The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 30, 1938, Image 13

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Prepare baked beans in
your favorite manner, and
during the last half hour of
the baking period, add 1
cup sherry flavoring for
each pound of beans used.
Try them with small pieces
of raw smoked ham rather
than salt pork or bacon.
BAKED BEANS -are liked by
all, so serve them more often.
Keep a half dozen or more cans
of different varieties of beans
on your pantry shelf for emer-
gencies, and occasionally make
up a batch of old fashioned
baked beans yourself,
Ingredients: 32 pound kidney
‘beans, 1 pound diced or chopped
round steak, 8 tablespoons
shcrtening, 1 small onion, 1
clove garlic, 1 tablespoon chili
po-vder, 1 tablespoon Worcester-
shire sauce, 1 ¢an tomatoes, %
cup cornmeal.
f'aute steak in the shortening
until brown, add the beans,
which have been soaked over-
ight, onion, garlic, chili, Wor-
ceziershire sauce and salted
er to cover. Simmer slowly
i” il the beans are tender. Add
the tomatoes and cornmeal and
ceck until thick, Turn the mix-
tura into a shallow casserole.
Sprinkle with grated cheese and
Lalie until cheese is bubbly and
brown. Serves 6.
sorry. You can call him Da, Da
if ‘you like.”
“Dr. Stewart,” Mrs, Moore
turned toward the doctor, “do
vou think Elizabeth will be old
enough at Thanksgiving time
to be taken on quite a long
“How long?” asked fhe doe-
. “Well,” replied Mrs. Moore,
‘we would have to drive about
':v® hundred miles. We would
talg® it in easy stages.”
ould I go?” broke in Hat-
®Yes,” her mother replied “X
iy i
AT THIS time of year the price
of poultry begins to take a
sharp rise. The broiler has
practically left the market and,
except for the cold storage
chickens which do not have the
flavor of the fresh-killed poul-
try, we can obtain only the fry-
ing and roasting chicken, which
is apt to be too expensive for
family fare.
However,” it is possible to
serve chicken at the family
dinner without too great ex-
pense. Older chickens may be
used, if cooked properly, and
will be ‘enjoyed by all. The fol-
lowing recipes, with the excep-
tion of the Chicken Parisienne,
which demands a roasting chick-
en, are every bit as delicious
when prepared with older or
cold storage poultry.
In buying, choose a chicken
which is ‘plump breasted, with
thighs, back and breast well
covered: with fat, and all bones
well covered with flesh. Avoid
the chicken with long, bony
body and long legs. A young
chicken - should: have soft,
smooth skin without blotches.
Ingredients: One 8% pound
roasting chicken, 2 pounds fresh
spinach, % pound small mush-
rooms, 1 tablespoon minced
onion, 1% cups cream, 1 cup
light cream, 4 tablespoons but-
ter, 3 tablespoons flour, % cup
grated cheese, salt, pepper,
Steam the chicken until ten-
der and with a very sharp knife
slice the breast and leg meat.
Wash the spinach thoroughly
and cook without adding water.
Drain thoroughly. Peel the
mushrooms and slice part of
them, leaving a few small whole
ones for garnishing. Saute the
mushrooms and onion in butter.
Make a sauce from the butter,
flour, milk and cream. Season
to taste. I like a dash of cay-
Pour a little of the sauce into
shallow baking dish or individ-
ual baking dishes and cover with
To make this delicious dish, warm 4 ounces sweet butter
in a flat saucepan or chafing dish, into which cook for
2 minutes 1 ounce julienne of green pepper, adding 4
sliced mushrooms next and cooking for another 2 min-
utes. Mix very well with 2 cups minced breast of fowl.
Season. Add 1 dessert spoon flour, already dissolved and
pour in 1 cup heavy cream. Let boil 2 minutes, stirring
constantly. Off the fire add 1 egg yolk, mix well, season
to taste. Serve. piping hot om crisp toast,
Continued From Page 4
thought we might drive out to
see Grandma.”
“Oh, - boy!” Hattie-Ann clap-
ped her hands in excitement.
“Oh, boy! Way out to where
Grandma Moore lives!”
“But the baby—" Mrs. Moore
again turned toward Dr. Stew=
“If she’s perfectly well and
eontinues to gain as she’s been
gaining, and if you can plan the
trip go it won’t be upsetting to
her, I should think—oh, well,”
he broke off, “that’s two months
off. There is plenty of time te
talk i over before then.”
To prepare this dish, cat
large juicy grapefruit in
halves and remove the
seeds. Then remove the
sections of grapefruit with
a sharp knife. Scoop out
the membranes leaving the
shell clean. Flute the edge
or cut im notches. Refill
with the grapefruit sec-
tions, sweetened to taste.
Chill thoroughly. Top with
& maraschine cherry and
serve as an appetizer er a8
@ breakfast fruits
gome of the sauted mushrooms
and onions, then the spinach,
chopped fine. Reheat the chicke
en slices in the remaining sauce,
arrange over the spinach and
garnish with the whole mushe
room caps. Sprinkle with cheese
and brown lightly under the
broiler or in a very hot oven.
Served with crusty rolls and
sweet butter, this dish makes a
whole meal. And perhaps you
will have enough odds and ‘ends
left over to make the followings
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons
butter, 2 tablespoons flour, %
cup cream, % cup chicken stock
(made from bones and scraps),
2 cups cooked chicken finely
minced, ¥ teaspoon salt, pepper
to taste, 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons
sherry flavoring.
Melt the butter, blend in the
flour and add the chicken stock
and cream, stirring constantly
until the sauce is smooth and
thickened. Add the chicken and
season well with salt, pepper and
cayenne if wanted. Pour the
chicken mixture over the slighte
ly beaten eggs and flavoring,
Mix well. Pour into a shallow
baking dish and pipe freshly
mashed potatoes through a paste
ry bag around the edge of the
dish. 3
Ingredients: 32 cup butter oe
other shortening, % cup flour, 1
teaspoon salt, 2 cups diced cold
chicken, 2 cups diced cooked
celery, paprika and pepper to
taste, 4 cups milk, 12 baked
patty shelgs.
Heat the shortening, blend in
the flour and seasonings, then
add the milk, stirring constante
ly. When the sauce is smooth
and thickened, add the chicken
and celery and heat thoroughly.
Serve in crisp patty shells, gare
nished with sprigs of parsley
or thin strips of pimiento. This
makes a nice par’; dish. The
proportions given will serve 12,
Cut chicken in pieces for
serving. Add boiling water to
cover partially, Cover kettle,
*Cook slowly 2% hours. Season.
Add 8 small onions and 6 medie
um carrots and continue cooks
ing until meat and vegetables
are tender. Serve with a sauce
made from the stock