3 ’ - what it lacked in horse power. ‘ITTLE BUDDY BUDDY, IE SOU EVER RIDE J EON -THose HPNDLEBARS ¢/ ‘B AGAIN, IT'LL GWE YOU A J) © i ] S THE DALLAS POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1938 J OUND THRASHING 7 ( 3) { : 6) iy fms” 4 )) 7 WHY SURE, T THIN THAT WOULD BE ALL “Copyright ~~ *, Lincoln Newspaper Features, Inc. BUT, MAMMA, I WASN'T RIDING ON we Nog ) HANDLEBARS! Steady Business On ‘Eerie’ Road (Continued From Page 1) something of a dabbler in railroading himself, presented young Fred with a hundred or so feet of small track and a tiny flat ear. The ycuthful rail- road magnate and his friends laid out | the track and for years amused them- selves with riding about on the moa- est car, which made up in enthusiasm But Fred was a friend of the late John Vaughn, who operated a private railroad system in his side yard at his Kingston home. After a ride or two on Mr. Vaughn's steam engine, he fig- ured he’d never be satisfied until he was the possessor of a real honest-to- goodness engine himself. And in 1931 he bought one, along with over a thou- ! sand feet of big track, and started the Eerie Railroad Line, insured at $5,000, with central offices on Terrace Street. The grand opening fell on a day in September, 1932, and for the festive occasion Mr. Kirkendall had over a hundred railroad officials, coal com- pany executives, and friends on hand. And since that time a good many other sizeable parties have been entertained on the Eerie’s prize passenger car. The late O. P. Miller, engineer at the time on the crack Black Diamond express of the Lehigh Valley lines, operated “President Roosevelt” on its maiden trip, and one of Mr. Kirken- dall’s prize possessions is an oil can presented to him by that well-known trainman. COMING TO KINGSTON THEATRE NEXT WEEK Because of the unusual length of the feature “Marie Antoinette” there will be continuous shows at Thursday and Friday, staring at 2:15. Kingston Theatre next Wednesday, The feature will show at 2:48, 5:48 and 8:48. Norma Shearer and Tyrone Power, shown above, are the stars, and other roles are taken by John Barrymore, Anita Louise, Gladys George and Robert Morley. About three years ago Mr. Kirken- ' dall was involved in his railroad’s only accident. On that occasion the engine slipped on wet tracks, broke through the back of the car barn, and ran a flat car down the hill right into the pump house behind Shepard’s lot. But nothing like that will ever happen again, according to Mr. Kirkendall The engines are behaving well, the switch lights are all green, and there's a clear track ahead for the Eerie, In- corporated. ~ Obituary Swing From G. O.P. Goes Into Reverse (Continued from Page 1) and its vicinity began giving ground to the Democrats in 1932 when Pres:- dent Roosevelt defeated Herbert Hoov- er. Since then the Democratic party has gained consistently here, although its strength has never been adequate to threaten the Republican lead. reversal of that trend in the last few months may indicate a new swing, or it may be only loyalty to a Luzerne County candidate for Governor. The | Keller Class Plans October Rummage Sale) | The annual rummage sale of the | | Keller Class of Shavertown M. E. | Church will be held at Luzerne, Octo- | | ber 25 and 26. All usable articles, such | as clothing, dishes, carpets, rugs, cur- | tains, toys, ete. donated will be ap- | preciated. All those wishing to con- | tribute are asked to contact one of the { following: Mrs. George Still, Mrs. Ho- } ward Appleton, Mrs. Willard Durbin, Mrs. Harry Bogart, Mrs. Joseph Don- | ner, Mrs. Pete Malkemes, Mrs. Harry | Beck, Mrs. Walter Cooke, Mrs. Frank Garris, Mrs. Adolph Eddinger or Mrs. | George Prater. STEVENS—October 15, 1938; Edward Stevens, 28, Exeter; of injuries suf- fered August 5 while diving in Har- " vey’s Lake. CERSE—October 16, 1938; Mrs Mary Cerse, 488 Market Street, Kingston, of complications. GIBBONS—October 18, 1938; Mrs. Patrick Gibbons, 442 Northampton Street, Kingston; at home, complica- tions. RICE—October 17, 1938; Mrs. Edna Rice, 11 Birch Street, Wilkes-Barre, at home: complications. KELLY—October 16, 1938; James Kel- ly, 237 Chestnut Street, Kingston; at home; heart attack. MORRIS—October 17, 1938; David W. Morris, 66, Rice Street, Trucksville; at home; heart attack. FERNSLER—October 17, 1938; Oliver C. Fernsler, Fairbairn Lane, Wilkes- Barre; at home; heart attack. NORRIS—October 18, 1938; Charles Narris, 64, Jackson Township; at home; complications. Jackson MRS. GUS SPLITT CORRESPONDENT Miss Jessie Ashton is visiting rela- tives in Scranton, Martha Russ and Helen Franklin visited at the Dallas Township school recently. Stanley Stortz has returned from the Philadelphia Hospital to his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones, Jr., of ‘Wilkes-Barre visited Mr, and Mrs. Norman Franklin recently Miss Betty Gregory of Kingston en- tertained recently at a party a number of young people from here: Jane Smith, Marjorie Smith, Jessie Bon- ning, Audrey Ashton, Olga Swelgin, Jessie Ashton, William Roushey, Dur- wood Splitt, Eugene Mezdale,. Irving Ashton, Alfred Swelgin, Albert Salan- sky, Donald Reak, Richard Swelgin. GEESE SIGHTED HERE Several Dallas residents reported that two big flocks of geese went honking overhead Thursday morning. Local sportsmen also report that there is an abundance of small game—rab- ‘bits, squirrels, grouse, etc.-in the wooden sections about the Back Moun tain country these days. ! Your HAI edn t be GRAY GPs vou hab grayt eB going gray? Een ice shadow) Cloirol lifts the gloom of gray that’ darkeas your face and mokes you look years oldes Whether you'd Rke to regain your owa color er completely change the color of your hails, Clairol will do B quicidy and so subily that your closest friend won detect the chonge. Clairol does what nothing else con! ls one simple treatment Glaiscl shampoos, reconditions and TINTS. Ask your beavticies. Or wribe fo ws for FREE Cloivel bookiet, FREE advice oa the core of hale, and FREE beosty analysis. Write NOW oa covpon below. Naturally... iwi. CRHANIROL JOAN CLAIR Clairol, Inc, 132 West 46 Street, New York, N. Y. Please send FREE Clairol Booklet, Advice end Analysis. Name. Address. City ‘My Beevfivian’s Name fi. TIDBITS POST SCRIPTS (Continued from Page 1) life when she attempted to save a horse that was in the path of the loco- motive. ‘When Dallas has its Old Home Week next year, to mark the founding of the portant personage and he will un- portant personage and he will un doubtedly be called upon many times { while plans are being made to verify His | dates and other historic data. unique memory will be a valuable asset to the committee arranging the celebration, He recalls, for example, when a trip to Wilkes-Barre was a tiring ordeal. He remembers seeing farmers driving their carts at dawn along the rutted Main Street, headed for the city, where they sold their produce. Ugually |. . it was dark when they returned home. Mr. Bulford drove his team of oxen to the city once and around Public ‘Square. Sometimes the road through the Luzerne Narrows was so difficult Mr. Bulford and his oxen took to the bed of Toby's Creek, where they could make better time. Although he was one of the 52 who separated Dallas Borough from Dallas Township, Mr. Bulford now finds him- self living again in the township, on a farm which has been in the Bulford | tamily for nearly 100 years. —_—0— Joe Donchess, famous Wyoming | Fred Kiefer Will Speak Before United Sportsmen Fried Kiefer, well-known sportsman of Shrine View, will speak on his re- cent hunting trip to British Columbia before members of Dallas Camp No. 227, United Sportsmen, meeting Sat- urday, October 29, at the Odd Fellows Hall. All hunters and sportsmen are invited to attend the meeting, begin- ning at 8 p. m., by president Ben Eck { hart. Moving pictures on fishing and | hunting will be shown also. | For the 1939 Chevrolet or a better used car see W. A. Knarr at City Chevrolet. 421 Seminary end and later All-American at Pitt, gets his picture in the Sat- | urday Evening Post this week, illus- trating a story titled “Football Spies” . According to the author, Joe, who is an assistant coach at Dartmouth now, rigged up the famoug 97 play to stop Yale's Larry Kelley . . . But Kel- ley revised his method of play over night and now at Dartmouth they sing | about “The Wreck of the Old 97” . | Philip Trent, who appears briefly on | the screen in Deanna Durbin’s “That | Certain Age”, which played at Com- | erford Theatre this week, is none other | than Cliff Jones, who began his dra- 1 j matic career in Kingston, where his | parents still live . . . Cliff had his big gest role in “Mississippi” with W. C. Fields . his name to Philip Trent. Former Local Folk Married 50 vears (Continued from Page 1) husband is 73. Both are hale and hearty for their age. They are both staunch Republicans, too. “I've been voting the straight Republican ticket for the last fifty-two years, and find no reason to change now. I'm for Judge James 100 per cent, and so’s my wife. That makes 200 per cent.” .. A few years ago he changed || b ‘GREGG SHORT HAND BY MAIL BEGINNERS Eight Lessons, $5 Forty-Eight Lessons, $25 ADVANCED Five Lessons, $5 Forty-Eight Lessons, $26.50 TERMS GRACE H. CALLANAN 13 Clarke Street 4 Danvers, Massachusetts 3 4 VV VCC VOC VV OOO TOY THE DALLAS POST OFFERS GREAT MO NEY SAVING DEDNAL BARGAINS » ON THIS NEWSPAPER AND AMERICA’S FINEST MAGAZINES Here’s the thrifty, economical way fo subscribe for this newspaper and your favorite magazines af prices that are redfly sensational. These offers are good either for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look them over and send us the coupon today. FAMILY OFFER TRUE VALUE OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER—1 YEAR 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A ALL FIVE 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP B 00 Check 4 magazines desired (X). Clip list and return with —— coupon below. GROUP A —SELECT 2 MAGAZINES [J American Boy ....ccveenesesss..8 Mos. 0 American Girl ....cuneeeeeesss.8 Mos. [J McCall's Magazine ..eevoeessss..1 YI [J Christian Herald ...............6 Mos. 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