THE DALLAS POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1938 _ the the Big Chief Warpath LPING PRICES Proof is in the Store”= OPEN EVERY EVE TILL 9 ‘SATS. TILL 10 PARKING SPACE ON OUR LOT NEXT TO STORE hale ew tTMENT s Finest DUCE 3 ~ 25¢ ib. 19¢ ARTS IVORY SOAP 10 =~ 4%7¢c GIANT IVORY 3 == 25¢ LARGE OXYDOL 18c P&G SOAP 3 10c CHIPSO “ 19¢ IVORY FLAKES «= 21¢ CAMAY SOAP ac IVORY FLAKES 2 15¢ : “* 3¢ || SEALOX me 9c i PEACHES, PEARS it APRICOTS \M$S : ‘TLC Top! Top Quality Meats » IGS TH FOOD 37° EES Js Of EES RPOSE m= : — DRIPOLATOR OIL SARDINES 6 dans 23¢ LIBBY’S APPLE BUTTER 10E LIBBY’S PICKLES HOME STYLE Jar 10c KINNEY’S SALMON 21c¢ ALL STEAKS OR ROASTS 23 toms © 19 GROUND BEEF & PORK or PAN STYLE SAUSAGE 2 - 29¢ CHOPS «= » Lgl LEGS O' LAMB wn. A7e BROAD LAMB CHOPS " 15¢ LAMB CHOPS b 19 _~" A LARGE SELECTION ~~ \\_, OF FRESH FISH _~ ON SALE IN OUR NEW DEPARTMENT RIB END RIB or LOIN T CHIEF AREY AVENUE hampion of Food Prices” vo 5 Saturday, October 22 LIBBY’S — VAN CAMP — CAMPBELL’'S WELCH’S — DEL MONTE TOMATO JUICE or 180 SCHIMMEL’S ASSORTED PRESERVES Large 24-0z = 25C MILLED BY PILLSBURY ease FLOUR CASTLE 24 = 59c SCRATCH FEED 25 ls 39¢ LAYING MASH oo 25 Ibs. 53¢ Whole or Cracked Corn ....... 25 1bs. 39¢ STARTING MASH ....oou..... 25 Ibs. 53¢ Ovaltine (large) ....can 59¢ Ovaltine (small) . . .. can 33¢c SOFT AS SILK Cake Flour .............23¢ Wheaties ..........pkg.10c Clothes Pins . . (pkg. of 40) 5c Table Salt ........101bs.17¢c Del Maiz Niblets . ... can lle Del Maiz Corn . . . .3 cans 25¢ Green Giant Peas 2 cans 25¢ {held in the State, but in which Lu- State Department of Health. SALE RE pring r PAGE ELEVEN — — Healey Addresses Parents On Crime Two New Officers Named By PTA To Fill Vacancies The Parent-Teacher Association of Kingston Township held its first meet- ing of the new term on Monday might. The resignation of Mr. Zimmerman, president, who has secured employ ment in the western part of the State, and that of Mr. White, the treasurer, who has secured a position as com- mercial teacher in Bloomsburg schools, were accepted. Mrs. Meacham, vice-president, pre- sided. She was elected president and Benjamin Post was named treasurer. Mrs. Meacham announced committees will be named in a few days. Samuel Davis, secretary, gave the treasurer's report which was accepted. Mr. Coolbaugh, principal of the morning session at Shavertown school, reported ten pupils were found 10 per cent underweight and were entitled to free milk. The afternoon classes will be weighed in a few days. Members of the PTA voted to continue giving free milk to those underweight. Prof. J. A. Martin, supervising principal, ex- plained how the hearing of pupils is being examined and the benefits ex- pected to result. He also told the par- ents of the tuberculosis tests being zerne County was not included. He said such a test would be a fine pro- ject in the township and that co- operation could be secured from the Warden William Healey of Luzerne County prison was the speaker. He spoke on crime conditions in Pennsyl- vania, stressing the high cost of pun- ishing criminals as compared to the low cost of training youth properly. Few prison inmates ever were mem- bers of the Boy or Girl Scouts, Mr. Healey said. The high school orchestra played and a social time included a luncheon of cider and doughnuts. Well-Known Trainman Dies At Kingston Home The funeral of James J. Kelley, well- known D, L. & W. engineer, was held from his home, 227 Chestnut Street, Kingston, Thursday morning at 9, with a high mass of requiem at St. Ignatius Church at 9:30. Interment in St. John’s Cemetery, Pittston, Mr. Kelly died Sunday njght at his home of complications following a heart attack. He was widely known on the West Side, and had spent the better part of his life with the D. L. & W. He is survived by three chil- dren. DOUGHNUTS HOME MADE Orders taken for Hallowe’en Special prices for parties Leave your orders at Mrs. Lyne’s Restaurant at the high school WE BAKE DOUGHNUTS St. Therese Supper Set For November 7 The annual roast beef supper of St. Therese’s R. C, Church, Shavertown, will be held Wednesday evening, No- vember 7, from 5 to 7 o'clock. Rev. Harold Durkin is honorary chairman, and the committees will be announced soon. The women of the parrish, who, as usual, will prepare and serve the supper, extend an invitation to thelr friends and the public to attend. Virginia McGuire Wed Jack Edwards Friday Rev. Russel May, pastor of Shaver- town M. E, Church, united in marriage last Friday night Miss Virginia Mc- Guire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prank McGuire, East Center Street, #Shaver- town, and Jack Edwards, SOD Qf.MrS: Helen Edwards of Wilkes-Barre, for- merly of DeMund’s Road. Miss Gracie McGuire, sister of the bride, and Wayne Harvey were the attendants. Large Crowds Attend Parties Of Firemen The weekly parties of the Shaver- town Fire Co. in the hose house on Main Street, Shavertown, every Tues- day night are attracting larger crowas this year than last. The firemen ap- preciate the co-operation of the com- munity to make the parties success- ful. SECOND MOTION PICTURE The second series of the Yale Umi- ! versity motion pictures being shown to pupils of the Kingston Township High School will be shown on. Friday morning to Juniors and in the after- noon to Seniors. CAR IS DAMAGED Frank Klonin, Trucksville, escaped injury but the car he was driving was badly damaged when his eyes were blinded by the lights of an approacn- ing car last Saturday night near Se. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Mr. Klonin’s car crashed into the guard rail. LADIES’ AUXILIARY The Ladigs’ Auxiliary of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will have a Hal- lowe’en Party at the church on Wead- nesday, October 26, at 8. All women are invited. Huntsville Church At Annual Dinner The Home Department of the M. E. Sunday School met for its annual din- ner Tuesday, October 13, in the church, Dinner was served at noon to the members and friends. Business meet- ing followed and the lesson for Sep- tember was studied. Those present were: Mrs. Celeste Prutzman, Mrs. Ira VanOrden, Mrs. A, Newcomb, Mrs, Charles Derby, Mrs. H. A. Randall, Mrs. T. M. Stoec- kel, Mrs. I. Newhart, Mrs. Bertha Cadwalder, Ethel Jenkins, Frank B. Hoak. Asa Holcomb, Ida Headman, W. A. Stang, Rev. and Mrs. Russel J. May, Mrs. Alfred Ray, Mrs. Henry Els- ton, Mrs. Emma, Alden, Mrs, Ira John- son, Mrs. Zoe Steele, Mrs. Arthur EVERY SATURDAY Hadsell, Mrs. G. M. Carey, Mrs. W. A. Prutzman, Mrs. Kostenbauder. \ with ® * °® ® and clearly with THE NEW ‘This Is No Time To Be FOOLIN Sit in on world events . . . News . . . Sports . . . Football, European situation — Get it all quickly SPARTON 3 an old Radio 129% Your Car Winter’s Just Around The Corner Winterize $ 5-9 ® Price includes 5 gts. best winter oil, complete check cooling system, lubrication and makes your car complete for winter service. @® Ask us about this 16-point Winter Serviee. : REMEMBER PRESTONE A AAAA vVY AUTO S MAIN STREET ADD WOOLBERT'S ERVICE ® DALLAS LASSE SLA Sib SB ¥