in the county. Since its formation nearly three three years ago, the sewing project has | furnished aid to about 300 needy fam- | ilies throughout this district, and the | brand of work ranks with the best in | the state. The rating of the local pro- ject is A-1 in both Harrisburg and Washington, according to Arthur Rainey, former secretary of the Dallas Poor Board. : The WPA. project has regularly em- ployed between 20 and 30 persons from this district and the monthly payroll has averaged above $1,600. The State and Federal governments provide the salaries and the material, while Coun- cil provides all other expenses. Aver- age monthly expense te Council has been less than $59. The mew appropriation swells the total financing of the project to $90,- 000. When the first allocation of $42,- 000 ran out December 1st, $1,000 was taken from the County WPA fund to keep the project going until the new appropriation went into effect. When the sewing project was begun in March, 1936, two-thirds of the wo- man workers employed were inexper- ienced in machine work. Under the tutelage of Mrs, Thomas, however, the women learned fast, and mow the 19 seamstresses work at top efficiency. Also employed on the projects are one cutter, one clerk, a watchman, janitor and a repairman. The latest garment patterns, pur- chased by Council, are used in efforts to keep the work up-to-date. An ex- perienced cutter prepares each gar- ment for sewing, and the finished pro-~ duct is closely inspected before it is pressed. No faulty work is allowed to go out. An order is given each of the 300 families on the list every three months, During the month of November, 3852 yards of material were used to make 2142 garments. The payroll for last month amounted to $1601.22, and the expense to Council $48.85. Jackson MRS. GUSTAV SPLITT CORRESPONDENT (Held From Last Week) Ceasetown school, where Miss Mary Blaine is teacher, will present a Christ- mas program on Friday, December 23. Olive Laskowski has returned home after spending some time at Moosic. Mrs. Jerry Kester of Hillside visited her daughter, Mrs. Corey Smith, re- cently, Mrs. Norman Franklin spent Tues- day might with Miss Elizabeth Breck- enridge of Dallas, Mr, and Mrs. Brrard Laskowski of Nanticoke visited the fcrmer’s parents on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Shouldice is ill. Mrs, Gustav Splitt and Mrs. Neual Kester of Trucksville spent a day re- cently at Wilkes-Barre. The members of Jackson Ladies’ Aid Society were entertained at the M. E. parsonage at Lehman recently. Jessie Ashton spent the week-end with her parents here after being em- ployed at Scranton. Ist Nat'l “Buadget-Plan” LOANS can be quickly and easily arranged Available to all, whose character and credit are established, and income assured. Discount rate 6%, plus minimum credit report fee; and borrower’s insurance premium, if desired. Applica- tions for Budget Plan Loans in any amount are welcomed The FIRST National Bank of Wilkes-Barre 59 Public Square Member Federal Deposit i Insurance Corporation FOR TO PROBE DROWNING District Attorney Will Ask Grand Jury To Study Case In Which Seven Cripples Were Killed District Attorney Leon Schwartz an- nounced ' this week he will ask the Grand Jury next month to consider the case involving the drowning of seven crippled boys and their drivers in a Wilkes-Barre Township cave hole. A coroner's jury attributed drownings of the children and their automobile driver, en route to Kirby Health Center, to negligence on the part of Wilkes-Barre Township and the Glen Alden Coal Co. CARD OF THANKS Alex Wilson and family wish to thank all of those who sent flowers and lent cars during their recent be- reavement. the | | THE DALLAS POST. Refugee Stories Investigate Rumors That Stores Are Displacing Employes placed by German refugees. liam Kromelbein of the and promised to have organized labor leaders report any instances of dis- { placement. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1938 Denied By Labor Centermoreland CORRESPONDENT MRS. MAY BESTEDER | Thieves Escape With » Winters one night last week and help- Leaders of the C. I. O. and A. F. of I. joined this week with representa- tives of civic and commercial groups Grove, cutting pole wood. double-bitted axe and started for the house and in some way slipped and fell on the axe, cutting /a gash over an | He was brought to the office of Perkins, who closed the wouna. Mr. Stule had bled freely and was in He was removed to {| Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, where he| young women of the M. E is still a patient. in an effort to head off spreading ru- mors that hundreds of workers in Wyoming Valley stores are being dis- | &V®: Walter Harris and John Garis of the C. I. O. and Edward Finney and Wil- A PF. ‘of iL. i agreed reports are grossly exaggeratea critical condition. Benjamin Stule Hurt When He Falls On Axe| The wedding of Miss Florence Kel- ley and William Disque of Dallas will take place in the Baptist Church on Saturday might at 8. ed themselves to $3 in money and numerous articles of wearing apparel, shoes, ete. and food stuffs. They en- tered through a cellar window and carried the goods out of the door. Benjamin Stule, an aged man who * * lives in one of the cottages at Faux was injured last week while He picked up his Ernest Whipp and family and C. M. Gay and family of Dallas were colling at the home of C. S. Besteder on Sun- day afternoon, * * Miss Beulah Brace of Wilkes-Barre was a welcome caller in this town re- cently. * * Miss Vivian Dymond entertained the a Christmas party last Friday night. = - Christmas exercises will be held at the Baptist Church Friday night and at the M. E. Church Saturday evening at 8:30. $3 From Winters Home Thieves entered the store of James PICTURE LOCAL TRAGEDY Chill winds whistle over the un- marked grave of Robert Edwards in Fern Knoll Cemetery, outside of Dal- las, but his face still peers from pages on which his “American Tragedy’ case is periodically revived. The latest magazine to revive his tragedy is “Pic” which; in its current issue, devotes five pages of pictures to the story of the Edwardsville youth who killed Fred McKechnie, his child- hood sweetheart, at Harvey's Lake in 1934 and paid the supreme penalty for his crime one year later. The magazine carries pictures of Sandy Beach, Harvey's Lake, princi- pals in the case and trial scenes. Al- though the case is four years old, lo- cal newsdealers reported an increased sale of the magazine. . Church at |- There was a good crowd at the Grange Hall Mosday night to attend the movies, - . Miss Tilly Gudmas of Vernon has been working for Mrs. Carrie Schrader for two weeks. OS of 2 = SU 2 Unig Foe a 2 PC YeGMaten Brewing WILKES-BARRE, PA WILKES-BARRE Phone 2-8171 J RE i bilili “2 . Export AT y! ST ” iil g I i Ih H NIN EEE ERE ER RE 81 YEARS... the favorite for Holiday Hospitality Ii TE BE IIE HR I | if {8} 4 N & Stegmaier’s Gold Medal Beer has long been the fa- vorite drink wherever quality is preferred. Espe- cially has Gold Medal Beer been associated with the finer delicacies of the Holiday Season. its mellow goodness, you’ll want to have a case or two on hand. The Stegmaier family . . . the masters who brew Gold Medal Beer... our distributors, and those who sell this exceptional American product . . . join in wishing you a good old-fashioned Christmas, and for the New Year, abundant health and happiness. STEGMAIER WILKES-BARRE, . s __ / 7 | BREWING CO. . «+ . PENNSYLVANIA 3} ALDERSON, PA. HARVEY'S LAKE BOTTLING WORKS Phone . . . 3092 THis Because of SCRANTON Phone 4-1167 CEE TEE FEE EEE EE ETE EE EEE Lolli &