The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 23, 1938, Image 4

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    Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brown of Leh-
~ man announce the birth of a daughter,
Alma May, Saturday, September 17.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Major were re-
cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
- =
Mrs. Alice Fiske, Mrs. Marian Mec-
Carty and Mrs. Goldie Ide attended the
district meeting of the Daughters of
America at Ashley Tuesday evening.
Mt. Rose Council, D. of A., will meet in
the Lodge Hall tonight.
Yo . Ra »
Mr. and Mrs. William Ambrose of
Lehman were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Ide Saturday.
4 * *
J Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinsman of
Alderson have moved to Hillside.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ide called on
“Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brown of Leh-
man last weekend.
So *
William IL. Garrison of West Dallas
is recovering at his home from a se-
vere illness of over a week.
* =
~ Mr. and Mrs, Ross Lewin and
“daughter, Barbara, who have been
spending the past week as guests of
relatives in Buffalo and Canada have
returned to their home on Center Hill
~~ Road. /
i ° ©
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards of Eliz-
~ abeth, N. J, have returned to their
‘home after spending the weekend at
~ the home of the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Addison C. Woolbert, Sr., of
~ Center Hill Road.
* *
Peynton Lee of Machell Avenue was
injured in the abdomen on Sunday
¢ when a baseball bat accidentally flew
from a player’s hand.
= »
Miss Emilie Wallace of New York:
City was the guest recently at the
~ home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culver
of Machell Avenue.
* .
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Riley of Leh-
~ man were guests on Tuesday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Machell.
I » *
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oliver of
Claude Street, Dallas, entertained at
~ dinner on Saturday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hislop of Franklin Street,
* -
“Kenneth Oliver spent several days
this week as the guest of the Packard
Company in Detroit.
- -.
Mrs. James Oliver, Mrs. A, N, Gar-
~ inger, Dickie Oliver, Janet Garinger
~ and Alberta Himmler, all of Dallas,
spent Saturday at State College where
they visited James Oliver and Wilson
~~ Garinger, who have registered there
for the coming year.
= * .
Clarence LaBar and Florence James
of Stroudsburg spent Sunday as the
guests of the former’s parents, Mr .and
Mrs. Timothy LaBar of Main Street, ,
® ®
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson of East
Dallas entertained over the weekend
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Werline and son,
Marvin, of Lakehurst.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler and
daughters Helen and Alberta of Lake
Street and Mrs. C. E. Garrahan of
- Kingston spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. G, T. Smith of Delaware, N. J.
* ®
Mrs. Adam Kiefer of Shrine View
entertained at a small dinner last
~ night in honor of her house guests,
Mr. and Mrs. William Maypole of Chi-
- = *
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Johnson of
Shavertown recently entertained at a
dinner honoring their niece, Miss
Pauline Newhart of Shavertown
whose wedding was solemnized last
Saturday. Guests were members of
the bridal party.
- -
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Post of
Trucksville are in Binghamton for two
* * -
John C. Wilson will observe his 86th
birthday anniversary today with an
open house at his farm in Dallas
* -
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Snyder of Leh-
man announce the birth of a son In
Nanticoke State Hospital on Septem-
ber 17,
* *
Mrs. Elgie Beam of Shavertown
spent several days last week in Phil-
* *
Mrs. Arthur Culver of Machell Ave-
nue entertained members of her bridge
. ® Incompetent radio tinkers can
damage your radio seriously. Rely
on our skilled and experienced
service. Open 'til 8 p. m.
Dial 7-6321
Renville Radio Service
189 Main Street Luzerne
Norma Shearer has chosen this street
dress in her favorite color combina-
tion. Dramatic is the inset sleeve
treatment, with throat fastening of
carved ivory maple-leaf. Belted at
the normal waistline the skirt falls
in simple straight lines. The simu-
lated turban is of heavy black ribbed
wool and is crownless, held on the
head with a band of self-material.
club at her home on Thursday evening.
Guests numbered eight.
* *
Miss Beverly Noll, the new commer-
cial teacher at the borough, spent the
weekend at her home in Lehighton.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Nicholson of Dal-
las have returned to their winter home
on Winola Avenue, Kingston.
* -
David Bevan of DeMunds Corners
was the guest of honor last week at
a surprise birthday dinner given at
his home by a group of friends.
. *
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Deal of Dallas
have returned to their residence on
West River Street, Wilkes-Barre,
? * -
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoover of
Franklin Street have been entertaining
their granddaughter, Mrs. Charles
Werline, and son Marvin of Lakewood,
N. J.
" *
Mrs. Wesley Hoover and Mrs.
Charles Werline and sont were visitors
{in Wilkes-Barre last Wednesday.
. *
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Odell visited her
aunt, Mrs. Wesley Hoover of Frank-
lin Street, last week.
- -
Charles Werline and Miss Gladys
Oney of Lakewood, N. J., were week-
end guests at the Franklin Street
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoover.
The Old
Scrap Book
Hello there:
The world criticises those who cry
“Peace at any price”, but at the
same time, have they ever counted
the price of war? The lives of our
youth are worth more than all the
land “territory in the world. Dictators
want more territory to wield their
power over, and will go to any end
to reach that goal.
Think of the price paid for the
last war. Lives that were not taken,
were maimed, disabled, minds warp-
ed, and sorrow and grief brought to
thousands of mothers and fathers
who were the victims of this mon-
ster we call war. I wonder if it is
worth what it involves, when we con-
sider and count the cost of war? Is
it not better to sacrifice, yea, com-
promise, for the sake of saving the
lives of our youth? And may Amer-
ica have enough common sense to keep
out of any European tangle and stay
on her own side of the ocean.
O Lord, must my son go to war?
My boy, so clean, so strong,
Can this be all I raised him for,
This ghastly, awful wrong?
His soul is pure, his spirit light,
He’s loyal to the core;
Now by what right can they make Him
Who hates the thoughts of war?
The nation calls him out to fight,
Puts a gun into his hand;
They say that on our side is right,
He must defend his land.
But it cancels all that Jesus taught,
And the punishment He bore;
For His blood has bought and His
spirit sought
Both sides in this ghastly war.
Must this, my son, drop deadly shells
On a thousand sleeping souls?
A myriad fiendish, blazing hells,
Let loose on their crowded goals?
Must he poison, burn and mutilate,
i Spill oceans of human gore,
To satiate the gods of hate,
In seething, bloody war?
—FH.. C, Tutte.
Our text for the week is great com-
If a Dog is worth
Having-He’s worth
Feeding Well
Keep your dog healthy with a
simple feeding program. Simple for
vou and simple for the dog.
Gaines All Meat Ration
(Alaskan Reindeer Meat for dogs
that are off their feed)
Gaines Meat and Milk Meal Cooked
Gaines Dog Food Meal
Purina Dog Chow
(small checkers)
Purina Dog Chow Meal
There are no better dog foods
than those listed above. Has your
dog been wormed this year? Re-
member all dogs have worms. Old-
er dogs should be wormed at least
once a year. Puppies once a month
for the first six months. Yearly
after that. We have the proper size
and kind of worm capsuls for your
dog. Have your dog in good con-
dition for hunting season.
Listen in to the Purina Radio
Program, Monday, Wednesday
and Friday from 12:10 to 12:25,
“See the Difference Purina Makes”
Stanley Moore, Prop.
Main Highway, Trucksville
en MEWS.
Several people have mentioned
the fine entertainment and how
clean the Fair was this year.
There was some fault found too,
but we will stick with the boost-
ers and extend our congratula-
tions to Howard Sands and Per-
cy Brunges for doing their part
mighty well.
Prime Electric Fence, Allis-
Chalmers Tractors and the Oil
Burning Cabinet Heaters at-
tracted lots of attention at our
exhibit. Tracy Jennings bought
a Prime Controller, Scott Mec-
Cain got a new A. C. Tractor
and Dr. A. H. Clark and Anna
Brewster both bought heaters.
Elizabeth Perigo is improving
one of her Montrose properties
with a Bathroom Outfit. Wilson
Harding at Noxen is improving
the kitchen with a mew Bengal
Range and a lot more of us
should repair our furnaces and
fix our roofs. How about see-
ing us for the furnace pipe, the
roofing and roof coating?
EEE pi |
It’s time to dig potatoes already.
We can help you with hand dig-
gers and the horse drawn kind,
too, at $16.50.
You'll find your favorite gun In
our sports corner and you can
trade in your old one on the new
one you want. Gaines Dog Food
sells at 85c for 10 lbs. and will
make your dog full of pep for
the season.
Driver Power Woodworking tools
are a great help in doing those
odd fixing jobs around the home
or in the shop. Norman Fassett
recently bought one of our 8
inch Bench Saws. Frank Leslie
bought a whole shop set includ-
ing the band saw, bench saw,
drill press, shaper and jointer.
ddsidibnaiaatddihbedhubudiddbdbedab dtd ddadmin
(ay -Murray Go.
dobar hain
elie in colin ire
Wedding Saturday
Popular SHaverLown Girl
Married At Local
“wedding of local importance was
solemnized last Saturday at the Shav-
ertown M. E. Church when Pauline
Neyhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.
R. Neyhart of Shavertown became the
bride of Omar Michaels of Shawnee-
| on-Delaware. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Russell J. May, assist-
ed by Rev. Albert E. Smith of Shaw-
nee Presbyterian Church. The wedding
march was played by Mrs. V. V. Ver-
coe. Mrs. Harry Roat Sang.
Miss Helen Kirkendall was the
bridesmaid and the best man was
Lester William Dimmick of East
Stroudsburg. Ushers were Robert
Garris of Shavertown and Stewart
Yorks of Trucksville,
A reception was held at Irem Tem-
ple Country Club at Dallas. After a
trip through the New England States
and Canada the couple will reside at
Early Bird Newlyweds
Feted At Recent Shower
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. LaBar were
honored at a lovely shower held re-
cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Shaver.
The following were present at the
affair: Mr. and Mrs. Clem Oliver, of
Kingston; Mrs. Hattie Eckart of
Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. Fred |
Franklin of Wyoming; and Mr. and |
Mrs. Ralph Franklin, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. James
Franklin, Dorothy Frame, Helen Kins-
men, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gay,
Bertha Huston, Mr. and Mrs, Sheldon
Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Shaver,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaver, Willard
Shaver, Mr, and Mrs. Paul B. Shaver,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinsmen, Pau-
line and Alice Shaver, and the host
and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
fort in this day of war. “My peace I|
give unto you, not as the world giveth
give I unto you. Let not your heart be
troubled”. John 14:27.
Bob Sutton.
Good looking hair is an asset
to a man. lt stamps him as a
well groomed gentleman. Fom-
ol gives a man's hair glow-
ing health and handsome
grooming through its amazing
i 2-fold power... it cleans and
nourishes. Fom-ol is a .rich,
| foaming oil shampoo which
| takes unkempt, sickly hair
(man's, woman's or child's),
and leaves it clean as a whis-
tle and sparkling with health.
Fom-ol is so economical; alittle
goes a long way. Ask your
druggist for the regular 50¢
size. Or, write for a generous
trial bottle, enclosing 10c to
cover packing and postage.
more than a STAMP... a treatment!
132 West 46th S2., New York, N.Y,
! enclose 10c for one trial size
bottle of Fom-ol.
sem cote ep a ananen
AGA OU eer cncirimen romememmssesmans
NY. ee eres mie rms SE eres rcienes.
Township P. T. A.
Names Committees
Prize For Best Attendance
Awarded To Miss Walsh’s
Home Room
Dallas Township PTA. meeting in
the Township high school auditorium
Monday night, appointed committee
chairmen for the winter sessions and
awarded a prize for best attendance
during the last school term to Miss
Walsh's 7B. Mrs. Edgar Adolph, new
president of the organization, presided,
The following committee members
were named: ways and means, Mrs,
John Girvan; hospitality, Emily Gold-
smith; program, Dorothy Williams ana
Mrs. Ralph Haley; publicity, Beth
Love; attendance, Lena VanTuyl;
membership, Mrs. Ralph Walsh, Mrs.
Carl Gries, Mrs. D. T. Honeywell, Mrs.
Ralph Ashburner, Mrs. Albert Perrego,
Mrs. William Reese, and Mrs. Walter
Supervising Principal Morris Girton
announced that the total township en-
rollment for the fall term ,was 596.
Mrs. William Reese was appointed
chairman of the annual Hallowe'en
eighborhood ‘Notes And News Of Local Church Affairs
| father,
0. E. S. Will Sponsor
Rummage October 6-7
Dallas Chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, will sponsor a Rummage Sale in
Luzerne, October 6 and 7. Friends
and members of the Chapter are asked
to contribute articles of clothing, fur-
niture, dishes, ete. Committee in
charge has as members: Mesdames:
Harriet Durbin, Vera Spahn, Minnie
Coolbaugh, Mildred Malkemes, Jean
Kuehn, Eva Allen, Ruth Stevenson,
Edna Rebennack, Edna Wolfe, Eliza-
beth Keller, Ethel Keeler, Millie Wool-
bert and Katherine Major.
Raymond Bryant of Hunlock Creek
mourns this week the death of his
Harry Bryant, who passed
away suddenly at his Lee Park home
Monday evening. The funeral was held
vesterday morning from Lehman's
Funeral Home, Wilkes-Barre, with a
requiem mass at St. Aloysius’s Church.
Interment in St. Mary’s Cemetery,
The evening's entertainment. ar-
ranged by Mrs. Ralph Haley, included
a trumpet solo by Alec Mahoney, a
clarinet trio by Stella Elston, Mildred
Kitchen, and Dorothy Gries, and a
piano solo by Fred Girton.
«Ww Low Bread Price 28
Agel we pass the saving on to our customers. A Big
Loaf of our popular Supreme Bread at 8c a loaf is the
‘value scoop” of the hour.
Family Bread °
Made of the purest ingredients, baked to perfection
and delivered to our stores fresh daily.
loaves 1 Oc
ASCO or Glenwood
Eh C Strawberry large Cc
and 2-1b
RacehoiTy jar
Just fruit il sugar. Try some spread on our bread.
With every purchase
One pkg. Jell-O Chocolate Pudding “* Ic
Jell-O Desserts ©" Puddings 3 vis | fc
Gold Medal Wheaties
Grapefruit “Eni LH
Red Salmon “ice “an ! 21c
dSCO Apricots ye i 15¢
Shredded Ralston 2 35e
Red Beets 4%
Butter Cracker
Wilbur's Choc. Nonpareils
“National Dog Week”
Red Heart Dog Food a B. ©
19° : > 119*|
Ivory Soap
5:22 O°
3 L cans fe
PG iii.Soap
7 cakes 25C
CamaySoap 317°
2 oh 39¢
11-0z pkg Qc
Thin Skin : J uicy
Best Yellow
Onions 5
Fancy Tokay Grapes
Sweet Potatoes
*= 10c Spinach 2 » 15¢
Sweet Juicy Calif. Oranges
Fancy No. 1
23-02 39¢
3 814 -0z pkgs 25¢
Fresh Clean
° Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest ®
These Prices Effective In Our Stores
in Dallas And Vicinity