THE DALLAS POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1938 — PAGE ELEVEN Auxiliaries Open Their New Season Generous Gifts Set Fine Precedents For Year’s Efforts The various women’s auxiliaries of Nesbitt Memorial Hospital held their first meetings of the fall season with- in the last week and established sev- eral fine precedents for public service for the ensuing year. At its meeting in the Nurses’ Home on Friday morning, the Women’s Board of the hospital, with Mrs. V. P. Edwards as chairman, adopted a resolution authorizing the payment of about $1,500 for new furnishings in the nurses’ home. On Friday afternoon the Kingston auxiliary met at the hospital for a luncheon meeting and card party and decided to contribute $600 to the wo- men’s board for furnishings. The Dor- ranceton auxiliary, meeting on the same afternoon in the Nurses’ Home for a meeting and card party, also agreed to give $600 to the Women’s Board. Forty Fort auxiliary, displaying the same fine spirit, met at the Town Hall pbuilding in Forty Fort and appropri ated $200 for equipment for student nurses. The Shavertown auxiliary a. so held its first meeting of the year and agreed to purchase $300 for the; hospital’s X-ray department. At Plym- outh, the auxiliary of that community voted to buy a quantity of woolen blankets. : A number of pleasant events are planned for the auxiliaries and a busy and fruitful year is anticinated. Doris Krieger Heads Lehman Student Body Doris Krieger is entering her second term ag president of the student coun- cil of Lehman Townhsip High Schoos, which meets weekly with the super- vising principal, J. Austin Snyder. Secretary is Marion Tlston, a Junior. Other members: Howard Culp, Trevett Dickson, Stanley Zelazenski and Carol Crosby. Lehman Missionary Society Will Meet Members of L.ehman missionary so- cieties will present a program in Ide- town M. T. Church House on Thurs- day, October 20, at 2:30. The affair will be sponsored by the Serving and Waiting Class of Idetown Sunday School, Tea will be served after the program. All are cordially invited. NOTICE! Dallas Township Taxpayers 1938 Road and School taxes are now due and payable. Avoid penalty and legal action by set- tling before November 1. Herbert A. Lundy office Pioneer Ave. Delegates Named By Women’s Club Organization Makes Plans For Many Coming Events The Dallas Junior Women’s Club held its monthly meeting at the Tally Ho Grill Wednesday evening, Mrs. Charles Whitesell, president, presided. Mrs. Arthur Culver and Mrs. Howard Isaacs were elected delegates to the Allentown Convention. It was voted to pledge $10.00 to the Community Welfare. The following announcements were made: The annual dinner dance to be held at the Castle Inn October 26 with reservations in charge of Mildred Dev- ens; Federation meeting at the Ster- ling October 27; Alberta Hoffmeister, chairman of Christmas dance; dougn- nut campaign, October 15 to 31; next board meeting at home of Mrs, Floya Chamberlain, October 25; next regular meeting to be dinner meeting at Tally Ho Grill, November 2; annual birthday dinner at which time new members will be accepted November 9. Nesbitt Hospital Graduates Eight Exercises For 1938 Class To Be Held Thursday, October 27 Graduation exercises for the 1938 class of nurses at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, Kingston, will be held on Thursday evening, October 27, 1m Kingston High School Auditorium. A reception and dance will follow the program, which will include a speake:. Members of the class are: Jane Kimball Bare, Lois E. Elston, Helen Elizabeth Foster, Bridget B. Melovits, Natalie Louise Rohland, Eleanor Irene Shepherd, Kathleen H. Sheridass Rhoda Mae Watkins. SHAVERTOWN THEATRE Evening shows 7-9 Matinee every Sat.—2 p. m. FRI. & SAT, OCT. 14 & 15 “THE TEXANS” with Randolph Scott and Joan Bennett * - MONDAY AND TUESDAY “PROFESSOR BEWARE” with Harold Lloyd Also the March of Time WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY “OLD BARN DANCE” with Jean Autry ® ® EXTRA! EXTRA!! EXTRA!!! FRI. & SAT, OCT. 21 & 22 “HOOSIER SCHOOL BOY” with Micky Rooney also first episode FLASH GORDON’S TRIP TO MARS We'll meet you in WILKES-BARRE... +. .at the NEW COMERFORD I’ll say it’s PENNSYLVANIA'S FINEST THEATRE WEEK IN—WEEK OUT . . . THE BEST THE SCREEN CAN OFFER PLUS UNSURPASSED COMFORT DAILY FROM OPEN SUNDAYS Week Starting Friday, Oct. 14 11:00 A M. 2P.M. Deanna Durbin in “That Certain Age” FROM Township Alumni Planning Dance Important Meeting Will Be Held At School On Monday Night Dallas Township Alumni will meet in the high school on Monday night, October 17. Important business wil be tranacted and all members are urged to be present. The alumni semi-formal dance will be held at the high school auditorium on November 5. Walter Lewin, gen- eral chairman, will be assisted by the following committees: Music, Arthur Kiefer, chairman; Alice Newman, Ann Bush, William Frederick Elsie Garinger, Allen Brace, Margaret Gerlach; refreshments, Kathryn Girvan, chairman; William Goss, Dean Ide, Marie Kiefer; adver- tising, Michael Kozemchak, chairman; Jimmy Lloyd, Glenwood Ide; reserva- tions, Alma Parrish, chairman; tickets, Fildred Devens, chairman; Florence Honeywell, Helen Breza, co-chairman. Officers elected recently are: Woen- lard Lauderbaugh, president; Walter Lewin, vice-president; Alma Parisu, treasurer; Anastasia Kozemchak, sec- retary, Coming Events At St. Paul’s Lutheran “The Signs of the Times” will be the subject of the sermon of Rev. Herbere E. Frankfort, pastor of St. Paul’s Lu- theran Church, Shavertown, at the 11 a. m, service Sunday. Rev. Mr. Frank- | fort will answer the question: “Do the times indicate that the world is com- ing to an end?’ The sermon will be based on the Book of Revolutions. Luther League devotional service will be held at 6:45 and the topic will be “What Will Keep Me Straight mn | Temptation”. Mormonism will be the subject discussed at Vespers at 7:30. Visitors will be welcome. The Luther League of St. Paul's Lu-, theran Church, Shavertown, will hold a business and social meeting on Thursday night at 7:30 in the church basement. The Ladies Auxiliary will hold Its regular business and. social meeting Wednesday afternoon at 2. Graduate of Luzerne High School Bucknell University University of ‘Pittsburgh EDGAR W. LARE for Representative Respectfully Solicits Your Vote and Support ON THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET Capable -- Qualified Efficient Member of the Bar of Luzerne County N MISS MUNLEY HOSTESS Miss Genevieve Munley of Church | Street, Dallas, entertained at a party | on Monday night. Guests were Gene | Bogert, Helen Himmler, Evelyn Temp- lin, Mary Fedor, Eleanor Machel], | Ruth Him, Lois Gregory, Jean Temp- | lin, Millicent Rustine, Elizabeth New- | man. ARERR ES EAEOREEERERRRRRRRRRRR RR 18c 'b. Dressed Chickens 22¢ 1b. Pork Sausage Smoked Hams 22¢ 1b: 188 Main Street LARE LUZERNE, PA. | | CEERRRRORREEE RRR RRRCR 5.25x5.50x18 820 Firestone Ground Grip 5.256x5.50x17 795 United States Royal 6.ooxi6 @.75 Fed. Road Master 6.0016 13.50 SIMILAR LOW PRICES ON Lee Tires, Tubes and Batteries WINTER Ulways Comes. Get Ready For It Now! TIRES FIRST QUALITY TUBES 4.50x21 4.75x19 5.00x19 5.25x18 5.25x1% 5.50x17 6.00x1% bo 6.00x16 - 32x6 - 95° - - - $1.20 - - - $1.15 - - - $215 LET US WINTERIZE YOUR CAR Big Stock of PRESTONE -- ZERONE and other anti-freeze “The Big Gulf Station and Tire Store” MAIN HIGHWAY HILLSIDE TIRE SERVICE TRUCKSVILLE COMPLETE LUBRICATION AND WASHING SERVICE | \ | SAVE | AT LARE’S : e®e \ | Chuck Roast 15¢ 1b. ll Boiling Beef 10c 1b. i Pork Shoulder 13¢ 1b. | | i