PAGE EIGHT Ira Cooke’s Death Ends Long Battle Was One Of Few Who Could Name All The Streets Of Dallas (Continued From Page 1) Mr. Cooke was one of the few men in Dallas who knew the names of all the streets in the borough and a few years ago he compiled the only ex- isting list of streets. He made blue- print copies which are a valuable aid today in most local business places. When Harry Anderson died, Gov- ernor Pinchot appointed Mr. Cooke justice of the peace. In 1935 Mr. Cooke ran for election successfully and began a four-year term in Janu- ary, 1936. Aside from his business and official duties, he displayed a keen interest in the progress of this sec- tion and was ever ready with con- structive ideas. He was a member of Dr. Henry M. Laing Fire Co., the local units of the Junior Mechanics and the I. O. O. F. - and the First M. E. Church. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. from the home, with Rev. Francis Freeman of- ficiating. Interment will be in Wood- lawn Cemetery. Besides Mr. Cooke’s mother, Mrs. Charles Cooke, a sister, Mrs. Arthur Clemow of Trucksville, and a brother, Claude, Fernbrook, survive. Borough PTA Will X Meet Monday Night Dallas Borough PTA will meet in ‘the high school auditorium Monday evening, October 17 at 7:30. The first grade pupils under the direction of Miss Cornelia Davis will give a demonstration in reading. A rep- resentative of the school board will be present to speak on the financial status of the school. Part of the meeting time will be used for the dis- cussion of problems which parents may care to present. DEMOCRATIC RALLY Democrats of the Sixth Legislative District will have a rally on Monday night in Shavertown Hose House. ROAST PORK SUPPER The Ladies’ Aid of the Dallas M. E. Church will serve their annual Roast Pork Supper on Wednesday, October 19, at 5:30 in the social room. CHICKEN SUPPER The Senior Class of Dallas Town- ship will hold a chicken supper in the high school on November ninth. Tick- ets may be purchased from any of the seniors. VETERANS’ CLUB The Kingston Township Veterans’, Social Club elected officers at a meet- | ing on Wednesday night as follows: Albert Clifford, president; James Mc- Hale, secretary; Gus Adler, treasurer. THE DALLAS POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1938 POST SCRIPTS (Continued from Page 1) “So many men in this world are go- ing nowhere in particular that when one comes along—even though he be amusing and insignificant—who is really (and passionately) going some- where, what a stir he communicates to a dull world! We catch sparks of electricity from the very friction of his passage.” DEFINITIONS Dorothy Carter, that perennial con- tributor, sends in a few Hallowe’en Definitions by a Misogynist: Ducking for apples: Unlimited op- portunity for vengeance. Costumes: What you will do things in you would not do things out of. Ghosts: What children dress up like in the soap advertisements to their mother’s shame. Pumpkins: What would be better off in pie. Masks: What ladies with buck teeth shouldn’t take off at midnight. Seeing True Love in Mirror: Oc- cupation of the conceited. Signs Of Fraud Found By Brace Both Parties In Squabble Over Registration List (Continued from Page 1) the November election is my personal opinion,” declared Dando. “After Scalps of WPA Men” “Despite all the previous statements of Director Hopkins at Washington and Banks Hudson at Harrisburg, local WPA leaders are out after the scalps of every WPA worker who failed to heed the warning and change his registration to Democratic,” Dan- do continued. p He produced statements signed by eighteen men who had been employed on a project at East End Boulevard and who were transferred to another project, 34 miles away, because, ac- cording to Mr. Dando, they were wearing Arthur H. James for Gov- ernor buttons. Attorney Dando told The Post of another instance in which registra- tions were received from an address which is a school building. It will be several days before reg- istration figures are complete, Chief Clerk Brace said. Minority County Commissioner John A. Riley reported his tabulations show the Democrats are leading by approximately 6,500. His figures are: Republicans, 107,083; Democrats, 113,605. A year ago several persons were brought to trial charged with false registration but no convictions have been secured to date. In the section about Dallas Repub- licans strengthened their lead during the most recent registration period and are estimated to have at least a two to one majority. REF jion . . stantly. Visit An (Tia Ty 1.1L LI Cr y iY kitchens. T= true economy of an elec- judged by the purchase price . . . Consider the economy of opera- with its Humidrawer . Keeper . . . Super-capacity Frost- er . ..and Temperature Control. It’s features like these that save your food, time and money”, con- them. A small down payment in- stalls one in your own home . . . long terms. * Based upon results of manufacturer's test Luzerne County : {ons & Electric Corp. Gll Ways Always With RIGERATION ! refrigerator shouldn’t be . Like the Westinghouse . . Meat- our showroom and see ) LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE TO JOHN McCAULEY, HIS HEIRS OR REPRESENTATIVES: You are hereby notified that the So- ciety of the Sisters of Mercy of Wilkes- Barre have filed a Petition in the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County to No. 89, December Term, 1938, for the satisfaction of a certain mortgage made by Samuel, John ana Abraham Worden to John McCauley Februrary 20, 1826, recorded in Mort- gage Book 5, Page 613, for the sum of $312.00, covering a tract of land In Bedford Township, now Dallas, con- taining 100 acres and 122 perches, being land formerly of William Coats, ad- joining Samuel Reeds, and that the Court has fixed November 10, 1938, at 10 o'clock A, M., as the time, and the Court House, Wilkes-Barre, as the place, for hearing said Petition. You are required to appear and answer the said Petition before such date. Welles, Mumford and McGrath Scranton, Pa. and James M. Stack Second National Bank Bldg., Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Attorneys. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted in the Estate of Margaret M. Gallagher, de- ceased, late of the City of Wilkes- Barre, Pennsylvania, to J. Campbell Collins and John H. Collins, 804 Sec- ond National Bank Building, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. All persons having claims or demands against said Estate are requested to make known the same and those indebted to said Estate to make payment to said executors. 412 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That an application will be made to the Department of State of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, |. Pa., on Tuesday, the 25th day of Oc- tober, 1938, by THE HORIZON COM- PANY, a foreign corporation, formed under the laws of the State of Dela- ware, where its principal office is lo- cated at 927 Market Street, City of Wilmington, State of Delaware, for a Certificate of Withdrawal under the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, approved May 5, 1933. The registered office of the said cor- poration in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is located at 818 Miners Bank Building, City of Wilkes-Barre, County of Luzerne. Lawrence B, Jones, Solicitor ‘Wilkes-Barre, Pa. _ Notice 1s hereby given to all persons concerned that the Accountants in the following estates have settled their accounts in the Office of the Register of Wills of Luzerne County, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of said County for con- firmation nisi on Monday, October 17, 1938 at 10:00 O'clock A. M. ESTATE OF Mary S. Clingerman,' Winifred M. Love and Charles Camp- bell, Exectrs; Rowland Thomas, Richard E. Thomas and Morgan F. Thomas, Exetrs; Lille Clemow, Thomas A. Clemow, Admr; John Scott, Mary Scott, Admrx; John Seigfreit, Ida Seigfreit and LW. Spry, "Bxetrs; Henry Wright, Second Natl. Bk. of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Trustee; Walter M_ McAvoy, Sallie EB. McAvoy, Exetrx; Elmer A. Lawall, Annie L. Bigenhrod, ¥xetrx: Henry Lees, Ist. Natl. Bk., Plymouth, Admr. C. T. A; Andrew Yantz, Edward Cebulsl?, Gdn: Richard: Sharpe. Jr., L. B. Jones, Sur. Trustee; Maryanna Pop: rawski. Stella Szmal, Bxstrx; Cor- neolia F. Wadhams, Ralph H Wad- hams, Exetr; Charles T. Murrin Mary Carter and Joseph Murrin, Exetrs; Anna M. Rozelle Bertha Won. derly and Charles L. Shiber, Exetrs; Stanley Ostrowski. Tadusz Ostrowski, Admr; S M. Parke, H. B. Schnoley and 1st Natl. Bk., Pittston, Trustees; Harry Jerkirs, Minor, Scranton Lacka- wanna Trust Co., Gdn: Floyd Jenkins. Minor, Scranton Lackawanna Trust Co, Gdn; Elizabeth C. Fegley. Hazel I L. Law, Exetrx; Thomas Kruvna Thomas Krupa, Jr., Exetr; Gustavo Monsono, Maria Rossi, Admrx; David S Williams, W. Gordon Williams. Alun S: Williams and Miners Natl. Bk.. of W-B, Txetrs: Mary L. Poland, Mary L. Griffin and The Second Natl. Bk. of W-B, Exetrs; Harry §S. Leonard, Miners Natl. Bk of W-B, Exetr: JOSEPH MORRIS, Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans Yourt e ESTATE OF JAMES A. FEATHERSTONE, Deceased Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same, without delay to FRANK FEATHERSTONE. Administrator, 509 East Northampton Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Lehman Township School! District will accept bids on the erection of a new stack at IL.ehman High School. Plans and specifications may be seen at office of Mack & Sahu, North Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre. Bids due October 10, 8 p. m., at Lehman Township High School. a, F. TERRY. Secy. Always LOYAL T T the honest product are ing confidence in Sparton competing salesmanship. AC-DC Model $1 4 Biggest little Sparton with ample range and the crystal clear tone of Radio's Richest Voice. .. Priced to emphasize economy. Small Down Payment Truth Is RUTH needs no salesmanship. The honest man and ever respected. Sparton creates radios whose merits are unquestioned, whose margin of superiority is definitely established. In thousands of American homes Sparton stands as a vigilant guardian over its good reputation. And in every home where Sparton abides there is abid- : Beautiful 10-Tube Superhetrodyne 5-Tube Bakelite STULL BROTHERS WYOMING AVENUE AT UNION KINGSTON, PENNA. True and Is Always O TRUTH always discovered and for- which resists the efforts of With Six-Button Selectronne ELECTRIC TUNING $0Q-% A super-powered all wavemodel that hurdles’” all limitations of dis- tance to bring you the whole world of radio entertainment. Sparton Selectronne electric tun- ing on six American stations. Just press a button and there's your station. — Long, Easy Terms - EXECUTOR’'S PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE In the Orphan’s Court of Luzerne County, No. 810 of 1938. In the matter of the Estate of William Zinn, Jr, deceased. TO THE CREDITORS AND OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID ESTATE Notice is hereby given that Luther F. Zinn, Executor, has filed in the office of the Register of Wills of Luzerne County, his petition praying for an order of sale of certain real estate or the decedent situate on Stafford Ave nue, Mt. Greenwood Heights, Kingston Township, Penna., being lot No. 85 on plot of Mt. Greenwood Heights record- ed in Luzerne County Map Book No. 1, page 256, at private sale to John Alf Dreher and Gisela Dreher, his wife, Kingston Township, Luzerne County, Penna., for the cash sum of Five Hun- dred ($500.00) Dollars for the payment of decedent’s debts. If no exceptions are filed thereto or objections made to granting the same, the Court will be asked to take action upon the petition on October 28, 1938, at 10:00 A. M. Jonathan C. Valentine, Attorney, 1100 Miners National Bank Bldg., Wilkes-Barre, Penna. LUZERNE COUNTY, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, No. 3568, May Term, 1938. Libel in divorce a vinculo matri- monii. Louis Singleman vs, Anna Sin- gleman. To Anna Singleman, respon- dent: Take notice that an alias sup- poena in divorce has been returned by the Sheriff, that you, Anna Single- man, cannot be found in Luzerne County. You are directed to appear ’ LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT before said Court on November 14, 1938, at 10 a. m., to answer the com- plaint in this case. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. Carl J. Burke, Attorney. ESTATE OF GERTRUDE W. ROOK- ER, DECEASED, IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT OF LUZERNE COUNTY No. 914 of 1938. The appraisers appointed in the above estate to appraise and set apart an undivided one-half interest in premises known as 30 South Washing- ton Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. and vacant lot on the northerly side of West North Street in said city, being shown as Lot No. 6 on a draft of lots attached to a petition of C. C. West- field, Committee of Julia “Westfield, lunatic, filed to No. 445 of 1892 in the Orphans’ Court of Luzerne County, have filed their report and unless ex- ceptions thereto are filed, the same will be confirmed on the 17th day of October, 1938. Dated September 29th, 1938. FRANK S. ANDERSON, Attorney for Charles A, Rooker. ESTATE OF KATHERINE E. KORN, late of the City of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., deceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all per- sons indebted to said estate are re- quested to make payment and those having claimg or demands to make known and present the same without delay to Jennie G. Turner, Admin- istratrix, 206 Carlisle Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. KINGSTON BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT AUDIT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Robert K. Flack, Jarry W. Scureeman and Isaac Evans, the auditors duly elected in Kingston Borough to audit the accounts of the school district of said Soroush’ for the fiscal year ending July 5th, 1938, have filed their report on the 22nd day of County to No. 1904, October Term, firmed ahsolutely unless an appeal is days frem the filing of the same. September, 1938, in the office of the Prothonotary of Luzerne 1938, and that the same will be con- taken therefrom within thirty (80) E. M. Rosser, Treasurer RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Receipts Balance on Hand Current and Delinquent Taxes State Appropriations Bank Loans Sale of Bonds Miscellaneous Total Receipts Disbursements General Control Instruction Augxilliary Agencies Operation of Plant Maintenance of Plant Fixed Charges Debt Service Capital Outlay Total Disbursements Balance in General Fund $ 8,459.67 888,680.44 55,791.46 40,000.00 100,087.22 12,706.28 A —————— $ 605,675.02 $ 16,610.80 241,948.46 9,068.83 78,892.10 18,891.65 16,515.97 182,052.24 19,472.19 $ 2 foe" 573,447.24 32,227.78 SINKING FUND General Sinking Fund Receipts and Balance on Hand $102,875.50 Disbursements Balance on Hand 102,853.00 Sinking Fund No. 1 Receipts Disbursements Balance on Hand $ 42,780.78 87,687.50 3 5,193.28 Sinking Fund No. 2 Receipts $ 3,089.28 JESSIE SLEPPY, TAX COLLECTOR Debit To 1937 School Duplicate $445,878.07 5% Penalty Over Payment : Total Debits Credits By Amounts Paid Treasurer Unpaid Land Returns Abatements Personal Exonerations 5% Rebate Total Credits 1,379.87 153.16 @ $ 453,411.10 $850,891.57 75,248.38 300.44 22,088.83 4,381.88 $ 453,411.10 RESOURCES Balance in General Fund Balance in Sinking Fund Balance in Special Sinking Fund No. 1 "Balance in Special Sinking Fund No. 2 Valuation of School Property Valuation of School Supplies Tuition Uncollected Delinquent Taxes Total Resources LIABILITIES ‘Schuyler Ave. Bonds ‘New High School Bonds ‘Operating Revenue Bonds Operating Revenue Bonds Refund Due Glen Alden Coal Co. Refund Due Lehigh Valley Coal Co. ‘Teachers’ Salaries $ © 32, 227.78 22.50 5,193.28 3,089.26 2,212,000.00 110,000.00 950.00 851,529.44 ea 7 Prey d 15,012.26 6,000.00 270,000.00 80,000.00. 100,000.00 6,625.47 11,715.70 41,966.02 Lo ia ————— Total Liabilities "Assets Over Liabilities '$ 516,307.19 $2,198,705.07 : - PETER M. MARGIE, Prothonotary. i By S. B. HYMAN, Deputy.