PAGE FOUR i THE DALLAS POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1938 Neig borhood Notes And News Of Local Church Affairs x \ Purely Personal By MRS. ARTHUR CULVER Home Phone 208-R-2 Office Phone 300 Mrs. Russell Honeywell of Lake Street was guest of honor at a party attended by friends at her home on Lake Street Saturday night. The event marked Mrs. Honeywell's birthday an- niversary. * * Mrs. W. B. Risley was the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Risley, in Wilkes- Barre on Thanksgiving Day. ‘. ® Glen Risley of Binghamton and his mother, Mrs. Alice Risley, Tunkhan- nock, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ris- ley recently. \ » . Mr. and Mrs, Walter Brown spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Major of Shavertown. . - Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Lewis of Lehman spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs: Clifford Ide. . a Henry Shupp of Kunkle is a patient at General Hospital, * * Mrs. Ernest Smith of Trucksville is recovering from sinus trouble, - - § Mrs. Clifford Ide of Shrine View is recovering from sinus trouble. - = Mrs. George Hofmeister of Shrine View entertained members of her pi- nochle club at her home on Wednes- day afterneon. Guests numbered eight. Guests were Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. Sterling Meade, Mrs. Emma Stookey, Mrs. Erma VanHorn, Mrs. A. C. Woolbert, Mrs. Handel Thomas, Mrs. Elsie VanBuskirk and the host- ess. * - Mrs. Amanda Yaple of Church Street was guest of Mrs. Edwin Marstellar of Monument Avenue, Wyoming, re- cently. Mrs. Marstellar was the for- mer Miss Lena Hallock. * * 3 Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Haley of Claude Street, will motor on Friday to Eliza- beth, N. J., to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards. Mrs. Richards spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Woolbert of Center Hill Road, * - Miss Gertrude Wilson of Franklin Street will entertain the members of the Entre Nous bridge Club at her home on Thursday evening. - - Mrs. John Durbin of Franklin Street ¢ will entertain members of the Board of Directors of the Dallas Women’s Club at her home on Tuesday evening. \ * * Mrs. J. T. Nicholson entertained the members of the contract bridge club at her home on Thursday evening. * * . Mrs. Joseph "Schmerer of Huntsville Road entertained on Monday evening at a surprise party and turkey dinner at her home honoring her husband, who celebrated her birthday anniver- sary, Guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Hopewell of Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Herbert and Mr. and Mrs. David Richards of Edwardsville, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jewel and Roy Ver- faille of Dallas. * * Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Lake Road. and Mr. and Mrs ross of Luzeren, spent several days re- cently in New York City. # * Himmler of Mrs. Laura Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, burg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Machell Hilde- brant of Dallas and Mr. Seward. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Herbert of Ed- wardsville and Mr. and Mrs: Jewel and son, David of Dallas turned recently from Asbury Park, * * Miss Goldsmith, siding in the Parrish home on Church Street has moved to the Warhola home on Parsonage Street. * * Mr. and Mrs. Owen M. Jones of Par- sonage Street spent the holiday as guests of the former’s brother sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray K. Wilkes-Barre. Ray Shiber of Dallas, * * 1 Mr, and Mrs. Howard Carey of Dor- rance Street, Kingston spent the week end as guests of the fgrmer’s sister and brother-in-law, r. and Mrs. Reese Finn of Terrace Street. On Mon- day, Mr. Finn and Mr. Carey hunted in the Poc6WoS andmefich shot a deer. * 1 . “Mrs. ;John Durbin of Franklin Street who hag been ill for the last few weeks, has recovered. diseased bec use teeth and empty gums have robbed you of HEALTH and HAPPINESS. Don’t despair Prices within your reach. Kaufman for Plates, Fillings and X-rays, 1 CLE 30.8. Franklin St. Wilkes-Barre Dial 3-9049 See Dr, Extractions, Hours:.9 to 5 » Practicing Here Since 1911 Mont- | of Lehman | Avenue entertained on Thanksgiving | Hoffman of Strouds- | Joseph | re- | who has been re- | and | Jones of | John Durbin of Franklin Street will leave next week to spend four days in Pittsburgh attending the annual cal Association. * * entertained on Thursday evening Miss Marie Woolbert, Mrs. Peynton Lee and Mrs, Arthur Culver. * * Fred Kiefer of Shrine View has re- turned to, his home after spending some time duck hunting along the St. Lawrence River in Canada. \ * *® Mrs. Helen Honeywell of Church Street is suffering from an injured fin- ger which she caught it in a door. * * Mrs. George Hofmeister of Shrine View will entertain her Five Hundred club at her home next Wednesday. * * Daniel Richards of Church Street, and Robert Hislop, Jr., were among a party of eight hunters. from Potts- ville who were hunting on Monday at Thornhurst in the Poconos. * * Mrs. Earl Keithline of Pottsville has returned to her home after spending some time with her doughter, Mrs. Daniel Richards of Church Street. * *® Miss Jean Fillmore of West Pitts- ton was a guest of Mrs, Leslie War- hola of Church Street on Monday. * * Mr. and Mrs. Robert K, Hislop, Jr, of Franklin Street have taken the home of Mrs. Nora Reilly of Claude Street for the winter. * * Mrs. George Hofmeister and James Gansel, Jr., of Shrine View who have to be out, * # ‘Word has been received by relatives of Mr, and Mrs. Adam Kiefer of Shrine View that they are settled in Miami, Fla., and both are well. - i x James R, Oliver of Main Street is duck hunting along the St. Lawrence River in Canada. * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheaton Lee attended the Duke-Pittsburgh football mgame at Dunham, N. J., last Satur- day. They left by motor on Thanks- giving day and returned home Wed- nesday, * * Mrs. Gilbert Sutton has returned from General Hospital where she was a patient for thirteen weeks. * * Mr, and Mrs. Albert Parrish enter- : tained the following for Thanksgiving: Mrs. Elizabeth Gregory, Kingston; Mrs. Rose Rogers and children, Kings- ton, and William Llewellyn, Plains. * * Charles Stookey | Mr. and Mrs. family former’s mother, Mrs, of Huntington Mills. * * Mr, and Mrs. William Niemeyer en- and Mr. and Mrs. Thanksgiving. Niemeyer, Jr., on * * | Mr. and Mrs. Brady Walizer | children of Ashley and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Worthy of Parsons spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Titus of Harvey’s Lake, * * Mrs. John Albright have a visit with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. H, S. They also vis- and Rev. and returned from Albright’s parents, Mr. Albright of Lewisberry. | ited Mrs. Seitz of Lewisberry. | CITE ZE TEE TL FETE TE TE TE TEI TEGETETE | THE IDEAL GIFT. BULOVA WATCH GODDESS OF TIME . . 17 jewels; engraved, round or square. In the color and charm of yellow gold from $24.75 up We have the most com- plete line of Bulova watch- es on the West Side. All styles and models to select from. YOUR NEAREST BULOVA DEALER FINKELSTEIN THE JEWELER 72 Main Street Luzerne, Pa. meeting of the Pennsylvania Electri- Miss Elizabeth Love of East Dallas received when she” been ill have recovered and are able | and spent Thanksgiving with the | F. H. Stookey || 77 tertained George Shortz of Courtdale | Albright’s sister, Mrs. Blaine | || RE TEAR TIE EAE AEA TETRA ETES I ENGAGED | | | | 1 | | | | | | MISS JEAN BILLINGS Trucksville Girl To Wed Musician Jean Billings’ Betrothal To Mr. Milliner-Camp Announced Mr. and Mrs. Walter Billings, 26 Harris Hill Road, Trucksville, ‘ have announced the engagement of their daughter, Jean to Alfred Milliner- Camp, son of Maj, E. D. Camp of Le- high Street, Trucksville, Miss Billings, who is one of the most popular young women in this section, is a graduate of Xingston Township High School and Nesbitt Memorial Hospital School of Nursing. Mr. Milliner-Camp is known widely | for his musical achievements. He is a | | graduate of Kingston Township High | !/School, studied music at Wyoming | Seminary and is studying now in New | York. He is the director of the Lyre] Boys’ Choir, which has had such high | success. He is also a second leuten- | l | ant in the 109th F. A. No date has been set for the wedd- | ing. ] —— ) MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Young Women’s Missionary So- ciety of Dallas M. E. Church will meet | ¥ Tuesday might at the home of Mrs. Clara /Shiber for a Christmas party. The committee includes Margaret Veitch, Helen Veitch, Belle Lauder- baugh and Della Bellas, Mrs, Wesley Himmler will entertain the Ladies’ Aid Society of Dallas M. E. Church at a Christmas party at her home Thursday afternoon at 2:30. * * Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Himmler of Lake Street returned Sunday after- ynoon after spending Thanksgiving | | week-end at the Hotel Edison in New York City. IH i I { = ad = Go MN “CUT RATE” | — AT — EVA « DOWN TOWN PRICES — * — PRESCRIPTIONS Only the best and freshest | drugs used in filling your | | prescription — we do not cut quality to save your | | money. FILMS 24 Hour Service Expert Photography * CHOCO. MARSHMALLOW ICE CREAM 45¢ and 60c a quart H* | CHRISTMAS | Fresh supply of Dennison’s | Xmas Wrap, Cellophane, Tissue, Carls and Seals. EVANS (Opposite the Theatre) | 222 —Phone Dallas— 9098 | Kunkle announce the marriage of their PRunkls, on Wednesday, | tertained at a lovely Golden Wedding | RAIA 2 a SEL . We 5 3 . i of 0 | % Sem ce a= Pa =o hye # ES Ee Te | DEVELOPED FREE |||; PTET 7g SHAVERTOWN, PA. ||'§ Miss Smith Bride Of Owen M. Jones Dallas Township Teacher Married At Alderson November 23 Ww. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of daughter, Mary Leona, to Owen M. Jones of Wilkes-Barre, son of the late Owen M. and Olive Kunkle Jones of November 23 | at 8 p. m. at the MM. E. parsonage at Alderson by the Rev. Guy Leinthall, were the brother and sister-Mf-law of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Ray K. Jongs of Wilkes-Barre. | The bride wore a maroon velvet gown and wore a corsage of red roses and! white chrysanthemums. Mrs. Jones, | the bride’s attendant, was attired in a black velvet gown. Mrs. Jones is well known in this vi- cinity and is a teacher at Dallas Town- ship. She is a graduate of Kingston Township High School and Mansfield State Teachers’ College. Mr. Jones is a partner in a general hauling business in Wilkes-Barre. Falls Couple Have Golden Anniversary Married fifty years ago, Mr. and| Mrs. FF. B. Walter of Falls were en- Anniversary party at their home Sat- urday evening. / Mr. and Mrs/ Walter were married November 28 1888 Waverly, N. Y., by Rev. A of the Waverly M. E. Church, and returned to Falls where they have lived ever since, Highly respected and beloved in their community, the elderly couple enjoy splendid health and spirits. They received several beautiful gifts at the anniversary party. Among those present: Clarence Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eyet and daughters, Erma and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dymond and daughter Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Gay of Orange, Mr, and Mrs, John Walter, daughters, Rose and Harriet, and son, John, Jr., of Lockville. MISSIONARY MEETING The Women’s Missionary Society of Dallas M. E. Church will meet Tues day afternoon at 2 at the home of Mrs. R. L. Brickel men: B ROMA SS =r 3 112) GODDESS of TIME , vi 17 fewels | : AMERICAN CRT AZ jewels LE . ¥, LADY BULOVA eh : Set with 2 diamonds 15 BR PS RE RS Sr Pr SEF IRAP T ERIN Miss Morgan Weds Fred C. Kirkendall Miss Bettie J. Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Morgan of Kings- ton, and Fred C. Kirkendall, son of Mrs, Frederick C. Kirkendall of Dallas, were married in the Congregational Church at Brookline, Mass., by Rev. Robert Wood Coe, pastor, on Novem- ber 15. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward T. Matuski, Newton Center, Mass., cousins of Mr. Kirkendall. The newlyweds are home after a wedding trip through New England and New York, . Mrs. Kirkendall is a graduate of Kingston High School, Mansfield Tea- chers’ College and College Misericor- ida. Mr, Kirkendall, whose father was mayor of Wilkes-Barre, was former City Controller in the city. He was graduated from Wilkes-Barre High School and Lafayette College. SERVICES AT NOXEN “Be Hopeful” will be the title of Rev, John Albright’s sermon at 11 a. m. Sunday morning at St. Luke's Church, Noxen. Sunday School will be at 10 and in the evening at 7:30 Rev. Mr. Albright will preach ' on “Faith or Unbelief.” 0. E, S. MEETING Dallas Chapter, No. 396, Order of Eastern Star, will hold its annual din- ner dance December 9 at 6:30 at Irem Country Club. Reservations can be made with Mrs. Jean Kuehn, Mrs. Mildred Malkemes and Mrs, Elizabeth Keller. Lois Eveland Bride Of Wilkes-Barre Man The marriage of Lois Eveland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Eve- land, Davenport street, Dallas, and Roy Williams, son of Mrs. Louise Wil- liams, Wilkes-Barre, was performed November 16th, in the parsonage of the First Reformed Church, K Wilkes- Barre. Rev, H. S. May officiated. The following attended a reception at the home of the bride: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Moyer and daughter, Dev- Mr. Kruger and Jessie and Doris Kruger, Wilkes-Barre; Homer Scouten, Noxen; Mr. and Mrs, Vermont Eveland, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eveland and Lanthy Eveland; Miles Eveland and Edward Hofsomer. The couple are residing in Dallas. Mr, Williams is employed at Kuhn's Transfer Company. ane, Ruggles; and Mrs. Harry First National Bank DALLAS, PENNA. MEMBERS AMERICAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION * kk DIRECTORS R. L. Brickel, €. A. Frantz,W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R Neely, Clifford W. Space, A. C. Devens Herbert Hill. oS OFFICERS WOMEN! Try AIDS for relief of functional periodic pain. Positive results. Used by hundreds. R. M: STAPLETON DRUGGIST (Next to Postoffice, Luzerne) EEO TE TET TEI TEA IEAE TEI TEI TERE ARTETA TE TELETET $2.95 UP BRUSH SET 30075 $19.95 DIAMOND RING is no remembrance so precious $2975 5 * “MINUTE MAN" A new sturdy to fit the wrist only JEWELERS PUBLIC SQUARE $9.50 ELECTRIC RAZOR DIAMOND RING This Christmas, give a Bulova! There dependable watch -— and no watch more dependable than a Bulova! . dependable Bulova. 17 jewels and curve C. A. Frantz, Pres. Sterling Machell, Vice-Pres. W. B. Jeter, Cashier * * * Interest On Savings Deposits No account too small to secure careful attention Vault Boxes for Rent EZ EASY ; CREDIT | TERMS | AS LOW AS WEEKLY! $4.95 UP STONE SET RING $39.95 DIAMOND RING as-a SE Ne it Jiu